585 – 7. Jealousy is my strength (85)

Damn it-

A sight as if the space were made of glass or crystal. However, there was no one here who could make a fuss over this phenomenon.

It was just that the banquet of fire and lightning spewing out from there covered the whole area like tree branches.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The awls of blood were bursting out one by one, unable to handle the explosive power. The scene in which the fragments scattered all at once looked like a firecracker to celebrate something.

However, vampires were not easy opponents either.

Lupus Lupus The woman’s outstretched arm stretched straight out toward her High Witch.

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Uh woo woo woo woo!

From far away, a tidal wave is coming.

Covering the horizon, a group of bloody evil spirits were running through the land. No, would the expression ‘running’ fit for this?

The evil spirits tossing and turning around could not resist the gigantic flow they created. The amorphous beings that were crushed and splattered were rather close to liquid.

Only the rattling mouth and the empty eyes that were wide open as if they were about to rip open were the only things that looked hideous.

The blood-colored waves swept across the area in an instant, as large as they were. The festival of fire and lightning, which had just begun, was helpless in front of its terrifying mass and volume.

Uh woo woo woo woo!


That was the sound of the Archwitch getting hit by a group of evil spirits.

The explanation that it was run over by a herd of cows rather than a wave was accurate. Between the blood-colored evil spirits with just as much kinetic power, her arms stretched out along with the grabs.

The small archwitch had no time to resist.

The demons bit, tugged and tried to somehow bury her archwitch into them. The time required for the archwitch to blend into it was just an instant.

Nonetheless, the archwitch’s pure white left arm stretched out proudly toward the sky.

She clenched her fists with her might as if she were going to grab the sun.

Soon, the sky began to open.

Uh uh uh uh uh-?

Swap, waterfalls pour down at the boundary of the hatch crossing the sky.

That sheep was literally a ‘tsunami’, and the optical illusion created by the bloody demon was another real catastrophe.


As the streams of water poured down all at once and hit the ground, the group of blood-colored demons had to burst out with the ground. Nevertheless, the bloody waves showed an active struggle to the end even while being drenched in the tsunami.

If only the hand of the Archwitch, who escaped alone, hadn’t drawn another beast.

Innumerable lightning strikes fall from the torn sky.

Kwakwang! Bang, bang!

The lightning that poured down like a shower of water spread the electric charge I was harboring without regret. No matter how much the vampire summoned the group of evil spirits, it was impossible to deal with the two disasters at once.

Screams, burning smells, and damp air.

A bloody corpse was muddy at the feet of the Archwitch, who stood on the ground again.

Even so, the battle does not end.

“Not yet, not yet!”

Every time the vampire roars, it makes bloody movements.

Sometimes it exploded like a bomb, became tens of thousands of arrows and poured down rain, and other times it became a blade that danced like a whip.

The archwitch’s body was getting more and more scarred.

Fatigue added to the archwitch’s face with each step she took. Dark marks are revealed under her eyes, and despite this, after she has called disasters close to natural disasters several times.

The Archwitch was able to keep her vampire in front of her eyes.

A woman with eyes full of hatred and bitterness.


“If it is not the main body, is it only this much?”

Ahead of the unbelievable vampire who uses a scourge, the Archwitch left such a brief impression.

Then her vampire eyes burned even more. The bloody veins that burst out thickly and thickly spoke of the woman’s anger.

The archwitch sighed and looked up at her sky.

“If it’s not really the skills you’ve built up on your own, there must be a limit… Apparently, you only know how to see the ‘boundary’.”

“…… What are you talking about?”

“You are saying that the power obtained from the contract is incomplete. You can see the ‘boundary’ and know how to use the power that comes out of it… That’s it. Compared to the real Master, it’s just child’s play.”

The vampire trembled and hit her backwards.

Every time her hand twitched, the blood moved to and fro, finding an opening in her archwitch. However, isn’t she the great witch who has destroyed all her attacks so far?

Of course, there was no way she would give up her gap easily.

On the contrary, she only gradually concentrated her mana into her hand.

The charter had already passed.

“In other words, it’s your fault for using the ‘Border’ as a battlefield. In a true sense, only the Master can understand and handle the ‘boundary’.”

“If I had the power of the main body…… !”

“But not now.”

Then the High Witch slowly raised her hand.

To her vampire eyes, it would look like a guillotine blade. If that her hand is down, her vampire life is gone.

The great witch closed her eyes tightly as she was about to end her long relationship.

“So, in the end, it looks like this…… !”

Just then.


Pak, her bloody arm twisted and blocked the wrist of the great witch for a moment. The vampire then raised her body and started her escape by running as fast as she could.

The Great Witch looked at her face and clicked her tongue.

“Until the very end…… !”

It wasn’t just that.

With a thump, the inside of her barrier shook violently. Then the sky and the earth caved in, revealing her black pupils.

A precursor to the collapse of the barrier.

It meant that the core of the barrier was being hit from the outside. Generally, this would be bad news for vampires, but it was different now.

A large hole was opened in the ground, and the vampire jumped down without hesitation. It was inevitable that the Archwitch’s magic would lose her target and wander.

So what can I do?

There was no choice left for the Archwitch. She hurriedly kicked off the ground and ran, with no choice but to jump into the hole after the vampire.

But she didn’t know about the Archwitch.

What kind of sight she will see under that far-flung pupil.

“Keep, uh… ….”

Obviously, I do.

The vampire’s neck is broken. It happened so easily that the archwitch couldn’t grasp her momentary situation, and she was stunned.

What is it?

The dark surroundings gave off a gloomy atmosphere. In the empty void, not even light shone. However, the shapes of the people and objects walking in it were clear.

It was contradictory, but even this must be one of the strange characteristics of boundaries.

That wasn’t the only problem.

“…… !”

Corpses, corpses, corpses.

Innumerable corpses with empty eyes lay on the floor of the barrier. Of course, there was no reason for the Archwitch to be so surprised.

This is the home of vampires.

It wasn’t strange even if it was bloody bloody. However, there was another reason why the Archwitch couldn’t help but be astonished.

All the corpses had the same appearance.

None other than the appearance of a ‘vampire’.

A languid voice settles in the ears of a woman who is frightened and shows no reaction.

“…… Dear, my sister.”


Even the sound of her clothes rubbing was an elegant woman. The portrait of a being walking down from a throne made up of hundreds and thousands of corpses through a gap in the darkness was overwhelming.

To the extent that even the great witch held her breath for a moment.

Woodeuk, wooddeuk.

The noise of the corpse’s bones breaking under the woman’s weight created an unpleasant melody.

“You finally came. It was a little boring, I didn’t like the new toys that much…….”

“…… What are you doing?”

Swallowing her dry saliva, the High Witch pursed her lips like that.

The woman’s spirit was unusual. She was a magical power that was different from the ‘vampire’ she dealt with just before.

Like, yes.

Like looking at the body of a ‘vampire’.

“What did you do…….”

Then the woman smiled lightly.

“What are you doing? She was doing research, as always. You know very well what kind of conundrum this sister wanted to solve, right?”

“That’s already me…….”


Drawing her arc with her smirking mouth, the woman intercepted the High Witch’s words.

“That’s incomplete. But I’m different. After hundreds of years of research, I was able to complete it.”

Then the air begins to shiver.

The Archwitch’s instinct was sending a strong warning. Her downy hair stands on end, her magical energy gathers as if she is suffocating, and there is only one constant among them.

The true ‘vampire’ whispered in a kind tone.

With that voice that lingers in the archwitch’s memory.

“…… Shall I show you?”

Just a few seconds before an earthquake with a bang.

It was a conversation between two sisters.


I was running with all my might. I didn’t have to set a direction or do anything else.

Because it was getting louder and louder.

In the depths of the forest to the south, there was a constant explosion. I didn’t want to imagine what the center of that earth-shaking explosion would look like.

Fortunately, Elsie was ahead of me.

I don’t know much about barriers. However, since Elsie-senpai was different from me, there was a high possibility that she had treated me so that even I, who was ignorant of her magic, could enter the barrier.

It soon turned out that my expectations were correct.

A distorted and broken space.

A huge distortion that can only be expressed like that has occurred in the middle of the forest. With a hole through it.

It was an exquisite location that made it believable even though it was a passageway that existed from the beginning.

Thank you so much, right after I stepped inside the barrier.

“Kek, kek… …..”

In front of my eyes, the great witch was caught in the grip of a vampire and struggled in the air.

“Do, run away… Heuuu?!”

I saw Elsie-senpai, who was trying to crawl up to me with her broken limbs, but was caught on a blood-colored stake.

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“…… Oh.”

With a woman with a terribly beautiful appearance.

It was a ‘vampire’. However, compared to the last time I saw him, he looked more mature and relaxed.

“One more guest has come. Now, will you be the last?”

She had a charming smile that made her heart quiver.

I thought, feeling the cold sweat on my forehead.

Something went wrong.

It’s been a while.

Hundreds of years ago, a monster that terrorized the entire continent stood before my eyes.

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