6. Proof of Existence (44)

Light and heat dance.

The incandescent world did not allow any sound. Only sharp tinnitus fills the distant hearing.

Occasional bursts of light covered his retinas. The acrid smell of burning penetrated his nose and reached his brain.

Sight, hearing, and smell were meaningless spaces.

Even the tactile senses did not work properly due to the tingling heat. Even so, in this discolored world, there were three people including me.

It was because common sense did not work for the unarmed warriors who reached the state.

They were the ones who noticed the sound of footsteps in a place where even the sight could not reach just by the vibration of the ground. The intuition of the realm beyond the five senses was driving my body at will.

The archmage who showed his sincerity was indeed strong.

The offensive continued uninterrupted. The storm of thunderbolts pouring down without even giving a momentary gap had already destroyed the room in half.

However, the opponent was a monster no less than him.

“Stupid… … .”

Aww, wow.

The bloody whip dances to the sound of the girl grinding her teeth.

The blood that wriggled like a snake became a straight line and swept the area.

Then, dozens of brain spheres exploded all at once. The spears of thunderbolt that filled the air one by one were fired one after another, but the result was the same as the bloody whip cut the world horizontally again.

An inexplicable magic power that easily destroys the high-density condensed magic power.

It could only be explained as the power of an evil spirit. It was a violence that was hard to imagine for me at the moment.

I don’t know if I’m different from ‘high expert’.

While I was holding my breath and aiming for an opportunity, the girl recited with even thicker anger.

“Fools, fools, fools… I told you, there is no salvation!”

The blood-red sun rose in the air with a scream and began howling.

Woo woo woo!

And the bloody tentacles rising from the sun, hundreds of fleshy masses were showing bizarre movements.

At first glance, it was a suspicious sign.

It’s obvious, but I wasn’t the only one who intuited this.


I immediately attempted to leap in response to Mr. Reynolds’ call. The bloody tentacles were splitting into countless solid lines.

The silvery aura that had formed like a hard crystal loosened up.

The silver border that spread out like mist immediately pierced the bloody threads. Tuk, tuk, countless threads could not overcome my tension and broke off.

It was a limit nonetheless.

It was impossible to handle all the threads in the first place. Even when my body was normal, I managed to get rid of it only after going through two aura explosions.

A warning erupted from my mouth as I intuited my limits.

“Mr. Reynolds, be careful… Kuck!”

But before I could finish my words, a ball of bloody thread hit my side.

The body that used to use the air didn’t have the jaw to afford to take it.

I immediately slammed into the wall and slid down. It was a shock so intense that it shook my mind for an instant.

It hurts very much.

I almost screamed involuntarily.

I don’t know what the girl did to my body, but my nerves were still on edge. Thanks to that, my sense of pain was sharpened as much as I was able to closely examine the situation indoors.

Even if I couldn’t do it, it was a pain that multiplied several times.

Originally, he should have lost consciousness, but his brain, awakened by the excitement of battle, did not easily lose consciousness. It was the reason I had to endure the pain I felt for the first time in my life.

Against my will, my hands trembled.

Because he was afraid of pain. It was a feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time.

I thought I had passed this stage a long time ago.

Of course, Mr. Reynolds was not safe either.

Bang, bang, bang!

A succession of explosions rang out. The blood-colored threads stretched out in all directions and pierced the sphere of condensed magical power, and soon began to stain the magic bloody.

It was shortly thereafter that the explosion occurred.

It was clear that Mr. Reynolds did not intend this. He also rolled on the ground, trying to somehow get out of the radius of the explosion.

But it was a very large explosion. No one could be completely free from the aftermath.

With a moan, the middle-aged man’s body collided with the wall. As it happened to be adjacent to me, I stumbled up and quickly joined Mr. Reynolds.

The blood-colored solid lines that filled the son-in-law stretched out on both sides like a curtain.

In the center was a girl with jet-black hair. With the blood-red sun as her light, she closed her eyes and calmly breathed.

One hand forward, the other behind the back.

The two arms forming a strange intersection and the two feet gently crossing each other made it look like a preparation for a dance. The moment the girl opened her eyes again, the bloody sun started vibrating again.

With a hum and trembling, the girl opened her golden eyes and muttered.

“I don’t know how much more I have to despair… … ? Do you know how much longer it must collapse?!”

Mr. Reynolds groaned and patted his back.

Even the archmage couldn’t fake the time, and the tiredness was evident.

“Is it okay to be a god of thunder on the battlefield?”

“The Thunder God will freeze to death… That’s why you need to have a pretentious nickname to get requests for nominations.”

We joked like it was nothing like that, but our foreheads were already wet with cold sweat.

It was because he clearly realized that his opponent was not an easy being.

The girl’s chanting continued.

“If you really want it, fine… You fools!”

The cry was like a long song.

In line with the high-pitched tune, the bloody sun vomited a louder resonant sound. And soon, like arrows, blood-colored threads spurted down.

It was aiming for the tops of the charred monsters. The faceless monsters that had been pierced by the blood-colored threads tore open their narrowed eyes and vomited ghastly breasts.

Keuouk, kewok, keuouk!

As if in agony, the faceless monsters that wrapped around my neck stood up one by one.

Hideous screams burst out all at once.


And the screams, which had begun to subside, gradually began to form an upbeat rhyme.

Aagh! Kkeuk! Big!

Dung, Dung. A terrifying dance performed by howling sounds to the beat of joyful drums.

The girl closed her eyes with a satisfied smile.

It seemed that he quite liked this hideous tune.

Seeing this, Mr. Reynolds’ impression was plain.

“I’m asking just in case… Didn’t your sister have mental problems?”

“That woman is not my sister. No, my sister is right, but… … .”

Ha ha, I sighed and shook my head.

There was no time to discuss the details.

“Anyway, consider me a key executive of the Dark Church.”

“Is Elsie and the rest safe?”

At that question, my eyes naturally turned to the girl’s rear. There were three women still hanging there with their hands and feet bound.

It was after hearing the reason not to touch Celine or Lia, and by the ‘contract’, senior Elsie must be in a safe state for now.

“It is guaranteed.”

“Okay then… … .”

Mr. Reynolds, who was very worried, looked serious. A momentary electric charge bounced around his eyes with a crackle.

Looking back, it was amazing.

The process of substituting the magic that exists in the natural world was so natural. Just as the wind blows and the water flows, it seemed to insist that this was also part of the reason.

In fact, Mr. Reynolds didn’t seem to care much about whether I admired him or not. He was only observing the situation around him and watching for opportunities.

“… … We must think of a way to ensure our safety.”

“Is there a way?”

“If only given the time.”

It was a very natural story.

Wizards were more sensitive to time than swordsmen. It was because the longer they went through the chanting, the more elaborate magic they could use, and through which they projected the maximum firepower.

But now Mr. Reynolds had no time to sing.

The opponent was not an idiot either. There would be no thought of wanting to face the power of a person who even received the title of ‘Great Wizard’.

Our party did not have the skills to overcome the girl’s check.

Strictly speaking, my skills were too lacking.

It was a plate where even now, the remnants of the pain trembled his arms. I don’t know if my body was normal, but the role I was able to perform right now was only to the extent of occasional checks.

As my expression darkened, a thick hand tapped my back.

“There are still numbers left… First of all, I’ll take my time.”


It was the exact opposite of the usual strategy.

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