4. Rynella’s fate is decided by Rynella (4)

It was a room without a single light.

There, the man who opened his eyes slightly frowned. Nothing was visible.

After blinking a couple of times, the pupils gradually began to accept the light. The dark, damp basement gave off a gloomy atmosphere of its own.

His tired eyes turned to my hands and feet.

The man’s limbs were bound with restraints. In addition to the handcuffs on the wrists, the shackles tightly wrapped around the ankles made it difficult to move.

Originally, it was not strange even if he screamed.

When I woke up after falling asleep, I was dragged to a suspicious place and my limbs were restrained. Even when the psychological pressure reached its peak, it was worth it.

But the man showed no reaction.

Those golden eyes still showed only a hint of fatigue, and even the expression on his face was indifferent. He seemed like a human whose emotions had been castrated.

As he stumbled to his feet, the sound of chains dragging echoed.

A bar was placed in front of the man. And beyond that, I saw a small round table.

A middle-aged man was sitting there.

His gray hair testified to the fact that he wasn’t as young as he thought. However, those strong muscles and thick lines on his face were telling us that he was still in his prime.

The clothes he wore were jet-black uniforms.

Since ancient times, color used to symbolize many things.

The color black signifies power and authority, but it also had one more important connotation.

Those who permeate the darkness under cover of night.

It was the Imperial Intelligence Service.

If it was to the extent that he was dressed in uniform, it meant that he was the highest-ranking person whose status was exposed to the outside world.

The middle-aged sipped the tea from the teacup once.

When his pupils opened slightly, he had a hallucination of blue wisps of fire appearing in the air. He gave a low greeting.

“Forgive me the rudeness, Ian Percus.”

Tak, the teacup fell onto the table.

The middle-aged man then fixed the white gloves on his hands. The expression on his face as he recited his apology was solemn.

“I want you to understand, because you are such an erratic person… The more information you collect, the more unknown you are.”

The man, who had been staring at the middle-aged man without a word, let out a light sigh.

It was a reaction that seemed to understand the whole context now.

Whether that’s the case or not, the words of the middle aged continued.

“The imperial family is looking at the issue of ‘dragon blood characters’ with a serious eye. So, while I risked some rudeness, I did my best to ensure your safety. For reference, this is… … .”

“… … The underground interrogation room of the headquarters of the Imperial Intelligence Service.”

It was a word I spat out out of nowhere.

However, the middle-aged man’s mouth fell shut at that one word from the man.

In silence, he glared at the man with wary eyes.

“The restraints are also of high quality. And one, two hidden agents… No, three.”

As the plaintive voice continued, the look of youthful vigilance deepened in the middle-aged eyes.

It was as he said.

This was an underground interrogation room located in the headquarters of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, and the restraints were also of high quality. If it wasn’t for those who had their master right in front of them, even their magical power wouldn’t be able to move the moment they put on that restraint.

If that was the case, it would have been right to think that this man couldn’t use magic either.

But, how?

The secret service agents hiding here were selected and selected elites. Of course, it was difficult to see through the stealth.

Even if it was possible, at least mana had to be used. Because the presence or absence of magical power made a huge difference.

As the middle-aged man’s silence grew longer, the man asked in an indifferent tone.

“Are you going to talk through the bars like this?”

The middle-aged man, who seemed to be thinking for a while, soon raised a teacup with a hazy smile.

“At least, that’s what I think… … .”

Then, taking a sip of the tea, savoring the aroma, she smiled slightly.

“… … What do you think?”

At that provocative question, the man showed a faint smile for the first time.

The moment the teacup hit the table with a thump.

A sharp rupture sound flew along with sparks.

With a bang, the chains that bound the man’s wrists broke. It was a feat achieved only by spreading out both arms as if to strike down with all one’s strength.

When the man twisted his ankle, the chain dragged. Shortly after, the man’s foot trampled on the chain, and fragments flew out.

It was a piece of broken metal.

The process was so rapid that I wondered if it was a script that was pre-planned for a moment.

Subsequently, without hesitation, the man wrapped the chain around the latch blocking the door of the grate. The unbelievable thing happened when I wrapped the broken chain that had been tied to the handcuffs around the clasp and twisted it.

The metal clasp began to break with a groan.

Suddenly, the chains leading to the man’s wrists were glowing. The chain strengthened with magical power was soon crushed because it could not tighten the latch.

Pak, the clasp torn in half flew through the sky.

It only took a few seconds for the man to escape the bars.

Without saying a word, he moved on and slipped out of the open iron door with a squeaking sound.

Even then, the middle aged did not show any reaction.

He only wiggled his eyebrows once as if he was interested. He stared at the man with his arms crossed.

Like we’ll see how far we can go.

Of course, the man wasn’t stupid enough to be proud of himself.

His mouth uttered another few words.

“… … One above, one on the left, and another on the right.”

It was like a password, but there was no one in this space who couldn’t understand the meaning of the word.

I didn’t feel any slight movement. In this closed room, where not even the wind could pass through, the only source of sound viciously scratched at the vocal chords.

“Since they’ve all been caught, attack them all at once.”

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Jet-black shot through the darkness.

It may seem contradictory at first glance, but it is true. Jet-black blades poured down, creating a puncture at once.

Even though they went on the offensive, they were trained enough to see only shimmering afterimages.

Its speed and power were incomparable to those of the academy’s newspaper staff. Even Neris was nothing more than a child compared to them.

It was a surprise that I couldn’t react to at all.

Even if they responded with superhuman reaction speed, it would be impossible to withstand the combined attack of these three. Because they were already skilled people who could control numerous variables through repetitive training.

Truly experts in murder.

However, a faint fear lingered in their eyes. Because they had that much skill, they had no choice but to intuit.

That this man is more of a monster than them.

It did not take long for that unfortunate hunch to prove itself.

Tak, and the chain coils around.

I couldn’t even see the foreshadowing. Just the moment the man crossed his arms, chains were wrapped around the wrists of the two agents who were stabbing daggers from the left and right.

The agents tried to resist, but it was too late.

When the man gritted his teeth and spread his crossed arms out to the sides, the distance between the two agents was reduced in an instant. And with a thud, the bodies of the two men collided in the air.

At the last moment, he crouched down and was able to avoid the horror of breaking his neck.

However, there was no dagger aimed at the man who took a step back and created space.

It was because the agent who had been slammed down from above bounced up from the air once more.

It was an esoteric acrobatics that even the principle could not be understood. He escaped the disaster of kicking into the air and stabbing his comrades with his own hand, and immediately stepped on the ceiling and hurled the dagger.

To the thunderous throw, the man responded by swinging his arm.

Metal collided with metal, and the dagger soared into the sky again. Whether or not, the agent was just throwing daggers in succession.

Whether it was a dagger or a dagger, the tip was shiny. It meant there was poison in it.

It was not an extreme poison that would cause immediate death since the interrogation was necessary, but it was a poison with a strong anesthetic effect.

However, now it was in the middle of a battle between masters, where victory and defeat were decided by a single difference. That was enough to do lethal damage.

I threw a dagger a few times like that, but the agent didn’t see the whole fun.

It was because the chain that shoots the dagger hit the dagger like a whip. In the end, the agent who had lost all of his daggers decided to switch his fighting style to close combat.

The last remaining dagger was fired at once.

It was inevitable that the greater the number, the greater the action required to knock it out. The chains attached to the man’s wrists swung around and slashed the daggers.

Meanwhile, the agent landed on the ground and drew a sword from his waistband.

With the knees bent, a fierce rush was fired straight away using elasticity.

It was a blow done at its best.

I still couldn’t reach it.

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Just before the agent’s sword strike, the man’s body and the agent’s sword missed as if the space was distorted. It was as if the position of the two people rotated based on the midpoint of the gap.

There were still opportunities left.

The moment the agent thought so, hurriedly straightened up and tried to share the sword again.

There was a blade digging into my shoulder with a whimper.

It was a dagger.

Ian’s armaments were all disarmed. So, isn’t it like fighting with chains?

If so, this dagger had to come from somewhere else.

The dagger that the agent threw for the first time, coated with anesthetic poison.

The thing that had been flying in the sky while being hit by a chain pierced the agent’s shoulder as if it was being entangled in the chain again and thrown away.

At once, the anesthetic poison began to circulate.

The agent stammered out questions with his numb tongue.

“Uh, how… … .”

It was not common for a well-trained Secret Service agent to be so flustered.

But no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t understand it.

The man’s ability to handle chains was excellent. It was an unimaginable skill to handle a non-main armament.

so it was weird

No one is trained to use ‘chains’ as weapons. It was an extremely inefficient and difficult weapon to handle.

It was more advantageous to use a whip or wire.

Even that was to the extent that only those who received special training, such as the Imperial Intelligence Service, were using it as an armament.

The answer to the agent’s question was plain.

Pak, the heavy chain struck the side of the agent’s head.

Even without that, the anesthetic poison was so strong that it was difficult for her to come to her senses. The agent immediately passed out.

Another body landed on the ground with a thud, announcing the end of the battle.

The man who had been watching the scene with indifferent eyes moved his steps again. To the middle-aged man at the round table.

And without hesitation, sitting across from him, the man picked up a teapot and poured tea into an empty cup.

Hot steam rose from the pouring tea.

The middle-aged was just keeping silent.

After a long time had passed, the middle-aged man hardly parted his lips.

“… … Hey, what is your identity?”

The man who happened to be holding a teacup stared at the middle-aged man with tired eyes.

Taking a sip, moistening his mouth with tea, he replied.

“Ian Percus.”

The sound of a teacup knocking on the table followed by a knock.

“… … I am a loyalist of the empire.”

There were only two of them left in the locker room.

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