7. Jealousy is my strength (51)


What it meant was likely to vary depending on the context. But whatever the meaning, there was only one option to take when faced with these variables.

First of all, check the origin.

I glanced around with a puzzled look on my face. Not far away, a small crack was peeping out.

How long has it been since you kept silent about the sudden change?

Kwajik, a crack opened and a slender arm came out of it. Then, a few more gasps came in, and a crack in the air broke open, revealing the exhausted upper body of a girl.

that’s the end

The woman who pulled out the upper body gasped as if she had used up all her strength and fell limp. It was so hard that he didn’t even realize that I was in front of him.

After remaining silent for a while, I asked a cautious question at the familiar appearance.

“I, Archwitch… … ?”

Then, the woman who was breathing heavily lifted her head with difficulty. Only then did the woman, who recognized my presence, sigh in relief as if she had lived, and opened her mouth.

“Oh, oh oh… It is you.”

But unlike the archwitch, who was flattered, I still had no choice but to put on a puzzled expression.

My eyes moved slightly behind my back. At the center of the barrier where a fierce battle was taking place, the swordsmith was literally causing a natural disaster.

The sky shattered, the space split, and the ground crushed by countless hatchets scattered.

Earthquakes, tidal waves, storms.

Look at that skill that causes all the calamities with only one sword.

It was enough to give the impression that the title of ‘the continent’s best swordsman’ was rather lacking.

But, on the other hand… … .

Then my eyes turned to the Archwitch again.

The only image formed on the golden retina was a weak girl gasping for breath.

I had no choice but to ask out of pure curiosity.

“… … Why are you doing that?”

Even though she was a great witch, she wasn’t completely ignorant.

The archwitch’s face, which had secretly avoided my eyes, heated up slightly.

As if it was the last remaining pride, he coughed and tried to maintain his dignity somehow.

“Hmm, hmm… That’s because I’m a little weak… … .”

“Are you the master?”

That short half sentence was the decisive blow.

Eventually, the Archwitch raised her voice with her face blushing.

“I, if I get my body back, nothing like this will happen!!”

It was a truly pitiful appeal.


Afterwards, the Archwitch struggled for a while and complained of injustice.

The argument could be summed up in one line.

As my older sister said, as long as she regained her body’s strength, this barrier would not be a problem at all.

Even so, the look of disbelief in my eyes was not completely erased. First of all, it was also because the expression of dainty rather than dignified was more appropriate for the figure struggling with its body caught in the gaps in the space.

Looking at it like this, it’s cute.

It was not a sentiment I would have to have when I saw an elder who had lived hundreds of years longer than I did. But even the archwitch didn’t seem to have imagined that I harbored such rude sentiments.

Otherwise, there was no way she would cling to me with tears in her eyes.

“What, what are you looking at? Why don’t you help me right away?!”

I swallowed a moan at the cry of a weak grip in the hand holding my waist.

To be honest, I had a desire to see the archwitch’s weaker side. But now it was an exhibition, and I wasn’t foolish enough to ruin my work with personal desires.

It was the reason I spoke out without hesitation.

“How can I help you?”

“Everyone, pull me… I’m going to die hard.”

Even without that, she was a tired archwitch.

He struggled with his limbs and even raised his voice, so it was only natural that he looked more tired. Without further ado, I decided to pull the drooping archwitch all the way.

A few seconds of grunting and pulling the Archwitch’s arm.

The sound of a crack widening echoed with a crackling sound. And the body of the Archwitch floating in the air with a pop as if a hole that had been blocked was opened.

I naturally had no choice but to accept the archwitch’s body as if I were holding it in my arms.

The woman’s body, supported by her arms, was graceful. The breath he exhaled with his reddened face gave off a strange sweetness.

“Whew, whew… I will live for a while now.”

Hearing a sigh of relief that was finally let out, I secretly inspected the hole through which the Archwitch came out.

If the lower body couldn’t get out, there must have been a reason. For example, there was a point where it got caught because the hole was narrow.

I inadvertently shed my exclamation.

“You have a pelvis more than you think… Aww!”

Of course, the sentiments that I spouted out as if I was surprised did not end.

right, do

It was because of the sound of a smoking pipe appearing somewhere and punishing my forehead. It was a blow that I couldn’t avoid or care for the painful part as I was holding the archwitch in my arms.

It was right after that that the archwitch stood on the ground with a snort of hum.

The woman twisted the smoking pipe with her arms crossed. Now that she had regained her usual self, it was obvious where her gaze was going.

A place where a fierce battle between a vampire and a swordsman is taking place.

There, blood and slashing were dancing innocently.

Seeing this, the Archwitch’s gaze deepened in an instant.

“Hmm, the degree of completion of the barrier is beyond imagination… No way, I thought that sword maniac still couldn’t decide.”

“What the hell did the vampire do?”

My doubts were answered.

As I said before, no matter how much a vampire you are, you can’t be the master’s opponent unless you’re the main body. Then, as the vampire confessed, this barrier had to have a special function.

What the hell did you do?

The Archwitch purred her lips as she smoked a cigarette.

“Didn’t I tell you? It is said that the five elements are closely related to ‘Yeon(緣)’… Theoretically, if you can control a whole circle of five elements, you can adjust the causal relationship by twisting the kite.”

The Archwitch’s voice was calm as she answered my question, but I couldn’t help but put on a more puzzled expression.

“Is that possible?”

“Yes, only within this barrier… It’s kind of a trick. However, the target of deception is only the world. Looking back, isn’t the Master’s image the same? Overwhelming the real world with the world of images… This barrier makes miracles like this possible, albeit on a limited basis.”

There was no reason for the Archwitch to lie to me.

So I hmmm, kept silent and frowned.

The power to deal with ‘causality’ was dangerous.

If he hadn’t had a strong mental image, he would have died quickly. Who would be able to endure if the result of ‘death’ was given to one trivial hand gesture?

Then there was only one conclusion.

“Is there a way to destroy this barrier?”

“I just want you to die.”

I immediately changed my words to that simple answer.

“… … So, how do we escape this barrier?”

“Don’t you feel like giving your life?”

“Today, I am eager to think of my family.”

There were people who were precious to me too.

It is not possible to leave a wife who has moved to the Holy Land alone.

The archwitch burst into laughter at the answer that was as resolute as it seemed shameless. It was a sight that I knew it would be.

“There is no way… However, it depends on what you do.”

“What about the Archwitch?”

“I’m exhausted. And I have a separate role.”

There was no gap to dig into that honest confession.

All I could do was nod my head straight away and agree.

“Then what can I do?”

As I made up my mind and uttered a counter-question, the Archwitch smiled as if it was no big deal.

“Cut through the space.”

“… … Yeah?”

making unreasonable demands.

It was an incomprehensible proposition.

To penetrate ‘space’, isn’t this an impossible condition?

Since ancient times, time and space have been regarded as complex concepts. Also, this ‘time and space’ was one of the backgrounds we stood on, but it was not something that could be manipulated.

Imagine reading a novel and a character tearing the pages apart.

The situation itself is absurd, but the result of the act was also disastrous. This was because there was a risk that the existence of the character itself would not be established.

You can’t call a person who doesn’t even appear in a book a ‘character’.

Therefore, there were only a few beings who could manipulate ‘space’. Only absolutes who prepared large-scale magic through long preparation like ‘vampires’ or distorted reality itself like ‘swordsmith’ could touch the space.

The Archwitch was no exception.

While entering the vampire’s barrier, the Archwitch had a history of punching a hole in the air. This was entirely because the archwitch was the pinnacle of sorcery that had mastered all kinds of truth.

But to entrust me with such a heavy responsibility out of nowhere.

I couldn’t help but be dumbfounded.

“No, what does that mean… … !”

“Didn’t I tell you the tips already? Just do as I say.”

Along with him, a small palm tapping my arm with a tuk-tuk.

I hit my throat and swallowed the rising objections. It wasn’t that I couldn’t guess what the Archwitch was trying to say.

Yes, I did remember.

At least the words I heard when entering the barrier.

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