6. Proof of Existence (18)

Mages explore the hidden rules of the world.

According to the myth, in the distant past, Arus was born with the light, so the darkness appeared, and his name was Omeros. The order of the beginning began to be established from then on.

Light and darkness are inextricably linked. Therefore, where there is a light source, there is always a shadow, and as light conceives fire, darkness conceives water.

Therefore, where there is an abundance of light and heat, water disappears, and where it is dark and cold, fire disappears. These rules had a very precise relationship.

The only one who knows all of this is Arus, the heavenly god.

The reason and wisdom he symbolized meant this. Because ‘omniscience’ was the only way to achieve ‘omnipotence’.

However, wisdom was not the exclusive possession of Cheonsin.

When Homeros built the bodies of all life forms, Arus gave away pieces of his secret wisdom little by little. And among them, there were also beings who were particularly blessed by the heavenly gods.

They were the dragons, and the dragons soon began to seek the truth on their own. By the time the dragon disappeared after thousands of years, humanity inherited fragments of its secret truth.

That was the beginning of magic.

With this background, the magicians’ desire for knowledge was terrifying. All unexplained phenomena were the subject of their research, and many times they did not choose any means or methods to solve the mystery.

So the people respected but feared the magician.

They were intellectuals who knew nothing, but on the other hand, they were well aware of the fact that they were monsters who sacrificed humanity for knowledge.

But sometimes you have to go inside the monster’s mouth yourself.

In particular, magic-related problems had no choice but to ask the wizard. At my one-long speech, senior Elsie gave a puzzled face, and the princess, who emerged as an image beyond the crystal sphere, clearly looked puzzled.

“Our master… Are you doubting me?”

“Oh, I agree! Sir Ian, I am a good wizard. Have you ever heard of a pet dog biting its owner? I can confidently say that no wizard is farther from conspiracy than I am!”

No, the concept of ‘pet’ is unfamiliar to me in the first place.

Those words ran right through my throat, but I felt the need to clear up the misunderstanding.

“no no. I’m not saying senior Elsie or Her Highness are like that. maybe someone It sounds like it could be.”

For example, a wizard who coveted the dark church while coveting forbidden knowledge.

It was a very realistic hypothesis, so Elsie’s expression slightly hardened. As such, it was common for even wizards to not trust the tribe of wizards.

After a while, a faint moan flowed from Elsie-senpai’s hesitant mouth.

“Yes, there is a possibility, but… … .”

“Then what did you get in return for?”

Unlike senior Elsie, who was at least trying to protect the honor of the wizard, the princess’ reasoning was unstoppable. Rather, his light gray eyes were shining with interest.

“The magic of a new system practiced long ago? Forbidden knowledge that humans shouldn’t touch? Ah, maybe it’s a summary of the dark element reactions that have only been passed on through rumors… … .”

“Your Highness, please do that.”

It was an inorganic bruise from senior Elsie. Only then did the princess come to her senses and began to panic.

It seemed that he was aware that he had made a dangerous statement, as he secretly looked at me. It would have been nice if I had noticed sooner.

With a sigh, I tried to praise senior Elsie.

“As expected, the only person I can trust is senior Elsie… … .”

“The dark element reaction is nothing but fantasy. I’ve been researching for thousands of years, but I haven’t come up with a clear theorem, right? I don’t know if I would have been helped in my research on the conversion reaction between the light element and the electric element.”

Even though senior Elsie betrayed my expectations without fail.

I realized. The fact that there is no such thing as a trustworthy wizard in this world.

Still, aren’t we a party with a mission to save humanity against Delphirem? But it’s like the member is negotiating the cost of cooperating with the Dark Church.

It was a mind-boggling feeling.

Whether or not, the two were immersed in their own logic.

“Oh, isn’t it?! There’s no proof that dark element reactions don’t exist! Denying the existence of the dark element leads to too many unsolved problems.”

“If you look at it together, it might look like that, but if you look at it scattered, it can be fully explained in the realm of individual theories, right? In the first place, the existence of the dark element itself is unclear. It is rather more reasonable to view darkness as the absence of the light element.”

“Are you insulting our Delos school?!”

As time passed, the two wizards’ argument grew more violent. It just felt like a useless argument to me, but Elsie and the princess responded more sincerely than ever.

Right now, even the princess was raising her voice with excitement. Maybe it was because I was too excited, but my pronunciation leaked a little at the end.

Senior Elsie had a fishy smile on her face. It seemed like he wanted to pretend to be relaxed, but he couldn’t even hide his trembling lips.

“insult? Could you please stop using expressions that mislead objective facts? Hey, there’s no way there will be a revolution in theory in an old gathering like the Delos School.”

“Did you say anything?! The Delos school is definitely a mainstream school recognized by the imperial family… … !”

“Stop, stop.”

As the atmosphere gradually became overheated, I had no choice but to dissuade the princess. Even so, it had been quite a while since the princess couldn’t let her anger go.

It made him think of the princess he had met for the first time.

Where did the intelligent and insidious-looking girl of that time disappear? I felt the need to get back to the point.

“Everyone, calm down, let’s start by sharing our story. Is there any magic that can subdue a skilled knight at once? Also, the eyes of the PC electron have to ‘flicker’.”

The new topic made the wizards’ mouths heavy.

Solving the question was no different from the investigators’ duty. Soon a new discussion began to take place.

“If you subdue the knight at once, how far is it?”

“No matter how far you are, it’s hard to subdue a knight right in front of you. It must be an instantaneous magic that doesn’t even require a chant.”

“But there is a limit to the power of instant magic. Is it possible to subdue a skilled knight with a single shot?”

“It would be possible for a mage who is far superior to a knight. Even if you exclude the possibility of ‘magic’.”

The conclusion came out of my mouth.

“In the end, what matters is the type of magic. What kind of magic will give you the feeling of ‘flickering’ before your eyes?”

“You won’t know unless you try it, right?”

It was a clear and principled answer.

It was impossible for the caster to know the experience of the caster. In particular, the explanation that it gives the feeling of ‘flickering’ in front of the eyes was not particularly noteworthy.

Then there was only one answer.

“… … I will have to experiment.”

Silence fell over my trembling voice. It wasn’t difficult to do the experiment, but the subject of the experiment was a problem.

Not many people would want to have the experience of passing out after seeing a ‘flash’ in front of their eyes. Of course, the same goes for me, and I couldn’t bear to say that I would volunteer.

Senior Elsie seemed to understand my feelings well. With a kind smile, alternative words flowed from the girl’s mouth.

“How many orphans should I bring?”

“Is there a problem with your personality?”

As I was dumbfounded and asked back, the princess made a new proposal.

“Then, even Sir Irene… … ?”

At this point, I couldn’t stand it any longer. In the end, I had no choice but to raise my hands and break my stubbornness.

“Good, good. I will do it.”

Senior Elsie and the princess tilted their heads. Like I don’t know why I’m leaving.

It was not an opponent that could be persuaded anyway. I urged the hesitant Elsie.

“Let’s do it while adjusting the power to the point of fainting. It’s Elsie’s specialty.”

To be precise, it was a technique used to harass students at the academy. Senior Elsie didn’t seem to want to deny this either.

There was only one part that bothered me.

“No matter how I do it, how can I… … .”


Elsie-senpai groaned at my strong attitude. An electric charge began to form on the index finger of the girl who was slightly avoiding her gaze.

“… … No resentment?”

A series of hardships continued.

The first magic, electric shock.

I felt as if I could feel the needle sticking out through my veins, and then I passed out before I knew it.

It was a shock that turned my eyes white.

The second magic followed, the flood of light.

My muscles atrophied as I saw the electric charge on the floor. As soon as I fell to the ground, my memory was erased.

It was a painful sight in front of my eyes.

And after that, fainting, fainting, fainting.

By the time I got used to the exhilarating pain, I had no choice but to scream.

“No, no matter what happens, your eyes will go white!”

“Are these typical symptoms of an electric shock?”

A light moan escaped from my mouth. So there was no point in experimenting. Senior Elsie was a lightning wizard, and except for a few common magics, the nature of magical power itself was charged.

Of course, no matter what kind of magic he mobilized, similar results were inevitable.

If so, should I find a new mage? It was around the time I was sinking in despair.

“Sir Ian, on the other hand, Sir Irene or Miss Hastur could have been electrocuted, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right. But that’s why clues are so lacking. There are too many magicians in the world who use lightning magic.”

“I do not know.”

The princess tapped her lips with her index finger and fell into agony. Hmm, the expression of hardship was evident on the woman’s face as she closed her eyes.

“We might as well reconsider. In fact, there are three cases where the masked assailant has been witnessed, but only two testimonies have been collected about the ‘flash’ in front of them. Because I didn’t notice that day.”

“Does that make any difference?”


The princess raised her index finger triumphantly. It seemed that he had come to some conclusion first.

“Being a masked assailant is simple. Anyone can become a monster if they wear a mask, right? If that’s the case, it’s possible that the masked thief witnessed in the north and the masked thug witnessed in Percus Mansion and the Holy Kingdom are two different people.”

“But, you have to say two… … .”

“There are many wizards in the world who can handle Your Highness, but few are skillful enough to subdue a knight in one fell swoop. There’s no way that such a person would be terribly scattered around. So the candidate pool is narrowed down at once.”

The reasoning the princess uttered was persuasive. Before I knew it, I was thinking along the words of the princess.

Yes, skilled mages are rare. Even if Celine didn’t know it, Sir Irene was an unmanned soldier who had reached an expert level. In order to subdue it, you had to have at least the same level of skill.

He is a wizard who can infiltrate the Percus mansion and the orphanage, has excellent skills, and uses lightning magic.

A cold sweat started to form on my back.

He guessed what the princess was going to say.

I urgently tried to dissuade the princess.

“Your Highness, the rest of the story will be discussed later… … .”

“Sir Reynold Rainella.”

However, before I could finish my words, the princess smiled and put on a proud expression.

I stopped and covered my face with both hands.

“No matter how much I think about it, he is the only one. I have to follow you before you notice… … .”


His bleak and cold voice, it was not the attitude towards the emperor’s lineage.

It was obvious where the epicenter of the echo would be. While the princess stiffened with a puzzled expression, I slightly averted my gaze.

It was Elsie senior.

Blue eyes resembling blue sapphires harbored the chill of the polar regions. The extremely expressionless face on the contrary testified to the fact that senior Elsie’s anger had reached its limit.

finished. I had no choice but to shake my head.

“What bullshit is that?”

In the end, the princess began to tremble in the unusual atmosphere.

It was a sin not to notice.

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