4. Rynella’s fate is decided by Rynella (72)

Reynolds, the only two archmage of the Rainella family.

He was probably the person who formed the nucleus of that large-scale magic circle.

Even so, he spoke without a hint of difficulty.

Elsie was still just out of her mind.

“If not, are you going to let Prince Ian die like that? Only a few minutes can hold that monster down.”

While Elsie was bewildered by those words, she hurriedly took out a potion bottle and drank it.

A little magic was returning to the dried veins.

An intense pain arose from the torn blood vessel, but Elsie couldn’t even feel it properly.

Seeing Elsie’s wary expression, Reynolds smiled bitterly.

“You are still out of habit. If the elders of the family helped, I should leave a note of thanks.”

“I, I am not ‘Rinella’… … .”

“It’s Rainella.”

Reynolds’ tone was very flat.

There was a strong conviction in his voice.

As if confirming a fact that will never change.

“Because it’s Rainella, she’s so stubborn and has a ferocious temper. Tsk tsk, how are you going to raise a child after you get married… … .”

“… … master!”

However, to Elsie now, Reynold’s bruises could not even be heard.

She was ready to run to Ian at any moment.

It was Reynolds who held it back.

“Arthur, reckless approach will only drain power. I put most of my mana into the magic that binds that monster, so I won’t worry for a few minutes.”

“And in a few minutes!”

In response to Elsie’s urgent question, Reynolds merely glanced somewhere.

As Elsie turned her gaze there, Reanold expanded.

“Elsie, didn’t I tell you? To become a great mage, you must first broaden your horizons… I feel like I’ve just experienced the limits, so I’ll have to focus on them going forward.”

There was a flash of pure white light.

Someone was kneeling down and praying.

Silver hair, pink eyes.

Reynolds continued talking calmly with his hands behind his back.

“When that ceremony is completed, Miss Hastur, who has departed first, and Yurdina’s family unite and attack right away. Clean up the surroundings and take out Confucius Ian.”

And then he said, “Whoops,” with a wry smile.

“… … This is also a talent. Everyone who tried to run away is gathered here.”

The voice was overly optimistic about the future, and Elsie suddenly fell into anxiety.

Could it really be like that?

The man who couldn’t have not considered all that history said the following.

‘We have to abandon the territory.’

Was the man right, or was the master who fought that monster right?

Now it was time for the results to be revealed.


The saintess’ face had turned pale.

It was because Ian was so anxious that Ian would die.

She knew now that anxiety was such an intense and frightening emotion.

The magic corps of the Rainella family came and delivered a rough plan, and it was only after the chains of the brain were struck from the sky that the saintess cleared her heart.

Yuren looked disapprovingly at the saintess starting the ceremony.

he asked.

“… … Sister, do you still have a little left?”


It meant to do the will of the Lord.

In other words, it also meant that I would not leave anything behind.

Yuren immediately put his palm on his forehead and let out a grunting sound.

“Oh my gosh, can’t you catch the family of the evil god even if you use that precious blood? And the only thing you saved was a lower noble of the empire?”

“… … You can even defeat the family of the evil god.”

At the saintess’ faint objection, Yuren smiled.

It was the expression he only showed when he was really angry.

“Don’t talk nonsense, as soon as the ceremony is over, let’s just take Ian and run… Yes?”

Bloodjeong had tremendous value as a sacrifice.

Even the person who supervised the ceremony to dedicate it was a saint.

There was no way even the evil god’s family would be safe.

Even so, Yuren looked skeptical. The saintess felt a bit uneasy about that, but she was in a hurry right now.

She recited a prayer she had prepared in advance.

“Lord, your Lamb is in trouble and tribulation… Please have mercy on our sins.”

A pure white glow draws a circle.

It was a figure that symbolized the world, the sun, and Arus.

“I believe that life, death, and trials are one in Thy will. So dare your beloved daughter beseech you… … .”

One more line was drawn horizontally around the circle.

This symbolized the fairness of the land, the scales, and Arus.

“Let Your favor be engraved on earth as in Heaven!”

Finally, a line is drawn as a bell.

It was a pattern symbolizing the strictness of humans, the creatures of Arus, and the heavenly gods who judge good and evil.

The pure white cross was completed like that.

The completed crosshair soon began to vibrate like crazy.

Light raged like a storm, and pillars of light fell in a straight line from the sky.

The miracle happened right after that.

Chur oh oh oh oh oh!

The corpse giant, who hadn’t budged until now, shook his body at random. It was to the point that the chain of the brain, which had been firm, was suddenly broken.

The snowstorm had lifted, and dazzling sunlight poured from the sky.

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Just by being touched by that golden ray, the evil ones screamed. Except for the chunks of flesh or corpses that were hiding in the shadows, all of the evil god’s followers had melted away.

The Corpse Giant was no exception.

The melting corpse giant was getting smaller and smaller.

My height decreased by about 1,000, and now it’s 30%.

And after a while, the corpse giant shrank to less than half its size.

Another blizzard raged, but the corpse giant remained on his knees, unresponsive.

Seeing this, the saintess clenched her fists.


Now Ian can be saved.

The Magic Troops of the Rainella family moved busily.

With the obstacle gone, Celine was finally sprinting, and the Yurdina family’s knights on horseback kicked the ground at full speed.

The saintess was exhausted from the relief and collapsed.

The saintess, who sat down, wiped her chest several times, then sent a suspicious look to Yuren.

Originally, this was the point where Yuren should have run away.

But he didn’t even flinch.

“… … Yuren?”

At the same time, the saintess glanced back at Yuren’s face, and it was paler than ever.

The saintess slowly followed his gaze.

There was a disgustingly overflowing mass of molten and melted flesh. At first, the saintess couldn’t understand Yuren’s anxiety.

But soon after, the saintess had no choice but to realize.

Wriggling, the molten flesh pulsating.

The saintess’ eyes widened.

I hope you are moving? Still?

I thought I could disable it, at least for a while.

Even if it was a monster that regenerated infinitely, it was about to pour the divine power of the heavenly god, which was the opposite. Of course, it was normal to be down for a while.

However, the opponent was not a being with common sense.

Suddenly, a large arm rose from the swamp of flesh.

Ooh oh oh oh-!

With a scream, the giant body staggered to its feet.

The knights of the Yurdina family, who were running, were startled by the momentum and stopped.

It was a corpse giant.

Its size had been reduced to less than half, but its majesty was still intact. Every time the corpse giant screamed, the tangled corpses flinched.

A voice filled with disbelief escaped from the saintess’ mouth.

“Nonsense… … .”

He devoted his whole blood.

It was a sad news that could save anyone but the dead.

Not to mention, the opponent didn’t even have the means to resist. It was because he was imprisoned by the Rynella family’s magic corps.

nevertheless resurrected.

Is that monster truly immortal?

It was not only the saintess who felt that despair.

The refugees who were watching the situation, as well as the Rainella family’s magic brigade who were preparing to rescue them.

Even the brave Yurdina family soldiers stopped walking.

A look of bewilderment was evident on everyone’s complexion.

It didn’t take long for tearing screams to burst out of their mouths.

“… … Ian!”

The corpse giant raised his hands in a frenzy.

Perhaps because of the reduced size, the speed seemed twice as fast as before.

Before he had time to respond, the corpse giant threw out his fist.

Bang, even the belated sound of the pagong sound was terrifying.

No one would be able to survive if they were hit by that blow.

The saintess screamed, Elsie widened her eyes, and Seria froze.

And the moment Celine let out a rough breath and closed her eyes tightly.

A strange silence hung over the battlefield.

It was truly sudden silence.

One by one, questionable gazes turned to the corpse giant.

If you hit it with such a huge fist, there was no shock wave or noise to follow.

The cause was soon discovered.

Slowly, the corpse giant’s fist was being pushed back.

It was an unbelievable sight to see.

Even by simple weight, there were few humans who could lift that fist. But can you take that blow that combines the physical strength of a corpse giant as it is?

But he did it.

The man staggered to his feet, his teeth clenched and his eyes bloodshot.

He muttered something incomprehensible to himself.

This is the conclusion.


The corpse giant shook his head in disbelief and looked back at his fist.

However, no matter how much you look at it, the reality has not changed.

was being pushed

Little by little, but obviously.

The corpse giant could not admit that he was being pushed by the human he looked down on.

He immediately let out a scream, retrieved his fist, and threw out another one.

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Just before a shrieking scream rang out once again.

The man was spurred straight to the ground.

It was the angle of a fist and a head-on collision. There was no one who understood the intention at once.

It was only revealed as a result.

With a crack, a crack appeared in the corpse giant’s fist.

No, it wasn’t just the fist.

A solid silver line began to be drawn everywhere from the wrist to the wrist.

and the next moment.

Aye ah ah ah ah ah!

With a shrill scream, the corpse giant’s arm, made up of hundreds of corpses, exploded.

A man with dark hair was leaping between the scattered pieces of flesh.

The man muttered to himself again.

This is Hae (解).

I finally found out. How many grueling battles did he have to go through to realize this principle?

Finally, the man spoke to the corpse giant as if spitting it out.

“… … Let’s just do as much as we suffered.”

While grinding it.

The dying man gripped his sword again.

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