5. Bread and dagger (12)

The gist of the saintess’ question was simple.

The question was who the sender of the ‘love letter from the future’ was.

There have already been several explanations about this.

The first time was when the existence of ‘I’ from the future was revealed.

Even then, Leto had to explain his existence with all his heart and soul. As a result, the story that came out naturally was the ‘love letter from the future’.

In the first place, there was a letter at the beginning of every case. So without explaining this, it was difficult to discuss what happened after that.

Fortunately, there was one thing.

It was a very confusing time at the time.

The Dark Priest’s attack overcame the danger of death, the existence of ‘I’ from the future was revealed, along with the truth of Lia and the secrets of the Percus family.

It was a time when all kinds of problems were tangled up.

No one had the time to pay attention to the ‘love letter’ leisurely. Thanks to that, the story about the ‘love letter from the future’ was put to rest.

However, today was different.

Another incident was approaching, but the saintess still had enough mental energy. It was not strange to pay close attention to the ‘love letter’ that emerged again.

Even more so, wasn’t I the one who brought up the story?

No one can see ‘Love Letter from the Future’.

I couldn’t even divulge the contents. This is because if you try to leak information to others other than yourself, distortion will occur.

However, I was able to inform as much as its existence.

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Just like Leto did in the past, the saintess also learned of its existence.

It was a mistake to reveal all the circumstances before.

In the process, she brought up the story of a newly arrived letter, which seemed to stimulate her old curiosity.

And that too in a rather risky way.

The eyes of the saintess whose light had disappeared were terrifying. I felt an untimely chill at that cool voice.

Even in the distant past, I remembered a saintess like this.

It was in the middle of preparing for the hunting festival. When I was with Celine and Seria, out of nowhere, the saintess used to keep them in check.

The saintess at that time was not sincere.

I felt that fact to my bones.

Looking at the saintess’ dry pupils, I broke out in a cold sweat.

“Who, who sent it?”

It was a word I spat out hoping that I wouldn’t ask any more.

Of course, there was no reason at all for the saintess to grant that request.

She smiled softly.

It was still beautiful. enough to stop breathing.

It’s just that I couldn’t tell if it was her beauty or her bleak eyes that made me suffocate.

The saintess asked again in an alluring voice.

“Yes, who… No, what year did you spend?”

In the end, he didn’t even hide his true intentions.

Even if they knew who sent it, it was difficult to say.

If that happened, it would be like an assassin sent by the Holy Kingdom would visit someone’s room.

No, in fact, even in a more conciliatory atmosphere, I would have hesitated to answer.

because I was ashamed to say

How can I confess that the sender is not one?

Of course, it could have come from their respective futures, but it was a perfect situation for misunderstanding. Five women claiming to be ‘fiances’.

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Just the thought of confessing this made me dizzy.

In particular, even if she died, she would not be able to speak to the saintess now.

As I remained silent, the saintess’ smile gradually faded.

And just before it slowly turns into an expressionless face enough to give goosebumps.

I managed to squeeze a trick.

“… … Who do you think sent it?”

It was a simple idea.

A half-question that merely reversed the question received.

However, the effect was beyond imagination.

The spirit of the saintess who had been pressuring me subsided at once.

Her eyes blinked open and closed repeatedly.

“Who… Do you think you sent it?”

“Yes, I think someone sent it… No, I hope someone sent it.”

As the words came and went, the content of the question strangely changed.

From “Who do you think sent it?” to “I hope someone sent it.”

The one that was more effective for the saintess was definitely the latter.

The pale pink eyes began to tremble violently.

The saintess, who stuttered and was silent for a while, soon burst into a low laugh.

“Whoops, ahahahaha… Ahahahaha!”

It was an unexpected reaction.

I couldn’t understand why she burst out laughing, so I looked at the saintess with a puzzled look.

Then, when he looked into the eyes of the saintess, he realized.

Ah, even the saintess doesn’t know.

Her pale pink eyes were spinning.

With a thump, she put her front foot forward and quickly moved away from me.

It had been a long time since she regained her sanity, her face flushed red.

While fanning her hands, the saintess hastily made excuses.

“That, that, why are you asking me that?! I’m not interested, yes… Ha, I’m not interested at all! No matter who sends you a love letter, Isa Nam. huh.”

It sounds like you’re quite interested in what you’re saying.

As my eyes widened, the saintess raised her voice even more, as if she hadn’t been stabbed.

“… … It’s because I’m not really interested!”

If that’s what you want, there’s nothing else to say.

I shrugged and threw a joke.

“okay? I was quite interested, because… … .”

It was then that a crackling sound was heard.

The saintess, who had been waiting for my words with a throbbing expression, turned her head.

The direction the sound came from was clearly towards the treatment room.

The saintess’s expression crumpled in an instant.

Is it because they didn’t listen to my story, or because they were worried about the patient?

Either way, a response of disbelief escaped from the saintess’ lips.

“Nonsense, it can’t happen already… … .”

It was a line that came out frequently after the incident occurred.

And even more than that, it was meaningless.

I signaled to the saintess with my hand to stay, and immediately slammed through the door of the treatment room.

Then, there was a girl holding a broken vase and looking out for me.

It was a bit pitiful to see bandages tied all over the face and arms.

That’s why I’m going to listen to you sooner.

As soon as the elf girl saw me, she hiccuped as if she was even more frightened.

A fear that could not be hidden spread in those blue eyes.

It was probably fear that caused the rampage as soon as he regained consciousness. However, the attitude of a seriously injured person who had just woken up from a hospital bed was close to failing.

I raised my voice right away to bruise her.

“Hey, if you move like that right after you get hurt… … !”

If my eyes hadn’t captured a certain scene, I would have ended my speech.

My mouth, which had been opened, gradually closed, and in proportion to it, my face gradually hardened.

An elf girl growling and glaring at me.

She was showing it.

Those who would have turned into bloody bone fragments because I had abandoned Ajak.

Teeth come only twice in a lifetime.

Borrowing the miracle of divine power allows it to regenerate several times, but this also entails the process of growing and flying again. No matter how fast, the teeth couldn’t grow back in a few hours.

Do elves have a different body structure from humans?

However, I had never heard of such a story even when I came across knowledge about the different races. Also, didn’t the saintess who had already seen an elf speak?

There’s no way it’ll happen already.

If so, the weight had no choice but to turn toward the weirdness of that elf girl.

As my expression grew serious, the elf girl became even more frightened.

As I pointed the broken vase towards me with both hands, I lost my balance and slammed my butt on the spot. Even so, he pushed his foot and dragged his butt backwards.

Even so, there was no place to escape.

The elf girl shouted with tears in her eyes.

“Oh, don’t come! You monster… You guys ruined us!”

It was an odd story for me.

Huh, I responded to the elf with a blank laugh.

“To mess with it, the monster is on your side rather… What is its regenerative ability?”

“Shut up!”

It was a word he shouted while shedding tears.

I hesitated as I was about to approach her.

It was because I felt the desperate sincerity in that outcry.

“You, you made this… After all, I shouldn’t have trusted humans… … .”

And then the elf girl started to sob.

I let out a deep sigh in embarrassment.

The reason why he deliberately asked for the elf’s robe in the battle the other day was because it seemed impossible to have a conversation without it.

Once they were hostile, it was predicted that the result would be obvious if they had to knock it out.

But it was a mistake.

Conversation could not be established with just receiving the monk’s robe once.

“Ugh, black… I, I will never fall for you… … .”

“Oh yeah.”

As soon as I hit the ground with a thump, my body was standing in front of the girl.

The startled elf closed his eyes tightly and tossed out the broken vase.

Thanks to some training, the posture was quite correct. The power carried was also quite good, so if it was an ordinary person, he would not have been able to avoid serious injuries.

Yes, if you were a normal person.

I kicked the vase without hesitation.

Shards of shattered glass were scattered in all directions.

In the gap, I slammed my kicked foot straight into the girl’s chest. The elf crossed his arms and tried to resist, but it was not enough.

The elf girl, who had been trampled on in the stomach, groaned as she tore at my chest.

“Turn it off, ugh… aaagh!”

As I listened, I asked a question.

“Hey, are your teeth growing again?”

An elf girl looking up at me with eyes asking what bullshit she was talking about.

It was admirable that the momentum had not yet weakened.

It was an attitude that seemed to forget that this place was in the middle of enemy lines, and that I was a member of an empire waging a long war with the elves.

I gave the elf girl a hazy smile.

“Then I’m glad.”

right after that.

With a bang, my foot kicked the elf girl in the temple.

The elf girl passed out without even screaming. The impact was so great that a couple of teeth in the radius of impact were pulled out.

After the incident was over, the saintess cautiously came up behind me.

She knew she would get angry at the cruel hands, but the saintess seemed more interested in the elf girl’s physical condition than he was.

“… … The regenerative ability is overactive. This is not the realm of divine power.”

“So what?”

“Magic or alchemy… I think it might be that one.”

It was a new testimony.

I mumbled and stroked my chin, then picked up the fainting elf girl.

And once again stored in the sack that contained the elf.

As soon as I put the sack on my shoulder, the saintess’s embarrassed voice followed.

“Hey, Ian! Where are you going!”

“Isn’t he the one who can heal even if left alone because of his regenerative ability anyway? I finished it in one blow, so I don’t think I need any more treatment.”

After saying that, I smiled and raised my hand.

It was a goodbye.

“See you next time. I have something to talk about with the North… … .”

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Just in time, I was in trouble with the saintess’ obsession with ‘love letters’.

I had prepared such a wonderful excuse, but there was no way I wouldn’t leave.

While the saintess was standing in a daze, I quickly moved out of the shelter of the sun.

It was as if I could hear the saintess’ cry behind me.

“Hey, Ian! But the last confession story… … !”

“Let’s talk next time! And that’s nothing!”

The last words I added were the bare minimum of loyalty towards my friend Yuren.

When he was a corpse giant, he said he wanted to leave me and run away.

Anyway, I was too nice to ride.

My body, carrying the bloody sack, shot like the wind.

The passers-by were just staring at the bizarre figure with stupid expressions.


And after a while, as soon as I got to Emma’s workshop, I threw the sack away.

Emma, who was stomping her feet in my concern, widened her eyes.

It was a situation where he appeared out of nowhere and threw an unknown sack. If I wasn’t panicking, it was even weirder that way.

I said with an awkward smile.

“Open it, that… It is a gift.”

No, it’s a ‘gift’.

The words got a little weird.

But before I could pick up what I had said, Emma was moving her body to open the sack.

It wasn’t long before Emma’s astonished gaze turned to me.

Those eyes seemed to be rebuking me, so I hurriedly replied to clear up the misunderstanding.

“That, that’s Mr. Avian! The person who cheated on you!”

Emma listened to me and looked back and forth between the elf in the sack and me.

and after a while

Emma covered her mouth with tears welling up in her eyes.

“Oh my God, Ian… Why did you make Avian-san a slender girl… … .”

what the hell are you going to do

It seemed like I could hear the abbreviated back remarks, so I had no choice but to raise my voice even more out of resentment.

“… … I didn’t!”

It seemed that Emma had a distorted perception of me.

All I did was knock down my nose bone and punch it until my teeth blew out, then put it in a sack and move it.

It was very merciful for an enemy.


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