4. Rynella’s fate is decided by Rynella (38)

The chase in the dark continued for a long time.

I was a swordsman who had reached the beginning of the expert level. Moreover, it was a car that had been told that he had a talent for using his feet.

Still can’t catch the tail for several minutes.

Of course, if I keep going like this, I will catch them, but it became clear that the opponent was not an ordinary person at the point where I was able to pursue them.

A forest sparsely overgrown with trees and bushes was not a good place to run.

No matter how much he tried to run away from me, there was no choice but to come to a limit unless he was a superman. Unless the person running away is a master who has reached an expert level.

My expectations have always been correct.

There was a hint of hesitation in the clearing in the forest. I also entered the clearing without hesitation and followed him.

It was a night when the clouds blocked the moonlight, leaving only a glimpse of the back.

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Judging from the curvature of the body, the opponent appeared to be a woman. Another thing worth noting was the grotesque twist of the ankle.

A white bone protruded and dripped blood.

It was a terrible injury just to look at. Such wounds would occur when performing unreasonable movements that exceeded the limits of the body.

It was a sight I had seen before.

The terrible horror of living things carrying out their goals without even taking care of their own bodies.

It was a crime that only humans who lacked even the lowest ethics for life could commit. And, as far as I know, there was only one human being who could do that.

The person I was guessing in my heart spat out from my mouth.

“… … Mitram.”

Sigh, and the woman’s head turned 180 degrees.

His neck was crumpled and wrinkled, but the other party didn’t even seem to care. It was only through the girl’s mouth that he showed a ghastly smile.

“Long time no see, Ian Perkus.”

With those words, the woman’s body spun like a toy. Only then did the direction of the body and head match.

The girl checked the condition of her body, bending her neck with a groan.

No, it wasn’t his body.

No matter how devilish a human being was, I knew how to save my body. It was hard to believe that his body, tattered from such excessive running, was his body.

And above all, I was confident.

It was because there was clear evidence that the body was not Mitram’s.

“… … It’s Marie’s body.”

One of the missing, Marie, a girl who loved apples.

Although we had only seen each other in childhood, the woman’s face still had the look of a young girl. The moment I realized this, emotions like fire reached my throat.

Still, I did not flinch.

Cooling my head, looking for an opportunity, I slowly brought my hand to my waist.

Seeing my nervous expression, Mitram giggled and burst into laughter.

“You said you wouldn’t leave me alone, Ian Perkus? Unlike those who say that I am a member of the royal family or aristocrat, I clearly keep my promises. Anyway, it’s an honor to meet you again… … .”

“What did you do to Marie?”

Mitram, who was jokingly trying to say hello, widened his eyes at my cold question.

And he tilted his head at an exaggerated angle that was grotesque.

Left, right, there was a crunching sound every time I did that.

“It’s strange, I thought it was just a territorial citizen… Was it a girl you had a relationship with? Aha, did you have it in mind? Fuheu, the intention to serve with this body… … .”

“You’re asking what did you do… You bastard.”

Mitram narrowed his eyes at the question, which gnashed his teeth and vomited.

The woman said with a bright smile.

“Can’t you see? A few blessings were bestowed upon the frail body. Wouldn’t this also be Arus’ grace? Ah, Emmanuel… was it anyway, what with something like that.”

It was an outright mockery.

As befits a priest of evil spirits, his skill at mocking heavenly gods was excellent. In particular, the fact that she recited those dirty words from Mary’s mouth was madly scratching my nerves.

I managed to control the feeling of throwing the hatchet at any moment.

Mitram still had many questions to ask.

“Someone saw you in the woods.”

“Oh, that man. Did you really want to kill me then? I couldn’t do it because I didn’t have the strength right after the artificial culture was successful… … .”

Talk, talk, tapping her lips with her index finger to continue talking, the woman soon burst into a snort.

“… … Well, that’s it. I’m glad I met you. I guess this is also fate.”

The sword was pulled out of my scabbard with a chilling sound.

It was getting more and more unbearable.

The connection with the Dark Church became clear with this. The fact that the Dark Priest himself was making fun of me in front of me was the clearest proof of anything.

So I got even more confused.

At this point, there was no reason for Mitram to show up. Even so, it only brought in additional power to subdue the Dark Church.

Perhaps this is also an inducement?

The Percus estate is a gimmick, the real conspiracy is going on elsewhere. It was worth considering that possibility.

If it wasn’t for the letter from the future.

According to the letter, the Dark Church’s conspiracy was taking place in the background of Percus Territory. If so, it should be considered a confirmed fact.

I don’t know what Mitram was up to, but it was a work that took years of effort.

The odds of revising the plan out of the blue weren’t high.

Then, at the moment when I discovered his true identity, Mitram’s defeat had to be regarded as certain.

No matter how great Mitram was, he would not be able to overcome the sincerity of the Empire and the Holy Nation.

Yes, it must be so, but the woman was saying ‘glad’ to meet me nonetheless.

That bothered me, and I had no choice but to choose conversation over knives.

“When you say ‘lucky’, do you mean ‘unfortunate’? As long as your identity is exposed, the Empire and the Seongguk will sincerely try to kill you.”

“Pu-sup, ha ha ha ha! You’re good at joking, Ian Perkus… Empire? Seongguk?”

Despite my legitimate threats, Mitram only giggled and burst into laughter.

It was an attitude that was genuinely ridiculed.

Unable to know the source of that composure, I had to keep my mouth shut for a while.

“Where can a person who even has dragon blood characters use it when his eyes are so blind? Whether it’s an empire or a castle, where are the roots that are not rotten… Ahhh!”

Mitram let out an exclamation as if he had come to a realization.

“It must be so! Are you from the Percus family?”

It was out of the blue for a person who always stuck to his surname as ‘Ian Percus’.

When I narrowed my eyebrows slightly, Mitram chuckled.

“Oh, poor Ian… Has your destiny come? After all, fate is unavoidable.”

“… … What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Even if you don’t look, you will soon face it. I look forward to your reaction at that time.”

As the woman said that, she wiggled her hands as if she couldn’t stand it.

It was as if he was impatient to tell the truth right away.

He walked slowly and began to approach me.

“The truth is never far away… The rotten power coveted the light and hid it.”

It was then that my sword scattered the light.

Pak, the blade cut through the air and touched the woman’s throat.

However, Mitram only showed an alluring smile.

The girl continued to walk, and the more she did, the more the solid bloody line on her neck grew longer and longer.

In front of my eyes, Mitram carefully stroked my cheek.

Even then, I had to watch Mitram with a confused mind.

Should I kill him right now?

If not, should I wait until they spit out a bit more information?

Mitram giggled and put his mouth in my ear.

“Ian Perkus, wake up… How absurd is this world? A terrible bondage in which nobles and lows are hidden and the purpose of life is determined only by one’s birthplace!”

“Is that why you used orphans, kidnapped debtors, and experimented on living organisms?”

“Oh, sure. Instead, we paid the price. Exploiting orphans and harassing debtors, isn’t that what nobles do too? without giving any money.”

There was nothing more to listen to.

The moment I tried to apply strength to the handle holding the sword.

Back, the woman’s hand gripped my wrist. It was an embarrassingly strong grip.

It felt like my bones would break.

I gritted my teeth and held back a moan.

It was a mistake to assume that the muscle strength itself would be insignificant after seeing the damaged legs.

In fact, it was enough to use a hatchet, but strangely, Mitram’s words had suction power.

My eyes met Mitram’s and mine at close range.

“Rules, laws, ethics… All of them are just illusions created by power. Who can change the world by following the rules? They are made to not change the world!”

“Do you think that will make your sins go away?!”

With a hateful heart, I had no choice but to cry out like that.

Every time Mitram’s lips opened and closed, Mari’s old image was reflected in his face. This is the face of the unfortunate girl who can no longer eat an apple and has become a puppet of an evil spirit.

However, Mitram was as shameless as a Dark Priest.

The woman put more strength into the hand that held my arm and smiled ominously.

“… … You have talent.”

Such sweet whispers follow.

“How meaningless are status and rules? Your actions prove it. What seemed so strong is how close to fiction it is.”

It was around this time that I reached the limit of my second patience.

It seemed that he had already heard all the information he could hear from Mitram.

As evidence of that, the only story I heard after the arm was captured was the Dark Church’s doctrinal lecture.

In that case, it would have been better to get rid of Mitram’s irritating tongue right away. That moment when my eyes sneakily turned to the hatchet on my waist.

“I will give you a chance. If you join the Dark Church, you will see at least the rank of a priest or higher… Koh heo-eok?!”

With a whooshing sound, a blade protruded from Mitram’s chest.

The sword body dyed in blue light was soaked in bright red blood. The unexpected blow did not stop at the degree of feeding a fatal blow.

The blade twirled and rotated, supporting the upper surface of the penetrating wound with the sword side. Then, with a thud, the woman’s body fell backwards and landed on the ground.

Only then did the gray hair catch my eye.

I was delighted to call her by name.

“… … Seria!”

How did she gather courage when she was so afraid of ghosts?

Suddenly, I was curious, but rarely did Seria give me an answer.

It was just that he stabbed Mitram, who had collapsed with a bang.

As blood flowed out, Mitram burst into laughter as if he was rather amused.

“Hahaha! Is that your mate, Ian Perkus?! When you enter the Dark Church, we’ll give you a replica that looks exactly like this woman… Hehe?!”

Well, the blade stabbed again.

Seria started stabbing Mitram mechanically.

Even Mitram, who had been giggling and laughing at first, fell silent after a while.

It seemed that he couldn’t stand it any longer as blood flowed from his body.

Even after Mitram’s whole body ran out of strength like a puppet whose thread had been cut, Seria continued to work in silence.

No, on the contrary, with all his might, he was stabbing the woman’s body while holding the knife in reverse.

Every time that happened, the blood that flowed from his body swelled like a wave.

“That, Seria…?”

That moment when he was about to say that no matter how much his opponent was Mitram, there was no need to go that far.

“……I have to kill him.”

Seria let out a ghastly voice and turned her shadowless eyes towards the bloodied corpse.

“Trash, bitch! Dare to get horny and go to senior Ian… Yu, ghosts! Die, die, if you’re already dead, die again!”

Only then did I realize why Seria had overcome her fear of ghosts, so I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut.

I just promised myself again.

You must never find out about your relationship with Delphine.


Once I made that resolution, the next day I returned to the mansion, I had to face another problem.

Leah is weird now.

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