6. Proof of Existence (21)

Not much was revealed about magic.

Numerous people are working hard on research, but even the source was an unclear power. It was inevitable that it would take some time until all the secrets were revealed.

However, there was one fact that I felt in the long history.

Magic is a dangerous force.

Even when it was raw and unrefined, it was different when it was most dangerous.

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Just when someone has mastered this unknown power.

In the world, this state was called ‘high expert’ or ‘great wizard’.

They were about twenty or so monsters across the entire continent. It could be said that these were the ones who, in the true sense of the word, had a ‘master’ right in front of them.

The person who is sincerely presenting in front of me now was also one of these ‘monsters’.

A storm of light and heat dyes the five senses pure white.

It wasn’t just the sight. Both the sound and the touch were dominated by that overwhelming violence. A roaring sound and heat that did not allow even an inch of gap shook my retinas and screamed.

Rather, it was the sensation of facing a torrent of lightning.

I instinctively raised my sword. A silver aura began to gather centering on the sword body that stood in a straight line.

Right after that, a thunderbolt struck my whole body.

The sound of grinding teeth was heard. I almost passed out for a second, but somehow my body caught my spirit and stood on the ground again.

The crackling charge was making a menacing sound. Fragments of the occasional bouncing current transmitted pain as the muscles contracted. Nonetheless, I persevered.

That was important.

The fact that I’m still not pushed.

Although her eyes were bloodshot for a long time, her arm holding the sword was shaking, and moaning was constantly leaking out through her closed teeth.

First of all, I was able to endure it.

Mr. Reynolds said in a voice that was unusually hot, leaving me unable to even open my eyes properly due to the flashing electric charge.

“It’s troublesome if you start crying already… Because there is still a long way to go!”

Already, the eardrum was almost being burned by the sound of the electric charge bouncing. Surely, there wouldn’t be time left to listen to any other noise.

Oddly enough, Mr. Reynolds’ voice came through clearly.

It might have been a survival instinct. Right now, my life was on the alert, and I couldn’t miss even the smallest information in order to live.

I’d rather close my eyes.

The white-hot vision left a scarlet afterimage even after the eyelids were closed. Eventually, after the world had turned pitch black, I realized what Mr. Reynolds was doing.

Round and round, a sphere of highly concentrated magic power was drawing a circle in the air.

The windows of lightning appeared one by one along the trajectory. Is that number in the tens or more?

No matter how much I focused on my hearing, I couldn’t hear the sound of chanting.

what the hell are you doing

A strong suspicion rose, but there was no time left for me to worry. I just put all my magic into the sword body.

The silver aura burned with even more fierce flames.

By the time the slowly swirling flames were condensed like hard metal, hundreds of death stars were floating in the sky. The magic power contained in each one was terrifying.

A direct hit does not end in fainting or injury.

It was unconditional death.

I wanted you to fight with all your might, but I never thought I’d really use a trick.

I also had no choice but to face it with all my might.

The flat-slashing machine with all its might pushed the stagnant wire at once.

And the world is split in half.

The Milky Way cut through the dark atmosphere. Fragments of pure white stars scattered like fragments. All of this was the remnant of the shattered magic power.

My vision became clear enough to be cool. From far away, I could make eye contact with Mr. Reynolds, who was aiming a pitch-black stick at me.

I raised the corner of my mouth in a sign of pleasure.

You won’t be able to see it anyway because of the mask, but since your eyes can communicate, you can only hope that the language of your heart will also communicate.

Soon a scream came out of my mouth.

“Are you going to kill me!”

“So you said… Death penalty!”

At the same time, rain began to pour down from the sky.

It was then that the auras that shimmered like fog gathered again. Every time my sword struck the thunderbolt spear, a kang, kang, crashing sound rang out. It was mainly the screams of my sword.

The sword body trembled and sent a faint electric current to my arm.

No matter how hard it was to deal with the texture, it was unreasonable to handle this amount. Even the lightning spear wasn’t aimed at me alone.

Whoop, whoop, whoop.

The spear of thunderbolt that passed by me easily dug into the ground. The spear, which was stabbed as easily as an awl stabbing pudding, soon began to glow with pure white light.

It was obvious what that meant.

I couldn’t even hear the explosion.

It was an explosion that had already occurred in an adjacent street. Only the tinnitus of beep-beep was ringing in my ears. I lost consciousness for a moment and tried to stand up on the ground, but my knees broke and I dug into the mud again.

The surroundings were already a mess.

Pit formations were already formed in various places on the road that was sparsely populated. It has been a long time since the hard ground burst and overturned and turned into soft soil.

It was done in just a few seconds.

I wonder if this is the power of the archmage, I fixed my blurry vision straight ahead.

There was Mr. Reynolds with a solemn face.

he asked in a heavy voice.

“Would you like to try more?”

It was the line I used when I provoked Mr. Reynolds.

“Huh,” a faint laugh escaped my mouth. No matter who sees it, my skills haven’t reached that of a great wizard yet.

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Just as a wizard with a master in his sights is called a ‘grand wizard’, the title of ‘high expert’ also existed for swordsmen. If the ‘expert’ was the one who opened the aura and handled it freely, then the ‘high expert’ was a being with a different level than that.

Unfortunately, I haven’t reached that stage yet.

But someday my path will lead there. Even now, the beginning of the road was visible in front of my eyes, as if it were almost impossible to catch it.

I gritted my teeth and got up. It staggered, but it was still tolerable.

“… … Of course it should.”

“Even if I die, don’t resent me.”

A triple magic was already waiting for me.

Thunderbolt spheres in the sky, thunderstorm waves approaching head-on, thunderbolt nets bubbling up from the ground.

The intention was clear.

It meant tying me up with a net, tying my sword with waves of thunderbolt, and then intercepting me with a sphere of thunderbolt. It was rare to show the bottom so kindly.

The implications were also clear.

You’re probably thinking I can’t get through it anyway.

I said “Huh” and took a deep breath and straightened my sword. Thunderbolt air raids resumed from then on.

A tsunami of thunderbolt fired with a bang hit the sword body like an artillery shell. At that moment, I drove the hatchet that was strapped to my waist into the crackling earth as if throwing it down.

Then, pressing the hatchet with the sole of his foot, he began to disperse the aura.

does this work?

The aura is transmitted from the heart through the arms and hands to the weapon. I’ve never tried any other method before. But in my heart I thought it would be possible.

Because spreading an aura all over the body was a basic skill of a swordsman.

But there was another point that was more worrying than that.

I had the intention of operating two auras. Gyeol with the sword, Hae with the hatchet.

It was nonsense. I had never heard of aura being handled in that way before.

Nevertheless, there is one reason why I am making such a reckless attempt.

The resulting year was originally a vision. It was just that I arbitrarily divided it into two and used it. Even more so, the source of the resulting year was the Great Witch, who was said to have seen the end of sorcery.

He must have had the double chant in mind, of course.

And it wasn’t long before my beliefs were correct.

“What… … !”

Mr. Reynolds’ voice sounded in bewilderment. It was because the silvery aura cut through the ground and radiated light against the net of boiling electric charges.

The brain spins tight. The magic power flowing through the bloodstream rippled here and there, causing pain. Even so, I was still smiling.

It works.

With a bang, the ground cracked and the ground exploded. The silver aura spread like fog, and the web of thunderbolt disappeared in an instant.

The hatchet floated up due to the repulsive force of the explosion and was caught in my remaining hand.

After that, without hesitation, the throwing and spinning hatchets began to strike spheres of thunder and lightning, scattering silver fog.

Kang, Kang, Kang!

With a sharp crashing sound, the spheres of lightning exploded one by one. Particles of magical power colored in gold fell from the sky like fireflies.

The waves of thunderbolt that had been heating up my sword only then showed cracks.

It seemed that Mr. Reynolds’ perplexity was directly reflected in the magic. It was an opportunity I could not miss.

Kagak, and the blade pierced the cylinder made of thunderbolt.

I’ve already used too much mana. As before, it was impossible to erase this wave of magical power at once.

But what if it’s just crossing?

While the sword was blocking the thunderstorm, my body moved to the side. Then, as he clenched his teeth and kicked the ground, the blade cut the cylinder-shaped mana horizontally.

Run, run, run!

My field of vision, which was united by only one idea, gradually narrowed. My breathing became dull, and soon it felt as if the time in the world had stopped.

In a world dyed in black and white, only I was galloping.

As a result of running just a few steps, as if leaping, Mr. Reynolds took his place in front of me.

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Just swing the sword like this and you’re done.

The moment you were so sure of victory.

Round and round, a pitch-black stick floated into the air. and right after that.

Two spheres of thunderbolt that were swimming in the sky fell down.

Between me and Mr. Reynolds.

Exhausted drinking, running without knowing the limit, my body was thrown to the rear only then. Perhaps Mr. Reynolds was not free from this shock, he too had to roll on the ground.

Time began to pass again.

Panting, I squeezed my lungs. It hurt so much. I wonder if I’ve ever run at full speed like this.

Mr. Reynolds also staggered and stood up.

A light moan escaped from his mouth.

“Just what was that… … ?”

My questioning gaze turned to Mr. Reynolds. He looked very surprised.

“It seemed like time had stopped momentarily… No, that is impossible.”

In this way, Mr. Reynolds arbitrarily arranged the topic he brought up at will. He shook his head a few times before regaining his sanity.

Blue flames flickered in his eyes again. Rather, it was a wave of light that was more intense than before.

“Great. I acknowledge your skills, you deserve to take Elsie.”

“Well then, heo… Is this over?”

Reynolds swallowed a laugh at the half-hearted question he managed to get out of his breath.

“Ha, you mean having fun as it is? That’s only you… Look, nephew-son-in-law.”

Thump, I thought I heard an impact from somewhere.

However, the shock wave did not occur anywhere, so my eyes blankly looked around. Then there was a hum and the air began to quiver.

The magic of the whole world was being sucked into one place.

Only then did I notice the center, and looked up at Mr. Reynolds in silence.

The fire burning in his eyes was out of control.

“I haven’t reached the end of the truth yet. But I’ve seen the end… How do you think I felt then?”

My body staggered as if it were about to fall, and I got up.

A gale blows wildly. The magic hadn’t even been cast yet, and the precursors were already violent.

The archmage’s cloak flutters in a mess.

“It was a horror.”

And the confessions that follow like spitting.

“It was despair, and it was helplessness… How insignificant and insignificant are human beings in front of that great law? I struggled with all my might, but I only fell into the bottomless pit.”

The circles lined up behind the magician’s back resumed their rotation with light. faster, faster.

Until the electric charge that crackled and exploded became dazzlingly intense.

The class is different.

I couldn’t help but shudder. This was the strength of those who saw the fragments of truth.

“So I ran away… I felt like my very existence would disappear forever in the sea of truth. I couldn’t prove myself in the end.”

At the same time, the wizard snapped the pitch-black rod he was holding.

Wow Jangchang, doing it.

An inaudible rupture was heard. My eyes were blank and I looked up at the sky.

The night sky was falling down.

A crackling electric charge invaded through the cracks in the sky that cracked like glass. As if he was going to eat the whole ink world.

What on earth exists beyond that?

infinite thunderbolt?

Either way, it was clear that Mr. Reynolds was doing his best. Other than that, there was no other way to explain this transfer.

Between the senses that were more open than ever in my life, a certain smell passed my nose.

Dark Church.

I remembered that name for some reason. I was so overwhelmed by the sight in front of my eyes that I quickly forgot about it.

The archmage asked like a judge sentenced to death.

“Where would you like to see my ugly struggle?”

Dry spittle gulp down my throat and passed by.

should not see

must die This magic would have such overwhelming power that I couldn’t dare compare it.

The sky itself was a collapsing plate.

There was no way the insignificant creatures that lived beneath it could resist.

Even so, why?

Are you saying you want to see beyond that? The scenery that will be revealed behind the collapsed sky.

I wanted to see you like crazy. So I couldn’t choose an answer.

As if he knew that, the Archmage nodded slightly.

“Then keep it clearly in your eyes… I can only show you a very brief moment, but if it’s you now…”

It was then.

The sound of a brisk blow resonated out of nowhere.

My eyes blankly turned to the epicenter. There, Mr. Reynolds’ new model was leaning.

In an instant, my thinking stopped. I couldn’t figure out what the situation was.

Behind the archmage who had fallen to the ground, a black-haired girl breathing heavily was revealed.

Golden eyes were shining even in the dark. The shovel in her exasperated hand stood out.

At that moment, a savage sound came out of my mouth. I vaguely understood what had happened.

The girl shuddered and let out a roar.

“Hey, you… crazy old man! Ji, who are you trying to kill now?! How dare you kill my brother… Die, die, die… Die!”

Pak, Pak.

The blade of the shovel struck the middle-aged man’s fainting body a couple more times. In the meantime, the gale stopped and the cracks in the sky disappeared.

I couldn’t help but smile dejectedly.

Indeed, the angry sister was invincible.

Moreover, Lia wasn’t the only guest who suddenly appeared.

An unfamiliar shadow appeared behind Lia’s back. A young man wearing glasses with a troubled expression.

I guess I should have listened to the circumstances. Of course, as an older brother.

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