607 – 7. Jealousy is my strength (107)

Ian gasped and backed away.

It’s finally over.

The body of the vampire disappeared without a trace. Even so, the reason why Ian couldn’t smile was because of the reverberation of the runaway squeezing his head.

Memories overflow.

While this personality was asleep, the scenes of the man from the future fighting were playing endlessly. As if to engrave this battle in my heart right now.

Something just before.

I think I used a skill I didn’t remember…….

But Ian’s worries did not last long.

It was because I noticed a girl running from far away.


It was a nostalgic title.

As if he hadn’t heard the voice in a while, Ian smiled bitterly and hugged his fiancé, who was running around excitedly.

Soft weight and warm body temperature.

As if she was born for that purpose, Elsie’s petite frame was perfect for Ian’s arms.

“…… Senior Elsie.”

“I am, huh? Was I helpful?!”

Intoxicated with the heat of her victory, Elsie was half insane. As if to make amends for her feelings of inferiority that she hadn’t been helpful for a while, Elsie smashed her head into Ian’s arms at random.

“Huh, huh?!”

“Yes, yes… It helped, of course. So let’s think of a way to get out of the barrier soon.”

Ian’s hand gently stroked Elsie’s hair.

Elsie laughed bashfully, revealing her teeth.

“…… Will you get engaged when you leave?”

Actually, the content wasn’t that pure.

Because she was prepared for it, Ian accepted the words without a hint of embarrassment.

“Yes, of course… But I have to get out of here first.”

“If that’s the case, don’t worry.”

As if she had already expected that much, Elsie put on a proud expression.

“We need nuclear weapons to maintain the barrier. This barrier is a bit special, it seems that the outer core and the inner core exist separately… Basically, the core inside is in charge of the caster. Now that the caster is dead, the barrier will naturally collapse, right?”


“Yeah, as soon as the caster dies… ….”

The question and answer that continued without interruption are stopped.

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Elsie, who was speechless, narrowed her brows and looked around her. However, no matter how long she waited, she showed no sign of the barrier collapsing.

This could only mean one thing.

Pak, Ian kicked Elsie’s body.

Elsie couldn’t even scream and flew away as her blood fountains burst from Ian’s leg.

“Big…… !”

The pain of the backflow of blood turned a lifeless gaze to the back.

Even that is a while.

Pak, and once again blood spurts out. This time, fountains of her blood were bursting all over Ian’s body.

The man vomited a handful of blood and sat down. Blood vessels dilated to the limit squirm in her face and on her slumped man’s neck.

Indeed, an hour.

She had no time to resist. No, resistance itself was impossible.

The blood in her whole body runs wild. Even protecting the heart and brain was a miracle.

Nevertheless, there was something else that really scared me.

The fact that this is not a phenomenon the opponent intended.

Heart and blood rhyme like drums. It was an enthusiastic crowd cheering for the new leader.

With a thump, an intangible pressure slammed Ian’s head into the ground.

The lungs let out a moan. It was because I couldn’t overcome the pain that was crushing my whole body.

“Ugh, turn it off…… !”

The bloodshot eyes turned to the source of the pressure. Such a presence, the appearance of a strong man who robs the whole area of life and death with just one step.

I’ve only felt it once.

Ciendel, the capital of the Holy Kingdom, in a court located on a high mountain there.

Tuk, tok.

The sound of blood vessels bursting, unable to withstand the excessive blood flow, tickles your ears.

Using this as a stringed instrument, a woman with not a single thread on it gently lands from the sky.

“…… It’s been a long time indeed.”

It was a flat voice.

It was neither admiration nor ridicule. As if things were going as they should.

The demon of legend threw an endless blue gaze at her man.

“Do you know what it feels like to be released from a long bondage, Ian Percus?”

“If you release this… I guess…… !”

“I’m sorry, child. I haven’t even started yet.”

Such a presence, such an overwhelming power difference.

In an instant, Ian realized what had happened.

The vampire summoned my body.

The body of sin that once stained the whole world with blood.

Little, the vampire took a step, and Ian’s head hit the ground again.


“As planned, it wasn’t. Originally, I wanted to repay my grudge more slowly and surely…….”

The vampire had a dark complexion as she tutted and kicked her tongue.

Even so, she did not stop her steps. As her woman got closer, the pressure on Ian’s body increased.

The intensity of the blood in her body is also rampant.

It was tolerable not to scream until the end.

“So many plans went awry. I lost my precious younger brother, and I was going to laugh at the thief for a while longer…….”

“Do, dugnyeon…… ?”

“Yes, what you call ‘The Archwitch’… joy.”

The vampire, who inadvertently tried to bring up her old story, ended up snorting at her.

What do you mean now?

Revenge has been achieved. She was more futile than expected, but more important than that was the fact that the vampire had won.

The Archwitch is dead. The vampire lived.

A clearer relationship of superiority and inferiority could not exist.

The vampire, who had come close to Ian, slowly lowered her stance.

To match Ian and her eye level.

“You guys are being fooled. In the distant past, like people all over the world… Most of what she has achieved is the result of taking mine.”


Pale mockery.

The vampire didn’t particularly respond to the laughter. She just wiggled her index finger, as if she was annoying.


It was the sound of a fountain of blood gushing from the nape of her neck.

“Huh, turn it off…… !”

“Does it hurt? How do you feel about losing all control of her blood? This is the power I have… It controls all blood and life in the area. Of course, even the magic contained in it.”

No answer came back. Even the vampire didn’t seem to be expecting an answer.

“I had to sacrifice a lot to get this power. The family and gasoline that I cherished, everything… How are you, my Wouldn’t you like to make a contract with me and have this power?”

The man did not show much interest in her subtle seduction. It was just that she uttered another question.

“…… Why, so much power?”

“Because I wanted it back.”

It was a gloomy and persistent confession.

To the point where you can see an endless swampy area.

It was hard to even imagine how high the density of emotions was in it. Even so, a man who bursts into laughter while giggling.



“So, what?”

The gap between the vampire’s forehead gradually narrowed. It seems that it is difficult to understand the meaning of repeated questions and answers.

The man asked again as boiling blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

“What did you get back now?”


The woman seemed to want to say something, but her lips did not part. Instead, a bleak proposal follows.

“…… Shut up and answer me. So, will you join us?”

Now it was the man’s turn to keep his mouth shut.

Her vampire curled up the corner of her mouth at that stubborn attitude.

“You still don’t know? There is no one here to protect you. Only the people you need to protect remain… That little girl, someone precious to you…… !”

“Why not?”

At that question, the vampire burst out laughing.

She was indeed a stubborn man.

Didn’t she see it with her own two eyes? The sight of her body being pierced by a blood-colored spear, and then ending with a blood-colored wave even killing her.

Only the Master can deal with the Master.

As long as the ‘Great Witch’ died, the game was over. She had no reason why the vampire wouldn’t bring her body to this place.

Because there is no one strong enough to keep her in check here!

To make her aware of the brutal reality once again, the vampire laughed at her and stretched out her finger.

To the place where the archwitch’s corpse is located.

“Whoops, good. Are you going to do that to the end? If so, look carefully at the words of that miserable loser…… !”

The vampire who looked away from her while doing so, said, uh.

She froze as it was.

What pierces the white brain is the man’s grunting sound.

“Look carefully? Where?”

“So, over there… For sure…… !”

The vampire babbled like that as she stood up.



An enemy who deserves to roll on the ground with his whole body in disrepair.

The startled woman’s eyes wander aimlessly. I looked all around, from front to back, left and right, but the scene the vampire wanted was nowhere to be seen.

In the end, the place where the eyes are headed is above the sky.

There was a clear night sky floating there.

It’s not like a fake created by a barrier. The masterwork of the Creator, which no mere creature can ever imitate, with its shimmering stars moving in highly calculated orbits, hovered over the earth.

How on earth.

The woman’s question did not last long.

“Flow and circulation.”

A low voice descended upon the silent land.

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