7. Jealousy is my strength (14)

“I was attacked by a vampire.”

It was a heartless assertion.

The expression on the girl’s face as she recited such a brief explanation was even plain. It was not the attitude one would take to deliver the news that a woman’s life was over.

‘Elsie senior’ was holding a leaf in her mouth before she knew it.

It was a narrow, long blade of grass. It is said that its purpose is unknown, but since Elsie-senpai has been chewing on it for a long time, there is little possibility that it is a nameless weed.

Even after chewing for a few minutes, half of it didn’t disappear.

How could the grass be like that?

I had a lot of questions, but I tried to suppress my curiosity.

It was because of the belief that senior Elsie would explain it on her own.

Also, I was concerned about the two women walking in the distance.

The two of us were following the two women, hiding behind rocks and trees. Of course, it was necessary to refrain from conspicuous behavior as much as possible.

It was good to have a conversation and only exchange necessary information.

As if living up to my expectations, senior Elsie added additional explanations in a sour tone.

“Vampires have the ability to suck the blood of others and create their own blood. The blood relatives of the vampires born that way grow in strength by sucking the blood of another victim.”

“You mean that ‘missing person’ too?”

“Yes, just looking at it, the balance of the Five Elements is broken.”

Elsie-senpai replied in the tone of asking something obvious, but the young doubt in my eyes was still unresolved.

Facing that gaze, Elsie’s head tilted and tilted.

“What, why? The balance of the ‘five elements’ has collapsed.”

“How do you know that?”

“Why don’t you know?”

The absurd half-question left a small scratch on my chest.

No matter how possessed he was, that body belonged to ‘elsie senior’. I never thought that Elsie would look at me with such pitiful eyes.

As I became sullen, the girl said “Oops” and touched my forehead.

“Right, right… You were still a fucking Percus.”

“Fuck it… I beg your pardon?”

The sudden insult left me stunned for an instant.

Regardless of whether or not, Elsie-senpai just snorted and shrugged.

“If you don’t like it, let’s call it crappy Percus. Tsk, anyways, it bothers people… … .”

It was then that senior Elsie’s finger tapped and tapped the leaf I was biting on.

My eyes unconsciously turned to Elsie-senpai’s lips. Just in time, those dainty lips were darting to clear up my doubts.

“The five elements mean the five elements. All things are maintained under the balance of these five elements. Although each element may be different, it is not enough to upset the balance of the five elements.”

“It’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

“If you twist it, ask our master.”

So there was nothing else to say.

Isn’t the teacher of ‘Elsie senior’ none other than the Archwitch?

While I was swallowing my saliva for a while, senior Elsie pointed to the leaf I was biting on again.

“The thing that makes it possible to look at the balance of the Five Elements is this ‘young shoot of the World Tree’.”

Only then did I shake my head and nod as if I understood.

Out of nowhere, Elsie wanted to practice vegetarianism, which was not appropriate for her, but it was understandable if there was such a situation.

I naturally held out my hand.

“Then give me one cigarette too.”

“No, kid.”

Whoa, exhaled as if exhaling cigarette smoke, and Elsie gave a mischievous smile.

“Do you think this is an easy thing to get? It’s an herb that can only be obtained near the World Tree. Most scholars don’t even know how to process these young shoots.”

“Then how did you save Elsie-senpai?”

“I’ve been running around the market all day, dude. That’s how I’ll meet you… … .”

And then, senior Elsie suddenly started looking at me.

Glancing at my face, it seemed that I was uneasy about not being able to keep that promise.

In fact, it wasn’t even a promise.

It wasn’t even a wish that I could grant because I wanted to hear it.

A request to meet Elsie’s ‘junior’.

I deliberately avoided Elsie-senpai’s gaze.

“… … I’m not sure because it’s ‘Fuck Bob Percus’.”

“Hey… Heh, anyway, the narrow-minded are the same.”

Even after scolding me like that, Elsie-senpai didn’t bother to ask me for a definite answer.

I didn’t even know if I was being considerate.

Or maybe you don’t want to let go of your last hope.

It was a problem that only made me feel uncomfortable the more I thought about it. So I glanced at the leaf Elsie was biting.

“Are those leaves still there?”

“yes? Of course, I can spend the next hour… no way?”

I shrugged and shrugged.

Senior Elsie’s face contorted in an instant, and she was about to raise her voice.

My hand reached for the two women walking happily on the other side.

‘The Missing Person’ and Emma.

Our purpose was to go after those two. to places where there are as few people as possible.

In the end, senior Elsie had to swallow the insults that reached her throat.

“… … you really don’t I am a body that belongs to me.”

“Couldn’t you cut that blade of grass in half and give it to me? Did someone soothe the part that was biting?”

“Then what if our ‘junior’ misunderstands? yes? Are you going to take responsibility?”

I guess it’s not someone’s first love.

I had to know the heart that was extremely sincere to my boyfriend.

Seeing that chilling sight, I inadvertently missed my colleague, senior Elsie. And the saintess who is struggling hard in the Holy Land, and even the senior Delphine who was left in the north.

Of course, there were two more people who were important to me at the academy.

Seria, and another one.

My complexion suddenly darkened.

“… … So let me tell you one thing. Out of the two, who is the one whose balance is broken?”


As if in doubt, Elsie-senpai glanced at me and asked again.

“Do you know anyone between the two of you?”

“On the right, it says ‘Emma’. He is one of my dearest colleagues.”

Even so, senior Elsie’s curiosity was not completely resolved.

A strange sound flowed from Elsie-senpai’s mouth, who had narrowed her eyes for a moment.

“I heard it for the first time… Hmm, no. Come to think of it, I think I’ve seen it somewhere… … .”

“It’s fine, how are you?”

Of course, that wasn’t my concern.

I was afraid that the innocent Emma might not have been deceived by a vicious fraud.

“Which of the two is down? Only one of them collapsed, right?”

“Ah, I thought I would remember something… yes! Only the woman next to me is broken.”

It was fortunate.

Gradually the trail came to the end, just before reaching the clearing.

It was better to do it during this gap.

As I fidgeted with the hatchet on my waist, Elsie looked at me with an absurd look.

“Oh, are you really thinking about working hard?”

“I will ask you just one more question.”

Before kicking off the ground, I looked back at senior Elsie and asked.

“Is there a possibility that a person who has been attacked by a vampire will return to normal?”

It was a very serious question.

Depending on the answer, I had no choice but to reconsider my future plans. It is said that Adelaia, who fought with me earlier, took the lead, but now the composition was completely opposite.

The vampire’s family was dangerous. And I had no intention of placing this danger by Emma’s side.

Of course it should be removed.

But what if there is a way to bring back the vampire’s family?

I had to refrain from indiscriminate killing.

Even if it’s a bit more difficult, I have no choice but to prioritize suppression.

It wasn’t Elsie senior who didn’t know this.

Rarely, senior Elsie couldn’t give an answer right away.

While hesitating, he opened and closed his lips for a long time.

In the end, the conclusion that came after much thought was only two syllables.

“… … doesn’t exist.”

Then, what I had to do was decided.

One step, two steps.

Deliberately, I did not hide myself and took a step forward. It didn’t take long for me to catch up with the two women who were leisurely walking in front of me.

It was as planned.

The sudden sight of blood could startle weak-minded Emma. So, after separating Emma as much as possible, remove the ‘missing person’ who has become a member of the vampire’s family.

It was around the time that I was re-examining the plan.

Suddenly, I thought that the back of the ‘missing person’ was somehow familiar.

It can’t be.

I was the one who had gone through the list of missing persons. Of course, I’m not very smart, but I memorized simple impressions and names excluding surnames.

It was Emma who noticed my presence first.

The woman with auburn hair turned her head to the back, and then with a bright smile, she called out my name.


As usual, I accepted Emma’s greeting with a light smile.

But before long, the woman standing next to him turned her head.

Memories from a few months ago flooded in like a tide.

Golden hair, voluptuous curves that couldn’t be hidden even with the academy uniform, and even that haughty and unlucky expression.

The waterway of memories that crossed the pace once filled the blood vessels of the brain.

Of course I don’t know the name.

It was because he was the one who only remembered his last name.

And isn’t golden hair a color that exists everywhere in the world?

I wasn’t the only one who froze.

As soon as the other person saw me, their eyes widened and their breathing stopped. A few seconds for that silence to pass.

Emma scratched her cheek with an awkward smile.

“Ahahahaha… Are the two old friends? In fact, we’ve become very close since then.”

The first person who came to his senses was a blonde woman.

Regaining her sanity, she slightly bowed her head and gave a polite greeting.

“It’s been a while, Sir Ian.”

“Yes, I see… … .”

I was blankly muttering like that.

“… … Lady Lupesia.”

I thought about the strange relationship.

The woman whose limbs were amputated by me for slapping Emma on the cheek.

I was doomed to dismember her again.

Also, the woman who became Emma’s close friend.

Indeed, it was an odd relationship.

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