589 – 7. Jealousy is my strength (89)

“Aha, ahahahahaha! What is it, bro Were you just that pissed off?”

“There is no place on the body that does not hurt.”

“That’s right. The body that was so damaged, if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have been able to restore it?”

At the same time, a hand gently caressed my arm.

The corner of the girl’s eyes drew an arc while making a strangely sensational look.

“…… Maybe, that Arus prostitute is too much now?”

“Don’t speak carelessly.”

I sighed and snarled, shaking off his hand.

“So, what is the answer? Are we on the same side?”

“Yeah, you have a lot to worry about. That’s natural.”

The girl stood right next to me as she hummed her song like that, as if her heart wasn’t even hurt.

And the blood-colored whip that appears in both hands.

“Don’t get me wrong, wouldn’t I have wanted to fight alongside you? However, the reason I was hesitant to step out was…….”

That was before the words were finished.

Mirrors rise from the ground like tombstones. It was a greater number than the dozens of mirrors that had all been shattered by the vampire’s blow earlier.

Unfamiliar landscapes begin to be reproduced from the reflective surface that splits the white light into seven colors.

A woman chewing her lips until she bleeds, a dark room where no one visits, and then someone comes with a hooded hood.

A burning mansion and a great forest, a blood battle that lasted for over a week, and even a ‘vampire’ who collapsed in tears of blood.

My head was dizzy as so many videos were played simultaneously. Too many sounds, on the contrary, buried their reality in a sea of information.

As my eyebrows narrowed, there was a voice that wet my eardrums. It was an explanation of ‘greed’.

“Now you are calling on the power of ‘vigilance’. ‘Border’ is a kind of collective unconscious, so memories are bound to get mixed up like that.”

“Is that mirror a medium to borrow the power of ‘boundary’?”

“Whoops, that’s right. But if that woman is misunderstanding something… It means that I can also handle the power of ‘boundary’.”

As if to prove this, a mysterious thing happened when the girl hit the ground once with a bloody whip.

Uh woo woo woo!

From the bare ground, faceless monsters began to rise one by one. It was a sight as if they were tearing through space and coming up.

How about the brightly shining bloody moon?

It was a scene that reminded me of a nightmare from the past. I asked frowning.

“Again, those poor people… ….”

“For my brother, I can sacrifice hundreds or thousands! How is it, touching?”

Even winking his eyes as an expression of affection.

To say more would only be a headache, so I sighed and put my strength back into the hand holding the sword.

The request was short.

“…… Let’s go.”

“Okay! It’s not fake, I’ll show you the power of a real sister, so take a good look!”

Just like that, the moment they were about to hit the ground with each other’s arms.


Cutting the polarized light and the moonlight, a vampire’s cry broke out.

They were so desperate that the girl and I flinched and stiffened. Not missing the chance, the vampire raised her voice even more.

“‘Greed’… now stop! Stop kidding, are we really going to quarrel?!”

Even when the vampire shouted as he touched her forehead, the girl only shrugged her shoulders brazenly.

“Why not? You targeted my brother first… Nobody else’s, dare to mine.”

“You can give it to me!”

Just one word.

The vampire’s declaration, which he couldn’t stand, made the whole area immersed in silence.

The girl’s eyes narrowed with a groan.

The vampire said in a weary tone as if he couldn’t be defeated.

“Really, crazy b*tch… Was that the only thing you wished for? She heard the story from Delphi Rem, but…….”

“Oh, did Delphirem even tip you off? I’m just embarrassed.”

“There’s no way you could have done something this big by yourself. And Delphirem-nim, there’s no way you’ll just let the two of us fight.”

To sum it up, I was saying that this is what you were aiming for too.

For some reason, the atmosphere became strange as the conversation progressed. I had no choice but to ask a question mixed with a sigh at the worried girl with her arms crossed now.

“Didn’t we say we were on the same side? They say it shows the strength of a real little sister.”

“mmm… Hmmm…….”

The answer did not come back for a long time.

The girl with her arms crossed tilted her head with her eyes closed. Swallowing her drool, she hoped so.

When the girl opened her eyes again, a wire was hanging from the corner of her mouth.

Your smile is brighter than ever.

“…… Did you really believe it? Leah Kick!”

As soon as he did that, he said, “Kkap.”

I thought as I felt the touch of a kick pressing down on my stomach.

Ah, as expected.

The Dark Church was not a reliable opponent…….

Still, well.

It was fortunate.

I think it will end now.

My body cut through the air, flew far away and rolled on the ground. It was a blow that could even tear apart a blow.

Consciousness is dark.


The end of the battle.

It was an absurdly obvious ending. The two Seven Sins of the Dark Church confronted each other, and when they started to cooperate, the human side was terribly defeated.

It was good to see it as a microcosm of the battles that will take place on the continent in the future. Humans, no matter how hard they struggle, won’t be able to defeat the Dark Church.

However, despite the victory, the vampire’s face was not bright.

No, rather, to say the least, it was more appropriate to say that he was offended.

The sound of grinding teeth continued. The woman glared at the girl walking lightly across from her with annoyed eyes.

“I will not forget today, ‘Greed’.”

“Some words… never forget Especially that ‘promise’ to give me my brother.”

Humming and responding to each other, each and every word was sarcasm.

The vampire cried, and tried to argue with her heart.

I quit soon after.

Anyway, the fight was over, and the deal was over. Since it was a fight mediated by none other than Delphirem, even the world’s vampires could not violate it.

She just sighed and begged.

“But wait… Can you lend me a little bit? That man has ‘dragon blood’.”

“Huh, don’t worry.”

At the request of her vampire, the girl opened her breasts wide. It was a triumphant attitude, as if it were showing great mercy.

“I’ll lend you that much. We quarreled for a while, but we’re colleagues, right? My brother’s blood, well… How about a sip?”

It’s a sip of blood to share while being so smug.

The vampire almost let out a devastated laugh, but she soon decided she would stop.

Anyway, everyone in the Dark Church knows that that woman is crazy.

It was nothing new.

First of all, I must settle a long-cherished wish.

The vampire’s blue eyes embraced an incomparable cold light. The place where that gaze is directed is far away, to the arch witch who crawled towards Ian.

The archwitch was forcibly moving her trembling limbs. She could even feel her light bite in her urgent tone.

“Cheer, it’s the first time… First one, first one! Are you okay? Come on, wake up… Even you guys run away…… !”

It’s like a worm.

That was the end of the vampire’s feelings. At best, he fell for a young human male and crawled on the ground crying like that.

I just didn’t feel like this.

Vampires are jealous, and women who want to destroy more.

She could have been a little stronger and nicer.

But she deserves praise for her determination alone.

Because I haven’t summoned the power of my own body yet in order not to release the vampire’s body.

Of course, it was useless stubbornness.

If the Archwitch were to die here, everything would be useless.

When the vampire’s eyes sneakily turned to ‘greed’, the girl gave a thoughtful answer.

She said, “I didn’t kill him. Because my brother is precious… The rest is none of my business.”

“Hmph, that’s how it should be. Revenge must be mine.”

“Oh, let’s keep one puppy alive. I want to grow them in my yard. If you train it well, won’t it make a good puppy?”


When the vampire heard that, she slightly tilted her head. There are no dogs here.

But the worries were not long.

Come to think of it, it was because there was one more human left here. She was a wizard with a particularly petite body.

The vampire, who recalled her appearance, inadvertently clicked her tongue.

The Seven Sins of the Dark Church go to ‘training’ by themselves.

It would be fortunate if I could keep at least a fragment of my humanity. When I heard that, it seemed like a real intention to make him look like a dog.

Of course, it wasn’t a problem that the vampire was concerned about.

The fate of the loser is decided by the winner. No matter how the loot was used, it depended on the heart of ‘greed’.

That was when greed took a silent step.

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“…… ?”

Startled, the vampire’s body, which was trying to continue her steps, stopped.

It wasn’t just vampires. ‘Greed’, who was watching the situation with a relaxed attitude, and the Great Witch, who was crawling on the ground crying, also opened her eyes.

The man was standing up.

Stagger, but precarious.

Obviously he was getting up. Even the pupils were unfocused and the focus was lost, unable to calm down even the sound of panting breath.

An unreal sight for anyone to see.

However, it was a reality that could not be denied since it happened right in front of my eyes. The vampire tutted and tried to swing her hand while kicking her tongue.

If ‘greed’ hadn’t screamed before that.

“Oh no!”

The vampire’s brow crinkled at the urgent request. When I looked at her asking for an explanation, the girl began to speak in a more urgent tone than ever.

“If my body gets damaged more, I could really die! Literally just barely kept him alive!”

“Can we fix it later?”

“No, I overused recovery! Even when I just regenerated my limbs, I needed 100 souls!”

The vampire had no choice but to let out a sigh.

Really, he was a man who bothered me until the end.

Even in the midst of that, the man was gearing himself upright. The great witch, who was startled and silent for a while, then cried and blew and grabbed the crotch of her man’s pants.

“Do, run away… Come on, take her second and run away, first one! This is where I somehow…… !”

But her hand never grasped anything.


If you noticed her, the great witch’s bangs were flying around. It was so fast that I couldn’t even make a sound.

Should I say that it is equivalent to the speed of light?

There was only one way to achieve this speed.

Just stopping time.

Before I knew it, the vampire was sticking her hand blade into the pit of the stomach of a man who appeared out of nowhere with her eyes wide open.

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