6. Proof of Existence (41)

I tried to stay sane somehow.

A sweet scent tickled his nostrils. The soft touch of the skin, and the elastic mass of flesh rubbing against each other gave a soft touch. The dizzyingly strong scent made my head dizzy.

Did you burn something incense?

A thumping sound crept up my spine. It would be a little better if I turned my magic power, but maybe it was because of the effect of the restraint tool, the magic power inside my body didn’t budge.

The senses are extremely sensitive. It felt like the hairs all over my body were standing up.

Even so, the reason why I still maintain reason.

It was all thanks to my colleague.

Elsie senior, Celine, and even Lia who went missing.

There were three lives on my shoulders right now. It was fortunate that everyone didn’t lose their lives, but I didn’t know what would happen if I lost my mind.

It wasn’t until I reflected on that fact several times that my breathing was in order.

The girl just stared at me without saying anything. A hazy golden gaze was licking my face.

Occasionally, though, he gently rubbed my buttocks.

I still had to endure it. A moaning voice leaked through my teeth.

“Where is this… … ?”

“A shelter prepared somewhere in the Holy Land. And a nest of love for me and my brother!”

The answer came right back, as if he had prepared in advance.

However, a smile formed on my lips. My eyes looked around again.

It was a secret room.

A hazy sunlight was seeping in from the sky, but the absolute amount of light was insufficient. In addition, the scenery of the interior without any furniture or ornaments was desolate.

It was not a place that anyone could see living.

As if to prove this, there was a dog bowl in front of Elsie. Looking closely, the restraints on Elsie’s neck also resembled a dog leash.

It was a vicious hobby.

What was surprising was that Elsie-senpai was on the side of being treated better. There was no food or water to be found near Celine and Lia.

It was fortunate that at least first aid was provided.

I don’t know why, but the girl didn’t seem to have any intention of killing my comrades. I was at first relieved by the hypothesis.

Suddenly, a groaning sound came out of my mouth.

“Is it fashionable these days to hang people in love nests?”

“Aha, was that your complaint? Don’t worry too much! As long as my brother accepts me, I will live a life worthy of others.”

The girl’s upper body leaned against my body as if they were overlapping each other. The cozy touch felt in the chest, the fragrant smell of flesh, and the deep seductive voice hit my senses one after another.

“A rich movie? Mountain and sea food? Judicial training? just talk! I can give anything… As long as you don’t forget that you are mine.”

The whispers that formed a breezy yunyul cooled down at the end. Even those golden eyes, which were stained with joy, had a moment’s chill.

The girl seemed obsessed with me.

Because I’m family

It was a strong inference. On the day I decided to abandon the girl, I was the only Percus not involved in the decision. So, I have no choice but to be the only person the girl calls ‘blood relation’.

However, even with this hypothesis, there were points that could not be explained.

The girl liked me as a woman, not as a sister. It was a fact that I could know just by looking at the fact that I constantly confessed my love.

why the hell

Maybe it’s because I didn’t go through the normal growth process? If so, there was a possibility that he could not properly discern his own feelings.

Still lacking clues.

In fact, it was a good problem for me now. When the lives of his colleagues were at stake, what did the girl’s feelings matter?

The girl was still preoccupied with me. Aiming at that gap, I slightly channeled my magical energy into the restraint tool.

The magic still didn’t budge. However, as soon as I started to apply the principle of ‘harm’, I felt the sensation of a thread-like aura tapping the restraints.

As expected, the only three masters on the continent, the great witch, had a hard time.

If you show a little more gaps, you will be able to release the restraints.

I decided to stab the girl first.

“I don’t think I ever said I would be yours.”

“Of course, I will tell you from now on! Now, see?”

The girl quietly rose and began to look around at the bound women.

The first opponent was Celine.

My childhood friend, who had not yet regained consciousness, was groaning with her eyes closed.

The cold sweat running down his cheek testified to Celine’s nightmare.

“First of all, Celine unnie! I’d like to do more education, but are you my precious business partner? I’ll get over it for now!”

It was next that the atmosphere of the girl who had been smiling brightly changed completely.

Rebellious golden eyes were looking up at the girl. The two looked alike, as if looking in a mirror, but their behavior was completely opposite.

Leah was covered in mud and wearing a ragged dress.

And a girl looking down at it while wearing a jet-black priestly uniform.

Lia gritted her teeth as if she was resentful of that fact. In response, the girl let out a sneer.

“Again, our fake… I should have killed it to get rid of it, but it’s a bit special, isn’t it? So, I’ll save you for now. Research data are precious.”

“Do not be ridiculous.”

It was a ferocious voice that emanated from scratching the neck.

Lia, whom I hadn’t seen in a long time, was overcome with evil. It seemed obvious that he had not been able to live in a pleasant environment in the meantime.

“I am not your fake… A merchant who targets psychological weaknesses and plays with others like toys? You are just a cheater.”

It was a cold objection, but the girl showed no signs of being shaken. He just said “Hmm” and narrowed his eyes.

Soon, the girl’s palms collided with each other.

I mean it wasn’t interesting. The glamorous golden eyes moved in search of the next victim.

“Well, let’s talk about that later… our puppy?”

The line on the girl’s mouth once again came to mind. The look on his face that feigned affection was so awkward that it seemed like he was deliberately giving it a contrived feeling.

The girl’s hand, taking a light step, tousled Elsie-senpai’s hair at random.

A light moan leaked from Elsie-senpai’s mouth, who was wearing a dog leash. With those irritated eyes, I could guess Elsie’s mood.

No, it was a face covered with shame and anger beyond irritation.

It had to be. In a yard where a younger girl treats her as a pet dog, it was strange not to get angry.

I don’t know why, as a younger man, I was an exception.

Elsie-senpai’s body was shaking. It was proof that her emotions had reached their peak, but the girl only smiled sadistically.

“Aren’t you bored when it’s just the two of us in the nest? So, I want to raise a pet dog that my brother loves. But I mean… … .”

The hand that was caressing Elsie-senpai’s head became stronger.

A moan leaked out of Elsie-senpai’s mouth, who was caught by her hair. He struggled hard, but since both his hands and feet were tied, even proper resistance was impossible.

I raised my voice in regret.

“Senior Elsie!”

Giggling, as if this was the expected reaction, the girl swallowed a laugh.

And as if proud of it, Elsie’s pain-filled face was displayed, and mischievous threats continued.

“If my brother doesn’t listen to me, what will I do?”

The teeth were grinding.

I felt like I wanted to release the restraints and grab the sword right away. But I couldn’t even tell where my armaments were, and the inaction of the girl in front of me was beyond imagination.

You have to look for more gaps.

After finishing my cold judgment, a moan escaped my teeth.

Is there no choice but to set the tone like this?

It was around the time I came to that conclusion.

“… … Don’t give a damn.”

Those were the words Elsie-senpai spat out while twisting the corner of her mouth.

The girl and I looked at her with blank eyes.

Senior Elsie looked genuinely funny.

“On the topic of a child lacking affection… Who educates whom? You’ve never been loved before.”

A smile disappears from the girl’s lips with each word.

“That’s why it’s a ‘contract’, so if there’s no sound like a ‘master-servant relationship’, I won’t be relieved… I’ve never been loved unconditionally. Poop, puheh… Do you want this Elsie Rainella to be suitable for such childish pranks?”

“… … On the bitch subject.”

In the past, the girl’s expression was so hard that it couldn’t be colder than this. With a thud, a bloody whip formed on the palms of his spread hands.

“Aren’t you still uneducated? uh ok… If you really want, I will educate you myself!”

With a bang, the gritted girl’s whip hit the ground.

Looking back, it was terrifying power. If she was beaten by that whip, even Elsie-senpai couldn’t save her life.

So, I decided to hold off the girl first.


The girl’s body, which was about to move the whip, stopped. As he looked at me with a curious gaze, a sigh escaped from my mouth.

“I can hang out with you… Instead, don’t touch Elsie-senpai.”

Elsie-senpai was moved by my words and seemed to be trying to say something, but after being stopped by me, she shut her mouth again.

There was light dew on the corners of his eyes. It seemed quite resentful.

However, the shame was fleeting, and the time for revenge would come if he kept his life.

A cautious question continued from the hesitant girl’s mouth.

“… … Are you hanging out?”

“Do as you please. Anyway, while I’m tied up, can’t I do anything? At least I’ll hang out with you while you’re tied up here.”

Subtly, the condition of ‘while tied up’ was added, but the girl didn’t seem to pay any particular attention to that.

He seemed convinced that perhaps I would not be released for a while.

if given a chance.

I tried to calm my trembling heart and pretended to be calm. The girl was delighted with my sullen attitude and accepted my proposal.

“great! So instead of not touching that bitch today. Are you hanging out with me?”

“Yes, as long as you are tied up… Instead, I only do it for one day.”

Despite my obligatory bargaining, the girl only nodded in agreement.

It was a contract signing.

The blood-colored scale floated in the air, then disappeared. The girl didn’t pay any attention to Elsie-senpai anymore.

And again just before the girl hugged me.

“Before that, can I ask you one question?”


It was an unexpected word. The girl tilted her head, but I didn’t give her a chance to think and continued asking.

“Why are you obsessed with me?”

Then the girl’s gait came to an end.

Hmmm, the girl put her finger on her chin and repeated her agony. It’s like I don’t know which story to start with.

The hesitation did not last long.

Soon, the girl replied with a white smile.

“Okay, let me tell you. my childhood.”

It was the pure laughter of a child.

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