7. Jealousy is my strength (37)

There were countless rumors about ‘vampires’.

It was a monster that had lived for hundreds of years. It is said that the strength of one person is comparable to that of the Master, and in fact, there was a time when the southern part of the continent was reduced to ashes a long time ago.

The worst daughter of Omeros.

These were the words of those who witnessed the inaction. The ‘vampire’ was the demon in the legend that the strong men of the time formed a group to subdue them, but only their lives were taken away.

There is no enemy unless it is a ‘great sage’ and a ‘saint’.

However, those who protect the imperial family and the holy city of Ciendel couldn’t recklessly raise their home to the south. The people of the south were deprived of their livelihood and settled in despair.

If the ‘Great Witch’ hadn’t appeared just in time.

Little was known about the relationship between the two women. However, only rumors that the ‘great witch’ refers to the ‘vampire’ as ‘ugly sister’ spread in secret.

The existence with so many legends was the ‘vampire’.

And ‘greed’ said.

The ‘Vampire’ is ‘Jealousy’, one of the Seven Sins of the Dark Church, and is still infiltrating the academy.

It was information that was hard to believe as easily as the weight of the information.

So I had no choice but to speak out in a more suspicious voice.

“The vampire’s whereabouts?”

“That’s right. Wasn’t that what you wanted?”

The girl, lying on the bed and supporting her chin with both hands, was smiling brightly. At first glance, there was not even a trace of malice.

But the opponent was ‘greed’.

Although her power is still not perfect, the girl in front of her was also a member of the Seven Sins. In essence, it meant a monster that was not much different from a ‘vampire’.

I couldn’t help but be seduced by her beautiful appearance. If you do, you’ll end up falling prey to the spider’s web.

I asked again, trying to lower my heart temperature.

“Are you sure? In the first place, how could a demon who turns into a vampire sneak in here?”

“Because I’m wearing a ‘body’.”

Then, as I was taking off my shirt, my hand stopped.


It was a concept I had heard before.

Fortunately, the girl did not attach much importance to my agitation. It was just that he must have been taken aback by the unfamiliar word, as if he wanted to.

“I did not know? The old nobles of the Southern Great Forest studied immortality. In the meantime, I also dabbled in all sorts of taboos… One of those shining achievements is the ‘body’. The idea was to transcend the limits of the body by transferring the soul.”

“… … Did a vampire get that technology?”

At my point, the girl smiled strangely.

It was because it was a meaningful question in its own way.

If a vampire got that technology, it meant that they couldn’t make a body before.

There was a total of two pieces of information at stake in this question and answer.

First of all, if the technology to make a body had been acquired recently, who the hell had passed it on?

And secondly, if he had the skill to make a body from the beginning, why didn’t he show up before?

The girl who had been silently looking at me for a while opened her mouth after a while.

“… … huh, well? I think you’ll know if you take off that shirt.”

“What is that… … .”

It was before I even spat out a half-hearted question, saying, “It’s nonsense.”

Greed quickly took the lead and began to fawn.

“Ah, what’s wrong! Anyway, it’s just the upper body! I miss you too, my oppa’s back muscles!”

“… … Not a kid.”

In the end, I chuckled and threw the shirt away.

Then greed began to express its own happiness by shouting kyaaa. The only thing that came out of my mouth was a laugh.

It’s like being dragged around by an officer of the Dark Church.

Even though I thought so, I couldn’t possibly face the girl’s gaze head-on. All of a sudden, making that face and fooling around at me.

There was nothing to do with the occasional throbbing heart.

I just have to bite my lip and hold my heart together.

The girl who had been squealing like a chick for a while finally revealed the information I knew.

“Whoa, you must have been making an artificial body recently? Hasn’t it been decades though?”

“Is that recent?”

It wasn’t something a newbie who had just turned into an adult would say, so I scolded her like that.

The girl just shrugged her shoulders as if it wasn’t a big deal.

“We have been hiding in the darkness of the continent for thousands of years. Compared to that, decades is a very short time, isn’t it?”

“It must be a very proud history.”

Despite my ridicule, the girl showed no signs of giving in.

Rather, I would not know if he had stared blankly at me with eyes falling in love.

“Ah, oppa knows too? Our sad history… As expected, we are a match made in heaven from the moment we were born!”

“Don’t talk nonsense and recite information.”

My voice was still chilly.

Of course, that didn’t mean the girl was discouraged. Even though I was clearly aware of that fact, I was deliberately pretending to be cold.

Because I was supposed to die someday.

There was no reason to leave room for affection.

“Anyway, the important point is that it’s a ‘body’… It took a lot of hard work to defeat it, but right before you die, isn’t it a big deal if the vampire transfers your consciousness from the body?”

It made sense.

The body of the vampire was too strong. There were even rumors that even the Master had to risk his life for subjugation.

But what if you kill them while trapped in the body?

It is possible for consciousness to return to the main body as it is, but when I heard the story of ‘greed’, it seemed not to be the case.

It’s a tempting proposal, though.

The problem was how to kill while confining consciousness in the body.

A sigh escaped from my hesitant mouth.

“… … therefore?”

“Your brother will solve the related problems, can you do that much for your lovely little sister?”

what about sister

So I snorted and added a question.

“After all, you didn’t tell me important information. How can I find that ‘vampire’?”

“Um, that’s right… … .”

At the same time, the girl secretly blushed on her cheeks and began to speak out for no reason.

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Judging from the fact that he glanced at me, it was probably an act with a hidden intention.

It’s a start again.

I had no choice but to let out a disgusted tone.


“Oh, maybe I’ll let you know if you sleep with me tonight…” … ?”

No matter how crazy you are, do you have a minimum of shame?

The girl who uttered an absurd sound lowered her gaze, which was rare.

Of course not, how could I sleep with a saint of the Dark Church?

It was the moment when my eyes, which had prepared so many heartless words, turned to my back.

“… … No?”

A girl with a melancholy expression as she clutched at the blanket filled my retinas.

I lick my lips, inhale and exhale.

After repeating my agony several times, I came up with one word in annoyance.

“Do whatever you feel like… Instead, I will kill you if you show the slightest suspicion.”

Despite such a chilly permission, the girl only raised her hands in delight.


It was an innocent smile.

That night when I lay down with so much tension.

Unexpectedly, the girl fell asleep as soon as she leaned her head against my arms. The way I was straining my muscles made me look like an idiot.

A faint smile appeared on the face of the sleeping girl. I couldn’t find the usual dubious appearance anywhere.

Even so, isn’t it too defenseless?

What if I kill the sleeping girl like this?

But, on the other hand, I also had these thoughts.

The girl said that she dreamed of my sister while being tortured. Lia was timid since childhood, so there were many times when she fell asleep in my arms.

Every time I said something

Didn’t he pat Leah on the back and say he was fine now?

Because I have a brother.

The girl must have been watching the scene too.

A few minutes of hesitation, clenching my hands.

Finally, I sighed and closed my eyes.

It was an unavoidable choice. You can’t just kill the only informant, can you?

Perhaps, that’s all.


The next day, I was visiting a specialist for advice on ‘the body’.

Next to me, a swordsman was walking confidently. Now that I was accustomed to accompanying them, I didn’t even feel much inspiration.

If there’s only one impression, it’s just that it’s annoying.

“So, when are you going to do sparring? From ancient times, the path of the sword is endless. You have to work hard when you are young enough to finally realize what a sword is. Cancer, no… … ”

It was a bit funny to talk about ‘when I was young’ because I look younger than myself.

But I wasn’t stupid enough to put such a rude thought on the surface. On the contrary, I don’t know if you prefer to sigh deeply and be polite.

“Swordsmith, can you please stop? Right now, in the yard where the whereabouts of the ‘vampire’ is right in front of you… … .”

“Tsk tsk, young knights these days don’t have the guts anyway… guts! That sparring takes a few minutes, chit.”

It was to the point where my ears hurt from the sound of grumbling.

It was at this time that the question of whether or not to use magical energy to cut off hearing arose.

“Ah, the duty of an Imperial Knight has fallen to the ground! How could the knight break the promise he made with the girl?”

I stopped at that suspicious first-person address.

My eyes filled with amazement turned to the swordsman. Then the swordsman started to boast as if he had finally found my weakness.

“Lee Ahn-kyung, how come you don’t sparring with the girl~ I’m really sorry~”

“Ooh, ooh… … !”

I don’t know what the intention was, but the effect was certain.

My stomach felt bad, so I stopped and covered my mouth with my hand.

And as soon as I slightly bent my upper body, the girl’s lightning-like blow struck my back.

A childlike scream erupted from my mouth.

“Cheuk… Ah, ah! Are you sick!”

“You bastard, do you know how great the sin you committed for making me like this is? On a nice note, you’d better ask the old woman to return the body.”

Isn’t that a request that will come true after the operation is over?

It was a separate issue against my will. In the first place, if you set your mind to it, you should be able to return to your main body.

As if he had expected such a rebuttal, the swordsman put one hand on his waist and smiled meaningfully.

“Whoa, I might end up becoming a real girl… … .”

“You can tell me, if you tell me! I will definitely tell the Archwitch!”

In the end, I couldn’t stand the verbal sabotage and shouted like that.

Only then did the swordsman smile with satisfaction and cross his arms. There was a glimpse of hope for the future in the nodding head.

“Whoops, yes. It should be! No matter how important disciples are, I can’t be treated like a bitch by my granddaughter anymore… … !”

It was then.

The swordsman’s gaze, which was speechless for a moment, turned to his back. There was a row of trees, and gray hair peeked out from behind them.

I’ve had this happen before.

“Ha,” I sighed. It was enough for me to notice, so there was no way the swordsman didn’t know.

The girl asked, unable to hide her uncomfortable feelings.

“… … So, when is that kid going to tidy up?”

In the end, instead of answering, I decided to raise my voice and call my junior by name.

“Seria, come out!”

Then, startled, the gray hair hid behind a roadside tree.

However, if you are a human with normal social skills, you have no choice but to know. The fact that my voice contains conviction.

Even with empty words, it was difficult to evaluate Seria’s sociability as normal, but it seemed that the past few months of training hadn’t been meaningless. Looking at Seria, who appears from behind the tree-lined trees, hesitantly.

Seria’s face was flushed red.

“Ooh, Woohyun! ugh… Ooh, what a coincidence. Senior Ian!”

Coincidence is bullshit.

I’ve been chasing after you since this morning.

When I signaled with a hand signal to come closer, Seria hesitantly closed the distance with me. I didn’t know why he was holding the sword with both hands.

Maybe he’s trying to hide behind a sword instead of a roadside tree?

Imagining such nonsense, I spat out a question.

“what’s the matter?”

“That, that… ah! hit! My sister comforted me by telling me to start remote communication as soon as possible!”

It’s a spy from Senior Delphine.

It was information that could not be ignored.

I nodded and put those words together in a corner of my mind.

But Seria’s business didn’t end there.

“By the way, I… senior?”


Suddenly, I thought that the temperature around me had gone down a little.

The midday academy was hot and humid. I couldn’t help but wonder about the sudden coldness.

The cause was obvious.

Seria’s blue eyes were embracing a cool light.

“… … What is this woman?”

At the same time, the form of holding the sword back and forth was unusual.

Oops, I hurriedly started making excuses.

“No, it’s nothing. He said he was just a special admissions student, so I accompanied him for a while and took care of him… … .”

“Isn’t it unusual between the two of you for something like that? He even stabbed his hand without hesitation… Dude, that’s vulgar.”

As soon as this thin sound rang out.

I closed my eyes tightly. It’s already too late.

Before long, Seria’s trembling voice, which had lost her reasoning, continued.

“It’s dirty, how can you do that to a guy you don’t even like? no no… It’s strange. I’m sure this bitch is also aiming for senior Ian, right? Even if you don’t, there are a lot of females who have their eyes on senior Lee Ahn recently, so I’m going to die of annoyance… … .”

Until then, the swordsman yawned and paid no attention.

It seems like he’s gotten used to it now that he’s been misunderstood a lot.

However, the swordsman still did not know. What kind of woman is Seria?

“I-I can’t help it now that it’s like this… So as not to dirty Ian-senpai’s side, I’ll clean up myself… … !”

It was right after Seria put her hand on the handle of her sword, her blue eyes flashing with murderous intent.

tight, do

Seria’s body flew through the air. It was literally an invisible blow.

It was after the handle of the swordsmith’s sword touched Seria’s afterimage. Even she had her eyes wide open, as if she hadn’t anticipated this development.

Before long, Seria’s body, which had been floating in the air, was scattered on the ground.

It was clear that he was fainting from the fact that his eyes were spinning round and round. When my stupid eyes turned to the swordsman, the girl let out a sigh as she slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand.

“… … Oops!”

“What is ‘Oops’, what!”

Leaving behind my screams as I lost my dear junior in front of me.

Regardless of whether or not, Seria, who had lost her mind, was only vomiting out stupid sounds like moans.

This was the whole story of my junior joining the party right before meeting the Archwitch.

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