7. Jealousy is my strength (32)

“I don’t know the details either. I only follow the will of my mother, the queen… However, it is not that there is no part that can be guessed at all.”

“for example?”

“The ‘Archwitch’ is here.”

It was a word he said with a soft smile.

However, there was a subtle murderous intent in his eyes, and I almost pulled out the hatchet in an instant.

“My mother is very interested in that traitor… The place where the continent’s future gathers becomes the master’s grave. Isn’t it nice?”

“He’s quite confident about the subject he couldn’t win with himself.”

At my point, the eyes of my subordinates became ferocious.

It looked like it was emotional, but for me, I was only happy for the cracks in that face that was always relaxed.

“Do you think the academy can be captured just because the likes of you come together? How many talented people are staying here… … .”

“… … You are preparing for that.”

With a slightly heated voice, the woman uttered cold words.

“You don’t know my mother’s fear… A human can never harm my mother.”

‘Human’ is impossible?

It didn’t seem like mere bravado or bravado. When I glanced sideways to be sure, Shien responded in a serious tone.

“I am not lying.”

“What the fuck.”

It was a reality I didn’t want to know much about.

As a ‘human’, the opponent is impossible?

I wanted to get more information, but I intuited something from the attitude of the attendants who glanced around.

This woman is looking for an opportunity to escape.

Long experience was telling me. The most effective method that the vampire’s family could take to escape now.

Kill the hostages, and escape while I panic.

My heightened senses followed the warmth of the blood scattered over the rubble. Oddly enough, the blood was getting hotter and hotter.

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Just as I was paying attention to my family, my family was also observing me closely.

Of course, I couldn’t help but notice that I had realized something.

As I quietly moved my hand to my waist, the attendants let out a screeching sound.

“… … Don’t move any more!”

I pretended to be relaxed, but didn’t I want to die?

I decided to grant the request while swallowing a blank laugh.

Once the feet are tied.

I decided to be satisfied with that fact for now. Then came my ultimatum.

“Let me ask you two last questions… Have any of you returned to being human? And again, have you really never seen Celine?”

“… … Will you save me if I tell you?”

There was a hint of possibility in that shaking voice.

My eyes sank even deeper.

“On condition that you tell the truth… By the way, we have some means to determine the truth of the statement.”

“I swear.”

Not even trying to hide his anxiety, the vampire snarled and presented the condition again.

“I swear to the gods… One of your lovers is a saint of the Holy Land, right? Walk on her honor.”

“That’s true… … .”

It’s a tricky condition.

I blurted out the end of my words and closed my eyes as if hesitating.

Although it was not made public, the saintess and I had a relationship that was no different from that of husband and wife.

But, does the husband use the name of the heavenly god?

Even if the saintess beat her back to pieces, she had nothing to say.

No, the angel might get angry and throw a thunderbolt at me.

I wasn’t a saint There was no one who could survive in the flames.

Along with the goose bumps, I let out a sigh mixed with a sigh.

“… … Is it really necessary?”

“Is that enough to demand the truth from me? Don’t forget that even the hostage’s life is in my hands.”

After hesitating for a while, I closed my eyes tightly.

“I swear. As long as you answer my questions truthfully, I won’t kill you today.”


“Then next time we meet, you tell me to just be one-sided? Do it in moderation.”

The counterargument that I uttered out of tears was unfounded.

No matter how much the vampire’s family was involved, they couldn’t force themselves anymore. She nodded her head obediently and began to provide the promised information.

“First of all, none of us sisters went back to being human… Why would you do that in the first place? Having received such overflowing grace, I can wield power as I please!”

“Don’t you want to regain your humanity?”

“at all.”

A lively, lifelike smile that follows along with the assertion.

There was no need to ask Shien. This woman was sincere.

“In the first place, the ‘contract’ seems so easy? We have received a favor, and in return we can only love our queen infinitely. There is no such thing as a way to reverse a decision.”

“What if the contract was compulsory?”

“aha… Wasn’t it the story of the ‘slaves’, not the ‘sisters’?”

As if she could finally guess what I was thinking, the woman smiled lightly and mischievously.

“Still, nothing changes. The weak get eaten by the strong… It is the providence of Mother Nature.”

That was before I could ask any more questions.

The woman put the question she was really curious about.

“And did you say ‘Celine’? Unfortunately… There seems to be a mistake.”

“… … What?”

It was the yard where Seria found gray hair at the site.

Anyone can see that the work of the vampire is strong. However, Shien just stared at the vampire in silence.

The implications were clear.


I gritted my teeth and pressed down on the soaring half door. It was because the vampire had just opened its mouth.

“Why did I hide here? To monitor the ‘slaves’… In other words, most of the kidnapped women are in my memory. But I swear I’ve never seen the look you mentioned.”

“I mean that… … .”

“You said you could verify the authenticity?”

Shien nodded quietly before asking.

I wanted to spit out curse words, but the other person was just telling the truth.

In the end, I had no choice but to grit my teeth and let go of my anger.

My childhood friend’s face floated around in my mind.

If Celine goes wrong like this, how should I look at Leto’s face?

It was then.

“I wondered how to tell lies, but those torn pupils… It’s dragon blood, that girl.”

It was a voice drenched with lust.

The vampire’s blue eyes glittered and captured Shien in his retinas. Heh, my mouth seemed to be watering at any moment from my open mouth.

The emotion that the face wanted to reveal was clear.


She wasn’t the one who didn’t know this. Shien, whose face was completely blue, was walking backwards.

It was an embarrassing twist for me.

“Now what… Wasn’t it me you were looking for?”

“Ah, the smell of your blood is sweet enough. But the kid next to you… Somehow, it smelled so delicious.”

With a smile, the vampire tilted his head slightly and showed me cute charms.

“You promised? At least ‘today’ won’t kill me… no matter what I do.”

At that impudent statement, my hand went straight to my waist. Then the vampire burst out into a clearer laugh.

“Ahahahaha! Calm down, did I do something? Just, just a little… let me taste the blood Even for our queen… … .”

Even so, when I showed no sign of backing down, I even glanced sideways at the vampire.

The lives of the hostages were still in the hands of the vampires.

conditions were the same.

If I raise my aura, I will kill the hostages.

It was like walking an exquisite tightrope so as not to break the oath. I could have broken the oath if I demanded too many conditions.

As I remained silent, Shien grabbed my sleeve with a frightened look.

“Lee, Sir Ian… … .”

Even that pathetic voice didn’t shake me.

I just let out a sigh and slowly removed my hand from the handle of the sword.

“… … You will regret it.”

It was the moment when the faces of the two women caused malocclusion.

Shien couldn’t believe that he had been abandoned, and tears welled up in his eyes. On the other hand, the vampire took a slow step with an expression full of joy.

“Bur, please don’t throw it away! Sir Ian, I was wrong… I will not use bad words in the future! I will remain a good child! Yes, actually, I’ve been having bad delusions about Sir Ian… I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong… Come on, look! I can imitate that dragon’s cry… Hee-hee?!”

However, the long plea was not yet finished.

Shien, who was making the shape of a dragon’s claw with both hands, stopped screaming at the touch of the vampire who had come close to him.

“Don’t worry too much, little dragon… It will end very quickly… … .”

It was right after that.

A creaking sound rang out later.

It was a speed no one could react to. Even me, with the vampire in front of me, couldn’t flinch.

It was an extremely unreal sight.

No one moved, but there was a bloody incontinence on the vampire’s wrist. Before long, a crimson fountain gushed out, and the hand that had lost its owner flew through the air.

A very short time until consciousness returns from unreal to real.

“Quaaa! Go, dare… Who! What a bastard!”

Spouting harsh words, the vampire gripped his severed wrist and looked around ferociously.

But no matter how much I looked around, there was nothing to see.


Hearing the sound of footsteps, the princess and I naturally turned around and opened the way for the girl.

A small girl with dark blue hair.

However, the look in his eyes was moldy.

If you run into someone on a roadside that no one knows, you will first think of the dance of fireflies.

Before long, a soft declaration was uttered.

“Only me.”

It was a death sentence.

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