3. Dragon’s Eye, Human Mind (64)

That morning, Shien read the ominous air.

It might have been some kind of intuition. The princess, who opened her eyes to the noise of the uneasy wind hitting the window frame, got down from the bed with a somewhat uneasy look.

Those light gray eyes that once had a brilliant appearance had long since died dark. The recent series of events was enough to break the girl’s spirit as an adult.

First of all, I passed the risk of death.

In the process, the maid who had taken care of Shien since childhood died. The escort knights died, and only Shien and Irene survived.

The fact that the chosen and chosen aide died was not simply a matter of calculating profit or loss. Since Shien was also a human being, he had no choice but to shake his mind.

However, even in the mud, flowers bloomed.

Despite this grim situation, Shien found a new hope.

That was Ian. The only person who sincerely treats her in a world full of lies and deceit.

However, despair still remained. That ‘new hope’ was due to the fact that Shien was the same person as the man he had treated coldly and harassed.

I don’t know if it would have been okay if I had just bothered with that one thing.

Sadly, Shien laid her hands on not only Ian but also his family. And those who had been on the side of the princess and criticized Ian made her their scapegoat.

‘Dragon’s Eye’ read all human emotions.

Facing the torrents of hate and hostility, Shien gasped and recalled childhood nightmares. The more she did, the more Shien became obsessed with Ian’s existence.

Not too long ago, he even took on the role of serving on women, including the saintess.

At first, the saintess seemed a little shy, but the people around her, including her, made the princess do all sorts of chores in the hopes of seeing how far she could hold out.

Of course, Shien did anything.

If that was the only way he could remain by Ian’s side, he couldn’t help it.

However, the period was limited.

Ian was about to open his eyes. And depending on how Ian, who came to his senses, treated Shien, the life and death of Shien would be different.

It was after he had been told that if he had performed the ceremony yesterday, he would come to his senses by today.

Shien got even more nervous, biting his thumb nail a few more times. The trembling pupils told her nervousness.

Please, I should be able to ask for forgiveness.

In case you didn’t know, Shien had been dressing up for the first time in a while. It was to make Ian, who opened his eyes, look even better.

After two hours of preparation, the princess finally left the room.

It didn’t take long for her movement to stop, as she sighed deeply and made up her mind with her slightly nervous gait.

It was on the desk in the lobby on the first floor.

It was a space where employees put their mail in order every morning. There was an unfamiliar letter envelope there, and Shien inadvertently turned away.

The sender was noticed only then.

‘Lea Percus’, Ian’s younger brother.

Xian’s hands began to tremble. All in all, a letter that arrived at this point?

However, the option not to read did not exist in the first place.

Shien held his breath and opened the envelope slowly. There was a line running in neat handwriting.

Light gray eyes quickly skimmed through the contents of the letter.


To. The fifth daughter of the imperial family, whose blood flows from noble dragons, Her Highness Shien.

Her Highness the Princess.

Lia Percus, the youngest member of Viscount Percus and a constant loyalist of His Majesty the Emperor, greets you in a letter. Have you been at peace?

I know very well that you won’t be able to afford to take care of the secluded country estate because the construction is busy. So, I would like to write this letter.

Recently, the Percus estate has not been peaceful.

Of course, this is entirely my fault.

This is because a number of documents urging debt repayment suddenly flew into the upper management company. I was prepared in my heart, but the gap between imagination and reality was wide and deep.

As the upper-level employees, who were like family, lowered their heads, I felt my heart drop along with them.

It didn’t take long to be convinced of bankruptcy. It was not a debt that the small merchant merchants of the country estate could deal with, so I think I did my best.

You may be wondering why we are announcing news that has nothing to do with Her Highness.

Actually, I heard a rumor the other day that I can’t confirm. It was a story that many things happened between Her Highness the Princess and my ugly older brother.

my brother is stupid He’s a single-minded person who can’t even discriminate properly. To be honest, I can’t believe my brother is involved in such a terrifying conspiracy.

As always with rumors, I think there must have been some exaggeration.

However, I wondered if the fragmentary information did not prove my brother’s loyalty. Also, it may have nothing to do with him, but I also wondered why the debt call came to my top.

Wouldn’t Her Highness, the princess, be generous and understand the situation?

The nobles of the Empire must pay back what they receive. Whether it’s enemies or grace, yes.

As an aristocrat of the Empire, I have also followed the golden ethics of resentment with resentment and grace with grace.

I think there is nothing more to say about the royal family.

If my older brother gave Her Highness a small help, I believe that Her Highness will be equally grateful to her.

He’s an ugly older brother, but he’s also someone I deeply admire.

If my brother has been rude to Her Highness, I hope you will forgive me.

This Leah Percus won’t die just because the Merchant went bankrupt, but she’s willing to die in place of her brother.

If you wish, you may take the head of this Ria Percus.

For my brother, if you want to bark, I will bark, and if you want to crawl, I will crawl. Even if I am sold to a whorehouse somewhere, I will not express my dissatisfaction.

I think that would be simpler than bankrupting one of the top companies.

I’ll get down on my knees and beg you. Please don’t touch my brother.

One irreversible decision is enough. Regarding this, I will also speak separately to my older brother.

I hope you will accept my sincere advice, and I will cut it short.

From. From Lia Percus, a loyal servant of the imperial family.


After reading the letter, the princess was silent.

It was a text that showed the pulpit of the girl who wrote the letter throughout the reading. His ability to ridicule the imperial family so consistently meant that his temper was not normal.

Of course, as a merchant, it was safe to see it as a disqualification.

No matter how much he provoked the imperial family, he couldn’t have been sane since the upper ranks went bankrupt, but his attitude was closer to recklessness than courage.

Even so, the princess couldn’t part her lips for a while.

The resentment felt in each line, the hostility approaching from that refined style, dug into the princess’s retinas and stabbed her in the brain.

Each type of print became a bow, and the princess’ optic nerve felt like a string.

The corners of Shien’s eyes trembled whenever he crossed paragraph after paragraph. By the time he reached the part where he suddenly bent down to the point of servility and begged, he was showing symptoms of hyperventilation.

The word ‘prostitute village’ was especially familiar to me.

The other day, while giggling, there was a girl who said such a thing.

‘As long as your face is smooth, you don’t have to worry about making a living. Even if you are from a noble family, you are welcome in the brothel… … .’


Shien wanted to jump right in and rip that mouth out if he could. To say such rude things casually.

And the words that resentment should be returned with resentment stuck in my head. Xian’s face turned pale.

Feeling dizzy, Shien staggered backwards.

The letter suddenly fell to the ground, but I didn’t care. As if possessed, Shien left Berrata Palace and walked everywhere.

Originally, he should have headed for the temple.

But now I didn’t have the courage to do that. Several sentences kept floating in her head as she walked absentmindedly.

‘One irreversible decision is enough. I will also speak to my older brother about this.’

I can’t turn it back, I even said it.

Will Ian, who has opened his eyes, understand Shien who touched his sister?

Yes, it was an irreversible decision in the first place.

can’t be forgiven

Everything was the result of Shien’s choice.

So even after digging through the crowd, the princess walked in a state of fascination. Then I hoped that I could run away anywhere.

But the moment I suddenly came to my senses and looked around.

The world around her was filled with hostility and malice, and Shien couldn’t help but gasp for breath.

There was no place to run to.

Shien’s mind, which had accumulated fatigue and scars for a long time, caused a rupture.

I couldn’t stand it any longer.

Shien vomited at the sudden feeling of nausea. I pounded my chest for a long time, and even if I vomited, nothing came out.

Someone came and tried to help Shien. However, Shien screamed like an outburst.

“… … Don’t touch me!”

Aren’t they the same people anyway?

All of them showed hostility, and pretended not to be on the outside, and were fed up with it. It was a sight I had seen countless times before.

From childhood nightmares.

I struggled to escape, but in the end, the destination was here. Sien couldn’t take a single step away from that time.

Shien was so upset about that that she shed tears.

I thought it had changed, but it didn’t. I thought I could change it, but it was a vain delusion.

How long did you have to cry in the middle of the crowd?

A hallucination appeared in Shien’s eyes.

A man made his way through the crowd and was approaching.

Dark hair, golden eyes.

It must have been Ian Percus.

With trembling hands, Shien dug into his arms and cried. Ian listened to Cien’s complaint without saying anything.

It was an exhausting story.

I couldn’t even remember what he said. I thought it was a dream anyway, so it was natural.

So, the memory of Cien that day started from that question.

“… … If you can only be forgiven, can you do anything?”

Shien nodded his head reluctantly.

It seemed that he was saying something about the honor of the royal family and the morals of the nobility, but it didn’t matter. Shien cried and begged Ian.

The man sighed and slowly helped Shien up.

and the next moment.

The sound of cartilage being crushed echoed.

The sudden pain brought Shien back to her senses.

what happened now?

Blood welled up. Shien couldn’t overcome the shock and fell backwards, and a sharp silver trail was drawn in the direction of his bulging light gray eyes.

The situation was clear.

There was a blade digging into Shien’s shoulder.

It was a hatchet.

It broke Shien’s shoulder joint and came in.

Of course, this was accompanied by tremendous pain.

As she collapsed, Shien had to scream in unexpected agony.

“Huh, ugh… aagh!”

Seeing this, Ian only threw out a nonchalant word.

“Then, let’s get a few hits.”

It happened on the main street of the academy.

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