6. Proof of Existence (34)

I was supposed to say something, but nothing came out.

It was as if my tongue had turned to stone. Every time I tried to squeeze my vocal chords, my throat trembled.

Little sister, long lost.

The words floating around in my brain didn’t mesh. The language that did not become a sentence only scattered as a lonely image. I wanted to spit out the emotions that filled me with tears.

Why did you appear only now?

And why did it have to be now?

What have you done, do you know how many sins you have committed?

However, all those questions were blocked by a single word. There was an original sin that pressed down heavily on my chest.

my younger sister.

yes i threw it away

It may have been your parents who first decided to abandon your sister. But after defeating the corpse giant, I was the one who decided not to look for my sister.

The truth was that I was afraid.

I couldn’t even guess what would have happened to my sister who was captured by the Dark Church. Or, he stirs up that it might hurt Leah. No, I thought that me and my family could become foreign objects in the life of my sister, whom I had once separated from.

It was an excuse.

There were many excuses, but in the end, my choice was an ugly escape.

Isn’t that ending right in front of my eyes?

My facial muscles twitched. So many different emotions welled up, I didn’t even know what expression to make. Various ripples passed through my face.

It’s been a while since I twisted, collapsed, and bit my lip.

The girl burst into madness.

“Puh, aha… Ahahahahaha! No, are you surprised? Were you surprised? Sorry, I wanted to tell you in advance… … .”

Suddenly, I heard the grinding of my teeth.

It was a noise filled with emotions so intense that it made me wonder if my molars would break. With a bang, the girl stamped her feet in anger, and a cloud of dust rose with an explosion.

Damn, the bedrock is cracked and the basement opens its mouth.

A simple leg power was this powerful. Even compared to me, his physical ability was on a different level.

What will his power be like if he goes into a full-fledged battle?

So I fell into a sense of fear and self-doubt.

It was such a skill. Of course, it couldn’t be achieved without any pain.

I must have had to offer something in return.

As if to prove this, the girl’s golden eyes burned bright blue. For a moment, it felt like everything except for the wisp of fire was dark.

Aww, wow.

The sound of his white teeth being crumbled was a musical instrument, and he vomited a deep feeling of hatred.

“The reunion of siblings shouldn’t be so boring… is not it? Brother?”

“Leah, I… … .”

I was confused about what to say. I staggered backwards, placing my hand on my forehead to block my view.

dizzy. It felt like I was about to pass out.

There were only a few questions that I managed to get out of my shimmering consciousness.

“… … What did you do?”


Then, Wondok disappeared from the girl’s face.

Instead of a ghost reminiscent of a demon, the girl with a naive expression tilted her head. Even though I didn’t even have the mind to be surprised at the surprising reversal.

My hand floundered and pointed at the girl’s back.

Faceless monsters lined up like dolls.

It was clear that they were once human.

“What the hell, what did you do… Leah! Do you even know what you did?!”


Then, as if she understood my meaning, the girl smiled refreshingly.

The light footsteps led to the faceless monsters. The girl proudly opened her arms as if she were a salesperson at a general store.

“You didn’t do anything, did you? I was just granting a wish… By the way, the deal has to be fair, right? So, as a merchant, I got paid for it.”

“You said it was a wish? To become a slave whose entire body and mind were taken away?”

The girl giggled and laughed.

Then, blinking, the blood-red sun flickered for a moment. After that, the lighting began to illuminate only a specific point like direct sunlight.

Kkeek, keek, keek.

A faceless monster stepped forward, creaking like a broken joint doll. In front of him, the girl who focused her eyes on the monster with both arms began to propagate in a sonorous voice.

“Lord Thelon of the School of Delos! He studied under a master who is a master of magic, but only his priest is recognized by the master who reveals money! Not even having a proper education, he longed for more knowledge. Then, when he started trading with our company, his skills improved a lot. After killing his teacher in a fit of anger, he joins the Killing Club of the School of Delos. His desperate choice… Is it a secret?”

The girl’s eyes, winking at me with a charming look, turned somewhere.

It was a place where a faint moan escaped. Elsie-senpai, who allowed the girl to strike, was staggering to get up.

Blood dripped from his mouth and dripped from his chin. It was in an abnormal state for anyone to see.

As my expression became more urgent, the lines on the girl’s lips grew thicker.

“Today, I will personally guide your pet dog!”


A bloody chest light erupted from the pupils of the faceless monster. With a scream scratching the eardrum, the monster’s run began.

And jet-black spheres lined up in the air.

Senior Elsie couldn’t even properly adjust her posture. At this rate, the whereabouts of winning and losing were clear.

A high-pitched scream erupted straight from my throat.

“Senior Elsie!”

I instinctively groped my waist and grabbed the hatchet. I just thought that I had to save Elsie-senpai somehow.

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Just before throwing the ax like that.

Suddenly, the movement of my arms stopped. No matter how hard I tried to clench my teeth, I could only feel a sharp pain in my arm.

My bloodshot eyes turned to the area around my arm.

It is visible now.

Fine, blood-colored solid lines covered this space like a spider’s web. My arms were also caught in dozens of threads and couldn’t move any further.

What time is it?

These doubts disappeared as the girl took a staggering step. There was not even a sense of achievement in his face that he had accomplished something.

It was just an attitude that all this war situation was natural.

difference in skill

The fact that it was only divided came to me clearly. That girl had the ability to dominate space anytime, anywhere.

Blink, and the light flickers again.

Two faceless monsters creaked out. Facing the bloody baptism, the skinny lump of flesh greeted politely.

Koo uk, keek, keek!

Against the background of that ridiculous sound, the girl bowed respectfully.

“Brother Melsis of the Holy Kingdom! I trusted and followed the chief priest of the village from childhood, but could it be? After killing the head priest and their parents, they embarked on a long-distance journey until they forgot the past and formed a happy family, uhhh… Yes, until the punitive forces of the Holy Kingdom arrive! You came to us again!”

It’s mean.

I gritted my teeth. He digs into someone’s wounds and weaknesses, and puts up conditions as if it were the only salvation.

Even though he clearly knows that the end is destruction.

It was a brutal deal.

It pretended to be fair, but the essence was no different from intimidation or coercion. Because I was in a state of mind where I couldn’t consider any other options.

But now was not the time to worry about others.

The girl’s eyes glanced sideways, followed by a polite smile.

“Today, you are teaching juniors who have small hair, and children who have presumptuous dreams!”


With that declaration, the two monsters jumped and moved across the ground. The black aura on his limbs left an ominous trail.

Yuren and Celine had just come to their senses.

I desperately tried to move my body. However, the more I did, the more the blood-colored thread only squeezed me.

A desperate scream broke out.

“Celine, Yuren!”

Yuren, who had just risen, spat out a curse.

“Damn it… I’m just a little bit sloppy!”

I had nothing to say.

Soon an explosion was heard, and a battle began.

The groans coming from everywhere testified to the inferiority of the party.

I felt like I was going half crazy.

My precious people were on the brink of death. Still, there was nothing I could do.

Despair, screams, blood.

In the meantime, the girl took a shocking step. The soft eye smile was fatally attractive.

“…give up.”

With that one word, his hair turned white.

Bloody whispers stain my brain.

“There’s no chance that you’ll win against me anyway… you know? So, surrender quietly.”

My eyes trembled like crazy.

To surrender like this?

Memories fall one by one. The reason was unknown, but the memories with the saintess poured down like drizzling rain.

Emmanuel, Emmanuel… … .

A girl’s voice intervened between the meaningless chanting.

“…there is no god.”

Kick-kick and ridicule follow.

“If there is, why don’t you save it?”

Round and round, the girl’s body rotated with her arms spread out.

“If our lord gives a sure reward as much as the price paid… By the way, what about your brother’s lord?”

A dark spot dug into my heart.

“Give up, despair, collapse…!”

The sweet whisper made me want to kneel down.

A deep moan escaped from my mouth.

I want to quit.

I wanted to collapse, give in and close my eyes.

But why can’t I

Suddenly, memories of one day flooded my mind.

In a cloudy landscape, a woman whispered to me.

‘… … This is the will of the Lord.’

The sensation of pure white lightning going through your spine.

I got drunk with the thrill that ran through my body and shouted out on my own.

“Greed, offer a deal!”

The girl, who had always been relaxed, stiffened as she flinched.

Soon, frozen eyes turned to me. The girl asked with an infinitely serious expression on her face.

“……What are the conditions?”

My mouth was shut.

Actually, it was just a random word, so I couldn’t think of any specific suggestions.

However, I inadvertently made a playful suggestion.

“For once, would you like to give me a hug with sincerity?”

It was bullshit.

What did you just hear? I was mistaken because the other person looked so similar to Lia.

That was when I gave up halfway.


The girl began to think seriously, holding her chin in her hand.

That’s how I am, while I’m doing it.


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Just like that, the girl flicked her hand, and the monster that was attacking Elsie-senpai dispersed into the shadows.

Senior Elsie, who was fighting in the middle of the battle, gasped for breath and looked at me.

A look that doesn’t understand English.

But I also couldn’t grasp the situation properly.

Only the girl spread her arms and slightly blushed her cheeks.

As if embarrassed, she slightly averted my eyes.

“Instead, should I hold you for a minute or more?”

Huh, I thought, swallowing a laugh.

… … does this work?

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