7. Jealousy is my strength (66)

First Prince Vilteon.

He was a man known for his hot temper since childhood. In addition, rumors about her beautiful appearance were also high.

The descendants of dragons who inherited the blessed lineage were usually beautiful in appearance. However, it was said that among them, there were three people with exceptional looks, and one of them was the first prince, Vilteon.

For reference, the other two were the 2nd princess, Iris, and the 5th princess, Shien. When I thought of the two people’s beauty, I had roughly guessed how tall the person of ‘Biltheon’ would be.

Maybe I can fill a few carts with only the woman who rang in my life.

I was just now realizing that my guess wasn’t wrong.

“Would you like a drink?”

It was a garden outside the academy.

It was a place filled with flowers that bloom profusely every season. Like butterflies attracted by the scent of flowers, it was also a popular spot for couples and couples.

It was a place where there was never a day when people were cut off.

Today was particularly quiet.

It wasn’t that Vilteon used his power to drive him out, it was the result of the current students not coming to him on their own. Because rumors about vampires have created an ominous atmosphere lately.

Even under the influence of abnormal weather, weeds were growing thickly all over the garden. No one wants to spend time in such a hideous space.

Except for a few quirks.

I could never have imagined that one of those exceptional cases would be the heir to the imperial throne.

I already felt like my head was pounding.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness Vilteon. There are so many issues to worry about lately… There is no time to enjoy a drink in broad daylight.”

“Ha ha ha, is that so? It is indeed worthy of being one of the empire’s divinities. When I offer them a drink, most of them pretend they can’t win.”

Is it a compliment or a mockery?

I couldn’t possibly guess what Vilteon was thinking. In the first place, politics was not my field of expertise.

Those in power always hide their true feelings.

It was because only then would the subordinates be careful of their behavior. Whether they say their true feelings or hide them, those who are afraid of power will try their best not to go against their intentions.

It was an exhausting process in many ways.

I was a heavenly uninhabited It meant that he preferred to wield the sword rather than the tongue.

There was only one way for such a ignorant human being to deal with a powerful person.

Reveal your true sincerity.

Rather than trivial tricks, several times it was an excellent strategy.

“To be honest, Your Highness. I have no idea why you came to me at this point. Isn’t it an emergency for His Majesty to return to the system right now? The rivalry with Her Highness, Princess Iris, is no longer an issue… … .”

“I heard that my sister follows the sutra very much.”

It’s called ‘sister’.

As you can guess from the title of ‘First Prince’, Vilteon was the eldest son of the emperor. Of course, there were any number of people who could be called sisters.

But among them, there must be only one person following me.

After hesitating for a moment, I asked carefully.

“… … Are you talking about His Highness Shien?”

“Yes, Sien. my cute little sister… Unfortunately, I am also very busy. I wanted to have a conversation with you at least once when the opportunity arrived. Can’t you still?”

At that plain explanation, my mouth was shut tight.

It wasn’t me who didn’t know that feeling. If Lia said she was following a certain man, I, as an older brother, would be willing to conduct interviews with various meanings.

Mainly in my field.

A sword or a hatchet.

The means of conversation were overflowing.

At this point, I couldn’t just refuse the boldness. I decided to talk with Vilteon with the utmost sincerity.

Of course, I had no intention of bumping into a glass of wine.

When I showed no sign of offering my glass, Vilteon burst into laughter as if he knew that. Then, without hesitation, I broke the glass in my hand and drank.

With a loud exclamation, the man’s sleeve stole my mouth and passed by.

The smile that came to my mind was somehow gloomy.

It was an unexplained complaint. Maybe it’s because of the reverberation of the alcohol or not.

Even that was only for a moment. Soon, Vilteon smiled and said to me.

“Don’t worry too much. I know what a heavy burden you are carrying.”

“Then may I ask about your business?”

“Have you ever heard of the imperial family’s secret wish?”

It was the main idea that was uttered without hesitation.

As if caught off guard, I couldn’t answer for a while. Yes, he had heard the truth from Princess Iris, but he did not understand Vilteon’s intention to care about it.

Come to think of it, have you seen it before?

Alpenhauser’s twins were especially wary of Vilteon. Until now, I had interpreted it as a level of vigilance towards the rival of the master, but when I faced Vilteon, some questions began to raise my head.

In fact, what if it meant more than that?

Enmity is like a blade in a power struggle. No matter how much you aim at the silence, you have to hide it carefully so that you can insert the knife at the moment of injustice.

They weren’t the ones who didn’t know this. Alpenhauser’s twins and Princess Iris.

Nevertheless, what was the reason why he showed his dislike for Vilteon?

Even with such a questioning gaze, Vilteon only swallowed a faint smile.

“Looking at the reaction, it looks like you’ve heard of it. Iris, did the child tell you?”

“It’s a presumptuous statement, but even if it’s in front of His Highness, no matter how confidential it is… … .”

“Whoops, that’s fun. Do you really think I don’t know about the imperial family’s secret wish?”

Instead of answering, I chose silence.

Of course, Vilteon would know, but secrets were secrets for a reason.

There is no need to stand in the front and talk about it.

At my stubborn attitude, Vilteon shook his head.

“Okay, I can’t blame you for sticking to the principles… Then I’ll change the question. What do you think of Shien?”

“I think of him as a kind and thoughtful junior.”

“About Shien’s ‘Eye’?”

Second already.

I was speechless and closed my lips. Deep down, feeling the need to revise Vilteon’s evaluation.

The first prince had a surprisingly outspoken personality.

The direct question made the answer rather difficult. When I hesitated again, Vilteon refilled an empty glass and suddenly brought up an old story.

“I have many brothers and sisters, but Xian is especially on my mind. Do you know what?”

“Are you pretty?”

It was an inadvertently spoken question.

After speaking, I felt like Oops, but it was already spilled water. Above all, the reaction of Vilteon who heard my joke was not bad.

Whoops, burst out laughing.

If he was an older brother who cared for his younger sister, he should have been like this. For now, I won’t have to worry about hearing bad things about my sister by praising her.

“Does it look like wonder? I thought I looked just as pretty because I was my little sister, but I’m glad that you are too… But you were only half right.”

Shaking the glass gently, Vilteon’s gaze deepened as he stared into the glass.

It was seriousness that did not suit his age. Maybe it’s because of the different concentrations of the years I’ve been through.

“Sien is wearing clothes that don’t fit her size. The 5th princess of the empire, the daughter who inherited the strongest dragon blood… He stood out from childhood, but well. It was hard for me to get rid of the thought that Shien was overdoing it.”

“The word ‘crowd’ means… … ?”

“You mean I haven’t grown up yet.”

Tok, tok.

While saying that, Vilteon tapped my skull a couple of times with his thumb.

“Sien’s growth stopped in his childhood. Should I say I’ve seen too much of life’s bitterness at that time? I am trying to protect my heart by putting on my disbelief like armor and laughing at the world.”

“He is capable of that.”

“It’s not like that. However, the inside remains the same as when I was a coward.”

And another drink that disappears again.

It was to the point where I wanted to drink well even though there were no side dishes.

“Iris expects too much from Shien. I don’t know if you think Shien resembles you in your own way, but your expectations are too high. Shien is not yet the vessel to become the Archwitch’s apprentice. He is certainly not a talented person who can fulfill the royal family’s longing.”

“Is it because of the ‘dragon eye’?”

It was a question I had been asking for a long time.

Then, Vilteon’s gaze turned to me. It must mean asking for a supplementary explanation.

“The reason Her Highness Iris is expecting, I wonder if it has something to do with ‘Eye of the Dragon’.”

“It’s an old legend.”

short statement.

As if telling a trivial story, Vilteon continued his explanation in a nonchalant tone.

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