4.5 Interlude: Between Lover and Dog (1)

After passing a hurdle, the mansion of Percus fell into silence.

It was a brief peace.

If agents from the Imperial Intelligence Service were soon dispatched, the entire territory would not be able to escape the eyes of surveillance. There were many users who felt burdened without knowing about it.

Of course, so did my parents.

In particular, the weak-willed mother seemed to be growing more and more worried day by day.

Her concern was mainly one.

“I’m sorry, Ian… I just bothered you.”

son was about to die

In addition, it worked out well, but it was a situation where the Imperial Intelligence Service was dispatched for a crime.

Although there was a purpose of escort, it was not so comfortable in the position of being watched. Moreover, my mother was also on the dark side of the world.

It was a rare case for an aristocrat who received thorough education from infancy.

Come to think of it, I had never heard anything about my parents’ childhood.

Even when I asked how the two met, got married, and formed a family, my parents always seemed to have only a bitter smile.

My brother didn’t even bother to mention it.

As for me, I was just thinking that there must be something wrong.

The history of the Percus family was short, but a tradition that lasted several generations. Then, of course, it meant that the origin of the parents was also certain.

So, I’ve never had any doubts.

At least it would have been if Leah’s secret hadn’t been revealed not too long ago.

I was seized with a strange uneasiness I had never felt before.

It was an unknown intuition that a mystery still remained in the Percus family.

Fortunately, I was no longer a weak and innocent boy.

I had ties with the Imperial Intelligence Service. If you put your mind to it, you can investigate it as much as you like.

It’s just that I didn’t dare to show any signs of doubting my mother.

It was because of Dori, who became a child.

No matter how much my parents hid something from me, the grace of loving me and raising me up until now did not disappear.

In the end, I had to soothe my mother with a faint smile.

“Don’t worry too much, mother… You know, I have a lot of friends.”

He also had a lot of strong friends.

The emperor and the swordsman also seemed to have decided to take my side.

Despite my repeated persuasion, my mother did not appear to fully agree. Even so, he didn’t give me the words of apology anymore.

He only occasionally looked at me with sad eyes.

It was heartbreaking. But I had other issues to worry about.

First of all, it was because the end of vacation was not far away.

The reason why the party staying at the mansion seemed particularly busy lately had a lot to do with this.

Everyone was preparing to return to their daily lives in their own way. The day to return to the academy was right in front of us.

The period they spent in the mansion of Percus was about two months.

A time that can be long if long, and short if short.

However, the density of the incidents experienced in the meantime was nothing compared to others.

It was always like this right after the love letter from the future arrived.

At the hunting festival, he suddenly met a powerful demon, but at the orphanage he defeated the demon, and at the homecoming festival, he had to face the dark priest to save the princess.

And finally, to defeat the family of the evil god in my hometown.

I was curious about the contents of the letter that would fly again.

In the future, how much stronger enemies will you face, and how much more cruel fate will you face?

I was even slightly afraid, but I tried to calm myself down with a bitter smile.

Even then, there was only one conclusion I could draw.

Do what you have to do.

As always.

So I had to make up my mind and promise the future.

But that wasn’t the only concern that troubled me.

No, on the contrary, there was a separate person who has captured my image strongly lately.

It was senior Elsie.

Contrary to her lovely appearance, she was a woman known for her cruel temper and gullible speech.

Her status was also that of a young lady from the prestigious Rainella family of magic, and until a few months ago, she wasn’t someone I could have contact with.

In fact, even if they met, I would have avoided them first.

To that extent, Elsie’s external perception was close to the worst.

However, after crossing many dead lines with senior Elsie and having a long conversation with her, I stopped understanding senior Elsie.

It wasn’t strange even if I heard it.

Even so, there was a kind of line between me and Elsie-senpai.

Senior Elsie was the scion of a high-ranking aristocrat. Of course, there was an obligation to follow the order of the family.

Therefore, my accompaniment could only be temporary. Even if later Elsie thought it was a good memory, she had to choose someone else to spend the rest of her life with.

Even if me and Elsie-senpai got engaged, I still had an excuse.

This was only the family’s will, and not Elsie-senpai’s original intention.

If so, it was a story that would be enough if I let go one day.

However, all those excuses and excuses were crushed at once a while ago.

Senior Elsie confessed to me.

It was only one sentence at most, but it was an event that caused more ripples in my heart.

That day, too, I was packing my things, thinking of Elsie-senpai.

It’s always been like this since I received the confession from senior Elsie.

It was common for her to think of Elsie-senpai when she was lost for a bit.

Looking at it like this, I thought I was really sukmaek.

It was ridiculous to say that he had been engrossed all day just because he had confessed.

I even wondered if it would be more comfortable mentally to face the corpse giant.

It was then that there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Immediately, my body stiffened.

“… … Brother Ian, can I come in?”

When I heard the voice that followed, I let out a sigh of relief, sweeping my chest.

It was Celine’s voice.

Deep down, I was worried that Elsie-senpai had come to visit me.

If it was Celine, I was confident that she would respond with a happy heart.

I answered in a voice dripping with relief.

“Okay, come in.”

After my permission was granted, Celine slightly opened the door and poked her head out.

Then, narrowing her eyes, she looked around the room, quickly closed the door, and stood next to me.

I couldn’t help but look at Celine with a curious look.

It was because of her uncharacteristically cautious behavior.

“… … what are you doing?”

“Shh, shh!”

Despite my bewildered response, Celine lowered her voice.

At the same time, Pom, who put his index finger to his philtrum, seemed to have come to tell me a secret story.

I had no choice but to shut my mouth and stare at Celine blankly.

Even if I wanted to ask, it was impossible because there was no place to guess.

There was only one way to check the business of the person who came in unexpectedly.

Waiting for the opponent to bring up the main topic first.

Fortunately, Celine relented and asked me.

“Ian oppa, what happened with Rainella sunbaenim these days?”

I haven’t been able to get any answer back for a while.

He just took a deep breath, kept silent, and slightly averted his gaze.

It wasn’t Celine who couldn’t be suspicious about this.

As if she knew that, she furrowed her brow slightly and encouraged me.

“Ah, really! I knew it… Do you know how strange Rainella-senpai has become these days? The room next to me is Rainella-senpai’s room, and it happens every night, so I can’t stand it!”

Celine couldn’t raise her voice even while stamping her feet and complaining.

It seemed that he already knew that an important conversation had taken place between me and Elsie-senpai.

It was Celine who had been able to read people’s minds like a ghost since childhood.

It took a few days, but there was no way I couldn’t figure it out.

In the end, I let out a long sigh as if surrendering.

“… … Nothing happened.”

“Do not lie!”

Celine pretended to say nothing, and pointed at me with her index finger.

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Judging by the low growl, it seemed that he had no intention of going on like this.

“You two are very conscious these days! Isn’t it embarrassing just to run into each other!”

“Hey, that… … .”

“Are you sure I was the only one who noticed? Even the saintess is looking very suspiciously! So, even now, let go and find the light… What did you do to Lynella-senpai?”

It was an inquiry like a storm.

As long as Celine got caught, there was no escape route for me.

It was because Celine knew me as well as I knew Celine.

And I was mostly weak to younger sisters like Liana Celine.

A moaning sound leaked out of my mouth.

Celine knew that it was a precursor to the fall.

She crossed her arms in silence and stared at me with the eyes of an interrogator.

As if making an excuse, I spat out a word.

“… … I didn’t do it.”

“Then what is it? What did Rainella-senpai do!”

Sighing again, Celine tapped my chest, unable to overcome the frustration.

It meant I couldn’t stand it any longer.

In the end, I had no choice but to confess all the facts.

“What’s the matter with you taking so little time? Senior Rainella at least confessed… … !”

“Oh, I did.”

Then, with a pop, all Celine’s movements and voices stopped.

It was a dramatic change that made me want to become a stone statue for an instant.

A few seconds later, Celine shook her head and came to her senses.

She questioned me in a more impatient tone.

“Oh, you confessed? when?!”

“Few days ago.”

Celine’s expression became even more stunned at my plain statement.

Open and close your lips.

After hesitating for a while, she asked cautiously.

“… … So, what did your brother say?”

I turned my gaze to the side to recall the memory of that day.

Celine’s complexion grew more agitated the longer my reply was delayed.

Later, with a pale face, he swallowed dry saliva.

A brief conclusion came out of my mouth first.

“… … I refused.”

“What?! Why why?!”

Celine asked me back, unable to hide her embarrassment.

It was a reasonable response.

She was pretty, talented, and even her background was a great Elsie senior.

It would not be easy to come up with common sense reasons for refusal.

I did too.

In my heart, I also wanted to be with Elsie-senpai.

But beyond that, I couldn’t get my bearings.

what was my truth?

Why am I afraid to be with Elsie-senpai?

It was a problem that I couldn’t come to a conclusion even after thinking about it for days and days.

The deeper I struggled, the more the memory subsided.

Before I knew it, I was back to the scenery of the day.

Hearing my rejection, Elsie-senpai froze on the spot.

The wide open eyes testified to the astonishment.

Yes, it was.

At that time, senior Elsie also asked me the same question.

With dew on my eyes, while crying.

“Why why… … ?”

Even if you ask me like that, it was the same that I couldn’t understand my heart.

I just thought that I couldn’t reject Elsie-senpai’s heart without any reason. It was such a cruel ending.

So I inadvertently threw that word at senior Elsie.

“That, Elsie-senpai… You are a perpetrator of school violence.”

I heard the hallucination of senior Elsie’s body splitting from the top of her head.

“… … I guess that’s a bit.”

It was.

I understood senior Elsie’s circumstances, and was willing to be on her side at any time.

But apart from that, Elsie-senpai still had sins that hadn’t been erased.

The past that harassed innocent students and left deep scars.

I immediately regretted saying it.

I was afraid that this would remain as a scar on senior Elsie.

Some would say that he pays for his sins, but seeing that he thought of senior Elsie first, it seemed that he had a lot of affection for it.

But that was before I even retracted that statement.

Senior Elsie trembled with her fists clenched.

And he stared at me with a look of anger that he hadn’t seen in a long time.

“……Two, wait and see.”

With watery eyes, the girl shouted in anger.

“Let’s see! Me, I won’t give up just like that!”

After that, Elsie-senpai turned around and walked away, wiping away tears with her sleeve.

The back of her looked very lonely, so I tried to grab her.

Instead, I let out a deep, deep sigh.

No matter how many times I washed my face dry, my heart did not calm down.

What the hell are you doing, you stupid bastard?

So I just sat there cursing myself.

At that time, I considered senior Elsie’s words ‘wait and see’ as part of a common expression.

Of course, it was the result of overlooking the fact that senior Elsie was not such an easygoing person.

I realized the true meaning of it right after we arrived at the academy.

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