6. Proof of Existence (28)

A dim light flickered in my bedroom.

The sound of a crackling bonfire had a calming effect on the mind and body. Fragrant tea incense and warm tea made me forget the chilly temperature of an autumn night. It was after I deliberately served refreshments that I didn’t eat well.

Because I thought the guest sitting across from me would like it.

He was a small-sized boy. His face was restless, perhaps because he felt awkward being alone with an unfamiliar adult. Nonetheless, the attitude of trying to make eye contact with me somehow worked.

Did you ask to save your sister?

It was the first request received from a little guest. When I was young, I longed for a story about fulfilling a villager’s request.

I never thought I would be able to achieve my dream at this age.

I sipped my tea without a word. At first, I was a small child who trembled at every little gesture I made, but now I’ve grown to the point where I’m paying attention.

Should I tell the story first?

It was around that time. The boy’s mouth, which had been tightly closed, opened.

“Mister, can you help us?”

“Didn’t you come here knowing that?”

And bro, dude.

I struggled to resist the urge to add one more word.

First of all, it was time to listen to the child’s story. To calm my trembling heart a little.

“Well, I don’t know… Everyone said you were a great person.”

“I was lucky.”

As I answered that, I quietly met the boy’s eyes. Quite desperate eyes, I had no choice but to hold on to a faint smile.

“I can help you, though.”

“Well, then you can save my sister too?!”

My head nodded meekly. I’ll have to listen to the story to know the details, but the goal of the little child and I was supposed to be the same anyway.

I want to catch the tail of Shylock’s Company.

I realized this through my experiences in the past few days. The fact that the connection between Sanghoe and the Dark Church must be revealed as soon as possible.

To do this, it was necessary to know where the children were headed. As long as concrete evidence was secured, it was a matter of course.

Of course, it was also true that certainty was still needed.

“What are you asking me to do? In the first place, there is no guarantee that your sister will become dangerous just because she follows the merchant. Maybe meet a good family… … .”


The boy raised his voice as if it was unfair. It was a tone of strong conviction.

I needed a reason for that.

“That’s all lies! I know… … .”


Then the boy fell silent. It was as if he had suddenly lost his confidence.

I’ve probably talked to adults countless times.

Even so, no one believes me, so I must have come to me like grabbing a straw.

Another question popped out of my mouth.

“How did you know that? Others had no doubts.”

“… … letter.”

Hesitantly, the boy opened his mouth like that.

My brow twitched for a moment. It was because it was difficult to understand the meaning of the word.

But the boy seemed very serious.

“The letters from the children who left are strange.”

At the same time, the child carefully took out several envelopes from his bosom.

I opened the letter and looked at it.


“The handwriting is different?”

The party gathered in a dark secret room.

Senior Elsie and Celine, and even Saint Nyeo and Yuren.

It was still dawn, so I didn’t have the courage to call Mr. Reynolds. Later, it would be okay to share information through senior Elsie.

I nodded and answered Celine’s question.

“Yeah, it looks like it’s not just one or two. Adults ignored it and passed by.”

“It deserves it.”

It was the opinion of the saintess who received the children’s letters from me.

Tak, she tossed the letter in the center of the table. Now, among the party, it seemed that they were not even trembling properly.

The saintess reviewing the evidence was rather cynical.

“The paperwork and procedures have been properly completed. And this crooked handwriting… In the first place, children in orphanages did not receive professional education. It wouldn’t be strange if there were some differences in handwriting.”

“I agree too.”

Yuren also agreed and threw the letter he was reading onto the table.

Supporting the back of my head with both hands, the man said in an uninteresting voice.

“Ian, this orphanage is not only managed by Patriarch Eindel. It’s a place where many people, including me, are paying attention… It cannot be controlled by one person’s will.”

“But it’s certain that the Dark Church has some sort of relationship with Shylock’s Company.”

My gaze glanced at the saintess. Then, a small sigh escaped from the saintess’ mouth.

It didn’t look like he wanted to reveal anything, but he had no choice.

The saintess obediently acknowledged my words.

“I don’t know if it has anything to do with Shylock’s Company. However, traces of the Dark Church were found on the body of a young merchant dispatched from Shylock’s.”

“Then, of course, it should be cooked.”

It was Elsie senior’s clear opinion.

The saintess touched her forehead as if she knew that. Anyone who knew Elsie would have expected this outcome.

“I don’t know if it has anything to do with Sanghoe? That’s too optimistic… If coincidences repeat this much, it is inevitable.”

“The Shylock Company is a large group. We cannot force an investigation without any charges.”

“Didn’t I just tell you? One of the merchants belonging there is related to the Dark Church.”

The saintess closed her mouth again, and Elsie-senpai gave a relaxed smile. It was clear whose opinion prevailed.

In addition, Elsie-senpai secretly glanced at me.

“And what else is the matter? We also have dragon blood letters.”

It was a tone of strange pride.

I couldn’t help but put on an awkward smile at those words. In fact, it was not the power obtained through legal means.

Even so, it was true that the imperial family recognized me as the owner of the dragon blood letter.

It was something that was guaranteed by the swordsman not too long ago.

However, the saintess was moved to tears at those words.

“This is Holy Land. It’s not a place where you can act as you please just because it’s the imperial family.”

“Then you can tell me well.”

“Are you kidding me? How sensitive this is, but it’s another country’s business… … !”


There was a sign that it would turn into an emotional fight, so I decided to stop it first.

Fortunately, the quarrel between the saintess and Elsie was immediately put to a lull. Both of them had dissatisfied eyes, but now was not the time to argue.

After the two people’s opinions were roughly organized. My eyes glanced at Celine.

Celine was still going through the letter. Those blank eyes seemed to be lost somewhere.

She was now the only one who didn’t comment.

“Celine, what do you think?”

“Yes? Ahhh… me?”

Celine finally came to her senses and smiled awkwardly.

It seemed that no one had heard the story.

These days, Celine has often lost her mind. I was worried about that, but Celine’s mouth opened before him.

“No, after reading the letter, there was something that caught my eye… … .”

At those words, everyone’s eyes focused on Celine. Everyone was so focused on handwriting that I didn’t notice it, but maybe there is a common feature in the letters sent by adopted orphans?

However, Celine seemed burdened by the sudden attention.

Scratching her cheek, she blurted out her words as if she had no confidence.

“Yeah, there is a lot of talk about the ‘red jewel’. Not all letters, maybe half?”

Hmm, I said and looked at the letters thrown on the table.

I didn’t pay much attention, but I also remembered seeing those words at first glance. I skipped it because it was meaningless.

However, before these concerns continued, Yuren once again expressed his objection.

“Anyway, my sister and I are opposites. You still don’t know where the ‘masked assailant’ has gone, aren’t you? We cannot leave the orphanage empty.”

“Ian, do we really need to hurry?”

Again, the saintess’ earnest persuasion continued.

As before, the saintess did not want to publicize this issue. In fact, I didn’t even know if I was a saint.

“If you rush into the beehive, the truth may be farther away. It is still time to watch.”

“Then what about that orphan kid?”

The person who raised the objection on my behalf was senior Elsie.

Arguments based on an extremely wizarding point of view followed.

“How many people in the world care that one orphan disappears? If I’m researching forbidden magic, of course I’ll use an orphan as a test subject. Even if I die somehow, it won’t hurt me… In other words, we’re the only ones who can save that kid.”

“We just need to send additional surveillance personnel.”

Of course, she wasn’t a saintess who would quietly withdraw like this. As if she had already considered that much, the saintess continued her eloquence without interruption.

“Unexpectedly, if attention is focused, the Dark Church won’t move recklessly. It’s impossible to catch them by the tail the moment we catch up in the first place. Can you do something suspicious in front of someone who cannot be accommodated by common sense… … .”

“You just have to break up at the right time.”

At my firm objection, the saintess’s eyebrows slightly narrowed. As a quick-witted woman, she must have sensed it as soon as she heard me.

I have already made my decision. no more shaking

Because there was a reason for that.

“It is difficult to manage one child continuously. No matter how many guards follow, they will try to dispose of it as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Especially if the cover-up is already organized.”

“… … Ian.”

However, even the saintess had a firm resolve. There was a hint of rage in those pale pink eyes.

“More people could get hurt. Confusion always feeds on those in the lowest positions.”

“But you can’t just look at the sacrifice.”

“It’s not like we’ll see. We’re trying to find a way to do it while taking as much time as possible.”

“It is an urgent matter.”

Parallel lines without even an inch of contact stood side by side. It had been a long time since the distance between me and the saintess felt so far away.

“What about the children who have already disappeared? And is this the only orphanage that the Dark Church has lined up?”

“If you carelessly touch it, the Dark Church may disappear. Then more children will die and get hurt.”

“It is natural to save lives that can be saved right away.”

“No, because it is a matter of life and death, we have to be even more careful. Do you know how many lives our choices cost us?”

While doing so, the saintess carefully examined my expression.

It looked like he didn’t know why I was more stubborn today. I subtly avoided his gaze and left the decision-making power to the rest of my comrades.

“What about the rest?”

In fact, it was a question that had nothing to ask. Both Elsie-senpai and Celine, it was obvious who they would support.

“It’s me, what… Of course, I should follow Ian.”

“Of course, I have to do as my master wants.”

three to two.

The saintess slightly bit her lip at my dark gaze. Then, with a bang, he slammed his palm on the table and stood up.

An angry voice escaped from between his chewed lips.

“Then good luck, folks… May the protection of the Lord be with you. Emmanuel.”

It meant that even if I died, I would not abide by my decision.

At this point, it was Yuren who was in trouble. He looked at me and the saintess alternately, then stood up after the saintess as if it had nothing to do with it. His resentful gaze fell on me.

“Ian, why? You are so strange today.”

“… … I have a situation.”

Whoa, he said as he wiped his face with both hands. Hearing my words, Yuren’s expression hardened even more.

“Anyway, the saintess is second and you follow me. Because it seems dangerous.”

“Are you crazy? Why am I going to a dangerous place?”

Yuren smiled as if he was dumbfounded and accelerated his steps.

It’s grumbling, but I knew it.

The fact that if I really didn’t intend to follow him, I wouldn’t even have answered.

In this way, the secret room where the saintess and Yuren left fell silent again. Seeing my complex expression, Celine and Elsie looked at each other for no reason and tilted their heads.

Either way, an even more disturbing sigh leaked from my mouth.

“… … I need to contact the imperial family.”

The showdown was approaching.

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