4. Rynella’s fate is decided by Rynella (26)

The saintess who came unexpectedly was reckless.

I couldn’t erase my embarrassment in front of the crying saintess.

Anyone who sees a woman who opens the door without warning and sniffles in my arms would do that to everyone. What’s more, the question ‘Are you tired of me?’

Doesn’t it look like one of the lovers who broke up is clinging to it?

Even this alone was a pretty difficult composition, but one more problem remained.

It was the feeling of the body of the saintess held in my arms.

The curvaceous body of the saintess was conveying a soft sensation to my body.

It is said that the sense of touch becomes dull when drunk, but the artistic curves of the saintess’ body awakened even the drunken nerves.

It was such an erotic body.

I crossed myself and prayed that my patience would hold out.

Immanuel, celestials, please have mercy.

“Saintess, what do you mean by that? Why are you tired of the saintess?”

“… … That, but!”

The saintess cried and protested against me.

Perhaps because she was drunk, the saintess’ tear glands were heavy today.

“Since the last time I touched your chest… sh*t, you don’t even care! I’ve been waiting!”

“No, what… … !”

I hurriedly looked around at the saintess’ bombshell remark.

It was my room, so of course there were no other people. Even though I let out a sigh of relief at the fact, I felt even more embarrassed.

What on earth did the saintess want to say?

However, if I didn’t appease her right away, it seemed that dangerous remarks would follow, so I quickly began to calm the saintess.

“I’m tired of it, how could I get tired of the saintess? Well… That’s why the divine power is excellent.”

“… … Do you like the ‘sacred power bag’?”

While doing so, the saintess subtly pressed her breasts into my body.

Kuk-kuk, feeling the pleasant elasticity, I couldn’t help but freak out.

“No, why is the story like that!”

“So, don’t you like it?”

Dew started forming again in the pale pink eyes looking up at me.

It felt like going crazy.

But now, if the saintess burst into tears, it was always me who would be in trouble.

A man and a woman are alone in a bedroom, and the woman bursts into tears?

Even the opponent was a saint of the Catholic Church.

Not to mention my social prestige, it wouldn’t be strange if the Inquisition was held according to the saintess’s mind. The memory of the saintess mentioning the ‘Inquisition’ as a joke flashed through my mind.

Driven into a predicament, I decided to try to appease the saintess first.

“No. No! good! Of course it’s good, honestly, who wouldn’t like it?”

“… … Gee, is it real?”

Only then did the saintess’s face turn bright.

When the expected reaction came back, I decided to drink one more drink than this. It was because I was also drunk for one thing or another.

“sure! Otherwise, wouldn’t there be no way to write a wish? How much do you want to touch… Actually, it still is.”

The smile that spread across the saintess’ face soon burst into full bloom.

The twinkling eyes showed that the saintess was at least somewhat satisfied. I let out another sigh of relief.

Anyway, I hated dealing with drunkards.

Now, all he had to do was coax the saintess in moderation.

After a few more drinks, the saintess would fall asleep like a doll with a thread cut. If you call Yuren at that time, he will take care of it.

However, my hopes were shattered by the unexpected actions of the saintess that followed.

“… … Then prove it!”

It was before I even asked what.

The saintess closed her eyes tightly and threw herself onto the bed. Then he opened his arms and spoke as if urging me on.

“Well, if you like it that much, you can do whatever you want!”

Why are you so nasty?

I wiped my face with one hand along with a sigh, but I couldn’t hide even the slightly moving intrigue.

I was honestly stunned.

Who could not hum?

She was a woman with beauty like a work of art created by God. On the other hand, the body seemed to visualize all kinds of fantasies a man can have.

All those curves, from the nape of the neck, to the chest, waist, pelvis, hips, and feet, were like that.

It wouldn’t be strange to say that the body was created to stimulate s*xual desire.

Not to mention, the saintess was drunk now.

If he didn’t do what he wanted, he might burst into tears again.

It was just a lame excuse.

But that was enough of an excuse for the drunken man to be honest.

My hand pressed the delicate wrist of the saintess who was lying on her chin. The saintess was startled and gasped for breath, but I was after occupying her as if to attack her.

A sweet scent tickled the tip of his nose.

The saintess was panting with her eyes wide open. Every time it happened, it gave off a strong scent, but even that felt attractive.

The saintess’ fine skin lay before her eyes.

Contrary to how she had cried and cried so far, the saintess looked very nervous ahead of the actual battle.

Even holding his breath, as if he wouldn’t let anyone know.

For once, it wasn’t enough to make the saintess shut up.

I whispered in the saintess’ ear.

“… … Do you really do what you want?”

The woman’s eyelashes trembled like a shudder.

The saintess could not answer right away.

With a flushed face, he only repeated the opening and closing of his lips.

No matter what answer came back, I had no intention of responding to it.

Waiting in silence for the saintess’ decision for a long time.

In the end, the saintess shouted with her eyes tightly closed.

“No, do whatever you want!”

I let out a deep sigh.

She was a woman who didn’t care about making big noises.

I felt like I needed shock therapy.

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Just like that, my hand grabbed the saintess’ chest full of presence.

“Huh… Ehh?!”

With just that, the saintess slightly twisted her body and let out a sweet nasal sound.

It was to the point where I was taken aback by that erotic moan.

The saintess was also surprised and covered her mouth with her other hand. Sneaking away from my eyes, the saintess muttered as if making excuses.

“No, I’m surprised… just amazed… … .”

“Then continue?”

The saintess didn’t say anything back.

He just shyly nodded.

I felt a slight pleasure in the fact that the saintess, who was always picky, had calmed down. So I deliberately squeezed the hand that was holding her breast and pulled it out.

“Huh, uh… Hmmm?!”

The saintess’s soft flesh distorted its shape at will. The sense of resistance transmitted to the hand proved its elasticity.

The sight of the saintess writhing lightly at such times was superb.

It was a situation that had no choice but to soar.

The saintess’ breathing had become rough before she knew it. I don’t know, but I didn’t know that either.

I was just pretending not to be.

Sad light pink eyes looked up at me.

“I-Ian… … .”

It was a limp tone that seemed to melt.

Due to drunkenness, the swaying moonlight, the heat and lighting, and the unknown emotion, the woman’s upright posture was disturbed.

It was complete disarming.

At first, I thought I should restrain myself, but my heart began to waver.

The saintess was a very beautiful and charming woman.

I just didn’t touch it because I thought it was a flower on a cliff, but it wasn’t that I didn’t feel any attraction to her.

On the contrary, I just ignored it because I felt like I would become a prisoner of it before I knew it.

The alcohol makes it all muddy.

Will and self-control.

The distance between the opposite s*x and men and women.

And even the woman’s body.

The saintess begged once again.

“I-Ian… … .”

I had no choice but to hesitate again.

Is it really right to do this in a drunken mood?

I couldn’t even tell what was desire and what was sincerity.

While hesitating like that, the saintess’ pale pink pupils shook.

He looked anxious.

The moment I saw this, I felt a surge of emotion in my heart.

After hesitating for a moment, their faces come closer.

It was the first time, so I didn’t even know what the order was.

However, as if guided by instinct, the lips of the two men and women narrowed the gap between them.

The sweet, sweet flavor was hot and damp.

It was a temperature that would melt your brain.

The saintess did not express any objection.

It was an obedient attitude that I would follow as I did.

Therefore, the responsibility for all these acts was solely on me.

It was the saintess who tempted me, but I made the decision.

The eyes of the two men crossed without a word.

And that time when we were about to kiss each other as if we were bewitched.

“… … Lord, master?”

A wet voice was heard.

It was as if I had heard that trembling tone somewhere before. Guessing what would happen next, I let out a deep sigh and stood up.

The saintess was looking at the door to my bedroom with bewildered eyes.

There, stood a crying girl.

It was Elsie senior.

Only then did I come to my senses.

Yeah, what was I going to do?

A lot of the burden that was put on me was still there.

It was a difficult journey to save the world and possibly lose one’s life along the way.

There was no time for leisurely love games.

Even so, I couldn’t immediately think of what to say to Elsie-senpai.

Elsie, who was shocked, looked as if she would become a stone statue on the spot.

“Ah, senior Elsie? Actually… … .”

Elsie-senpai closed her eyes tightly and turned around.

Spreading tears, the girl runs away.

In her hand was a small canteen. When I smelled it with my bristling sense of smell, it was the smell of honey water.

It seemed that he came to me because he was worried about a hangover.

Feeling sorry for me, I reached out my hand to grab Senior Elsie, and then let out a deep sigh.

It was already the second.

Being caught creating a strange atmosphere with a saint by senior Elsie.

Seeing Elsie crying like a puppy abandoned by her owner, it felt like her hot brain cooled down at once.

I sighed deeply again.

The saintess was unable to say anything, perhaps because she was embarrassed.

“… … I will explain to senior Elsie. Rest first.”

And then I tried to get myself up.

Until the last moment, until the saintess’ pale pink eyes flashed with a faint determination.

“Sureuk,” the saintess’ legs wrapped around my body.

It was such a natural movement that I couldn’t even resist. Come to think of it, among the secret jujutsu of Seongguk, there were also techniques using legs.

My upper body covered the saintess’s body again as if toppling over.

When I couldn’t say anything in surprise, the saintess said with a lustful smile.

“… … For now, don’t think of any other woman but me.”

Then the saintess whispered in my ear.

“I only think of myself. Did you decide to do that?”

I’ve never made such a promise.

However, it was difficult for me to overcome the saintess’ temptation.

The atmosphere had already passed, and it was the yard where new firewood was thrown into the burning heart.

Above all, the voice of the saintess who said that was caught.

I could feel the anxiety in the tone that was tinged with subtle trembling.

That’s how the eyes of the saintess and I met again.

With the moonlight as the background, the moment when a strange atmosphere was about to be created.

“… … Hey you f*cking bitch!”

A shout that echoed through the mansion at night broke out in front of the door.

It was too loud.

At this level, he could even hear the yard where the banquet was taking place. I was startled again and had no choice but to get up.

The saintess was also visibly taken aback, as if she hadn’t expected this development.

Elsie-senpai was standing in front of the door, haughtily.

with a cleaver in his hand.

A crackling charge was attached to the knife.

My eyes went blank in an instant. It was because I didn’t know that Elsie would come with a kitchen knife.

In the first place, Elsie’s lightning magic was dozens of times stronger than the kitchen knife.

Regardless of whether or not, Elsie-senpai continued to shout with a determined voice.

“Ooh, won’t you fall for my master?! You wet bitch!”

“… … Me, a wet boy?!”

The saintess had no choice but to raise her body as if to bounce off her body at that insulting remark.

Shame, anger, and annoyance lingered in her pale pink eyes.

“Ji, are you done talking now?!”

“Yeah, I said it! On the topic of having nothing but breasts… How dare you cross our master?!”

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind.

That’s right, come to think of it, we were drunk.

I trudged and poured a drink into a glass, listening to the skull-rumbling arguing of the two women.

And at once, it popped into my mouth.

It was then that I felt the headache subside.

“Hey, wet? That, what are you? Can you seduce Ian when you don’t even have that ‘baby’?”

“… … Ooh, my master just doesn’t get carried away with that sucker!”

“Puff, ahaha… You interrupted me and Ian twice for that kind of thing, didn’t you? Just like last time, I will be thrown into the room with tears scattered!”

In the end, I poured another drink into my glass and sighed deeply.

“Let’s stop both… I can hear you all.”

Suddenly, a muffled noise was approaching my bedroom.

My face was all red with shame.

It was an incident that triggered Elsie-senpai to become more and more strange.

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