4. Rynella’s fate is decided by Rynella (62)

Even though it was light in the east, the cold wind was fierce.

A snowstorm was brewing.

The evacuation procession that departed from the mansion was called in at once. It was fortunate that they had planned an evacuation route in advance.

Fortunately, numerous refugees from the territory were participating in the procession.

Of course, their expressions were not bright.

As if running away, he had to leave his dear hometown. Including Viscount Percus, there were no people whose faces were not melancholy.

In particular, by the time Lia’s hands and feet were filled with restraints, Celine raised her voice.

“Anyway, like a sinner like that… … !”

“Or what would you like to do?”

Arthur, of course, only returned such a cool tone.

“The Dark Church’s test subjects still have the risk of running out of control. If not, would you like to face that monster?”

Then Arthur gave a glance.

Beyond, a thumping corpse giant stood.

A feeling of fear crossed the faces of those who overheard the conversation between the two.

How are you supposed to deal with that monster?

Celine trembled with clenched fists, but had no words to refute.

I didn’t know if Ian would accept her offer.

But Ian made a cool choice, and most people would say it was the right one.

If anyone sees that evil god’s family.

Arthur let out a deep sigh as he watched Celine suffocate.

“… … They cannot be freed unless at least that level of safety is guaranteed.”

And so the gloomy march continued.

Of course, even in the midst of this, there were people who seemed nervous.

Elsie, a lovely girl wearing a cone hat, was raising her voice.

“So Uncle, we have to dispatch the Magic Corps quickly… … !”

“Who is saving whom?”

Reynold’s voice against Elsie was still cold.

He quietly turned his blue eyes to Elsie.

“Princess Ian is stronger than you and stronger than our Rainella family’s Magic Troops. It is not something to be protected in the first place.”

“What about the villagers?!”

“If Confucius Ian can’t protect us, we can’t protect him… It’s already time for Confucius Ian to scan the outskirts.”

Then, Elsie became even more frustrated and stomped her feet.

At first glance, it seemed cute, but the words that came out of Elsie’s mouth weren’t like that at all.

“No, really f*ck… But the owner isn’t coming back?! I wonder if the old friend is already starting to have a hole in his brain… … .”

“Be careful with your words, Elsie.”

Reynolds was never taken aback by such rude remarks.

It was an attitude he was already used to.

On the contrary, it was to the point that the people watching from the side were tired of staring at me.

Even Reynolds remarks to ‘be careful with your words’ were surprising.

“To say ‘Master’ to someone who could be your fiancée, and then you say you’re Rainellar.”

“That, that… Anyway, she could be my fiancée!”

“… … Please bear with me a little longer.”

It was a tone that even made me feel annoyed.

Elsie still didn’t erase her ferocious eyes, but she glared at Reynolds as if she wanted to listen.

Reynolds laughed inwardly at the sight of him.

Still, he was a small boy who was obedient when it came to his family name, but before he knew it, he was big enough to fight the great wizard Reynolds.

That was so strange, yet so sad.

After all, the life of a high-ranking aristocrat had no choice but to live with the will of the family.

It was also a wandering period that he went through.

Perhaps, sooner or later, Elsie will have no choice but to realize.

The true meaning of the saying, ‘Rinella decides the fate of Rainella’.

No one could escape the restraints.

Reynolds let out a light sigh as if he was sorry.

“If you wait a little bit, everything will come true as you wish. Starting with the engagement, he will continue to attend the academy, and above all, Prince Ian’s friends have already set out to find him.”

“… … Just a little bit.”

It was a voice that hadn’t died yet.

Reynolds snorted as if telling him to do whatever he wanted.

“Wait a little longer, and if you don’t feel like it, I’ll go alone.”

“The evacuation procession is long, and each escort is heavy. And how could Confucius Ian be in danger?”

Reynolds pointed his eyes at the gigantic body that showed its presence even from afar.

Elsie’s expression hardened as she stared at the monster in the myth.

Elsie had already seen flesh nests and other hideous creatures, but the corpse giant was a hideous and strong enemy that was out of the question.

“I’m sure you won’t try to fight that monster… … .”

He said it himself, but Reynolds shook his head as if it were nonsense.

Elsie couldn’t deny this either.

Even in her eyes, that monster was a formidable foe she was afraid to face.

She was originally afraid of the strong, and that’s why she had entrusted her ego to someone else.

He had no choice but to know how much courage he must have to face the corpse giant.

No matter how strong the master is, he will not be able to stand against that monster.

Elsie trembled as if she was afraid just imagining it.

Reynolds seemed quite satisfied with no objection from Elsie.

Then Reynolds pulled out a pocket from his bosom as if he had suddenly remembered it.

It was a pocket with a luxurious pattern.

Upon receiving this, Elsie’s eyes were stained with doubt.

“Since you are also a Rainella wizard, you should have at least a quick recovery potion. You never know what kind of enemies you will encounter during the evacuation.”

Rapid Recovery Potion.

It was literally a drug that rapidly recharges mana.

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Just as the swordsmen usually took a bottle of healing potion, the wizards also took a quick recovery potion.

Although Elsie, who was born with a vast amount of magical power, had never been like that.

Elsie slowly opened the pouch.

Still, it was a direct blood relative of the Rainella family, so there was quite a bit of it in it. Nevertheless, given its small volume, it appeared to be a space expansion bag.

Even after accepting the potion, Elsie still had a heartache on her face.

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Judging by the glances toward the village, it seemed that he still had some lingering lingering feelings.

Reynolds looked at it and clicked his tongue once.

“Elsie, with that temper, can you marry and raise a child well? That’s why Prince Ian said that about you… … .”

“… … Are you the owner? What did you say to me?”

Then, at once, it was Elsie who pricked up her ears and paid attention.

Reynolds looked at it as if he was dumbfounded, then opened his mouth again.

“Last time, Prince Ian came to the inn. At that time, I asked the doctor to get engaged… … .”

It was then.

A thunder-like sound resounded, and the earth’s axis shook violently.

Some were screaming and staggering.

The eyes of everyone in bewilderment turned to the epicenter.

It was a corpse giant.

The corpse giant, who had been walking quietly until now, was letting out a wild cry as if he was dissatisfied.

Sensing the abnormality, Reynolds narrowed his brows.

A blue charge jumped out of his eyes, and soon he began to scan somewhere carefully.

Before long, Reynolds was able to discover the source of the corpse giant’s agitation.

A bewildered voice escaped from his mouth.

“… … Confucius Ian?”

Upon hearing the name, Elsie’s eyes followed Reynolds’ eyes.

There, a man was galloping through the city.



Overflowing memories assimilate with the surrounding landscape.

It was in the middle of a burning forest.

In the Great Forest, humidity was high throughout the year, making the air sticky. There was no way a fire like this would naturally occur in such a place.

It was an artificial fire.

Several charred corpses were visible around.

These were the people who once stayed in the Great Forest.

The disciples who could not stand the training of the Archwitch and ran out.

They hold the sword upside down.

Instead of letting the vampire escape from the Great Forest, he was promised a price by the Dark Church.

Indeed, it seemed that the Dark Church had paid them a fair price.

No matter how many people there were, the sisters were great wizards. There was no way they would end up in a corner even if a lot of people gathered together.

However, the result before my eyes was the exact opposite.

Before I had time to tremble at the feeling of betrayal, I brushed the girl’s cheek with a trembling hand.

The woman’s body was sliding with her back leaning against a tree.

Bloodstains testified to the trajectory of her body. My eyes and throat, seeing the scenery, were choked with moisture before I knew it.

Consciousness seemed to float.

I couldn’t feel it at all, so it was to the point of an illusion that I and reality were separated.

I didn’t feel any sensation.

Even if the skin was sizzling and ripening, I wouldn’t have noticed it.

Whether or not she knew what I was thinking, the girl wearing a cone hat had a faint smile on her face.

Blood trickled down between his lips.

Then, blood seemed to flow from my chest as well.

“What else, cool! Cry yes, dude… It hurts.”

It was the man’s first farewell and his last conversation.

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