5. Bread and dagger (22)

Delphine’s voice was sweet.

The fragrant scent made me dizzy. Delphine sunbae’s sharp nose, ruby-like eyes, and lips with alluring curves in front of me.

If I left it like this, it seemed like they would kiss me.

Because Delphine was such an attractive woman.

It was the reason I had to grit my teeth and wring out superhuman patience.

“… … no.”

Even so, Delphine senpai just stared at me.

It meant giving an acceptable reason.

At times, they called her a ‘female slave’, but her attitude was so arrogant.

“There are many servants and vassals outside the gate. What if someone catches your eye on the way to the bedroom?”

“Umm, should I introduce you as my fiancé?”

I ended up laughing bitterly at that blatant answer.

“If you want to make a life-and-death decision with senior Elsie… … .”

“Yeah, I heard you. That girl confessed first? Oh, I’m even more drawn to it… … .”

Heh, said Delphine with a charming smile.

“I’ll be patient now. Because I’m the one who asked for help right away… But, what do you want to see someday? The face of that pet dog that lost its precious person.”

Anyway, she was a woman with a unique taste.

As I shook my head in a sign of surrender, Delphine slowly left my arms as if satisfied only then.

In the process, I suddenly realized that Delphine was wearing an armor right now.

Of course, this was a fact I knew from the first time I saw it. However, as we brought each other’s bodies closer together, there was a new realization.

I couldn’t even feel the touch of that bouncy body. It was only a hard touch.

It must be because the cold metal wrapped around the female body.

Even though I felt slight regret at this, I couldn’t take my eyes off Delphine-senpai.

At the academy, Delphine was always wearing a uniform. Perhaps because of that, the appearance of wearing the armor was uniquely different.

Was it the first time Delphine wore armor since the hunting festival?

It was so long ago that I don’t remember.

At the time, I was in a trance so much that I destroyed the armor and everything.

It was then that Delphine-senpai’s hand reached for the reception table.

I was immersed in memories for a moment, but I wasn’t so fascinated that I couldn’t understand the intention.

I accepted her offer and sat across from the reception table. Delphine seemed to have anticipated this development from the beginning.

The proof was that the tea cup placed in front of me was filled with warm tea water.

Doesn’t that mean you made the car in advance?

In the end, it was like I was playing with Delphine’s prank again. Those eyes looked bewitching, but they probably weren’t sincere.

The feelings Delphine had for me were not love feelings.

Rather, it was closer to calculating and shady longing.

I wasn’t sad Because it was a fact I knew.

My hand naturally lifted the teacup. The fragrant tea incense tickled the tip of his nose.

It was a luxury item.

If it wasn’t for Delphine-senpai, I wouldn’t even be able to see the tea leaves. Although her income had skyrocketed recently, she was not prepared to spend a fortune on luxuries.

If that’s the case, get a nice hatchet and Marira.

While organizing my miscellaneous thoughts, I asked Delphine-senpai.

“Can’t you make the tea water with the maid?”

“Am I the master’s maid? As an added bonus, I am also a slave.”

It was a relaxed tone.

And it was also a tone that didn’t even feel playful. Delphine-senpai sincerely considered herself to be my slave.

It was not even a laugh.

To think that the owner of this strong fortress is serving the second son of a rural viscount as his owner.

It was a secret that should not be revealed to the world.

I said with a puzzled expression.

“Please don’t do that, Delphine-senpai… Doesn’t it save face as the owner of Yurdina?”

It was a theory.

Even if the academy was called Taji after yielding a hundred times, this was a city ruled by Yurdina. If you were a noble, you shouldn’t have bowed your head recklessly in your territory.

Because this was a matter directly related to the honor of the entire territory.

The Delphine seniors I knew would have made a suitable compromise at this point.

Because she was very proud of being an aristocrat.

That he would call me ‘Master’ only when the two of us were together, or that he would play a practical joke again and try to match me.

However, the tactic that Delphine chose was neither of those two.

He just muttered in a rather dejected voice.

“Whoops, it’s a matter of face… … .”

She laughed weakly and drank the tea.

It wasn’t like Delphine senior. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a helpless look.

The last time I had a bad relationship with Delphine was the last thing I remembered. Even back then, I often looked at my eyes and trembled.

He looked better than he did at the time, but it was clear that Delphine was not normal.

Otherwise, there was no chin to be weak.

As I looked at it with worry, Delphine returned a smile to me.

The corners of her eyes, which curved bewitchingly, were attractive. My heart almost started pounding for a second, but I somehow endured it.

It was because those eyes looked sad somewhere.

“… … So, how was the city of Yurdina? It’s the best big city in the North.”

It was an unexpected question.

Do you want to change your mind or do you have other intentions hidden?

For now, I decided to match Delphine’s rhythm.

Even so, what came out of my mouth was just a common sentiment.

“It was wonderful. I finally realized Yurdina’s potential. It was the first time I knew that so many people could live in this cold place.”

“yes? I’m not sure, actually… I’ve been living here since I was a child.”

At the same time, Delphine’s eyes naturally closed.

It seemed to bring back memories from long ago. No matter how high-ranking aristocrats were, they would have at least one or two pleasant memories.

The North was a cold and barren place, but it was Delphine’s hometown.

The love he had had no choice but to be special.

“At that time, I was such a tomboy. I didn’t listen to what others said even if I died, so I secretly shot here and there every day… … ”

“I can clearly see the hardships of the vassals.”

“That’s right, then Alex had a hard time finding me… It was a time when I received a lot of trust from my father. As you know, I am the only descendant of Yurdina. I have been calling out my name all day long to find the precious golden jade leaf.”

Is that Sir Alex?

I didn’t know if it would be a painting in my own way.

To see the owner of that hard body wandering around looking for a young lady with a broken throat.

Of course, Sir Alex may be regarded as a dark history, but that is the case.

Delphine, immersed in memories, continued his hazy confession.

“Looking back, I think there was an atmosphere in my family that allowed me to run away. Since I was destined to become the owner of the city of Yurdina since I was born, the more I know about the situation, the better, right?”

“So, are you taking good care of that virtue?”

“Yeah, it was… At least that’s what I thought until recently.”

It was a meaningful confession.

I instinctively sensed that the main topic would come soon.

As I tilted the teacup silently, the hot tea water heated my esophagus.

Delphine opened her eyes again only then.

Those crimson eyes were embracing a cool light.

“The battle situation on the front line is suspicious.”

Northern Front Line.

The identity of the two forces facing the border was obvious.

A half-word mixed with a sigh leaked from my mouth.

“… … You mean the elf?”

“Yeah, and it’s also Yurdina’s problem.”

Tak, senior Delphine dropped the teacup onto the table.

A serious tone followed.

“There is too little information… The elves’ offensive has become too fierce. Also, our power has increased too much, and above all, there might be a traitor hiding in the Yurdina family.”


The weight of those three syllables was by no means light.

I felt like I knew why Delphine-senpai had such a gloomy face.

It was a time when he had to be suspicious of his retainers who had been with him since childhood.

Unless she was a woman made of blood and steel, she couldn’t help but feel pain. I looked at Delphine senior with pity.

However, doubts still remained.

“Isn’t that an extravagant reasoning? The war situation may have changed simply because of the elf’s internal circumstances.”

“That’s right, but information keeps leaking somewhere. no… Information coming to me is being blocked.”

Delphine, who tapped the desk with her index finger, was even annoyed.

I couldn’t help but be more suspicious.

“Isn’t the Yurdina family a warlord? Of course, the reporting system should be clear. If information is blocked, the cause must be filtered out… … .”

“What if the person involved disappears?”

I closed my mouth.

It was once or twice that it was dismissed as a runaway. If all the people involved went missing, this had to be seen as an intentional area.

My voice sank.

“… … Is it an inside job?”

“Under the circumstances, yes. And I’m in a situation where I can’t trust anyone right now.”

“Whoa,” said Delphine-senpai as if she was laughing at herself.

Her body burrowed into the soft backrest.

“Am I stupid, am I? To let the control over the family weaken while leaving for the academy… Alas, even if I just won the hunting festival.”

It was a word that stabbed my heart like a sudden.

yes, it was

Winning the hunting festival was a feat that Yurdina’s successors always went through. It was good to say that it was a trophy that would further strengthen Delphine’s shining legitimacy.

But Delphine-senpai failed.

To put it bluntly, it was probably because Delphine was lacking, but I couldn’t deny that the main cause was me.

Eventually, I let out a light moan.

It was clear what he was aiming for. Because there was no way Delphine-senpai didn’t know my feelings.

“… … So can you help me?”

“There’s no way Master betrayed me, right? And the remaining children will not betray their master.”

In conclusion, it was the completion of a chain in which no one could betray Delphine.

I struggled for a while, but there was no way out.

Since the letter arrived from the future anyway, it was impossible for me to withdraw from this incident. And more than anything else, Delphine was in my heart.

Even if I tried to pretend nothing was wrong, it was obvious.

How severe was Delphine’s heartache.

While silently examining Delphine’s complexion, I raised my hands as if to surrender.

“good. I’ll help you, instead… … .”

Delphine’s bloody eyes glanced at me.

It’s like watching something else.

I said to Delphine with a wry smile.

“Chill out a bit. Delphine’s dignified appearance suits her better.”

and silence.

Delphine looked at me blankly without a word. For a moment, it seemed that he did not understand what I meant.

After some time had passed, Delphine-senpai showed some kind of reaction.

“… … oops.”

It was a laugh that burst out as he covered his mouth.

I was embarrassed and coughed. Delphine’s laughter sounded like a mockery, probably because of the inappropriate consolation.

But once again, Delphine’s gaze toward me contained a hint of pleasure.

“Will that be difficult? My master, it seems that he is still lacking in flirting with women. I couldn’t find a better suggestion… … .”

“Would you like me to spank you?”

It was an inadvertent suggestion.

My face flushed at the words so blatant. Delphine looked at me with blank eyes, probably not expecting me to come out like that.

The more the silence continued, the more painful it was for me.

Finally, I covered my flushed face and said.

“No, if you don’t like it… … .”

“… … Only down?”

With that one word, I had no choice but to stop breathing.

Now it was my turn to cast a dumb gaze.

Senior Delphine’s eyes were swaying with some kind of desire.

Tak, I heard the sound of the armor falling off Delphine-senpai’s body.

In order to put on and take off the armor, the help of others was essential. So expensive armor was enchanted so that it could be removed freely.

Delphine’s armor was an example.

The armor snapped and fell to the side. Delphine-senpai, who slowly got up, was wearing only thin underwear.

Delphine-senpai pulled the collar of her tight-fitting underwear to let the air through.

At first glance, it looked like an action to avoid the heat, but looking at that alluring smile and the way she emphasized her cleavage by supporting her chest, her intention was clear.

Slightly pushing her hips back, Delphine emphasized her protruding chest.

And with a smirk, one word.

“Master, even my stupid big tits want punishment… It must have tasted like taking care of it hard for today. Will you please grant this female slave’s wish?”

I didn’t know if it was a plea or a plea.

A quick breath let out a sweet sound. It had been a long time since Delphine’s eyes were also heated and had a sad light.

Finally, I said “Whoa” and caught my breath.

I couldn’t help it. Because I decided to comfort Delphine-senpai.

Yeah, it was never my will.


And I promised to visit Delphine’s bedroom afterwards.

It didn’t mean anything special, it was just to hear the details.

A late-night bedroom would be more suitable for a tryst than an office.

That night.

“Hello, master.”

Late at night in the bedroom, Delphine, who faced me alone, was wearing underwear.

I stopped and covered my face with both hands.

Looking at that mischievous smile, I realized it again.

Delphine is the same.

Apparently, tonight was going to be a little longer.

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