595 – 7. Jealousy is my strength (95)

In the beginning there was light.

From that light, ‘Arus’ was conceived, so this is the beginning of the world. Also, the light disappeared from the place where Arus was born, and darkness appeared for the first time.

It is ‘Omeros’ that was born from that darkness.

When the heavens and the earth were created, Homeros wanted to create the world instead of Arus. But all he could make was a lump of clay, and it came to life only when Arus breathed into it.

So Homeros began to envy and hate Arus.

I tricked Arus with a false tongue and pulled out the eyes and liver into the sky, and they became the moon and the sun respectively.

However, the darkness cannot overcome the light. When Arus notices his vicious intentions and banishes him from heaven, then Omerus gnashing his teeth shouts.

“The world began with light, it will end with darkness!”

The world where Omegas disappeared was peaceful and like a paradise. There was no war, no sickness, no death, and all life played according to the will of Arus.

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But one day, for the first time, there is a person who has doubts about paradise, and his name is ‘Delphirem’.

The impious thought.

‘Is this a true paradise?’

He thought of himself like a god, and he wanted to be like a god. So he dared to abandon the laws of Arus and to make human laws.

This is the first and foremost sin of mankind.

The ‘arrogant’ people started shouting that they could live in the world alone without relying on anyone. Away from God and the world, mankind inevitably became lonely.

But sometimes there came a time when I couldn’t handle my life alone.

With this, the first death, ‘suicide’, was born.


With a bang, the woman’s head rolls on the ground.

It was a futile end that did not match the dignified appearance. The man who dropped his head let out a weary sigh and took a couple of steps back.

Those eyes were still thick with fatigue. She tried to turn around as the man did, but before long she hesitated and looked down.

I couldn’t even see the floor inside the barrier where there was only darkness. Only darkness, which cannot see an inch ahead, serves as the floor.

So that pure white smile stood out even more.

That twisted line that ridicules her man or sympathizes with him.

A faint displeasure passed through his golden eyes.

“Ha, ‘Arrogance’… ….”

The face of the man who recalled her bad memories slightly twisted.

Looking at her usual appearance, where she didn’t show her emotions at all, it was a part that showed how upset her man was. Even that was only a fleeting moment.

The man immediately erased all the ripples of emotion that appeared on her face. She still had her men’s work to do, and only after she had done all her duties would she stand a chance.

Now it was her turn to shake off her lingering feelings and move on.

If it wasn’t for the gentle touch of her man’s clothes.

Emotionless golden eyes immediately examined the cause of the attraction. In fact, there weren’t many people who could stand on the ground here, so her identity was clear.

The Archwitch.

At first glance, she was nothing more than a small girl. As soon as her man’s cold gaze met her, she withdrew her hand in astonishment, as if the gaze were icy.

It was a very confused expression.

“That, just said ‘Arrogance’… ….”

The voice he managed to squeeze out was so cautious.

Looking at the man’s eyes, he looked like a frightened small animal. Even though there was no way that the great witch of the world could be afraid of anyone.

It was not the attitude of the weak in front of the strong.

Rather than that, it’s the look of a woman dealing with a lover who is upset about something.

I felt overwhelmed by the unfamiliar atmosphere. The man turned her head away without any reaction.

“Nothing to worry about.”

“Ha, but… ….”

“I didn’t take the position because I wanted to anyway.”

A firm tone that means not to talk anymore.

Then the Archwitch became even more depressed. How long did the High Witch keep her silence with her gloomy face on her face?

Eventually, a long sigh escaped from her man’s mouth. As if the time I had turned my back on her without saying anything was a lie.

“…… There was a situation. It was never my intention to betray humanity. Before that, and always will be, I am the sword and shield of mankind.”

The archwitch didn’t say anything anymore. She just stared at her man with her blank eyes.

So she couldn’t stop her tongue, even more so than the man.

“Even if you doubt it, it can’t be helped. However, at least in order to have less impact on ‘Ian’ during this time… ….”

“I’m worried.”

If she was the original man, what would she have answered?

She must have snorted and cut her off with a single stroke. When did we ever see each other?

The past is the past, the future is the future.

The man never once forgot this distinction. Even so, why?

Maybe because this is the border.

The silent man’s gaze slowly adjusted her angle.

“You don’t have to worry. That much, I know…….”

Just then.

Blizzard of blood came out of nowhere. The whirlwind that swirled around the vampire’s corpse soon turned into a whirlwind, which soon became a storm that would cover the entire area and let out fierce cries.

A sharp noise ripping through the air irritated my nerves. It was also mixed with the screams of a tormented soul.

Uh woo woo woo!

Soon, the sound of ridicule echoed through the heavens and the earth.

“Ahahahaha! Hey, you don’t have to worry? Poof, ahahahahaha!”

As soon as the man heard her laugh, he put her archwitch at her side. What a great witch of her petite frame, as she did, she had no choice but to be imprisoned in the arms of her man.

And run.

I didn’t even try to fight. She said only one word to her archwitch, who was bewildered by the man.

“The seven deadly sins do not die.”

“But the body of the vampire must be in the Great Forest?!”

The Archwitch had to squeeze her lungs as much as she could to cut through the sound of her wind. Be that as it may, Pivora began to pursue her man and her archwitch, dripping blood like a downpour.

Oddly enough, it forms a shape resembling a vampire.

It was as if the storm had become a person. Even the high-pitched laughter resembled the sound of the wind.

“You know, ‘Arrogance’… What is your end! A shabby ‘master’ who patched up other people’s things because he couldn’t have his own image won’t last long! Because the end of those who covet the seat of God is always the same!”

Blood-watered blades that shoot with him.

The blood blown by the wind was highly compressed and was no different from a solid. Rather, it could be said that it was one step above in terms of cutting power.

Dozens to hundreds of blades pouring down at once.

No matter how skilled he was, it was difficult to knock out such a number of blades every time.

It’s just that the man’s strength far exceeds that range.

As if the man had expected this much, he immediately drew his sword with one hand.

Then the stars scattered across the sky.

The Milky Way pours down through the bloody storm.

“It must be the body. But that monster’s body is nothing more than a fragmented soul. Even though it’s only 30%, it should be considered that I’ve secured some immortality as long as I’ve regained my power.”

“Then we must destroy the barrier!”

The Archwitch, who quickly understood the man’s explanation, asked back.

Instead of answering her, the man swung her sword once more. Then, from her air, the bloody figure that was about to pounce on her man shattered and scattered.

A sloppy scream breaks out.


“However, the core of the barrier still remains outside! Are you planning on escaping this barrier? Then that woman wouldn’t be alone!”

“I’ll just pretend. When that woman fully recovers, it will be very troublesome.”

The conversation between the man and the Archwitch did not last long. It was because the vampire’s laughter hit my eardrum like a shower before the deeper story came and went.

“Fake, fake, fake… Don’t end your fate! The end, the fall that was predestined for the sin of ‘arrogance’…… !”

The whirlwinds of blood all at once reached the river and swept the ground with a splash. The amorphous monster with its gooey mouth open to the limit was really close to an ugly monster.

It was then that the man suddenly stopped her.

“Let me give you one piece of advice… ….”

Her manly body rotated with a murmur. Her natural change of direction, like flowing water, and the posture of her stepping out were neat enough to be described as pictures in her swordsmanship manual.

She holds the sword with both hands, and aims her opponent with swordplay.

The apex of a gigantic body whose size is unpredictable. Towards the woman who burst into her laughter there.

At last, a sword.

It was a simple action of raising and lowering the sword. However, the wavelength it brought was too intense to be the result of a simple knife.


I didn’t need any more sound than that. It was the sound of the blood-red monster that had overturned the ground, and the blood fountain spewing from its entire body. The pressure like a mountain is literally crushing.

The vampire couldn’t even scream properly.

“Go, go… make… Turn off, uh…… !”

“Even if there was enough probability, you would have already died by my hand. There was no need to bother.”

Despite her man’s stern warning, the vampire didn’t react hastily. No matter how immortal a monster was, her whole body was a crushed yard. I just had to take some time to play it.

On the contrary, it was the Archwitch who was startled.

“You can’t kill me?!”

“Yes, I cannot kill you. That is my limit.”

The expression on the face of the great witch changed moment by moment as her man’s low-key voice continued. She hoped, despaired, and even shook her head with her sighs.

It seemed that she had realized that she had been too dependent on her man.

Although it was also because her man showed overwhelming inaction.

The Archwitch asked in a more lethargic tone.

“Then what should I do?”

“It should be done by people other than me.”

Then her man’s eyes turned to somewhere far away. At the end of it, a girl wearing a cone hat was soundly asleep.

“…… People living in this era.”

The look in the eyes of the man who said that was somehow vague.

The archwitch turned her head away without saying a word.

Indeed, it was an argument that had no room for refutation.

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