5. Bread and Dagger (80)

Senior Delphine, whom I hadn’t seen in a while, was still charming.

Golden hair that reminded me of the midsummer sun, and blood-red eyes that glistened like rubies. It was a woman with flawless, clear, white skin and smart features.

It was strange if not beautiful.

Even a religious person with a high spirit cannot help but harbor an infatuation with this woman.

However, the complexion of the senior Delphine I met today looked a bit tired.

It was a time to be at the forefront. Even so, there must have been several reasons why Delphine couldn’t vacate his seat.

For example, Marquis Yurdina’s betrayal.

It was hard to believe that the old man suffering from illness was actually the advance guard of the Dark Church.

However, the witness was too sure, and the report from senior Neris was the same. They were all pointing out the suspicious behavior of Marquis Yurdina.

Marquis Yurdina was not a very capable knight.

He had willpower and character, but he was not overflowing with talent. It was a fatal flaw in the North, where force was revered.

Unlike senior Delphine, he had as many as six siblings.

Among them, there were those who proved Yurdina’s excellent bloodline. Even so, the reason Marquis Yurdina was able to hold full power over the family was because his skills developed explosively from a certain point.

Until now, I thought it was a late blooming talent.

However, after listening to the princess’s testimony, it was an exquisite point of view that made people say, ‘It’s a must’. Efforts shined right before the successor of the Yurdina family was decided.

Delphine-senpai must have heard of this as well.

Seria, who was tormented by the fact that she had to be kind to her father, couldn’t come to a conclusion. Then, since Delphine-senpai came back, the right to decide should also be given to Delphine-senpai.

It was a terrible torture.

The climate in the coniferous forest was harsh. To think that she had to make such a painful decision right after returning home after wading through that vast sea of trees.

I couldn’t help but feel pity as a human being.

Even Delphine was the woman I spent the night with.

I sat down in front of Delphine, who silently refilled my drink.

Permission was not required.

Delphine looked at me with a wry smile.

Even in the midst of that, the eyes that drew a thin line were attractive. The expression ‘yomul’ really suits it.

“… … What’s going on, Mr. West?”

I gasped for an instant at the sudden name.

I think he was trying to have a serious talk, but his hair went white at once.

I swallowed a blank laugh and asked Delphine senior.

“Are you West?”

“Yes, Mr. West… Isn’t that wrong?”

Delphine-senpai’s slender index finger stretched out. The corner of his mouth that drew a meaningful smile seemed to touch my heart.

“I covet my body so much, beast.”

“I remember the last time I tried to quit… … .”

“That is worse. Enjoy it as much as you like, and you won’t see the end?”

I had nothing to say.

The relationship between a man and a woman has always been like this. A man’s virginity and a woman’s virginity were not of equal value.

A woman who has lost her virginity must always be a sinner.

I licked my lips and raised my hands in surrender.

“good. What does the West do?”

“What kind of favoritism… Fufu, it’s okay.”

It was a helpless laugh.

He was hiding it as a joke, but there was no way Delphine was feeling well.

Normally, he would never show his true feelings to me like this.

However, after that night, Delphine-senpai changed.

Maybe the changes that had been going on before that day exploded from that day. But either way, it was clear that Delphine’s attitude toward me had become more subtle.

Are body relationships really that important?

The look of Delphine sunbae as he swayed and tilted his glass was pitiful. She put her hand on her forehead and let out a shaky breath.

“… … Isn’t it funny?”

“It’s not funny at all.”

“I am laughing at myself right now. It feels like everything I’ve known as common sense my whole life is collapsing. And again, I didn’t know what to do… … .”

Meanwhile, Delphine tried to refill the glass again. If only I hadn’t snatched that hand the other day.

Bloody eyes stared at me.

I decided to make my intentions more intuitively understood. I poured some liquor into Delphine-senpai’s glass, and brought the glass to me.

And the wine that goes down the esophagus at once.

The flavor was always fragrant. My body was startled by the sudden drinking, but it was already ruined anyway.

Delphine sunbaenim’s puzzled eyes were met with old memories.

“Do you remember? The day we first met.”

“Of course I remember, the first time I saw a man naked… I didn’t expect that man to take even a virgin.”

Delphine senpai once again quietly brought up the story of the first night.

Do you want to stimulate my guilt, or do you want to move on to the subject naturally.

Of course, I had no intention of complying with that intention.

A hardened voice came out of my mouth.

“At that time, Delphine-senpai offered me a glass. In the North, pouring a drink into one glass makes you a friend.”

Senior Delphine kept her mouth shut.

Eyes filled with complex feelings were directed at me.

Do you think it’s surprising?

I don’t know why this memory comes up so clearly. Just one thing, I was sure what I had to say.

“Now we are comrades, senior Delphine.”

“… … Do you know how scary that is?”

The one word that was finally spat out was somewhat heated by the smell of alcohol.

Delphine said in a clearer voice than before.

“In the North, there are no soldiers who abandon their comrades and run away. Whether you live or die, it’s one life… You can neither betray nor run away.”

The significantly lowered tone made me feel as if it was threatening me.

I can’t step out any more.

Do you have the confidence to do that?

So I had to smile bitterly.

It’s like watching a frightened puppy.

Lonely and lonely, he covets true comrades. The more so, the standard of ‘comrade’ had to be higher and more demanding.

I want to have it, but I can’t have it.

That resignation subtly emanated from Delphine-senpai’s voice.

The ridicule towards the world that you are too.

But, on the contrary, those words pointed to Delphine’s sincerity.

despair, laugh

The more you do, the more you want a real relationship. I’m afraid of being ignored and betrayed, so I just don’t carelessly give my heart.

It would be the exact opposite.

They want certainty that goes beyond denial.

I was not familiar with the heart of a woman. Even so, for some reason, I could clearly see Delphine’s inner feelings now.

“Is that okay? I’m the daughter of a traitor, and the North is on the verge of being destroyed by that crime… But I still can’t abandon it. It’s a battle where defeat is obvious…!”

“You’ve been like that until now.”

The mouth of Delphine, who had been speaking passionately, was immediately shut.

I wonder what he wanted to say, his lips were swollen, but that was it.

I added more confidence to my reasoning.

“Did you win like that? Abandoned, betrayed, cheated… Isn’t that why you apply the same standard to me? I can’t believe it.”

“……Is that bad?”

Delphine’s voice began to tremble. The same goes for the eyelashes protruding from between closed eyelids.

You’re drunk.

It’s not like she’s a woman who can express her true feelings to that extent, but it was clear that that was one of the factors.

Delphine-senpai was spitting out old fears.

It was an excuse he gave himself.

“I lived my whole life without being allowed to be defeated! Because I am the only heir and I am the northern sun… If I collapse, it will not end with me alone. All the people of the north will follow my steps one by one…!”

“And I want to believe.”

It was an addition that I threw while savoring the drink.

Delphine’s breath stopped for a moment at the point that followed the words immediately before me.

I didn’t miss the chance.

“But not me.”

My hand cautiously reached Delphine’s hand.

She hesitated at first, but in the end, she couldn’t resist my hand.

The swaying bloody pupils were facing me.

All you need now is sincerity.

“There are no Westerners who abandon their wives.”

In response to my shy confession, Delphine didn’t return anything.

I was stunned for a while.

After laughing

After shedding tears, she smiled strangely.

It was the first laugh I had ever seen in my life.

As if going back to childhood, Delphine smiled broadly.

“So, our West, do you have any plans?”

“There are elves.”

It was bullshit.

It was true, but it was a story I had heard from old Pope and Isha. Even the details are confidential.

There was no way Delphine would believe it.

Yes, if it was a while ago.

However, Delphine sighed and burst into laughter.

“Okay, do whatever you want.”

And Joo-wook, Delphine’s index finger trying to lick my uvula.

A seductive smile floated above his vision.

“Win or lose, I don’t know… Please don’t die. I’m not going to make you a widow, am I?”

At the same time, the appearance of quietly disturbing the clothes.

The night was hot.

And a few days later, after I was ready, I stood on top of a flesh monster.

“Please investigate Seria.”

Recalling the last question I left with Delphine.

Bloody letter paper.

That was especially bothering me.

The showdown had just begun.

My body hit the ground and was shot.

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