6. Proof of Existence (13)

Scenery has no meaning in speed.

It was because it felt like a compressed solid line anyway. The only thing that stimulated the five senses along with the sound of the strong wind was the heavy touch of the foot stepping on it.

It was a run with all my might.

There was no time to look around. As I got closer and closer to my destination, my vision was being eroded by sand dust.

The faint smell of blood brushes the tip of your nose. A scream came through the wind. The sharp noise of weapons colliding, my brain was soon filled with the image of someone.

Leah Percus, my sister was staying there.

Dozens to hundreds of hellholes continuously vomited acid. The paladins covered in dark green liquid screamed. The melted human figure was not worth seeing even with empty words.

It’s only been a few hours since I’ve been away, and in the meantime, the military camp has become a mess.

I gasped and stopped walking ahead of the battlefield. Only then did the man sitting on my back lightly step on the ground.

It was Mr. Reynolds.

A wizard cannot run faster than a swordsman. It was possible to increase speed with flying magic, etc., but it was not comparable to the speed of a skilled swordsman running with all his might. So Mr. Reynolds had to endure the humiliation of being carried on my back.

Because the existence of a competent mage is irreplaceable in large-scale melee.

He seemed to have read my impatience and spoke in a calm tone.

“Hurry up and go find your in-laws.”

“but… … .”

I want to do that too. It was like a chimney. But no words came out of my mouth.

The war had already turned into a melee. The Paladins who were injured and retreated immediately could be seen. In front of those who are about to die, how can I put my selfishness first?

Even so, Mr. Reynolds face did not show even the slightest disturbance.

“I am responsible for this.”

While I hesitated, Mr. Reynolds raised his index finger and waved away. Along that trajectory, lines of bright blue electric charge lined up.

and after a few seconds.

The air screamed and lightning bolted down. An explosion erupted, randomly lifting the surface of the earth. Hellholes had to scream and twist their bodies.

“It’s a wizard! The wizard’s aid has come!”

“Counterattack, counterattack! Protect the wounded!”

Even the Young Chang didn’t do it properly. He only had to play with his fingers a few times, and the results of Mr. Reynolds gestures were truly terrifying.

It was a power comparable to Elsie’s ‘Gale Confidence’.

I remembered the title of Mr. Reynolds again.

‘The Great Wizard’, indeed, was a different level of skill. I finally understood why senior Elsie was afraid of Mr. Reynolds.

He urged me again.


I nodded without speaking. At best, they even resorted to using force to reassure them, but they couldn’t complain about it.

With a much lighter heart, the sprint resumed.

As worried, the confusion on the battlefield had spread to the inside of the military camp. The priests hastened their busy steps to take care of the rushing wounded, and the merchants and non-combatants were in the middle of their packs.

A faint moan escaped my teeth as I watched.

The corpses of hellholes were strewn all over the place. It seemed that they had dug under the ground and carried out a surprise attack. Everyone has no choice but to get scared and run away.

It felt like my chest was burning. I just wanted to find Leah. However, no matter how much I looked around, I couldn’t find Lia.

Instead, there was one tooth that caught my eye. He was the least knowledgeable man here.

Two paladins who came out to escort me.

They struggled to swallow their moans and struggled. After hesitating for a moment, I took out a hatchet.

The risk was too great to follow Lia’s tracks recklessly. It was better to find people who might know where Leah was headed.

Those two were the most influential people.

They were the ones who had been instructed to escort me and Mr. Reynolds. Of course, there was a high possibility that he was entrusted with the management of Lia, our party.

There was no way I could have left the two of them before anyway. It was because the vibrations echoing from the basement were touching my intuition.

A silver flash shot from my hand.


My words were so short that even honorific words could not be achieved. It was because it was such an urgent situation.

The Paladins quickly threw their bodies to the side while making puzzled faces. And a hand ax that creates a blast, rips through the atmosphere and slams into place.

And fountains of blood gushed from the ground.


With a scream, the wrinkled, cylindrical body rose up. Blood flowed from the mouth, which had been filled with dirt until just before that. Dark green, acidic venom mixed with blood and dripped.

The hatchet was halfway through the top of the monster’s mouth.

I inadvertently tsk, and clicked my tongue. I was going to end it all at once, but it was difficult to guess the exact location because it was surging from the underground.

Of course, it was a story limited to me.

The Paladins, who did not even notice the existence of the Hell Hole, were very surprised. The eyes of the two people were devastated and scanned my face. It was the attitude of dealing with someone I had never seen before.

My eyes were stained with sudden suspicion. And it wasn’t long before I realized. The fact that the hood that covered my face had come off in the middle of the battle.

The Paladins didn’t know my identity. Of course, he had no choice but to look at me with unfamiliar eyes.

However, the presence of the hatchet I threw seemed to be beyond imagination.

“Hey, maybe… Are you Sir Ian?”

The eyes of the younger of the two paladins shone. It was a gaze stained with longing for anyone to see.

When I saw you a few hours ago, you were making a face of resentment.

I couldn’t help but nod my head while putting on an awkward smile.

“Yes, it is.”

Then, it was the middle-aged paladin who showed a more dramatic reaction.

His arm had been broken by me, and he had a worried face. However, right after hearing my words, the dark clouds that had hung over the man’s face quickly flew away.

Rather, he cried out in joy.

“Sir Ian Percus is here! You have come to rescue us!”

It was a resounding old castle that even contained magical power.

My son-in-law fell silent, and I was taken aback by the sudden announcement and tried to dissuade him.

It was then that cheers erupted from all directions.

“Humanity’s hero has arrived!”

“A monster like that can’t be our opponent!”

“If you want honor, swing your sword!”

In the end, the only thing that came out of my mouth was a hollow laugh.

I didn’t even check the authenticity. Am I Ian Percus, or someone impersonating Ian Percus? Nonetheless, everyone was cheering.

Maybe it’s because I want to believe

It is a situation where a large army of witches has invaded out of nowhere. It’s an objectively hopeless condition, and in the midst of this, I can’t see a path to victory. The first hope that appeared then was me.

It was good even if it was some kind of self-brainwashing.

The only difference was that I had an obligation to make that indoctrination a reality. I immediately threw back the hatchet and plunged my sword deep into the ground.

Rumble, and the earth trembled.

Following the sound in his ears, he poured all his strength into the hand holding the sword. The more magical energy it contained, the more the sword body vibrated and screamed. A white, white aura was cutting through the ground.

Toduk, tok. There was a cracking sound somewhere.

Is it a blood vessel or a tendon.

However, the veins in my eyes were bulging as I gritted my teeth. A bitter moan flowed from my mouth as I finally burned my mana.

please let’s end this

The moment the wind ended, the world was dyed with light.

Kwak-kwa-kwang, the ground exploded with a fierce explosion. Along with the mounds of dirt came the screams of hellholes. A crack was forming in the ground around the spot where I had inserted the sword.

And the blood welling up through the gap like a spider’s web.

stagger. The weak holes of hell barely poke their faces out of the ground, then fell down in exhaustion. He had wounds all over his body. It was the result of being ovulated by an aura that dug into the ground.

The vibrations I felt under the ground were no longer felt. As soon as I confirmed this, I hurriedly approached the middle-aged paladin.

“Where is Leah?”

“Gee, you really were Sir Ian… … .”

The middle-aged paladin had a bewildered face. I put on a dejected smile in those eyes that contained faint disbelief.

“Then isn’t it? Rather, my sister… … .”

“He is in the tent at the rear.”

The answer came from the young paladin. I looked at him with surprised eyes.

“I was evacuated there as soon as the raid started. As a guest… … .”

“thank you.”

I hurriedly kicked the ground, leaving only a brief greeting. After running in the direction the young paladin pointed out, I caught a luxurious tent in my field of vision.

That’s it.

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Just as I was about to flirt, I heard screams from inside the tent.

“Help me… brother!”

The voice of my younger sister, both in name and reality.

My brain immediately turned white.

Strange memories began to emerge on my retinas.

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