583 – 7. Jealousy is my strength (83)

“It would have been better if I hadn’t been caught… If so, your father would have been mine, and the Yurdina family would have been yours. But because of that damn old man…….”

[Seria, on that day…….]

Delphine looked perplexed that day.

She didn’t look like a sister. Wasn’t it Delphine who was always cold and solemn?

It was around this time that a revelation-like realization came.

You knew, her sister.

“But don’t worry too much. It’s not too late. Since you are my daughter and the vampire’s niece, if you only become aware of your power…….”

That’s why you couldn’t tell me.

Even if I had to endure the truth of that day and my resentment.

“Mu, mu, what… ….”

Crying or anger.

The voice, stained with an unknown emotion, trembled dangerously. Seria’s skin had been distorted for a long time.

Crying, laughter, despair, anger, hatred, resentment.

In a face where all emotions are concentrated, only one thing shines.

A single tear streamed down.

“Come on, my daughter. Would you lend me some blood? Since you ate the dragon’s blood, I’m sure you too…..?”


The silver-haired woman had to put on a dumbfounded expression at the sensation of her stomach piercing sharply. Her eyes of disbelief slowly turned to my abdomen.

Her fist was stuck there.

None other than my daughter’s fist.

There was no time for the woman to vent her doubts.


The body of a woman blown away like a cannonball is thrown into the distance, raising a thick cloud of dust. Her momentum was so terrifying that she fell over as several trees were crushed.

And a shadow runs through the scattering pieces of wood.

A few drops of tears remained on the trail like afterimages. The heartbreaking scream was being let out without knowing who it was directed at.

“What, what did you do? … !”

I didn’t need a sword.

It was not long after she woke up from the runaway. The current Seria was more like an animal than a human with reason.

Above all, she didn’t have to deal with armaments.

Her whole body was already a weapon. If she recklessly surrendered her body to anger, her body could become a more threatening weapon than her sword.

The silver-haired woman was just in the middle of staggering her body.

In addition to being badly wounded, he even allowed an untimely blow.

Even her moderate beasts were fatal injuries. Even so, the fact that she still had the energy to raise her body meant that her woman’s body was also going differently in terms of durability.

Anyway, it was a story that had nothing to do with Seria.

Seria’s body was also strong enough to be compared to that of metal. No matter how strong her opponent was, she had no fear that Seria would be outdone in her hand-to-hand combat.

A heavy shockwave bursting out with a thump.

It was hard to believe that it was just the result of two women’s bodies colliding. Again, several trees were broken, and Seria, who had climbed on top of the silver-haired woman, threw her fist at her.


Her woman’s neck turned sideways with the sound of her skin bursting. Eventually, a stream of blood dripped down the corner of her mouth.

It was proof that Seria was beating her with her sincerity.

Her voice, soaked in her resentment, burst forth one after another from her girl’s mouth.

“What, what did you do… What the hell have you done…..! You know the feeling of having to lose her mother?! No, only you should know! What the hell, to my sister… No, what have you done to my family!”

“…… Seria.”

It was a surprisingly calm tone.

The woman, who quietly called her daughter’s name, slowly returned her head to the front. Her gaze, looking up at Seria, showed her unconcealed affection.

It is disgusting love.

Seria realized that for the first time. The fact that even love can be disgusting.

“You’re still pretending to be human.”

“I am human…… !”

“No, you are my daughter.”

With a faint smile on her face, the woman showed a kind expression again.

Seria thought of crushing that mug with her fist.

“You are the same as me. You don’t remember, what did you do?”

“What the hell am I…… !”

“Blood on your clothes.”

Seria’s breath stopped as she let out her hatred without recognizing her.

The blue eyes were silently looking down at my clothes. There were several bloodstains there, suggesting an undeniable truth.

The fog in Seria’s brain finally clears. Memories of the runaway time she had forgotten until now.

The silver-haired woman had a pure white smile.

“Is that really your blood? When I look at it, I don’t think so…….”

Seria’s body began to tremble again.

Memories, memories, memories.

Blood is gushing out. Seria is laughing. As if she didn’t mind the pain of others.

There is only one thought that fills her mind.

‘I have to have Senior Ian.’

From noble mtl dot com

“Ugh, ah, ugh… ….”

“Are you like a human? What is the difference between you and me?”


Her woman’s hand held Seria’s shoulder firmly, but she did not resist. She added her benevolent voice as if the woman understood Seria’s feelings.

“Blood never lies.”

Tak, tak.

Her woman’s hand taps Seria’s shoulder a couple of times as if to congratulate her grown-up daughter.

“…..You really are like my daughter, Seria.”

Ah, heh, hahahaha.

Seria couldn’t return a word except her moans. She’s just repeating her hyperventilation with her desperate eyes.

She did the same as the woman slowly tugged at her upper body.

The white fangs that were hidden between her lips reveal themselves. To bite my daughter by the scruff of the neck and steal her blood.

Slowly, gradually.

Even while Seria was shaking, her woman’s fangs were getting closer. Eventually, the woman’s breath tried to touch the nape of Seria’s neck.


The blade of her ax lodged in her woman’s forehead.

“…… Seria.”

Leaving behind the sound of the woman’s body collapsing, her man had no choice but to let out a deep sigh.

It was Ian.

He walked away and grabbed the scruff of Seria’s neck, who was still shaking. And even dragging Seria down on her mother’s body as if she were dragging it.

Seria still couldn’t come to her senses.

“It’s not your fault.”

As Ian said so, she quietly bent her knees. The eyes of the man who placed her hands on her shoulders showed unconcealable sadness.

“You were just being used. What you did wrong…….”

“It’s my fault.”

It was a confession that burst out like a cry.

As if that was a signal flare, clear dew began to flow from Seria’s eyes. It was a torrent of emotions that Ian hadn’t seen in a long time.

“Because I, I am a monster… Note, presumptuous… Ugh, because I love you…….”

“A monster?”

“Because I am the daughter of a monster.”

How can I open my mouth in the face of a lament that sheds tears and spits out?

Ian hesitated for a moment, unable to find anything to say.

I want to comfort you with something.

Unfortunately, the world did not leave the two men and women in peace.


It was a violent sound.

Already for the second time, the earthshaft, which began to shake out of nowhere, was spewing intense dragon trim. The intensity was several times stronger than before.

The epicenter was clear.

The center of the forest, probably the place where the Archwitch and the Vampire are fighting.

It was by no means a positive sign.

Even if that wasn’t the case, the Archwitch had a bit of power compared to the Vampire. If the battle was still in progress, there was a high chance that the Archwitch would be pushed back.

Even how much the barrier’s core was destroyed is unknown.

This wasn’t the only problem.

Beetle, beetle.

Ian let out a deep sigh and slowly looked back at her at the sign of something starting his body.

There, a silver-haired woman with an ax stuck in her forehead was stepping on her wobbly legs. She patted, and blood spurted from the remains of the hatchet she forcibly pulled out.

The sight of a woman bleeding profusely was not normal.

Once that happened, her hair started to grow all over her body. Her ears have elongated, her eyes have become thinner and fiercer, and even her arms and legs develop abnormally.


Yes, Mine’s true form was like this.

Those who contracted with evil spirits and are located on the border between humans and demons.

Ian spat out a word as if he was fed up.

“I am busy. Please run away soon.”

“Not like that, son-in-law.”

The giggling voice was annoying. The excessively high pitch was unpleasant, as if piercing the eardrum with a needle.

It must have been the same as being fatally wounded.

The man licked her lips and slowly raised her body. She didn’t know if the high witch was in danger if she didn’t finish it quickly.

Finish it ASAP.

The moment I came to that conclusion.

Pak, a moan burst out with blood.

“Keep, ugh…… ?!”

Of course, it wasn’t the sound that came out of Ian’s mouth.

A beam of blue light traced its way past her man. What the light bullet pierced was the arm of a bat-shaped monster.

The man’s eyes blankly turned to the spot where the bullet was fired.

“Senior Ian, go ahead!”

“…… Her Highness the Princess.”

Since she was such an unexpected person, Ian had no choice but to say something stupid like that.

I can’t believe it.

The princess appears at this point?

If you think about his usual appearance, it was nothing short of impossible.

But the reality reflected in her man’s retina was very clear.

“Elsie-senpai has already left for the center of the forest! Most of the cores of the barrier have been destroyed, and I can handle the rest. So go ahead and deal with the vampire!”

“Haona… ….”



It wasn’t until Ian heard the sound that she came to her senses.

The princess’ will was firmer than expected. To the extent that she would not be shaken even if she added her troubles and worries.

However, there was only one remaining concern.


Ian’s eyes looked at his juniors with regret, but time was running out of time.


The ground shook once again, and Ian had no choice but to make a decision.

I have to go.

The princess was gritting her teeth and shouting.

“I am of dragon blood. I have no intention of remaining a burden forever!”

Although he hesitated for a moment, there was only one path Ian could take.

He gritted his teeth and took a step. And just before kicking the ground, his vague eyes turned to the princess.

“Please take good care of Seria. And, be sure to survive.”

“Take it for granted…… !”

That’s it.

Bang, and another percussion sound came out. Ian left the sound behind and started running with all his might.

Forward and forward.

Perhaps a ‘vampire’ is waiting in front of you.

The final battle was in front of me.

The final battle that the man concocted to the last resort.

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