593 – 7. Jealousy is my strength (93)

There was a hole in the sky where the pure white light had subsided.

The top of the shattered barrier fell like crystal powder. The empty hole in the sky revealed flesh like pure white drawing paper, and the blood-red moon floating in the middle sky was half-broken and tilted at an angle.

A single blow.

In the place where the man’s footsteps passed, nothing was left. In the center of the hollowed ground, a powerless vampire was seated, and around the pit, the monsters summoned by ‘greed’ were shattered and scattered widely.

The owner, ‘Greed’, was also not safe. I lay down moaning, clutching at the empty seat of my right arm, which had exploded inexplicably.

I didn’t know what he was doing. Only the person who created this horror can know.

There was only one scene that the rest witnessed.

The light flashed.

That’s it.

After that, all I could see was the man who trudged out of the pit.

With his back to the vampire, his eyes were still filled with intense fatigue. His eyes were so wide that it wouldn’t be strange even if he collapsed right away, but he was still moving his body.

The explosion was intense.

There was no place inside the barrier where they could escape the aftermath. Of course, the bloody tentacles that entangled the Archwitch and Elsie were no exception.

A strange sound flows from the mouth of the fallen archwitch along with a faint moan.

“Cheer, it’s the first time… ….”

The man’s body froze as he walked silently.

At last, golden eyes turned toward the great witch.

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For the first time, the feeling of ‘hesitation’ came to his face. He averted his gaze for a moment, then put the archwitch in his field of vision again.

How long have you been like that?

Hesitantly, he took a step. Towards none other than the Archwitch.

There was something awkward about the way he walked. From the man’s face to his attitude, everything.

This must have been the prodigal son who visited her parents after a long absence.

Suddenly, his steps stopped in front of the Archwitch. In the eyes of the Archwitch, even a slight tear was young.

“I, I am sorry… Because the poor teacher left you alone…….”

Apology to whom?

After hearing that, the man stood still for a while. Then he carefully bent her knees and very slowly reached her hand toward the archwitch’s cheek.

“I can’t forgive…… !”

With a bang, a vicious punch hit her to the ground.

Only then did the man come to her senses, and then he let out a deep sigh and slowly raised her body up.

The golden eyes locked in fatigue again turned to the rear. At the end of it, a one-armed girl lay face down.

In fact, the expression ‘one-armed’ was inaccurate.

Because blood-colored threads flowed from the girl’s hollow shoulder blades, forming the shape of her arms. But that won’t make the pain of losing an arm go away.

The golden eyes of ‘Greed’ were blazing with murderous intent.

“Did you dare to think that a human being could harm me and be safe? So much pain, more torture than this! It is me who has already received it hundreds or thousands of times!”

“I see.”

With a voiceless reply from her man, the girl’s body staggers to a standstill.

Her lost arm was already regenerated. The woman’s two fingers met as she trembled and held back her wrath.

When she snapped her finger, the bloody moon gave off its final brilliance.

The monsters bathed in the eerie moonlight rose one by one. After an unfair deal, the unfortunate victims whose souls were pawned screamed.

They were faceless men led by ‘greed’.


At first glance, the phlegm mixed with howls sounded like screams.

“What on earth are you? No matter how much we can’t fully control the power of the Seven Sins, we are the Seven Sins. Humans are not something that can be dealt with!”


The girl bit her lip in more indignation at the shamelessly plain answer.

The bloodshot eyes glow with hostility. The monsters that had read the master’s will were secretly besieging the man.

“…… Good. I hate to tell you this, right? It doesn’t matter as long as you listen slowly. Rather, what happened to my brother?”


“You better answer right away…… !”

The next moment.

With a click, the bloody moon floating in the sky was released and scattered. The moon, which had reduced its volume in an instant, became tens or hundreds of thousands of threads and covered the sky.

Perhaps this is the power that ‘greed’ can generate.

As if the girl was still lacking, she inserted several strands of blood-colored threads into her body that emitted a particularly bright light.


Before long, the thread threaded through the girl’s spine began to pulsate like her veins. While continuously injecting bright red light into the girl’s body.

“Otherwise, you will regret it? The ‘Seven Sins’ are qualitatively different from humans… There is no such thing as a weak body that dies if you lose your head or get stabbed in the heart. As long as there is Omeros’ grace, you will live forever! Now I see, what a no-win fight you’ve been fighting?!”

“It’s a battle without a win… ….”

Despite the girl’s threat, there was no change in the man’s face.

The more this happened, the more excited the girl seemed.

“Bring back my brother!”

“Can a monster have a brother?”

“Owner of the body you occupy, the one and only love that will make up for my lost time!”

The faceless men lower their stance all at once and prepare to leap. The bloody threads that covered the sky intersected and made a sharp creaking noise.

A situation where you can’t even see a bow.

Her man was just staring at her girl with her nonchalant eyes. She didn’t even show a sign of trying to get her hand around her waist.

Whether or not, Tamok squeezed out all his strength and screamed. The bloodshot eyes revealed the girl’s will.

“That’s my brother, you bastard!”

Waterfalls pour down from the bloody sky.

The sight of blood-colored rain clouds that covered the sky and fell down towards the narrow land was as if bloody water had turned into a dragon and attacked the land. The lower part of the barrier, unable to withstand its power, was on the verge of collapsing with a crackling sound.

What about the ground?

There, hundreds of faceless men attacked her man all at once. There were some monsters that were swept away by the bloody waterfall, but their fear was not just in numbers.

Immortality that rises again and again even after falling down.

The screams of restless beings, who cannot even die without the owner’s permission, scattered from all directions along with an explosion.

Only 1 second.

Rather, it was the necessary time until a disaster close to a natural disaster occurred. The merciless fire did not cover the opponent, so the life of the Archwitch and Elsie, who could not come to their senses, was also in danger.

The wrath of the Seven Sins was fierce. No matter how much I couldn’t awaken my true power, it was the power of beings who could twist the laws of the world.

Of course, it was not a level that a mediocre person could handle.

It was a story under the assumption that if this man could be defined as ‘a mere human being’.

The incident occurred immediately.

‘Oh…… ?’

The girl could only think so blankly.

A single island without even a sound.

The Milky Way drew a silvery horizon in a world where there was only darkness. All of the obstacles that stood in the way were only to be cut in half.

No matter what.

The blood-colored threads that rained down from the sky, the faceless monsters who jumped up and attacked again and again, and even the girl who commanded all of this from behind.

A shadow runs through a world split in half.

‘Greed’ was aware of that fact, but was unable to respond properly. Because the upper and lower body were divided around the waist.

Nevertheless, the girl does not die.

A blood-colored thread was connecting the separated bodies into one. It was only that the man also came close to the girl’s eyes.

There was no sword. Her fist pressed against the girl’s stomach that had just been joined.

At the moment you want to feel the sensation of going back and forth.


“Turn off, kyaheuk…… !”

The five organs are twisted.

A massive shockwave ripped through her body centered on her pituitary gland. A terrible sensation, as if the electric-powered bugs were gnawing at the body in an instant and coming back.

It was a blow that could even bring down a mountain. No matter how strong the body was, it could not be safely hit by a boongsan attack.

This was the inside story of the girl’s whole body exploding.

But that was just the beginning.

Several monsters with relatively intact bodies attacked the man. Even so, the man didn’t even care about them, and grabbed the arm of the girl who was just recovering.

And then, an explosive shove.


Intense detonation and tremendous momentum drove the girl to the ground. Power so strong that the faceless men who filled the area flew up into the sky with the center of the explosion centered on them.

The lower part of her barrier dented, and the girl dripped blood, unable to move. The girl’s nose with her empty eyes and her blood dripped from her ear, mixed with her shattered brain.

At this point, the blood-colored thread couldn’t instantly regenerate the girl’s body.

No, to be precise, it had to be seen as a reflection of the girl’s subconscious fear.

Even if she plays anyway, she will only suffer again and again.

Cool, a handful of blood gushed out of the girl’s mouth.

“There must have been a misunderstanding…….”

Only then did she wake up, and the girl’s body quickly recovered.

Eh, she groaned, but the girl touched the ground with her trembling arms. In her golden eyes looking up at her man with her face down, there was a strange feeling in her.


It was a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time, so the girl didn’t have the time to hide her shaking eyes.

The man met her gaze and slowly lowered her posture. And just as she and her girl were level eye-to-eye, her man’s savage hand twisted her girl’s hair.

“Kyaaah! Oh, it hurts…… !”

“Do you think this is because I couldn’t kill you?”

A voice that was so indifferent that it even became chilly.

A young fear deepened in the girl’s golden eyes. There was even a slight moisture around her eyes as she hiccupped and hiccupped.

“Because there are more worthwhile things than just killing you. Because your disposition is the child’s share.”

“Ah, kid… Maybe my brother? You you! How did my brother… Kyaheuk?!”


The man’s fist hit the girl’s stomach once more. The light disappeared from the eyes of the girl who spat out a handful of blood.

If it wasn’t for the Seven Sins, I would have died more than four times already.

The girl’s body twitched as all of her internal organs exploded. Her man, without hesitation, tossed the girl’s body, which was half her corpse.


Looking down at the girl who was round like her trash, her man swallowed a laugh.

“‘Brother’… Ha, I don’t even know my future to come.”

And then, the man turned her around slightly. Because she was sure the girl would not recover for a while.

But that wasn’t the only Seven Sins left here.

“Don’t move!”

A sound like an outburst.

The man’s dry eyes slipped toward the epicenter.

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