609 – 7. Jealousy is my strength (109)

This is, where is it.

I had a dream after a long time. Thinking so, the ‘vampire’ forcibly moved his muscles stiff like lead.

Smell, taste, touch.

Three of the five senses were broken. It must have been grass and soil in its mouth from crawling on the ground, but it didn’t feel anything. In addition, there was not even a smell that brushed the tip of the nose.


The end of what mortals should fear was approaching. The woman realized that she no longer had any hope of surviving.

Nevertheless, why?

Does the woman keep crawling on the ground? She reached out and stretched out her hand, desperately enough to be ugly.

Light shines down on my blurry vision.

Is it already morning? Suddenly, the woman realized that her body was shaking.

It was a cold day.

My sense of touch was broken, but the refreshing sound of the wind brushing my ears was announcing autumn.

It was a season of plenty.

Come to think of it, it was. When autumn came, she used to go out to the estate to congratulate the people of the estate who were celebrating a good harvest. There was no better opportunity than this to examine the public sentiment as she was infested with all kinds of people.

In addition, it helps to develop the social skills of a child who used to claim to be a loner.

At that time, she was the girl who was following her on the woman’s back.

The little girl, now grown up, was looking down at her woman.

The woman involuntarily burst into laughter.

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“…… You grew up well.”

“Is that the end of the will?”

Cold tone.

It was a temper that clearly cut off public and private affairs. Really, didn’t he grow up wonderfully?

Another giggle erupted from her woman’s mouth.

“A will? Yes, advice… Should be left To my lovely younger brother, the next head of our family…….”

The woman’s body was not normal.

She desperately crawled on the ground, but the distance she traveled was less than two steps. Even part of her woman’s lower body was in a situation where she was lost in the cracks of a distant space.

Traces of the collapsed barrier.

A space full of futility might become the tomb of her woman.

Unfocused blue eyes slowly turned upwards towards her. The shadows of three men and women were reflected there.

The Archwitch, Ian, and an unknown little wizard.

Panting, the woman let out her panting breath.

“After so many years, looking back… ….”

Memories that haven’t come to mind in the meantime run through my mind.

The memory of dragging her sister’s hand, who didn’t want to go out, to the market.

Yes, it was.

“You foolishly regretted so many things.”

After that, the memory of her younger sister who burst into tears as she smeared her cheek with whipped cream from her birthday cake.

Memories forgotten for hundreds of years burrow into your brain. It was a scene that I had never thought of before.

She just thought that the woman had her everything taken away. She said all I had left was despair.

“All I have is sighs… ….”

And when she made her first heart ring, she hugged her little sister and congratulated her.

Suddenly, the question the man asked came to mind.

‘So, what?’

‘What did I get back now?’

I finally found out.

Affection, respect, and love.

There are also false names such as ‘the continent’s best equipment’, ‘a promising mage’, or ‘the next head of household who is highly anticipated by family members’.

I can no longer retrieve it. She was a monster who almost set her continent on fire, and her gasoline, which was supposed to look up to her, was not sacrificed to her.

I see.

In the first place, the woman’s hopes were empty.

“…… The content of my hope was only ‘jealousy’.”

I searched for love, but lost it.

Dew formed around the blurry eyes of a woman who couldn’t love herself. hehehe, along with a dejected laugh.

“You won… Merien.”

“It has been like that for a long time. Ever since you sacrificed our entire family to the Dark Church.”

I had no desire to refute that cold declaration. She was just muttering weakly.

“That’s right, from that day on I had nothing left. Everything I wanted from you so much… Whoops, that’s funny.”

“I’m glad I realized it before I died. For the remaining sins, go to hell and atone for them.”

“But Merien.”

The woman who was nearing her end smiled brightly. She had a very beautiful smile.

Like the last summer flowers in full bloom before fall approaches.

“Because I have nothing left… Rather, there are things that cannot be discarded. Just one…….”

It was then.

“I’ll take yours.”

Her last flame burned in the eyes of a woman whose light had faded. Blood flowed from her body in a sharp awl.

In an instant.

The woman’s retina caught her last prey.

Ian Perkus.

This chair is dangerous.

All plans went awry with this person. Delphirem and the Dark Church might collapse because of this man.

So kill me.

For the new world that the Dark Church will open!

Just before the bloody awl pierced the uvula of her stunned man.

Kwadeuk, doing it.

The woman had a faint question in front of her blurred eyes for a moment. The awl of blood, which had been gushing out with terrifying momentum, stopped at the same time as the woman’s last concentration was scattered.

The incomprehensible eyes go to the back.

In that place, gushing blood was reflected. No.

The white teeth biting the woman’s neck, the golden eyes seething with murderous intent and madness.

The vampire had no choice but to grit his teeth and go.

“Tom, swear…… !”

“My brother told me not to touch him…… ?”

The girl whispered, severing the lifelines of her comrades with teeth instead of tattered limbs.

“…… b*tch.”

That’s it.

The woman couldn’t even scream, and she and the girl fell into the remnants of the barrier that the floor was unfathomable.

It was the end of one of the Seven Sins.


“Huh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh…… !”

A rough breath leaks out through the clenched teeth. It was an empty lot where even the location was unknown, where dawn had arrived, but the grace of the sun, which should be fair to everyone, did not reach.

In the middle of it, a girl was lying face down.

Black hair flowing down in a single line, fair skin and tawny eyes.

She should have been pretty originally, but her appearance was still shining even after being covered with dirt. If there is only one stain, is it the bloody whites?

Her jaw was trembling from how hard she clenched her teeth again. Even so, the girl struggled with her, unaware of her giving up. Even though her limbs are all bound, it would be a futile attempt.

In front of him, a woman with a languid expression was squatting.

“Are you in trouble?”

It was an alluring voice.

A captivating tone that seems soft yet penetrates the core in an instant. Because she was, she was an even more mysterious woman.

What the hell is this character?

I wasn’t curious about the name. However, the fallen girl, Celine, was only curious about the identity of the woman sitting in front of her.

At first, there was only an impression that it was overly attractive. If I had to add, my intuition that this woman was dangerous?

But the more I looked at it, the more strange it was.

It was as if I had her phantom in front of me. Existence, but non-existence.

Even if you can’t see it, it appears in front of you before you know it.

I didn’t even know the conditions. I’m just guessing that reminding me of the existence of a woman is some kind of trigger.

Of course, Celine’s worries didn’t last long.

There were unfamiliar scenes that pierced the retina and eardrum. They were fantasies that constantly gnawed at Celine’s mental strength.

My beloved childhood friend embraces the saintess of the Holy Land.

A famous flower on the continent, and a maiden favored by the heavenly gods.

A childhood friend whispered her love in her ear. Not even once, something she had never said to Celine.

“Huh, huh, huh… ….”

But how can I be jealous?

The opponent was a saint from the Holy Land. She was a high-status figure that could not be compared to the daughter of a fallen nobleman.

Looks, skills, status.

Can’t catch up with anything. It was an inherent limitation.

Determined at birth.

In addition to that, countless scenes pass by my retina.

A childhood friend he loves kisses a commoner girl without Celine’s knowledge.

The fact that she is engaged to a woman who is known for her bad temper, and even has a mistress with whom she secretly engages in physical relations.

‘Jealousy’ is growing. Yes, whenever you have to.

The image of Celine, who was of no help in her battle, fills her mind.

‘Be the first to be pierced by the avant-garde subject.’


‘It’s just getting ahead of my will, and it’s no help.’


‘He even put me in danger by signing the wrong contract.”

Incompetent, incompetent, ugly.

Now it was unclear whose voice whispered in Celine’s ear. While going through countless hallucinations and hallucinations, Celine lost the ability to distinguish what was true and what was false.

I just try to block her hallucinations by putting her arms around her ears even while her hands are tied.

It was to no avail.

Celine’s arms couldn’t stop the whispering of the woman in front of her.

“Why is it painful?”

Unlike usual, it was a somewhat obvious question.

At least enough to make Celine cry and make fun of her.

“The party, the gods… at will… Because I’m fantasizing…… !”

“It may not be an illusion.”

“Don’t laugh…… !”

Grinding, Celine squeezed out a desperate voice that made her eyes bloodshot.

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