4.5 Interlude: Between Lover and Dog (6)

Elsie had to go through all kinds of humiliation for several days.

It was the first time in my life that I bowed my head to a commoner.

There were several times when she was angry inside and almost lost her patience, but Elsie gnashed her teeth and killed her temper in the end.

It was frustrating and difficult.

Why did she have to recite the words of apology to a commoner?

It is natural for the weak to be trampled on.

The reason Elsie destroyed them beyond recovery was to prepare for the day when they became strong and tried to trample her.

The world Elsie lived in was always like that.

It’s been like that since childhood.

The strong are trampled and harassed, and the weak are trampled or become strong and trampled again.

Therefore, her violence also belonged to self-defense.

Elsie just didn’t want to be trampled on again.

I didn’t want to go back to my painful and difficult childhood. That was Elsie’s true intention.

Yeah, that’s what I would have said a while ago.

But now Elsie thought of Ian whenever she felt sad or unfair.

Rather than stepping on the weak, he was a man who supported and cared for the weak.

The first meeting was not good, but it was undeniable that Elsie’s fate changed completely when she met him.

Elsie’s world was no longer confined to House Rainella.

Ian was the new master Elsie had chosen for herself, her life, and her world.

So, if the new world demands a new ethics, I will do whatever it takes.

So the girl gritted her teeth and endured the path of humiliation.

It was one of those days that he encountered a bad relationship from the past.

“Hey, who is this? These days, the names of high-ranking aristocrats are being disgraced… Bastard Lynella?”

It was a woman who appeared with candy in her mouth.

She was driving a gang, which wasn’t unusual. After all, by the time you were in the senior year, everyone belonged to a gang or drove it.

Elsie glared at the woman.

What was your name, yes.

“… … Have you forgotten the taste of electricity you tasted last time? Ludmilla.”

The woman called Ludmilla giggled and laughed.

She had a history of fighting with Elsie’s gang before and getting crushed.

Like Elsie, they weren’t a particularly high-quality group, but because they were high-ranking nobles, they were deliberately left untouched.

Then, when there was a fight, I took the opportunity and seized the perfect justification and subdued it at once.

It was an incident during the days when the academy was in full swing.

In return, his right shoulder was shattered, but it was effective in shutting down Ludmilla’s family, so it wasn’t a bad deal.

After that day, Ludmilla used to lose her temper when she stood in front of Elsie, but today she seemed to be in high spirits.

Elsie couldn’t help but smile.

But Ludmilla was still confident.

“Rainella, I hear you’ve been working hard to bow your head to commoners lately? Why don’t you bow that cheap head to me too.”

“f*ck you, bitch.”

Pajik, Her Highness rose from Elsie’s hand.

Opponents were numerous.

Originally, the magician Elsie would have been inferior, but if she had grown up from the last battle with the corpse giant, it was still worth trying.

What if you were ten years old?

Originally, in a fight, the one who lasted until the end won.

Even so, Ludmilla was still happy.

“Can you do that? If you touch me again, bad rumors will spread… He said he was involved in another violent incident.”

“That’s the story of powerless commoners, and is a bully like you the same as them?”

“Yeah, same.”

Ludmilla then revealed her pure white left arm, which was covered by her uniform.

There, like a scar, there was a solid red line like a crack.

It was like a thunderbolt spreading.

It was clear who had left the mark.

The scar Elsie left behind at that time.

That is what still remains as a scar.

Elsie smiled happily.

“… … What, does it remind me of the old days?”

“Who will believe you?”

Ludmilla said so quietly, with burning eyes.

Elsie’s blue eyes turned to Ludmilla without a word.

“You mean, do you know that kid Ian has been chasing after you lately? What if you were not so trustworthy… Even though you are suffering, they just let you go.”

“So what do you want to say?”

Whoa, said Ludmilla with a faint smile.

“Is it easy to make you a bitch if I put my mind to it?”

“… … Master will never believe it.”

“Aren’t you doing this because you were abandoned by the owner? Like a stray dog.”

“Puch,” Ludmilla laughed and spread her arms.

“And I didn’t come to fight you in the first place… I just came to apologize.”

Elsie seemed to be astonished, and let out a small laugh.

It was only now that Ludmilla’s intention was revealed.

I didn’t come to fight.

It was a tactic that Elsie often used in the past.

It just drives them into a corner and holds them for a long time. tormented by words.

What made this tactic annoying was that it couldn’t be countered with violence.

Then, it was like a preemptive strike from this side.

There was no device in the world that could record the facts happening throughout the academy.

Of course, we have to look at the testimonies and traces, but it was inevitable that the traces of the fight remained the clearest.

Elsie snorted and tried to leave, but Ludmilla wasn’t going to let go.

Ludmilla squeezed Elsie’s shoulder tightly.

Elsie almost screamed at the strength of her grip beyond her imagination.

Although he was proud of himself and ended up staring at Ludmilla with bitter eyes.

Ludmilla let out a menacing voice.

“… … Just apologize, bitch.”

It was a tone full of soggy emotions.

It was the growl of a beast that had injured its pride.

“Do you know how funny my appearance has become when you go around bowing your head to commoners? But you won’t apologize to me? Aren’t you flirting with lower nobles and saying master, master?”

Elsie tried to slap Ludmilla’s hand with a bang, but it was not enough.

Before I knew it, even the gangs were gathering around me.

Elsie bit her lip at the crisis she had been experiencing for the first time in a long time.

In my mind, I wanted to sweep it away at once.

However, it was also true that there was one more thing that bothered me.

‘Do you know that kid Ian has been chasing after you lately? What if you were not so trustworthy… … .’

It was also the reason why Ludmilla went out so quickly.

Even if she didn’t say anything after seeing the scene where Elsie was being treated, it had to be seen as an expression of her intention not to cross the line.

And Ludmilla was exquisitely crossing the line.

Elsie was confused.

Will Ian forgive Elsie?

Going back to Elsie in her ‘Little Villain’ days was simple.

Fight like a dog, and if that doesn’t work, it’s enough to summon the old gang and fight.

But didn’t Ian say that?

so i don’t like it

Elsie wanted to break up with her past self.

The self from the days of fighting dogs, who were so timid that they barked and bit people.

Elsie was also a person.

As a result of all kinds of humiliation and humiliation while going around apologizing, her mind was after normal judgment was impossible.

Rather, her low self-esteem was leading her to misjudgment.

Yes, I would rather endure it even if it hurts me once.

The moment she inadvertently thought that, Elsie’s hand, which was raising Her Highness, flinched.

It wasn’t Ludmilla who couldn’t read the hesitation in those eyes.

She burst into a white laugh.

“I only heard rumors, but is it true? crazy year… It’s not enough that you fell in love with the guy who cut Ji with an axe, and now you sell your pride as a high-ranking aristocrat by claiming to be a pet dog?”

“Ah,” said Ludmilla, gnashing her teeth.

The inferiority complex toward Elsie that had been hidden so far was on the verge of exploding.

After being beaten by Elsie, Ludmilla couldn’t even see her.

However, before she knew it, the terrifying Elsie had degenerated into a mere pet dog.

It was unbearably hateful.

It felt like she was downgrading not only Elsie, but even Ludmilla to something ridiculous.

Ludmilla was going mad with joy that she was finally able to unleash that rage.

Gradually, Ludmilla’s hand, which was holding Elsie’s shoulder, inadvertently put strength into it.

Elsie finally couldn’t hold back and let out a scream.

“Uh, off… aagh!”

Even so, Elsie did not fight back against Ludmilla.

That fact meant only one thing.

Ludmilla said with her eyes glistening with delight.

“Sorry. Can you be patient though? Because it happens… Let’s have a little chat.”

The conversation with Elsie had only just begun.

Yeah, that’s what I thought until then.

Kwak, until something crunches.

Oops, did I get the power control wrong?

Ludmilla wondered, but as the hot liquid soaked her cheek, she had no choice but to look away.

There was a scene that everyone in the academy feared.

Hatchet lodged in shoulder.

A shiver ran down Ludmilla’s spine.

As if by instinct, Ludmilla immediately grasped the situation.

And then the pain that burns the brain white.

“Um, turn off, Ahhhh!”

Blood soaks the clearing.


I sighed and let out a heated breath.

At first, it was a mindset to watch.

Also, it could have been someone Elsie-senpai had bullied.

However, the moment Elsie-senpai screamed, my patience reached its limit.

When I came to my senses, it was after I threw the hatchet.

I untied my wrists and ambled along.

The gazes of the people in the audience toward me were filled with fear.

Only one, senior Elsie, was looking at me with bewildered eyes.

An unknown female student was hit with a hatchet and moaned.

As soon as he saw me, he collapsed in fear.

Then, he started dragging his butt and slapping him.

“Oh, don’t come! If you come any further, the disciplinary committee… … .”

As soon as I heard that, I laughed and laughed.

With a thump, the hatchet pulled out of the girl’s shoulder landed in my hand again.

Then the bleeding that the hatchet was blocking became more severe.

The female student gritted her teeth and tried to endure it, but in the end, she could not stand the pain and staggered down.

“Uh, off… Turn it off… … !”

With that groan in the background, I spoke in a calm tone.

While banging his palms with a bloody hatchet.

“Uh, report it.”

It’s enough to write dragon blood text.

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