600 – 7. Jealousy is my strength (100)

One world shakes.

It was a barrier that stood firm even after thousands of knife cuts and tens of thousands of explosions. Wasn’t it a spell that did not collapse in the end even in the collision of absolutes that could not be measured with common sense?

But it was different now.

The pitch-black earth collapses into pieces, and soil and grass begin to fill the place. The dark curtain covering the sky was lifted and the moon and stars were revealing their elegant figure.

These changes were not limited to the barrier.

It was the same that the ‘vampire’, who could be called its owner, also lost the shell of Mother Nature. The existence that reigned like an amorphous natural disaster lost its immortality and crashed onto the earth.

With a human form.

At first, she put on a look of incomprehension.

“How on earth… All power must have been grasped…… !”

“It’s hard to see a familiar face, ‘jealousy’.”

It was an emotionless tone, but everyone could tell that it contained blatant mockery.

The vampire’s murderous gaze turned toward the epicenter. A man with terribly tired eyes stood there.

Yes, it is you.

The vampire thought so.

All variables were calculated. It was the groundwork to resolve the silver won that had been there for hundreds of years. Of course, there was no way to do it casually, and the period of preparing the body, splitting the soul, and transferring it to the blood relative reached several decades.

Of course, there were also unexpected events.

A little boy I’ve never heard of called ‘Ian Percus’ started running amok like a moth to a fire. He thought he was just lucky, but his presence increasingly messed with the vampire’s plans.

The secret of the Yurdina family in the north was revealed.

Vampires have received blood transfusions in large quantities instead of supporting the elf’s social life. The background behind her tacitly conniving at this was the head of the Yurdina family.

But after Ian Perkus headed north, everything changed.

Now the end of the plan was approaching!

Even so, I tried to control her mind and checked the plan several times. Delphirem must have recognized the hard work as well, and she even sent reinforcements called ‘greed’.

Although some sacrifices were necessary for persuasion.

All that was left was victory.

There was no other ending. Because all possibilities have been erased.

Until another variable appeared.

The vampire cried out with her hatred.

“What did you do, ‘Arrogance’…… !”


A half question without any level.

The vampire felt that the appearance was really impudent. Enough to gnash your teeth.

“Yes, there is only you… Until you showed up out of nowhere, my plan was sailing! I thought I could finally pay off a grudge from hundreds of years ago!”

“There seems to be a misunderstanding…….”

As her man said that, she stretched out her hand holding her sword comfortably.

There are dozens of loopholes at first glance. She was a vampire and for a moment she wondered if she would poke that gap, but she soon gave up.

How many times have you been tricked by that trick?

The man was no different from a weapon complete with her existence itself. No matter where the knife is, the essence of being a tool that harms people doesn’t change.

It was the same with that man.

If you approach it, it will only be a veil. What kind of life have you lived, to the point where you wonder how you can become a being that specializes in murder?

Even though the man didn’t seem interested in what the vampire was doing.

“I didn’t do anything. At least, how many times did I play with you?”

“Stupid, then who the hell…… !”

“I don’t know.”

A simple answer without even a hint of heat.

There was no sign of lying, but the vampire was convinced that it was a lie. Otherwise, my plans couldn’t have been ruined.

There was only one person who could reverse this.

The head of the Seven Sins, who dreams of being equal to the gods.

A hybrid monster born from the ideas of madmen was the only possibility.

The name is ‘Oman’.

I never thought that a prisoner destined to fall in the end would appear at such an important moment.

A heated voice flowed from the vampire’s clenched teeth.

“Don’t pretend, ‘Arrogance’… there is only you What the hell do you mean? With that much power, you would have been close to ‘completion’, but why are you still maintaining your reason?”


“You said you couldn’t kill me, right? Could that be the condition for you to keep your sanity?”

“Do I have an obligation to tell you?”

No matter how many times you have a conversation, it’s a dodol table.

The dialogue between the man and the vampire did not come to fruition. Since the vampire was just asking questions one-sidedly in the first place, it was inevitable.

The man seemed as weak as her feelings. The vampire, who judged that further questions were meaningless, gave her a faint smile.

Yeah, that’s right.

Anyway, there was only one important fact.

That man cannot kill a vampire. No matter how much ‘arrogance’ is called the strongest of the Seven Sins, it was difficult to fight with the condition of non-killing.

Nevertheless, it consistently showed an overwhelming difference in power.

But that’s over now.

The vampire was a thorough woman. It wasn’t that she didn’t even consider the possibility that the core of the barrier would be completely destroyed.

I just didn’t know that I really had to put this into practice.

The vampire’s anger at the loss of her beloved brother was extraordinary.

Huh, the corners of his mouth twisted.

“Okay, I can’t help it if it comes out like that. ‘Oman’… ….”

A bloody fog spreads out with a gloomy voice. Due to the excessively high concentration, from the point of view of magic power that should be colorless and odorless, color and scent were coming out.

And the smell of murder was strong enough to make her fingertips tingle.

Her man’s eyes sank slightly, barely noticeable. It was faint, but it was enough to show even the faintest sign of the boundary.

It is clearly different from before.

The woman’s eyes, buried in her bloody mist, remained as blue flames. Even hiding the outline of her body.

A blazing murderous intent flickers like a light.

“I will praise you for destroying the barrier core. My sister has more blood in me than anyone else. In other words, she also had most of my soul…….”

“Is it the final push?”

“Whether it will be the ‘final’… You have to wait and see!”

Just after that.

Pak, fists made of smoke were fired like cannonballs. Although the scale was incomparably smaller than before, the speed was overwhelming.

To the extent that the body of the man who blocked it for a moment floated up.

Of course, just because she was a man, she couldn’t stand still. His hand shot out like a thunderbolt, leaving a trail of sharp swords, but the silver mist only cut through the air.

Facing a strange phenomenon, the man’s forehead slightly narrowed. Be that as it may, the woman jumped out of her blood-red haze and occupied the top of her buoyant man.

And a blow.

With a thump and a heavy noise, the ripped atmosphere exploded randomly. The man’s body sinks deep into the ground, accompanied by a terrible noise that scratches the eardrum.

The rising dust and the cracking ground were proving its power.

Until the moment he actually crashed into the ground, the man threw out a sword attack.

Hundreds of sword lights run.

The saturation of the beams of light was like a net. Solid lines of death that do not allow even an inch of gap.

But even this doesn’t reach me.

Every time it touched the silver trail, the vampire’s body only scattered like mist. In the end, the vampire did not land on the ground until a flash pierced the sky from where the man had fallen.

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Pat, light and fog blend together. The blood-colored rain that was pouring down on her man crumbled like sand swept away by the waves.

When the vampire finished her landing in her graceful posture,

The man had already raised her body up with a nonchalant face. His indifferent gaze sneaks up on the woman.

“Is the barrier miniaturized and maintained? It looks like you’re twisting her cause and effect again.”

“You got it right, ‘Arrogance’… How about writing dragon blood text again?”

The man kept her silent without answering.

Then the vampire’s twisted smile deepened.

The monster let out a blue laugh.

“Puch, aha, ahahahaha! Yes, I guess… There’s no way a human being could dare to handle the power of a dragon many times. Even five letters! Wasn’t the limit of breaking my barrier in half?!”

“You used yourself as the nucleus to reconstruct the half-broken barrier.”

Despite her man’s calm guess, the woman did not give a clear answer.

She said in fact she didn’t even have to. Because her unwavering golden eyes spoke of her manly confidence.

The vampire’s face became even more distorted.

“…… Thanks to you for killing my sister!”

Drink again.

The woman just kicked the ground, and along with the sand and dust, the ground cracked and a valley was created. The man raised her blade and tried to defend her again, but her limits were still there.

A counterattack is impossible.

So she had no choice but to be pushed one way. This must have been the reason why she was so confident as a vampire.

The vampire let out a more heated voice.

“Even if they are strong, they are at best hybrids with random visions!”

Her bloody nails covet her man’s body like running water. Every time she did that, her blade blocked her path, but she was speeding up like a vampire dancing.

A kick that ends with added rotational force and locks itself into the sword face.

The shock wave that was not able to offset it burst into a wave of waves behind her man’s back. When her man’s body naturally took a couple of steps back, the woman lunged again and continued her barrage.

Explosive noise and fireworks burst out.

Like an active volcano preparing to explode.

“Technology is inevitably inferior…… ! So, when images collide with each other, confrontation is impossible without resorting to expedients!”

Kagak, do it.

Her man’s blades were blocked by her crossed nails, making an unpleasant noise. In the stalemate of her powers, the man still spoke in a dry tone.

“You’re right, borrowed images are just duplicates anyway… It is true that there are limits.”

“It’s a shabby outburst like a rag.”

The vampire smiled ferociously, as she declared.

“Insufficient talent and overflowing miasma… Only a being abandoned by the world can have such disproportionate talents! How many trials has she been through? And, how much have you lost?!”

“Innumerable times.”

“So you got involved in that crazy plan?!”

Forward, then backward.

The knife and nails change their positions to balance the power. Every time that happened, there was a spark and a noise, and the voices of a man and a woman were intersecting.

“But there is no power without a master, ‘Arrogance’… Your fall is predestined. If you’ve seen the myth, you’ll know what kind of end those who commit the sin of ‘arrogance’ face!”

“Then you understand. What kind of end will come to those who commit the sin of ‘jealousy’?”

They rupture before long.

The equilibrium that had lasted for a while was broken, and fierce flames exploded. Shortly thereafter, a workshop that split the moment into moments followed, and the two of them took a couple of steps back.

The cold blue eyes were staring at the man before he knew it.

A blur of denial leaked out between the teeth.

“…… I’m different.”

“Would you mind… Also, did you say ‘shabby outbursts like rags’?”

With a muffled laugh that might have been ridiculing, the stepping foot occupied a point in the rear.

It was then.

The noisy surroundings all at once fell into silence.

The fog of blood that was aiming at the man with a glamorous light subsided, and the vampire’s body, which was preparing for the next attack by clashing her fingernails, came to a halt.

“Falak, fuss… That’s right. However, as the rags were patched up endlessly, something was visible.”

And the world slowly loses its color.

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