6. Proof of Existence (9)

“Isn’t that too much?”

The saintess’ bedroom was spacious and cozy. The very fact that a room this size existed in an orphanage was enough to cause a sense of incongruity.

The furniture wasn’t fancy, but it was neat. It was the same with the datak placed between me and the saintess.

The fragrant smell of tea tickles your nose.

It’s not an expensive car, but it’s not cheap either. There was such an exquisite aspect to the way the saintess treated me.

Between luxury and rudeness.

She was faithful to her hospitality while keeping her duties as a priest. Seeing that even the orphanage he came from adheres to these principles, it may have been an iron rule he had learned since childhood.

A sense of balance was important to avoid being criticized by anyone.

From my point of view, the true strength of the saintess was in this aspect. The saintess’ political power, which exquisitely crossed between justification and practicality, was close to the realm of instinct.

Of course, it was an exception when dealing with me.

Right now, the saintess was openly revealing her feelings. Every time the cold gaze pricked me, my pupils slightly turned to the side.

That was too much, it was a heartbreaking comment.

I sighed, clearing my throat, and intentionally pretended not to.

“What are you talking about… … .”

“Try it one more time. I will be really angry.”

while already angry.

I wanted to object like that, but the saintess held the initiative in this edition. In the end, I couldn’t overcome the saintess’ cold silence.

“Yes, I was wrong.”

“What did I do wrong?”

It was a question I had heard before.

I remembered what Leto had told me before. I think that was some serious advice.

‘Ian, women’s minds are complicated… Even if you do something wrong, you won’t be angry. Then do you know how to do it?’

‘I’m not interested.’

‘Just listen, it’s a baby.’

I felt a deep gratitude in the memories that came to my mind. At the time, I thought Leto was annoying again, but there were few more important stories in my life.

he had told me this

‘Ask me what I did wrong. I was angry, but I’m ashamed to say it with my own mouth… It’s funny that he got angry over something like that.’

So he told me what to do in this case.

After a few seconds of desperate brainstorming, I managed to come up with an answer.

“I-I’m sorry for making you sad… … .”


At that point, the saintess could not stand it and slammed the desk.

I tried to recite more specific charges, but I froze. The saintess couldn’t hold back her anger and slammed the desk with her palms.

“Why, why are the party increasing at will?! I can understand even my sister. But a childhood friend, a flirty female dog… I heard they hugged each other and went crazy while I was gone?”

As the bruise continued, a deep moan escaped from my mouth.

To be honest, it was too much. It was because the saintess was treated like a sack of barley.

The saintess seemed very angry at such treatment. The way he slammed the table, unable to overcome his anger, looked cute because it looked like a baby bird struggling.

Of course, I wasn’t brave enough to say this.

A cold sweat ran down his spine.

“Are you stupid? Don’t you notice?! Don’t you know what a woman means when she says they want to go home alone?!”

“I’m sorry, saintess. But there’s nothing you can do about it… … ”

“I do not know!”

Hmph, the saintess snorted and turned her head away.

The way her eyes were closed and her cheeks puffed out was artificial and lovely. It was the appearance of putting out a swollen tee to the limit.

It means to be comforted.

I understand the intention, but it was an embarrassing request as I had no experience of comforting women.

All you had to do was pet Elsie-senpai, kiss Lia on the cheek, and Celine could somehow work it out by joking around.

What should a saintess do to please her?


It was an extremely rude idea, but it was surprising that it was a strategy that seemed to work.

Even in the midst of this, the saintess’ ‘I’m pissed off’ continued to show off. Even when I glanced at my eyes, whenever my eyes met, a snort came out without fail.


I feel like a child at times like this.

Finally, I said with a wry smile.

“Then can I grant you a wish?”

“… … wish?”

Fortunately, there was a response.

The saintess swallowed her drool as if she was lost in thought. Even so, there was still a hint of hesitation.

He didn’t seem to be sure if he could let go of his anger just like this.

It was time to push harder.

“Yes, I have been indebted to you a lot… As long as it’s a wish, you have to grant it.”

“Well, that’s true, but… … .”

She pretended not to be a saint and came over. It was a signal that he would slowly release his anger.

I responded and continued talking.

“Because there were a lot of rudeness today. I’ll go somewhere nice next time.”

Then, the saintess pretended to be immersed in thought while making a strange sound.

It was literally ‘che’, so I already knew what the answer would be anyway.

On purpose, I put on a rather pitiful smile.

It didn’t take long for the answer I was looking for to come back.

“… … like.”

It sounded like mercy, but I decided not to care. It was because the effort not to express a happy heart was clearly felt.

As evidence of that, the saintess showed a proud smile. There was a soft hum in his voice.

“Then take me to a nice place next time. Just the two of us, somewhere where no one disturbs us.”

It was a very humble wish.

Rather, it was a story that most men would wish for a lifetime. Spending time with the saintess alone, just the two of you.

I had no reason to refuse.

Words of conformity flowed naturally from my mouth.

“Is it possible?”

“It’s just the two of you.”

Even so, the saintess emphasized to me again, as if she was still uneasy.

“And it has to be a place where nobody, nobody gets in the way. It’s not a place where someone suddenly comes in with a kitchen knife, or where the enemy makes a surprise attack in the dark.”

It was an oddly specific request. I had to laugh while listening to those examples.

“With common sense, who would go to a place like that?”

Of course, the saintess’ reaction was nothing but flinching.

It didn’t take long before I cleared my throat and looked away. The saintess, who had been looking at me disapprovingly until then, swallowed her saliva.

It seemed that there was a question that just came to mind.

His puzzled eyes turned to the saintess. The hesitation didn’t last long, and the saintess carefully asked me a question.

“What are you doing these days?”

It’s a job, there was a lot of it.

The mere existence of the ‘traitor’ mentioned in the letter made my hair stand on end. Wasn’t the word ‘family’ even mentioned together?

It wasn’t just one or two people who noticed right away.

Even so, I couldn’t confide my feelings to the saintess. Not because he didn’t believe in the saintess, but because he remembered the image of the saintess taking care of the children.

It looked fun. Is it necessary to destroy that happiness already?

While I hesitated, the saintess’ attitude became more cautious.

“It’s just like this morning. I wasn’t really that rude… … .”

Finally, I sighed and shook my head.

It was information that had to be revealed at some point anyway. There was nothing wrong with consulting in advance.

Actually, the problem was different.

“There seems to be a traitor among us.”

“… … ? Yes, we are all valuable colleagues.”

“According to the letter, there is an incident at the orphanage.”

“The orphanage has good facilities. I haven’t done this before, but it’s probably thanks to Seongguk’s concern, right?”

Conversation slips. There was no point of engagement, so it was useless to say anything.

It was a phenomenon I had experienced before.

The contents of the letter from the future can only be read by me. Even if you try to disclose information about it, it becomes a separate story the moment it is delivered to the other person.

After several attempts, I only confirmed that unchanging fact.

Facing the saintess’ dubious expression, there was only one piece of information I could convey.

“A letter has arrived.”

Up to this level of information was not distorted. It was in a similar vein when I consulted with Leto before.

Seeing the saintess’ serious face, I added a few words.

“You know? When will the personality from the future be revealed?”

“Isn’t that what happens when you drink too much?”

“… … Not necessarily.”

It was because I couldn’t bear to say no to the momentary gap.

Once I lose consciousness, the personality from the future emerges, and the main means is drinking.

It was then that ominous signs began to appear on the saintess’ face.

Compared to taking care of orphans, it was a devastating crack.

“Then, please, here… … .”

“I don’t know yet. I am looking into it.”

Unlike the contents of the letter, there were no restrictions on sharing the information I found out through my own research. In addition, when these clues gather and go to the stage of rational reasoning, you can recite the key content from the letter.

It was said that it was not yet time to talk about ‘traitor’. On the other hand, it was also said that he had to tell the saintess about it someday.

First, information gathering was more important. I asked in a more serious tone.

“So I have a question… Have you ever heard of ‘top’?”

“You mean the top?”

“He said he often visits the orphanage. I heard from one kid that he often takes them.”

The saintess narrowed her brows as if lost in thought for a moment. Even for a moment, the information I was hoping for flowed through her lips.

“There is a cooperative guild at the orphanage. They not only deliver supplies regularly there, but also broker adoptions of orphaned children. Because it is located in a remote place… … .”

“Are you the top that specializes in such work?”

“No, I heard it’s not like that. However, the upper ranks of the Holy Kingdom are doing at least one or two social contribution activities even if they are pretending. Perhaps the main job… … .”

Tok, tok. The slender index finger tapping the table made a charming sound.

“The Beast Industry.”

yes, that’s how it should be

As soon as I heard the saintess’ words, I wanted to applaud.

And the next day, I got on the carriage with Leah. It was because of the judgment that contact would be easier since Lia was also handling the corpse of the monster.

Lia was excited about the trip with me alone without knowing the circumstances.

“Heh, do you finally catch your eye on your little sister?”

Even though he pretended to be shy on the outside.

Even so, she couldn’t hide her swollen breasts. The slightly flushed cheeks showed Lia’s anticipation.

I smiled bitterly and apologized to Leah.

“Sorry, I haven’t been paying much attention lately. But for the next few days, just the two of us… … .”

It was then that an unexpected voice came from the driver’s seat.

“Are you comfortable inside?”


Lia was startled by the sudden low-pitched sound and shuddered. The shrunken shoulders, the shaking eyes, and the action of quickly digging into my arms represented that feeling.

I was also surprised, but Leah’s reaction was quite dramatic, so I calmed down.

By the way, don’t you usually call ‘Mom’ when you’re surprised? Unusually, Leah was calling me.

Either way, Leah was quite surprised.

As an older brother, there was no way I wouldn’t take the lead. I immediately poked my head out the window.

The shadow of a familiar man could be seen from the front of the running carriage.

Brown hair and blue eyes.

I had no choice but to let out a dumbfounded voice.

“… … Mr. Reynolds?”

“Just in case, I also have business over there… Please take good care of me for a few days, nephew and son-in-law.”

I couldn’t bring myself to say it, but I had a feeling that reached my throat.

why are you here

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