7. Jealousy is my strength (1)

The hazy floating consciousness slowly came to mind.

I was dreaming of a man. No, maybe the man is dreaming of me.

An unfamiliar scenery was engraved between the clear vision as if the fog had lifted. The next thing that stimulates the five senses is the sound of the joints of the armor colliding with each other.

It was a desert.

Before I knew it, my body was walking on a barren wasteland. It was the place where the smell of metal and oil pierced the tip of the nose, and the tower of steel soared inexplicably high.

My nonchalant gaze turned to the top of the glance tower.

A pure white light bulb floated there. It was the source of the charge that flowed endlessly, and it was also the essence of magical engineering that created cracks in empty space.

‘Humanity’s last hope’.

It was the word that called that sphere of light. It was only a name given by the losers who isolated themselves by building tall walls.

It wasn’t even a laugh.

But, on the other hand, it made sense. Right now, even I can’t give up my hopes for that sphere.

The fact that I purposely walked all the way to this place today was proof of that.

That was around the time I returned my gaze to the front again.

“… … Welcome, Commander.”

A man with brown hair was greeting me in front of me.

He was a handsome man with light green eyes and curly hair. Also, since he and I have known each other since childhood, a voice mixed with a sigh escaped from my mouth.

“Why are you fucking again, Leto.”

“Ha, your words are too harsh.”

Despite my criticism, the man only snorted as if he was dumbfounded.

Eventually, I shook my head and took the first step. Since there was no way to stop Leto from getting angry anyway, I felt like I had to finish my work.

Even so, Leto followed me around and didn’t stop grumbling.

“Ian, does that make sense? What the hell are you supposed to do with this budget? ‘Humanity’s last hope’! Then, of course, it’s not enough to support them with all their might!”

Apparently, he was in charge of research and was struggling with financial problems.

I, too, have had numerous headaches because of supply. It wasn’t that I didn’t know that feeling, but the answers I could give were limited.

“… … Leto, I’m just a soldier.”

“You are laughing.”

It was a cynical reaction to the point of wanting to be too much.

Laughing out loud, Leto questioned me again.

“The last master of mankind, the star hunter who dropped three seven deadly sins, is just a soldier? A lie no one will believe… Do you think I don’t know that ‘Parliament’ trembles at your words?!”

“It is His Majesty the Emperor who represents the Empire in the Council. Ask His Majesty about the budget.”

“So, since His Majesty the Emperor didn’t even pretend to hear us, he’s doing this to you! Hey, if you scrape a little more of the budget… … !”

“How is the research progressing?”

It was a question thrown instead of an answer.

At the sound of my tired voice, Leto shut his mouth for a moment. A faint dissatisfaction was evident in his distorted face.

The budget was very tight.

But again, he couldn’t keep up with the tired me, so a small sigh escaped from Leto’s mouth.

And annoyedly avoiding my gaze.

It looked like it hadn’t been resolved yet. However, Leto, as always, did not become a small group.

Because he was not so irresponsible as to neglect his duty.

As if to prove this, Leto’s sincere explanation continued.

“… … First of all, we succeeded in artificially opening the ‘boundary’.”

It was as I had guessed.

The cracks that spread around that sphere of light were particularly familiar.

It was a sight I had seen many times before. When the space itself collapses, the hidden side of the world is revealed. And to reach the Master, it was necessary to enter and exit that unknown place.

Of course, I was also called ‘the last master of mankind’.

Of course, you have to get used to that crack.

While I silently gazed at the mine on top of the tower, Leto added a more detailed explanation.

“As you know, ‘boundary’ is a space where common sense does not work. In return, it accomplishes the impossible.”

“Because it wasn’t the power that was allowed to us in the first place.”

It was the plain truth.

Originally, it was impossible to artificially open the ‘boundary’. If such an expedient was possible, the technology using it would have already existed for a long time.

In other words, that sphere of light meant that it was the first device in human history.

The reason for this miracle was simple.

This is because humanity is on the brink of extinction.

Leto smiled wryly at my cold sentiment.

“At least I survived because you cut the heads of three of the seven deadly sins. I bet the Dark Church didn’t know that we could use the power of the Seven Sins.”

“Strictly speaking, I wouldn’t be interested. After all, winning or losing has been decided for a long time.”

It was something I had never said before in front of others.

The fact that the Guardian of Humanity would occasionally offer such a pessimistic outlook was perfect for dropping morale that was otherwise hitting rock bottom.

As a commander, I had an obligation to refrain from irresponsible words and actions.

However, Letoman was an exception.

He was one of the few people I could trust and rely on.

“That’s why you need a trump card. With the population decreasing, the power of the heavenly gods that suppressed the Seven Sins weakened, and thanks to that, humanity could control the power of the Seven Sins… Who would have imagined?”

Leto then said a thud and slapped me on the shoulder.

It must be because my face was so hardened.

“Ian Perkus… What if you’re dying like that? You are the man who will save the world. A hero who will return to the past and save mankind!”

“There’s no way that’s possible… … .”

But only a groan came out of my mouth.

That was all I had to do.

There is no way you can go back to the past with common sense. No matter how strong the power of the Seven Sins was, it was the same.

Even if we go back to the past, the timeline will be separated.

Even so, mankind could not bear to let go of this unreasonable gamble. It was because it was the only possibility of winning from Delphirem.

It is a vain hope.

I knew it rationally, but I couldn’t stop this reckless plan either.

Because no one can live without hope.

It was a matter of survival. Numbers and probabilities were meaningless in the face of the premise of all life.

Leto wouldn’t be unaware of this either.

He still hadn’t lost his smile. Although it was a wry smile, the fact that he still had room to laugh proved his mental capacity.

“Ian, you have to be careful… Crossing the ‘boundary’ and heading to the past time also means that the two time zones are connected. In particular, the ‘boundary’ is a place where imagery and unconsciousness rule, not physical laws.”


“If you do well, everyone except you can be affected by ‘Vigilance’. Since this road is one-way for a while, the past will be mainly affected by the present.”

It wasn’t something to worry about in advance.

It was the point at which I questioned whether I could go back to the past. What would be the point if I had to plan what would happen after I went back?

But I decided to keep that advice firmly in my heart.

Because that was what Leto said.

We stared at the sphere of light for a while without saying a word. After a while, Leto hesitantly opened his mouth.

“That Ian… maybe Even if you go back to the past, the timeline might change, right?”

Not ‘maybe’, but nine out of ten likely.

But I didn’t deliberately point that out.

Instead, he just silently listened to Leto’s words.

“In that case, I have a request… … .”

It was then.

Bang bang!

An annoying noise came from somewhere. It was so loud that Leto’s voice was barely audible.

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Just as I was about to listen again.

“Pak,” he said, blurring his vision. It felt like the body standing on the solid ground was falling endlessly.

It was an instant.

I gasped and opened my eyes. The sound of banging and banging on the door was constantly shaking my skull.

Yes, it was a familiar room.

It was natural since it was the dormitory that shared my academy life.

Then I realized that I was dreaming. A burning thirst and a hangover headache in turn awakened my sense of reality.

It was a familiar process by now.

I grabbed the water bottle I had placed by my bedside and gulped down the cold water. When I came to my senses, my eyes immediately found the object I was looking for.

It was a letter envelope.

It wasn’t particularly luxurious, but it wasn’t cheap either. Rather, it should be said that the faintly rising scent gives a refreshing feeling.

It was right after my hand blankly picked up the envelope.

Bang bang!

There was another knock on the door. Even if it wasn’t so, I was on my nerves at the clothes drenched in sweat and the hot air.

I put the envelope in my arms for once and moved annoyedly. It was not too far to the door.

Then all of a sudden.

A strange feeling of incongruity passed through my brain.

Wait, is it hot?

The season was already long past summer. There was no possibility that it was late heat, but even taking this into account, the weather was too hot and humid.

Moreover, my developed intuition was warning me.

weird. There must be something hidden in this scorching heat.

Of course, it didn’t take long to be immersed in worries.

Bang bang!

At the sharp noise that echoed once again, I sighed and pulled the doorknob.

Soon, a voice full of annoyance came out of my mouth.

“Who the hell… … !”


At the door stood a weeping lupine.

Almost on his knees, he wept and begged me.

“Ooh, my sister has gone crazy… … .”

I ran out of the dormitory at once.


“My sister keeps doing weird things! They come to me out of the blue and burst into tears, can’t even remember what happened a few days ago… … .”

“How long has it been like that?”

“From this morning!”

That meant it wasn’t too late.

Talking to Lupine, I moved as fast as I could. It was as hot and humid outside as inside.

There was a haze rising over the heated road.

I wanted to ask about this unacceptable heat, but the first priority was to visit senior Elsie.

The ‘boundary’ is a dangerous place.

Even though I just witnessed the scenery, I almost got my ego uprooted by the huge flow. The possibility that Elsie-senpai was suffering from some kind of side effect could not be ruled out.

But Lupin and I did not last long.

I had just left the dormitory and was about to start running, but my body hesitated. It was the same with Lupine, who followed.

In the scenery melting with the heat.

From far away, someone was walking.


It was an outfit that included a cape and a cone hat.

Of course, it should be hot and tiring, but not even a single drop of sweat could be found on the girl’s forehead as she walked calmly.

Because of the brim of the cone-shaped hat, the expression on his face could not be read properly. But there was one thing I instinctively realized.


It was an opponent that even I could not guarantee victory or defeat.

My muscles contracted on their own, revealing tension. It didn’t take even a moment for my breathing and heartbeat to subside.

So I was even more perplexed.

That girl’s appearance was exactly the same as that of a person I was very familiar with.

Doubts eventually led to convictions.

It was because the girl gently pushed up the brim of her hat with her index finger, revealing blue eyes that had been hidden by the midday shadow.

It was Elsie senior.

My colleague and future fiancée.

But why do I feel so unfamiliar?

No, in fact, I was shouting from a corner of my heart.

Haven’t you seen this kind of scenery someday?

‘Elsie senior’ showed a meaningful smile as soon as she found me. From his strangely relaxed demeanor to his confident smile.

It was a bit of an adult look.

Yes, ‘adult’.

Memories from a few months ago started flooding into my brain.

Hot and humid weather, a strangely grown-up girl.

And the faint smell of medicine wafting from the envelope.

My trembling hands began to rummage in my arms.

It didn’t take long until I got my hands on what I was looking for. Without hesitation, I opened the envelope and looked at the contents.

There is only one thing you need to see right now.

At the end of the letter, where the sender is written.

There was a short inscription engraved on it.

‘Your master.’

Eventually, my bewildered gaze turned to the front.

“… … Hello, junior.”

The girl greeted him like that in a confident tone.

It was a tone that didn’t even mix with respect. Of course, it wasn’t Elsie senior.

Nonetheless, I’ve seen it.

Senior Elsie, who was so mature, strong, and always referred to me as a ‘junior’.

‘Great Forest’.

The bond between the men from the future was being reproduced at the academy.

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