4. Rynella’s fate is decided by Rynella (30)

Of course, it was none of my business whether or not the middle-aged face turned white.

With every step I took, the middle-aged man struggled and dragged himself backwards.

He couldn’t have been faster than me.

Pak, I put the hatchet on the floor for a while, then bent my knees to meet the middle-aged man at eye level.

The look of youthful fear deepened in the eyes of the middle-aged man, because the floor I casually planted the hatchet on was made of stone.

“So answer me quickly, when I am a pacifist… huh? Who did you sell it to?”

“Go, Gongja-nim… You are making a mistake… … .”

Only then did honorific words flow from the mouth of the middle-aged man who grabbed the thread of reason.

If the previous battle was a pretense, the engineering college that was leaking out now was sincere.

It was a keen sense of who was at the top.

“I-I am just a tool! It’s useless to use them as hostages! Dozens of gang members must be flocking to this place right now… Is there no one among them who can defeat Confucius?”

Hmm, he begged me in a trembling voice as I swallowed my saliva.

“Gee, now… Even now, it’s not too late. Let’s discuss the solution with me. I-I don’t want to die!”

“I won’t die.”

And then I got up.

Before I knew it, I could feel the presence of people approaching the long hallway.

I don’t know what the principle is, but it seemed that when there was an uproar in the parlor, news spread. It was by no means a level of security that an ordinary band of gangsters should have.

An opponent who can even beat me?

No matter how you look at it, I was an academy senior. The gangsters, even the former mercenary-level fighters I just dealt with were not my opponents.

The same was true even when considering the number of tens.

It could not have been a very interesting testimony.

Even so, I smiled slightly at him, as if to reassure him.

“… … Until I kill you.”

Hee hee, the middle-aged man began to cry again.

It didn’t matter because it would be hard to move for a while anyway. With a bang, I opened the door to the living room and stepped out.

Across the long corridor, gangsters with all kinds of tools were approaching.

Apparently, today’s deworming work seemed a little long.


Every time the hatchet drew a solid silver line, blood gushed out.

The achromatic stone corridor, which had cracks here and there, was dyed with intense colors before anyone knew it.

Flesh-colored and red, the severed body parts of the fallen men were scattered one by one.

didn’t kill

It just didn’t literally kill them, so the weaker among them might die from excessive blood loss. Of course, the probability of actually dying was not high because I was paying as much attention as possible.

They were obviously hiding something secret anyway.

He was even running towards a noble as if to kill him, so even if he took his life, he had nothing to say. Still, I didn’t want to kill them.

It was the bottom life that was nothing more than a scapegoat.

Nor was it known how many of them were actively involved in the crime. I wanted to save the life that could be saved.

He was just unwilling to save them by sacrificing himself.

The gangsters seemed to have forgotten their fear and rushed at me with bloodshot eyes.

It was a narrow hallway, so there was a limit to the number of people who could run into me. There were only two of them, and thanks to that, I was enjoying the benefits to the fullest.

Whoa, I said and corrected my posture, and my hand shot like a bolt of lightning.

Pak, and the hatchet hit the stomach of one of the men who came running. I was afraid that if I hit it with a blade, I aimed for the blunt part, but it was a weapon made of metal in the first place.

When acceleration was added, the momentum itself was extraordinary.

The man’s body bent over, blood pouring out of him. A man standing next to him swung an ax to slash the flying hatchet.

They were comrades using the same armament.

Of course, that level was disastrous, to the point of missing Olmar-senpai, whom he had previously competed in at the hunting festival.

Is the old man doing well?

Along with those wandering thoughts, my kick was aimed at the empty man’s arms.

The body of the man who had been hit in the stomach was dented like the colleague next to him.

In the meantime, I grabbed the spinning hatchet again.

I hit him on the shoulder with a snap, and the man collapsed and the road opened.

And a series of raids followed again and again.

Certainly, the level of those more and more rushing at me was rising.

At first, I couldn’t get my hand ax out even though I knew it, but now I was somehow able to get through the second blow leading to Jeong Jung-dong’s technique.

Even so, it was not enough to deal with me.

I twisted my body to avoid the sword attack of the woman who was charging at me with a dagger, and when I cut it straight with the hatchet, my arm fell off the woman’s shoulder.


The woman’s body wriggled as she fell down with a scream.

It was a sight I had seen so many times that I was no longer inspired.

It was only that this woman looked a little strong, and since she could use magical powers, only a mechanical calculation was made of how long she would live if she managed the bleeding well.

Every time I took a step, the floor was covered in blood.

Every time I trampled on the fallen thugs, moans leaked out like a carpet. It was not a very pleasant sensation.

If there were artisans who made carpets like this, they would have to starve to death.

It was only regrettable that I was the cause of the misery.

At the end of the road that led to dozens of blood, moaning, and pain, a man stood like a ghost.

It was a prosecutor wearing a shabby coat.

The long sword hanging from the waist was impressive. It was a weapon that could not even be used without basic strength.

Now, a guy who is a bit like an opponent has appeared.

I covered the blood on my face with my sleeve to cool off my body, which was already covered in the blood of my opponent. Then, he spat out the blood that seeped through his lips.

The bloody smell was vibrating.

“… … I thought I had a good relationship with the Percus family.”

“Today is the end of that relationship.”

The man glared at me with fierce eyes.

“I met Confucius’ younger sister the other day. You were so cute.”

“I like my brother so much that I wear it… Of course, I have no intention of giving it to you.”

I sighed, clearing my rough breathing and smiling faintly. Seeing my leisurely appearance, the man’s expression sank coldly.

“… … Sometimes there are truths you shouldn’t know.”

“I’ve come too far to hear that, haven’t you heard my rumors?”

“I heard. It was great. However, I am also a body that was once in the academy.”

It was an unexpected testimony, so I slightly frowned.

Seeing my reaction, the man let out a sad laugh.

“I couldn’t cross the limits of being a commoner… Amid the contempt and neglect of the nobles, I slowly died. In the end, without even getting a diploma from the academy, I escaped from the academy as if I were running away and live a low-class life like this.”

“No, what… Just because you entered the academy doesn’t necessarily mean you will succeed.”

Realizing that the other person was once a senior, my tone became somewhat polite.

The academy’s hierarchy has been established.

However, despite my consolation, the man only gritted his teeth and burned his hatred.

“So I was envious, and I hated it. Maybe I could have stayed there, or beside it, even as a spectator at the place where that history was being written!”

I sighed and scratched my head.

I wasn’t very intelligent, so I didn’t know what to say at a time like this.

I wasn’t used to people who suddenly set the mood.

I just gave my best consolation.

“… … How about seeing it right in front of you?”

“That sounds great, but.”

The long sword appeared with a sharp friction sound.

It wasn’t normal for the ritual flowing through the long sword body. It meant that the armament was carefully managed.

He was a strong man who was different from those he had dealt with so far.

He was once an academy student, of course.

“There are some things that cannot be learned in a greenhouse. I will show you the swordsmanship that I realized at the bottom of life. Come on… … .”

I couldn’t help but put on a troubled expression when I heard that.

Sighing, I told him.

“I-I don’t know what happened, but… Were you expelled from the academy?”

There were such people.

Those who have lived their lives being admired for their brilliant talents, but realize the miserable reality after being thrown out among true geniuses.

No, most academy freshmen were like that.

Didn’t I too

It was only a mid-lower rank, and even that was a result obtained through desperate training.

It took me a long time to admit that no matter how hard I struggle, there are limits.

“… … It was because of the envy and jealousy of the nobles.”

“okay. then… … .”

I hung the hatchet from my waist and drew my sword instead.

It was a minimal courtesy.

The man bowed his eyes as if he was grateful. I smiled wryly and stood up.

and static.

It was only a few seconds, but it was enough time to tighten the atmosphere again.

In the gap of that tense time.

Each step he took gave him extreme acceleration.

My shot body instantly closed the distance. As if the man had been waiting, he moved his sword with a calm expression.

My sword burns a silver aura and cuts into a bell.

The trajectory of the long sword blocking this was balanced, and the long sword supported by both hands was overflowing with green aura.

The man’s eyes deepened.

It meant that he was contemplating his future strategy.

but the next moment.

break up, and

With the sound of something breaking, the blade broke into fragments.

The man’s eyes went blank.

The long sword he was holding was smashed without being able to overcome my aura. The silver aura cut the overflowing blue aura in two at once.

The sword strike tore apart the empty man’s arms.

Blood gushed out, but the man still stood tall. It seemed that the reality that had arrived before his eyes was piercing his brain with time lag.

I spoke to him in a quiet voice.

“… … Stop the form, it’s a baby. ”

The enemies I’ve dealt with so far have been strong, but I’ve become incomparably stronger than before.

A loser could not block my sword.

Now it was time to dig up the background.

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