5. Bread and Dagger (4)

The girl’s body rolled on the ground.

It had already been repeated several times. It wasn’t a very surprising result, but Seria blinked blankly every time it happened.

Those blue eyes were stained with an incomprehensible emotion.

How the hell did you do that?

In fact, Seria’s question was valid.

From the time she was born until now, she has solved all kinds of difficult problems alone.

As the illegitimate daughter of the Yurdina family, Seria was not loved by her family. Even Marquis Yurdina, who was supposed to be on her only side, showed a rather aloof attitude.

The only person who cares about Seria is her half-sister Delphine.

Even that did not lead to actual help for Seria. Delphine at the time was young, and in the long run, Seria was also Delphine’s competitor.

In other words, Seria has been alone since childhood.

He proved his talent with only his strength and obtained Yurdina’s last name.

Because of that, Seria was a bit elated.

She was already used to trials and adversity. No matter what challenge came, he would find the answer if he pondered all day.

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Just like it always has been.

That was Seria’s talent.

The only weapon of a girl who lives madly with swords and forged herself with a single sword.

It didn’t take long for that clumsy arrogance to break down mercilessly.

I couldn’t find an answer at all.

The reason was simple.

The man who came unexpectedly informed me that Celine and Seria were not effective as combat forces.

There was no way Seria, who was proud of herself, would calmly accept this.

To her who raised an objection in tears, the man threw out only one word.

“Would you like to try it?”

It was a very tired tone.

There was even a hint of annoyance in those insensitive eyes. Seeing her eyes as if she were dealing with an annoying child, Seria was more moved to tears.

It was because of that that a heated voice leaked from the woman’s mouth.

“Yes, I will.”

The ending was as it seemed.

After moving to the clearing in the forest for sparring, Seria couldn’t even brush the man’s collar.

Actually, it was the result I was expecting.

It was Seria who witnessed the man’s confidence when fighting Mitram the other day. The cold face that had taken the life of the Dark Priest alone was still clear.

In the first place, it was not an opponent who could predict victory.

But I couldn’t even imagine that I couldn’t even guess the cause.

Panting, Seria stood up.

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Judging by the staggering poomsae, it was clear that the blows had accumulated on the body.

Even so, the dark blue eyes were still burning fiercely.

It was an attempt to somehow grasp the man’s movements, but the man only had a calm face.

Either way, the outcome has already been decided.

It was the look on his face that revealed such thoughts. Not the slightest crack could be seen in that confident young complexion.

Seria thought for a moment that she wanted to slap that mug away.

The only stumbling block was that he was taking the body of a senior he loved. Even if it wasn’t for that, Seria would have thrown herself into the desire to make it come true.

To that extent, the man’s attitude toward Seria was unfamiliar.

neglect and coldness.

It was a look that stimulated childhood nightmares.

“… … would you like more? The result will be the same anyway.”

“That’s something you never know.”

It was a word that he licked his lips.

In response to that prepared answer, the man silently nodded.

It was only to leave a low warning to Seria, who took up her posture again.

“This is the last one.”

Does that mean you should do your best?

It was Seria who was thinking of pouring out her remaining strength anyway. Even if he said that, he was the kind of opponent who might brush his collar or not.

However, if you wish so much, we will share a workshop with no regrets.

It was then that the girl, who had been silent for a while, took a light step.

Immediately after that, compression.

The body shot like a cannonball crushed the vision into a solid line. The distance shortened in an instant, and Seria was already in front of the man.

Until then, the man hadn’t responded.

It wasn’t like he missed Seria. The man’s golden eyes were still shining in the silence.

Like an eagle aiming for prey in the sky.

Seria’s exit was convulsive.

Prudence is poison.

It was a fact that Seria realized after failing several times. I had to think about it and try to figure out the number, but the opponent was a more advanced player anyway.

In that case, it was better to surrender to instinct like a beast.

As the form became simpler, the sword moved more agilely.

Even the demonic spirit could be felt in Seria’s eyes as she clenched her teeth and swung her sword horizontally.

It meant that it was an all-out strike.

There was a slight frown in the eyes of the man watching the scene.

It seemed that he was interested in Seria, who chose the best move in her own way.

Of course, the man’s hands were ruthless apart from him.

Pak, and a short blowhole passed by.

The man’s sword was drawing an oblique trajectory.

It was only one knife cut.

However, the results it brought did not stop at a single line.

The air was torn apart.

It was a sword that was swung at an invisible speed. The air that filled the empty space followed, exploding.

The collar fluttered like crazy, giving a sense of the impact.

Even so, Seria had a different reason for widening her eyes.

The sword bounced off.

It was a sword held with both hands, but the sword was flying in the sky without even a sense of collision. A fierce pain arose in the arm and shoulder that had risen to the sky belatedly.

However, Seria was not even given a chance to scream.

Knock, the kicks stuck in Seria’s stomach.

It felt like suffocating.

It was a blow that was delivered without any acknowledgment. Seria couldn’t overcome the blow and rolled several times on the ground.

The trembling hands were pitiful.

Seria quickly recalled the workshop from before.

But nothing came to mind.

It was because I couldn’t see anything.

I couldn’t figure out why the trajectory had been drawn, and why the sword had escaped from Seria’s hand.

He could only speculate on the situation through his torn grip.

It was pushed out of power and speed.

The difference was so obvious.

Unable to believe that she had been defeated for such a simple ignorant reason, Seria chewed her lips and tried to stand up again.

Until I heard a creepy sound from my shoulder.

“… … Ah, ahh?!”

Seria let out such a stupid sound.

The eyes of the girl who had been lying on her face stared blankly up.

There stood a man with an indifferent expression.

Trampling on Seria’s shoulder.

What are you doing?

At the moment Seria had doubts, the man gave more strength to the foot that had trampled on his shoulder.

Crunchy, the sound of cartilage shattering echoed.

Seria couldn’t help but let out a shrill scream in that pain.

“Ah, uh… aaagh!”

Seria, whose shoulder was completely shattered, soon groaned and rolled on the ground. However, the man still mechanically moved his feet.

Kicking Seria and breaking her knee.

After a few more blows, Seria was able to escape the torture-like pain.

It was an unexpected feast of sadism.

The victim, the girl’s eyes, were stained with fear.

Facing Seria’s wet eyes with doubt and fear, the man threw out a simple word.

“… … I told you, it’s the last.”

Crazy baby.

Seria involuntarily muttered a curse inwardly.

The man broke his limbs to keep his word.

So that Seria can no longer resist.

While the girl shuddered from the excruciating pain, she couldn’t help but feel fear and anger at the same time at the idea and the brutal action.

So I thought.

As the man intended, this workshop would never be the last.

As soon as Seria recovered her body in the temple, she challenged the man, and the outcome was obvious.

In the end, Seria suffered a level of injury that was impossible to recover from.

The blow that defeated Seria was always the same.

A sword attack with a second speed that is impossible to even perceive.

With that simple ignorant sword, Seria could not overcome it even once.

The man said about Seria, who was in pain from fingertips to toes.

“… … I can’t follow you anyway.”

I couldn’t tell if it was a simple monologue or a mockery.

Seria felt like she wanted to stand up with her fists clenched.

But even the knuckles were shattered.

All she could do now was lie on her face and moan and tremble.

It was a miserable disgrace.

Even so, the light in Seria’s eyes did not go out.

Seria had a strong desire to win.

And more than that, his obsession with Ian was strong.

I told you not to follow senior Lee Ahn?

It was nonsense. Seria didn’t want to be away from Ian even for a single day. Isn’t that why he followed him home?

Even more so, being kicked out for lack of ability was even more of a specification.

If that’s the case, isn’t that telling me to give up going with Ian in the future?

Looking at the blue flames that still haven’t died down, the man turned his back with a faint sigh.

“At least the skills I showed you should be reproducible.”

Those were the words I threw without even looking back.

There was still no emotion in that nonchalant tone.

“All movements start from a stillness… Be mindful.”

That was the last conversation Seria had with the man.

After that, Seria, who had fainted, woke up in the intensive care unit.

The saintess delivered the news like thunder from the blue sky to Seria with a rare expression on her face.

“A hospital stay of at least two weeks is required. In the meantime, outside activities are strictly prohibited.”

It was only then that Seria noticed the man’s intentions.

If he was injured and hospitalized, there was no way to follow him even if he wanted to.

From successive defeats to provocations and committing stupid things.

Seria stopped feeling depressed.

It was a return to being a timid girl, and a proof that the man was right.

Seria is just a burden.

Those words stuck in her heart like shards of glass, and Seria chewed her lips in silence.

until it bleeds.

angry and angry

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