7. Jealousy is my strength (27)

Did you say that there is no tomb without a story?

It meant that everyone had at least one excuse. No matter how ridiculous it was, it was the same.

There’s always a good reason.

There were circumstances even in the inside story where a handsome middle-aged man suddenly put on the shell of a lovely girl. And the Archwitch liked to describe it as a ‘reasonable choice’.

“Can not help it. The attention of the whole academy would be focused on if the swordsmith of the Empire accompanied you, so would there be any point in going undercover?”

“No, I should have already attracted enough attention by myself… … .”

“Oh hey, kid. You seem to want to be a woman too.”

At that one word, I immediately shut my mouth and began to squeeze my hair as much as I could.

“… … Come to think of it, since I’m a student, it won’t be strange no matter where I go.”

“It is as you say. Also, you’re a strange person if you can’t see it, but the swordsman is a person who wants to do that even if he can’t see it. I’m always on a classified mission.”

At first glance, it was an opinion that made sense.

However, this was only a third person’s idea. It was unlikely that someone suddenly trapped in the girl’s body would have the same optimistic sentiments as mine.

The shouts that erupted before long proved this.

“No, why does it have to be a girl?!”

It was a reasonable point.

Even if the speaker is a person who has lived as a man all his life and then became a girl.

I shook my head and looked at the Archwitch. No matter how you looked at it, it seemed like nothing more than a bad prank, but the Archwitch showed a surprisingly dignified attitude.

“That’s right, because I don’t touch a male body.”

“No, you’ve lived for hundreds of years and haven’t seen a man’s body?!”

“Yeah, I’ve never even seen it, let alone touched it… Why should I? That’s why only female bodies can be made.”

The swordsman who became a girl seemed to have a lot to say, but he couldn’t come up with a proper objection to the fact that he was a great witch. He was just shaking his body with his fists clenched.

I had to say it was truly a miracle.

Previously, when the swordsman showed a childish appearance, laughter came out, but as soon as he became a beautiful girl, that sentiment disappeared in an instant.

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Just a woman of her age standing in front of me.

The archwitch even landed a decisive blow on the swordsmith who couldn’t hide her anger.

“That’s strange, wasn’t it an issue that had already been negotiated? Did someone threaten you with a knife?”

“Keugh… … !”

The one who threatened with the sword was the swordsman, so there was nothing to say.

Even so, the swordsman raised his voice again as if he could not erase his resentment.

“There was no mention of making a girl!”

“If you had asked, I would have explained…” It’s unfortunate. But how can I arbitrarily lock a person who becomes a Master into a body?”

It was word for word.

No matter how great the witch was, the swordsman was a strong one who occupied one of the masters. I couldn’t just lock myself in the body.

In other words, it meant that the swordsman was also convinced.

The fact that he wasn’t throwing off his body right now was proof of that.

“Wouldn’t a great swordsman of the empire break his promise? I’m looking forward to it, but be careful not to damage the body as much as possible… It’s pretty annoying to make it again.”

“Big… … !”

The swordsman, who had been shaking his fists, finally began to calm his breathing.

After taking a few deep breaths, the girl’s trembling eyes glanced at me.

“… … Surely, you wouldn’t betray the empire even if you made me look like this?”

“Was that the purpose… … .”

Eventually, I let out a deep sigh.

Somehow, I wanted to accept this situation meekly, and it seemed that I wanted to stimulate my debt consciousness.

Don’t you want to lose me that much?

Still, if I was obsessed, wouldn’t a pretty girl be better than an old man? So I decided to comfort myself.

Without knowing what trouble this decision might bring.

However, before leaving, there was a voice holding me back.

“… … Make no mistake.”

“Whoa,” said the woman, exhaling smoke from her cigarette.

“Because I haven’t acknowledged you yet. One day I will have to tell you the story of how you stole my vision.”

Facing that sunken gaze, I hesitated to ask the question that had come to my mind for a moment.

The trouble was short-lived.

A short question flowed from my mouth.

“Why are you so in denial?”

A question without a subject.

It was a question that even I wasn’t sure what I wanted to ask. Even so, the Archwitch stared at me for a while and couldn’t answer.

After a while, the barely squeezed voice tickled my eardrum.

“… … Because I wasn’t allowed to.”

Glancing at the back of the swordsman who was walking in front, the Archwitch made a calm confession.

“We are all prisoners of fate, kid.”

I couldn’t understand that.

And maybe even after a while.

After saying goodbye for the last time, my gait followed after the swordsman.

As of yet, I don’t know.

I caught the gaze of the archwitch, who looked particularly tired.

The future I peeked into didn’t look so bleak.

The eyes resembled that of a certain man.


“Your gaze is as hot as the sun… Even I, in my prime, had never enjoyed such popularity.”

These were the words he threw around the campus with me.

Even at first glance, the girl with dark blue hair seemed to be of noble birth. From shiny hair to soft skin, no matter where you look, it doesn’t look like you grew up with hardships.

However, that bold gait and sullen demeanor gave off a somewhat masculine feeling.

Above all, living to the point where your skin tingles.

Even those whose reason was paralyzed by the vampire’s magic could not approach it recklessly. This girl, yawning and supporting her head with both hands, was in fact a strong person at a level beyond common sense.

Imperial swordsmith.

Who would have predicted that only three Masters would be acting like this.

All I could do was stare at the girl with an anxious gaze.

Thanks to that, it made me more comfortable. Indeed, it crossed his mind that the archwitch deserved cooperation.

While admiring the girl’s appearance in a daze for a while, I put a question in my mouth that suddenly came to my mind.

“So, where are you going?”

Then, unmotivated blue eyes sneakily turned to me.

Anyway, it was a yard that was trapped in the girl’s body in just a few minutes. It was enough that the swordsmith of the world would go crazy.

So I deliberately asked with more careful tone.

“Are you walking ahead? Isn’t there a separate destination?”

“my room.”

The girl then tapped the sheath of the pure white sword hanging from my waist.

Then I burst into exclamation and nodded my head.

A pure white sword scabbard engraved with a golden dragon.

It was a weapon that was no different from a swordsman’s symbol. Until now, no one had paid attention to the girl’s sheath, but it was clear that many problems would arise if she continued to carry that sword.

So he must be going to get the sword he prepared as an extra.

It was when I made up my mind to follow the swordsman’s opinion without saying anything.

“Glory to know… Few of them came to my room.”

With that one word, the temperature of the gazes from the surroundings changed.

“You mean you weren’t dating the saintess?”

“Looks like you’re not even Rainella-senpai. Do you see how many women there are?”

“But, it’s the first time I’ve seen him… … .”

The louder the whispers grew, the larger the beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

It was a very misleading statement.

If the opponent was a swordsman of the empire, it wasn’t wrong, but right now, she has the appearance of a girl she doesn’t know.

And coincidentally, the academy’s feelings toward me have been amplified by the vampire’s magic.

I have no idea how this rumor will spread.

Finishing my judgment in an instant, I tried early evolution.

“No, those who hear will misunderstand… … !”

“So you’re saying I’m going alone? come all the way here?”

But there was one variable I hadn’t calculated yet.

It was the feeling of a swordsman.

The planting of the swordsman who suddenly became a girl seemed very uncomfortable. It was enough to get annoyed at the slightest criticism.

Do you become a woman and tell someone who is in a bad mood that you have to be careful about your behavior because you are a woman?

A drop of cold sweat ran down his back.

Unaware of my feelings, the swordsman continued to grumble.

“Hey, you have no sense of responsibility. You made me look like this, but now I don’t need to accompany you? what do you think of me… … !”

“Ah, I see! Let’s go!”

In the end, I had no choice but to swallow my tears and agree with the girl.

“Let’s go now… Room or whatever!”

“As it should be.”

Only then did the girl smile as if she felt relieved.

The passers-by who saw this made a noise of whispering again, but the swordsman was born into the royal family.

He didn’t seem interested at all, as if the people were talking.

In the end, I had to follow the trailblazing swordsman with the feeling of being dragged to the slaughterhouse.

Fortunately, there were no restrictions on the way to the swordsmith’s room.

Regarding this, the swordsman bluntly added an explanation.

“It’s been a long time since I gave you permission to enter. You never know when they will come with an urgent report.”

“Don’t you check the identity of the elder?”

“Who verifies the identity of Imperial Intelligence? If the opponent was a high-ranking official, he would have to sacrifice his life.”

It was a question and answer that seemed natural, but it was also a part that well revealed the darkness of the Imperial Intelligence Department.

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Just knowing the identity of a high-ranking official should kill him.

Around the time when I thought that it was too much, no matter how much.

“… … And there’s no sense of identification either.”

Showing subtle pride, the girl raised the corners of her mouth.

“Who would dare harm me? If it’s that kind of opponent, even those kids will not be able to do it in the first place.”

It was arrogant.

And it was the truth without a single lie.

Indeed, even if she became a girl, the Master was a Master.

I couldn’t even hide the composure and pride that came out of that tone and gesture. Rather, it was easier for me to deal with.

Of course, it was just a silly idea.

Arriving at the sword master’s room, I had to listen to the sword master’s boast for a long time. There were dozens of famous swords in his room, and he looked at them with pleasure at first.

But even if the boasting was long, it was too long.

I was just contemplating whether I should pretend to be crazy and cover my ears.

I felt a sense of popularity somewhere.

“Lungs, Your Majesty… Even so, there is an unidentified person with them!”

“It’s okay, isn’t Sir Ian there? Still, the empire owes a lot, so it would be nice to have a cup of tea while you’re here.”

My body and the girl’s bodies froze in an instant.

“No, why is His Majesty at this hour… … ?”

“… … I’m trying to hang out.”

It was the truth to be seduced.

The swordsman looked around with bewildered eyes.

“My nephew, when he gets tired from working, he often misses his schedule with the excuse of having a cup of tea… I just came here because I thought I could come up with an excuse!”

“Well, then what? From that sword… … !”

It was then.

The door opened without a sound, and then an old man entered the room.

Two pairs of round eyes stared at him frozen.

The emperor, who tilted his head at the unusual atmosphere, soon turned his attention to the girl standing next to me.

“Long time no see, Ian Perkus… And next to it… … ?”

Before long, the emperor’s gaze stopped at the sword in the girl’s arms.

A new sword that is the strongest symbol of the empire and cannot be touched unless it is a recognized owner.

It was held in the arms of a girl he had never seen before.

The emperor could not accept the reality for a moment. It was to the point that I shook my head with a giggle and laughed.

“ha ha ha! Maybe it’s because I’ve been overdoing it lately, but my eyes are blurry, so I seem to be seeing vain things… … .”

However, no matter how many times I rubbed my eyes and looked at it again, there was no way the reality would change.

I closed my eyes, turned my head, and waited for a while.

The girl’s face began to heat up moment by moment. The swordsmith, who could no longer bear the shame, eventually confessed his identity.

“Joe, nephew… … .”

The emperor’s expression upon hearing that one word was, yes.

Rather, it was more like a piece of art.

It is a portrait that mixes all the astonishment and fear in the world.

The title of the work is ‘The Scream’.

A piercing scream erupted, leaving a long tail in the room.

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