7. Jealousy is my strength (49)

A single flower landed in the desolate landscape.

It was a person with dark blue hair and blue eyes that made a strange contrast. At first glance, it seemed like a petite girl, but that appearance was just a shell.

It was a fact that could be known just by looking at ‘Vampire’.

The look in the eyes of Mine, whose arm had been cut off, was savage. It was to the point that my breath was choked by that intense hostility.

This is inside the vampire’s barrier.

The space itself was a place composed of the vampire’s will. Of course, the magician’s wrath had no choice but to affect the environment.

The temperature of the area goes down.

When the smell of winter brushes your nose and the bloody moon looks down at your new prey like the eyes of a beast.

The girl said “Pick” and smiled.

As if it’s really funny.

As if he didn’t like that leisure, the vampire gnashed his teeth and raised his body. The arm, which had been cut off before I knew it, had regenerated more than half of it.

Before long, a voice salted with hatred leaked from the monster’s throat.

“This, this bitch dares… … !”

“Tsk tsk.”

However, before I could continue my anger.

The girl clicked her tongue and slapped herself. Seeing that attitude of not even needing to hear it, the whites of the vampire’s eyes turned even redder.

“Compared to the strength you have, your mental training is far from lacking. I was told that it was a legendary demon, but I expected it… So, did you just gain strength through an expedient?”

Every word was tantamount to a provocation.

The girl only expressed her honest feelings, but the vampire’s expression was crumpled and straightened every second. In the past, his body was about to tremble with excessive anger.

In fact, it had to be.

It was because the vampire did not know the girl’s identity.

Isn’t it a yard where a young kid appears out of nowhere for a long time, chopping off his arm and leaving harsh criticism.

If he wasn’t angry, it was rather strange that way.

The vampire’s rage soon spread throughout the space.

A hum and trembling noise rang in my ears. Until the monster, who had been breathing deeply with his eyes tightly closed, opened his eyes again.

Deep blue eyes float in the air like a wisp of fire.

The vampire raised the corners of his mouth and gave a ferocious smile. The trembling ship was representing the vampire’s anger.

“… … Are you confident in your own skills?”

“Well… … .”

The girl’s eyes turned to me as she spoke the trivial words.

I was still on my face, gasping for breath. In fact, I felt a little unfair.

How can you become a ‘high expert’ and always end up like this?

Even if the opponent is a ‘vampire’.

But the girl, on the contrary, seemed happy about my injury.

“… … He has the skills to show off in front of his pupils.”

To be more precise, it seemed that he was very happy to have had the opportunity to perform in front of me.

The corner of his mouth that slowly rises was proof of this.

However, the vampire only showed a more astounding reaction.


“Yes, disciple.”

Then the monster’s blue eyes began to come and go between me and the sword ball.

A girl whose name is unknown, and a young knight whose reputation has recently increased.

It was a difficult composition to recall the priest’s kite easily. Even if they were a teacher, nine out of ten would think the latter would be their teacher.

Vampires seemed to feel this way too. The lips of a faint sneer uttered mockery.

“I heard that our niece-in-law is a disciple of the Archwitch?”

Even its purpose was unclear.

Maybe he simply didn’t want to see the girl elated. Or, I wanted to straighten out the facts.

Either way, the swordsmith’s reaction was beyond imagination.

Because the equilibrium was immediately broken.

The tiny body jumped up, and soon a wary gaze turned to the vampire.

“Wh-what?! What is that, bullshit… Come on, can you?”

Soon, suspicious eyes turned to me.

I wanted to say it was an excuse, but it was hard to even breathe. And the swordsman seems to have decided to interpret my silence in a slightly different direction.

The girl growled and shouted, not hiding her hostility.

“Yeah two years… Still, you came to steal someone else’s disciple just because you’re from the Southern Ten Kingdoms?! Like a stray cat!”

“… … Also, a stray cat?”

The reaction that could be shown to such an absurd accusation was limited.

Among them, the vampire chose ‘making stupid noises’. Even while receiving the ridiculous look, the swordsman proudly tapped my chest a couple of times.

“Hmph, but there’s no way a spellcaster can move a knight’s heart! It’s a pity, but I’ll have to take the kid with me.”

“Who do you want?”

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A bloody mist was spreading around the vampire who started chewing his glove again.

It was a precursor to battle.

“That child is my niece’s lover… And a disciple of my enemies! Of course I shouldn’t have And then, they laugh… Looking at the distorted face of that bitch who always laughed at me!”

“What an ugly desire.”

“… … Are you tired?”

The girl’s calm expression was reflected on the blood-stained retina.

thug, thug.

The sound of gloves being chewed at random resounded. The vampire was so blinded by the torrent of emotions that he didn’t even seem to realize it.

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Just thump and stomp his foot once.

That was enough.

Blood dripped from me, the vampire, and the great witch. It was as if only a drop of blood had been freed from the effects of gravity.

The sight of crimson water droplets rising gradually was so beautiful that it was dreamy.

Although the results it would bring were not at all beautiful.

Ugh, I do.

The glove the vampire was chewing on was ripped open, and the stitches burst out. The purpose of such a rough gesture soon became apparent.

The wriggling drops of blood form a blade.

Swords, spears, axes and even arrows.

There was no form that was not born for slaughter. At first glance, the number is in the hundreds.

The number of bloody weapons was creating a sense of intimidation.

“I don’t know about you… The suffering of people without talent, the gap that no matter how hard they struggle, they cannot catch up! The fact that you have to look at someone’s back for the rest of your life, how painful it is… Do you dare to guess?”

“I don’t even want to guess.”

Letting out a voice with no balance, the girl declared so.

“I’ve always been the best, but what do I know about the feelings of the laggards?”

“Then I will tell you.”

With a grunt, the vampire gnashed his teeth and slowly raised his left hand.

Even so, the swordsman did not take any stance. He just yawned and stared at the vampire with bored eyes.

Immediately after, the tight balance caused a rupture.

“The miserable feeling of having to fall face down and look up at the sky… … !”

Hundreds of bloody weapons aimed at the girl at once.

The blades’ group dance, which moved as if they were one body, did not allow even an inch of gap.

There is no escape.

Even if you block it, you can hit it again and again, a truly overwhelming amount.

Pak, the sound of cutting through the air was the signal.

Countless bloody trails filled his field of vision in an instant.

The space was refracted and joined, and in the process, the randomly distorted trajectory made the calculation complicated. Frequent occurrences of spears that had been leading were being pushed back, and blades that had been drooping suddenly protruded.

The highlight was the sight seen after the bloody weapons came close to the girl.

A distance erased in an instant.

The armor, which had been some distance away, suddenly came close to touching the skin. The bloody spears passing through the refracted space stretched and contracted repeatedly.

Amidst the bloody rain, the girl looked up at the sky in silence.

Eventually, a small sigh is let out.

“Heaven… … .”

A low voice, a single step taken.

and one sword.

It was a ‘sword’. All my instincts were alerting me, testifying that it was a sword.

But how.

I couldn’t even catch my senses. Even with sight, hearing, touch, and even intuition, there was no sign of the sword. However, only the advance of the blade that filled the air stopped for a moment.

I couldn’t even realize right away what had happened.

Eventually, the girl lowered her stance and brought her hand to her waist.

Wow, the whole world screams.

Smashed, blood-colored weapons flew like flower petals. In the self-made hospitality, the girl smiled faintly.

“There was a time when I also looked up at the sky.”

However, the vampire offensive did not end there.

“Shut up… … !”

At the end of his voice, which trembled with anger, the blade of his hand fell like a guillotine.

Then, the fragmented, blood-colored weapons wriggled and regained their form again. No, rather, each piece was transformed into a weapon, and the number continued to increase.

Even so, the girl’s complexion was calm.

“… … Not anymore.”

No answer came back to my self-talk.

Instead, only the countless bloody storms greeted the girl. Like heavy rain hitting a window, it was impossible to cut off all the bloody blades that endlessly punctured.

Fak Fak Fak!

A series of dull sounds echoed, like fingers digging into mud. Before I knew it, the girl’s body was surrounded by bloody armor that had been stabbed down without even a gap.

The vampire didn’t seem to be relieved even then.

“Like an idiot, where did you crawl in here? My barrier is perfect! It’s still unfinished, but it’s already absorbed a lot of power… Now, if only the great forest would transfer… … !”

However, the vampire’s words were not yet finished.

It was because the grave of the bloody armor that should have pierced the girl’s body squirmed and trembled.

Before the vampire even wrinkled his face.

The black light flashes.

It was truly a slash that was appropriate for the expression ‘sparkle’. Immediately after the thin light passed through the field of view, the world did not show any change for a while.

but only one thing.

A solid silver line had formed through the center of the vampire’s body. No, it wasn’t just the vampire’s body.

from earth to sky.

It was after the blade that had raged through the space, leaving a trivial but obvious scar. Only then did time begin to flow again.

A space that reveals the cross-section with jjeook.

The air, the bloody blade, the vampire’s body, and even the ground and sky.

There were no exceptions.

A straight line slash divided the world into two.

“Slash the sky.”

As the girl said that, she took care of the blade that slightly protruded from the scabbard before she knew it.

A clicking sound.

Before long, the torn air spewed out terrifying death sentences.

The girl’s hair and clothes fluttered randomly in the face of the gale. But the girl didn’t take a single step back, and looked back at me and asked.

“… … How are you, kid? Are you ready to learn the sword now?”

With the world cut in half.

The cracked landscape was leaning.

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