5. Bread and dagger (46)

It is not giving the Snow Leopard Mine a chance to throw the Elf.

My hasty leap followed. The distance between me and Mine is to the point where I have to measure the distance before I know it.

Snow Pyo Mine faced me with a calm expression.

In his hand was another elf.

My body trembled as I faced eyes that had lost even a drop of vitality.

It was the worst fight ever.

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Just in case, I threw down the hatchet. And the ax blade that crushes the skull of the elf held by the Snow Leopard Mine.

Mine didn’t even seem to have the will to avoid it.

The elf’s body twisted into a strange shape, and soon it poured out as a handful of blood.

The snow leopard demon’s eyes, covered in blood, burned with fierce blood.


And it was a jump, a torso slam shot at a speed that was incomparable to the previous one.

I allowed a blow with a chin on that reliable shoulder. A suffocating sound erupted from my mouth.

Is it berserk magic?

Mine’s muscles were swollen enough to be burdensome. I felt like I couldn’t control myself. I almost spit out swear words in the stopped time.

It’s already been hit by one.

My body, which had been pushed out as if it were being shot with a bang, rolled several times on the ground. I gasped and tried to get up, but my vision was still blurry.

And the nails tearing through my focal point.


Pak, and a sword flew and pierced the back of the snow leopard demon’s hand.

However, berserkness takes away even the sense of pain.

The snow leopard demon’s claws were still flying towards me. Nevertheless, Yuren’s efforts were not meaningless.

No matter how painless it is, physical force cannot overcome it.

In the meantime, I flinched, and in the meantime I did a back roll with all my might.

With a bang, his fingernails penetrated the frozen ground. The snow leopard demon tried to pressure me, but a dagger flew in from somewhere and couldn’t accomplish its goal.

The blades stabbing into the place where Mine had been, one after another.

It was Neris-senpai’s skill.

After jumping between the ice picks, she returned to the battlefield. He was panting as if he was a little tired, but his eyes were still bright.

He was the only one of the three frontmen to be uninjured.

Of course, the most well-behaved among us was normal.

Of course, Avian was also included in the avant-garde, but in reality, he had no role other than shivering from a distance.

And Yuren was in the middle of getting out of the puddle.

Mine had already taken a step back, avoiding Neris senior’s dagger. It was a monster that did not avoid even when the back of the hand was pierced.

When I was just stepping back, I just threw the sword that pierced the back of my hand as if it was annoying.

There was only one reason why he had become so rough.

Elves dangling delongdelong from his shoulders.

Do you have three left?

Neris-senpai was intent on targeting the elves, and even though he was insane, the snow leopard demon cared for his own kind.

It’s probably because it’s meant to be used as a spleen number.

It was an unpleasant battle in many ways.

However, there was one fact that the Snow Leopard Mine overlooked.

I don’t know if it was because of his berserk, but he only had three enemies to deal with.

“… … Judgment of Light!”

With a resounding cry, light began to dim in the sky.

The Snow Leopard Mine tried to run away with a puzzled look on her face. However, senior Neris and I had already finished our preparations.

I grabbed Yuren’s sword, which fell to the ground, and Neris-senpai scattered his daggers.

While Majin was avoiding the dagger, my sword pierced his foot. The blade firmly embedded in the frozen ground, and the muscle contraction that naturally accompanies an injury.

There was no way I could escape.

Light’s judgment fell upon the earth.

With a bang, the violence of the gods descended to the ground. It was a spell so terrifying that it felt like the earth was shaking in an instant, a spell completed by a wizard from the 5th circle with great effort.

had to go through

Yes, it has to go through.

After causing an explosion, the crackling highness could not go any further. A semi-transparent film was formed around the elf who died from a broken neck.

I didn’t even know the principle.

However, the result was only revealed as a phenomenon.

The spear of the high charge, which had been pierced, rose rapidly, and was soon shot in a specific direction. The starting point was where Elsie-senpai was.

I screamed.

“Senior Elsie!”

A scream echoed from behind. At least at the last moment, the pure white light burst out, so it seemed that the saintess had resorted to a trick.

Still, the order was reversed.

There was no way Elsie-senpai’s bloodline was normal. I bit my lip and glared at the Snow Leopard Mine.

It was a high level magic of the 5th circle. Although it did not reach the level called ‘great magic’, its power was truly terrifying.

But it was reflected.

He couldn’t even imagine what would happen if the remaining two elves were sacrificed. Neris and I had no choice but to be cautious.

That was the gap that the Snow Leopard Mine was aiming for.

Mine suddenly threw away one of the elves he was holding dear. It was in the direction Yuren was trying to get out of the puddle.

It was an unavoidable blow for him, whose movement radius was limited.

Bang, an explosion of sound erupted, and Yuren’s body flew into the sky.

His body fell to the ground. Seeing him groan, it seemed that it would take time for Yuren to return to the battlefield.

It was fortunate that the explosive power was rather strong.

It could have been pushed out of the puddle for sure.

If not, Yuren would have been eroded by that black liquid and slowly lost his life.

I should have checked in advance to prevent that from happening.

In resentment, I recklessly kicked the ground and was shot. Senior Neris also quickly followed me.

After that, it was a series of workshops.

While Neris-senpai threw a dagger to keep me in check, I dug into Mine’s arms in the meantime.

That’s how you cut, shoot, and stab with a sword.

While being bounced off several times along the way, I took turns with Neris-senpai and attacked Mine. Even so, I couldn’t overwhelm Mine who had finished berserk.

More than anything, it was because the last remaining elf was annoying.

I didn’t know what kind of magic that elf had, so I had to be passive. In the end, it was Neris-senpai who solved the difficult problem.

While I was digging into my arms, the blade shot again.

As always, Mine twisted her body to avoid it.

If only the blade hadn’t been shaped like a crossed iron cross.

With a puck, the blade edged past the elf’s skull.

I exclaimed joy inwardly.

Neris-senpai’s blade was in the space expansion bag. There was no need to keep only the dagger.

Senior Neris’ face also brightened noticeably.

It seemed that the long battle was coming to an end. The woman took a quick step.

No, I was about to step out.

It would have been if the shadow hadn’t stretched out its arms out of nowhere. Those wobbly arms and legs tightened Neris-senpai’s entire body, pinning him to the ground so much that he couldn’t move.

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Just in time, I was about to put a needle on the stomach of the flustered snow leopard.

My body quickly escaped the attack of the snow leopard demon. The snow leopard demon couldn’t ignore the stab wound to the abdomen, and staggered back a couple of steps.

I cried in a worried tone.

“Neris-senpai, are you okay?!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay… Heh, ugh?!”

However, the more senior Neris struggled, the more the shadow tightened.

When I returned my gaze to the Snow Leopard Mine with a nervous heart.

“Blessings reflect wishes.”

With a calm voice, the Snow Leopard Mine captured his cold breath. The muscles were rapidly shrinking, and steam was flying.

The lightening is over.

Blood leaked endlessly from the penetrating wound in the abdomen. Victory and defeat were clear.

It was fortunate. Neris-senpai’s last move worked.

Even so, it was forbidden to be vigilant until the battle was over.

I glared at the snow leopard with wary eyes.

“… … What are you talking about?”

Then Mine giggled and burst into a faint laugh. His expression before the end was just calm.

so annoying.

“We are blessed by Leoric… I sacrificed my life for the price, and turned my lifelong wish into power. The one who shivered in the cold all his life burst into flames, and the one who suffered from hunger became a deadly poison that devours the world. How about the daggers we forged at the cost of our lives?”

“It was the worst.”

It was an ambiguous expression.

The Snow Leopard Mine smiled bitterly. He slowly crouched down.

It is the last battle.

Sensing this, I looked behind me. The flow of magical power was unusual. The princess’s magic, which had finished her probation, was about to be cast.

Still, isn’t it a matter of life and death with an unmanned person?

At the last moment, I thought about competing alone, but I soon gave up.

There was nothing more stupid than finding romance on the battlefield.

More than anything, it was the magic I felt. There was no way the Snow Leopard Mine hadn’t noticed.

He also finished his resolve.

I quietly aimed my sword at him.

“Come on, I’ll end that many lives.”

Yangcheon Daeso bursts out with those words.

“Puh, ha ha ha ha ha!”

The snow leopard Mine burst into laughter, then lowered her posture and glared at me.

With a bang, the ground shook and the rush began.

I straightened my posture without a word.

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