4. Rynella’s fate is decided by Rynella (56)

The chilly weather has turned into a winter general.

It was the cold wave of an untimely summer.

Instead of rain, snowflakes were falling from the sky. After the obvious abnormal weather, people’s eyes were wet with fear.

The hand that was preparing to leave began to move even busier.

The cold weather also meant that the advent of the ‘corpse giant’ was imminent.

The Demon Realm, where the family of the evil spirits reside, was a frozen land with snowstorms all year round. The stronger the connection with the demon realm, the more the current world was affected by the climate.

The snowflakes that had been blowing since midday were proof of that.

There was no time. It was dangerous if everyone didn’t hurry.

Facing the cold wind, I suddenly missed Neris.

Senior Neris, who belonged to the Imperial Intelligence Service, was good at interrogation. He could have gathered more detailed information about the ‘corpse giant’ if he would ask.

Even so, I couldn’t call senior Neris.

It was because of the loss of contact with senior Neris.

I guess, it seemed that I received some instructions from ‘I’ who came from the future.

We were meant to see each other when we go back to the academy anyway. Other than that, it was hard to find a reasonable reason to leave my side.

The details of the order were not known, but I just hoped that it was a hope to save the territory.

Of course, that wasn’t very likely.

He said that ‘I’ from the future emphasized again that he had to abandon the territory. If he had the means to save the territory, he would have given the word long ago.

But no one, including me, had ever heard of such a story.

It was a bleak prospect in many ways.

In addition, as it was revealed that Lia was not actually my sister, my mental strength was being tested to the limit.

At that time, I had to ask my father about the details, but I couldn’t bear it.

It was in front of Leah.

No matter how well Lia looked, it was impossible not to be shocked. Digging into the sad past only hurt Leah more.

Yeah, maybe it was.

Leah looked very happy, but I decided to believe it.

The conversation between the father and the son was all over the place.

Instead, he accepted a promise to reveal the secret as soon as the situation was settled. It would not be long before I knew the family secret.

After going through so many incidents, it was already around noon.

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the front door of the mansion.

Because there was someone I had to let go first.

I was about to come out of it.

Of course, I wasn’t the only one who came to say goodbye.

Numerous gasols came out to talk to her.

The protagonist of this small farewell ceremony was Seria, my junior and the illegitimate daughter of the Yurdina family.

In the first place, she was the one who came to the Percus Territory under the command of Senior Delphine.

Since it was her duty to lead the privates of the Yurdina family, it was natural for her to leave to fulfill that responsibility.

However, Seria announced that she would lead the enlisted soldiers and join the evacuation procession soon. Senior Delphine also asked me to help, so it wasn’t a decision that went against the will of the family.

For me, I was just grateful.

In any case, it was a short farewell followed by a short meeting.

Anyway, by tomorrow, the privates of the Yurdina family, led by Seria, would come running. Even so, there were many people who let her go with a sad expression.

In particular, Aaron hyung gave her a ruby stone again.

My brother left me a word and went back to the mansion.

“… … You have to be good to Mr. Jesu.”

It’s not Mr. Jesu.

It’s just that I’m not the kind of person who would listen to that, so I just let out a deep sigh.

It wasn’t that he didn’t understand his brother’s feelings.

My brother was also a blunt person, and Seria was timid and had a hard time expressing his opinion.

It was a pity that he couldn’t help but seemed to be cheering for Seria.

I couldn’t figure out what the hell he misunderstood the relationship between me and Seria.

Seria, who had already received three ruby stones, only smiled awkwardly.

In the end, the turn went round and round, and I stood in front of Seria for the last time.

I could still smell the alcohol I drank in the morning.

No matter how you look at it, I didn’t look like someone to send my dear junior to, so I had to put on an embarrassing smile.

“… … I’m sorry, Seria. Because I’m a little tired.”

“I understand, senior Ian.”

Seria, who was kind, nodded calmly even after seeing my miserable appearance.

On the contrary, she even looked at me with worried eyes.

“… … I’ll be right back. To protect as many villagers as possible.”

I was about to say thank you, but stopped.

It was something I had already said several times.

Instead, I decided to joke with Seria after a long time.

“Will Sir Alex willingly cooperate?”

“Whoops, well… He might be stubborn, saying that since he is a knight from the north, he cannot turn his back on the enemy.”

Those words reminded me of Nogisa, who had been holding hands with strength since our first meeting.

And when we met for the second time, did he call me ‘Gongja Torai’?

He was an old man with a subtle taste.

If it was that person, I thought it would be real, so I burst into a small laugh.

Sarah smiled softly.

The cold, haughty expressionless expression he had when we first met was no longer there.

For that I am deeply grateful.

It seems that the girl who once seemed lonely and lonely has finally regained her warmth.

“See you tomorrow, senior Ian… That, and be careful!”

“Okay, don’t worry.”

In the yard running away, what should you be careful about?

I sent Seria away with such a complacent heart.

and that night.

I felt strange sensations in my hazy mind.

sweet flesh.

The soft touch of your lips.

A girl wearing a cone hat with a soft smile, and a blazing sunset.

The end of all those dreams was the same.

Burning Great Forest.

He floated in a discontinuous landscape.

The moment the drunken body sinks to one side of that soggy memory.

There was a thump and a loud banging on the door.

I jumped up and immediately grabbed the sword I had placed by my bedside.

It was the prosecutor’s instinct.

I held my breath and looked around, but the knock that woke me up was the end.

There was no second one.

It was then that I got down under the bed feeling puzzled by that.

A strange hue caught my eye.

It was bloody.

Blood was pouring from beyond the door.

Without delay, I opened the door and stepped out, and in front of the door, a servant was lying bleeding.

The maid who had taken care of me since childhood wriggled desperately.

Like an outburst, she squeezed out the last voice.

“Even, run away… … .”

And the head that bends like a hook.

I couldn’t feel my breath anymore.

Swear words flowed out of my mouth.

“What the f*ck.”

At the same time, screams echoed throughout the mansion.

I closed the eyes of the desperate maid with my eyes wide open, and immediately headed to the lobby on the first floor.

There was already mayhem there.

Some of the servants of the mansion were attacking others at random.

I had heard that howl like a beast somewhere before.

Mitram’s test subjects.

Mitram died, but the test subjects seemed to be living their lives.

He couldn’t have imagined that the experiment subjects were also planted in the Percus Mansion.

Still, the numbers seemed a bit low.

There were only two people in the lobby on the first floor, and there were also a few servants staying in the Hagiya mansion.

I threw my sword and pierced the crown of one of the subjects.

Perhaps because of Mitram’s death, his immortality and regenerative abilities seemed to have disappeared.

A solid silver line drawn once again with Jung Jung-dong’s trick.

The two test subjects that attacked the servants in the lobby on the first floor died just like that.

The servants who were being targeted by the test subject were only trembling without knowing why.

“Do, young master… Ha, why Hans… … .”

“It’s the Dark Church.”

After that, I went back to my room.

I checked my family’s room just in case, but fortunately there didn’t seem to be any problems.

However, there was no sign of popularity in Lia’s room.

Apparently, I went out, but my heart naturally became impatient.

When I came out quickly armed, the party was already gathered on the first floor.

Perhaps it was because they had gone through so many incidents in the past, they didn’t look embarrassed.

He was just waiting for my words in calm tension.

“… … Has anyone grasped the situation?”

Yuren raised his hand in response to my question.

“It seems that the dark priest inserted a strange spell into the ritual.”

Eyes that demanded an explanation gathered at him.

As if he knew that would happen, Yuren continued talking without interruption.

“So, you put something in the summoning ritual that causes the test subject to have seizures… If the advent of the family is imminent, there will be more chaos.”

“Then where is the town now?”

“It’s going to be sh*t.”

The piercing headache was probably not the result of a hangover.

I was staggering with my forehead on my forehead, and I put into my mouth a question that suddenly came to my mind.

“… … What about Leah?”

It wasn’t just the experiment subjects who were related to the Dark Church.

It was certain that Leah had some sort of connection.

Celine tilted her head at my question.

“Aren’t you in the room?”

I hurriedly calmed down my rough breathing.

“First of all, wake up your parents, go out to town and arrange the test subjects as you see them. I must advance the evacuation schedule a little… … .”

It was then that a tearing scream was heard from somewhere.


“… … Leah!”

I immediately guessed the owner of that voice.

My hair went white, and before I knew it, I was running towards the epicenter of the sound.

There, as expected, was Lia right before being attacked by the test subject.

When I saw Leah sitting down and shaking, my vision burned red.

I grabbed a cleaver and threw the ax at the test subject that attacked Leah.

Pak, the ax severed the arm, and the test subject cried even more.

The kitchen knife he was holding rolled miserably on the ground.

I kicked the test subject with all the strength I had been running.

The body of the test subject flew away with the sensation of crushing bones.

The body was rolling on the ground and bouncing up again and again. It meant that the amount of shock delivered was so terrifying.

Perhaps that specimen will never rise again.

The arm was cut off, and blood gushed out, leaving drops of blood on Lia’s face.

Leah, in a state of panic, was trembling.

It was pitiful to see him dragging his butt backwards, struggling somehow.

I immediately hugged Leah.

“It’s okay, Leah… I’ll take care of it now.”

“Oh, oh, oh, brother… … .”

Stuttering, Lia hugged me and wept.

It was a voice wet with tears.

I tightened my arms around her.

“Don’t worry, I will protect you. So please wait patiently at the mansion… Understand?”

“Yes… Whoa, black, whoa… … .”

The shock was so great that Lia finally burst into tears.

I held Ina Leah in my arms for a long time so that my sister could reassure her.

And after a few minutes, Lia seemed to have calmed down a bit and loosened her arms that were holding me.

On the contrary, I thought that Leah was better than me.

For such a sudden incident, I was still in a confused mood.

Didn’t he even fall asleep after drinking the night before?

so i didn’t notice

Lia was still burying her face in my chest.

If you tried to get out of my arms, you couldn’t.

Lia’s hand groped the ground, and the next moment.

I felt a sharp pain piercing my stomach.

“Oh,” I said and looked down.

Lia had a knife in her hand.

It was the knife the subject had dropped while holding it.

My eyes stared blankly at Leah.

Even Lia couldn’t believe what she had done, and her eyes were wide open.

For a moment, thoughts are separated from reality.

What awakened the floating consciousness was the terrifying noise that came again.

Heck, the kitchen knife stabbed me in the stomach again.

No, higher than that.

Blood leaked out of my mouth.

Leah said in a trembling tone.

“Oh, no… … .”

I carefully grabbed Leah’s arm.

The strength he felt was stronger than he had imagined.

It was not the strength that Leah, who was sickly, could exert.

Oh, come to think of it, when I was shoveling, I used to get stronger… … .

It couldn’t have been a f*cking double line.

So, I couldn’t stop the knife from stabbing me again.

“No, no, no… My, my oh, oh, my brother… uh, that can’t be No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!”

Hearing that evil scream, I managed to pull myself out and collapse.

My vision was blurred.

Is it because I drink less?

It was fortunate to see a group of people running in panic from far away.

I looked at them and muttered.

“Lee, Leah… … .”

As for Leah, please don’t touch me.

At the end of that scene, my consciousness was cut off.

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