611 – 7. Jealousy is my strength(完)

A long time ago, there was a war between those who followed the heavenly gods and those who followed the evil spirits.

The war that lasted for hundreds of years did not end until the corpses became mountains and blood rivers. Until the apostle with the ‘celestial sword’ obeyed Heaven’s will and beheaded Delphirem.

After going through a long war, humanity has realized.

Delphirem and the Seven Sins are too dangerous.

Tough power itself possesses the magical power of bewitching people. Although they possessed the bodies of the Seven Sins, their powers do not disappear because they originate from the stars in the sky.

If left as it is, someday the Seven Sins will resurrect by eating the desires of mankind.

So humanity decided to share the remaining bodies of the Seven Sins.

The corpse of ‘Gluttony’ was scattered in the east, forming a fertile land, and the body of ‘laziness’ was scattered in the west, forming a barren wasteland. In addition, the corpse of ‘greed’ was scattered in the south, where trees and life flourished, and the corpse of ‘jealousy’ was scattered in the north, forming a snowy field.

But there was one sin that would never go away even after dividing and sharing.

It was like wildfire, moving endlessly, and it had the power to burn up the whole world with even the smallest ember.

Humanity has buried its sins underground in a remote place. So that no one will see you forever, and that the embers of that terrible sin will never again be ignited on earth.

However, how can evil remain forever in the shadows?

Deep underground for thousands of years, the sin that had been recovering power while looking for an opportunity was finally discovered by a miner who was digging a mountain. Above all, in a brilliant and radiant state.

That was the inside story that a gold mine that had not been discovered for generations was suddenly discovered in the back mountain.

Also, great evil always possesses people.

There was a person who fell for that whisper and was engulfed without my knowledge.

“Dig a gold mine now.”

Baron Hastur.

It was also the reason why he fell weak after the gold mine was taken away.

Because the power of the Seven Sins, which had consumed his entire body, had disappeared.



If it’s long, it’s long, if it’s short, the story is over, but I couldn’t open my mouth recklessly.

It was an unexpected inside story. In retrospect, the clues have been there.

The Alpenhauser family follows the will of the emperor. It was also suspicious that the great aristocrats suddenly united as much in pursuit of the gold mine in the countryside. In addition, even Baron Hastur, who has not recovered since he collapsed.

But why?

I couldn’t stand it and vomited my doubts.

“In that case, I might explain the situation…… !”

“One of the great evils that almost destroyed mankind thousands of years ago is awakening? Ian Percus… Are you serious?”

I wanted to refute something.

There were no words that came to mind. In the end, I had no choice but to swallow my moan and look away.

“His Majesty the Emperor and the swordsmith were paying attention to abnormal phenomena in various parts of the continent. In the process, through coincidence and luck, I was able to secure one of the seeds of the Seven Sins in advance.”

“But, I feel so sorry for Celine…….”

“Do you want revenge?”

At that question, I was speechless.

My silent gaze turned to Siene-senpai. As befits the daughter of the Alpenhauser family, Siene-senpai’s silver-grey pupils were difficult to distinguish from the whites of her eyes.

Of course, it was impossible to read the implications of those eyes.

What if you need revenge?

The point of her sword must, of course, go beyond the Alpenhauser family to the imperial family. But is that really the right thing to do?

My lips are dry. Siene-senpai still didn’t say anything, and it’s over.

The answer was mine.

As always.


“No, no, no… ….”

A trembling plea.

It was a desperate voice. Celine made her whole body tremble as she prayed with tears in her eyes.

Don’t do that, please.


Celine thought she wished she hadn’t listened. Of course, it wasn’t because her resentment and hatred had subsided.

Since childhood, I have lived a life with only one revenge.

How could I simply let go of that anger?

There was another part where Celine felt fear.

The emperor ruined the Hastur family.

The reason was also perfect. In order to prevent the return of the Seven Sins, is there anyone in the world who will take Celine’s side after hearing about this?

Not knowing anything.

I didn’t have the strength, I didn’t even harbor any malice, I just did it, but my father fell into a coma. The mother is suffering from financial difficulties every day, and the lives of the young people are in trouble.

Also, didn’t Celine grow up like an orphan?

So, hearing the truth from Celine would not dilute Celine’s hatred. In the midst of her insanity in the first place, Celine did not possess superhuman mental powers enough to count her circumstances.

I just had a hunch.

The whole world is my enemy.

The Emperor, the Empire, and all who condemn the Dark Church will justify the downfall of House Hastur.

Selene’s revenge will be branded as a foolish attack, and if you try to argue against it, you will run amok to have the high-dealing criminals be put to death in the public square.

Why the hell?

I didn’t do anything wrong. I was just playing a trick of fate.

As far as I’m concerned, yes.

The world is wrong.

Tears flowed endlessly from Celine’s bloodshot eyes. Her retinas were stinging and she could have closed her eyes at least once, but her pupils, Celine’s, were wide open and didn’t know how to close.

“No, no… Brother Ian, please…….”

Not as good as my brother.

It would be nice if the whole world turned around. It was okay to deny Celine’s revenge and shout that the Hastur family’s downfall was just.

Only one person.

If only Ian doesn’t turn around.

Because I promised. Because Ian never lies.

Ian Perkus will never abandon Celine Hastur.

Sings of extreme anxiety as teeth clash. Her mind, already stained with self-reproach and inferiority complex for months, was on the verge of being destroyed by illusions that lasted for days and days.

One of the reasons she was able to endure it.

Because Ian Perkus was there.

[“I… ….”]

In the fantasy, the man slowly opens his mouth.

Celine’s breath stopped. The sound of her heart pounding madly hit her eardrums. Her heart swelled like this, to the point where I wondered if it would explode.

Time stops.

Slowly, her man’s lips joined and fell.

Her tongue moves back and forth between her teeth and the roof of her mouth to form rhymes.

[“Blessed are you… Do not.”]


It wasn’t even a scream.

With the sound of wind leaking, the scenery that colored Celine’s retinas flickered. Celine didn’t move for a long while.

How long to do that.

“Huh, ah, ah… aaa…….”

Thuduk, tuk.

The bloody threads that were tying Celine’s wrists are slowly tearing apart. It was unimaginable with her usual brute force, but she didn’t have her sanity left to notice it on Celine.

However, Celine’s whisper was a comment she had heard many times.




Even for Ian, he was abandoned.

‘A lump of baggage.’

Then what the hell am I living for?

The whole world abandoned Celine. She had nothing, and it was not enough that her man, whom she had loved since childhood, was taken away before her eyes.

It doesn’t help, and in the end it gets abandoned.


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Questions that have not been verbalized run through the blood vessels of the brain at random. Celine, yes.

I thought I was going crazy.


Pung, sparks of emotion fly away.


Celine’s hands began to tangle her hair at random. Even that wasn’t enough, until I started screaming after scratching my skin and beating her chest.

I had the illusion that a spark was being transferred to each bundle of nerves. Heart, head, too.

It hurt so much. Enough to shed tears now.

“Oh no… Ugh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!”

How long did it take to shake like that?

How many minutes, how many hours?

Now, Celine lost her energy to struggle, and only tears were dripping from Celine’s eyes. Her cold voice pierced her eardrums as the stream of water trickled down.



‘A lump of baggage.’

“I, too… I didn’t want to either…….”

I tried hard to get the calluses on her hands. However, the gap between her talents was grim, and Celine, who did not even have great status or wealth, was of no help in the end.

Then they are abandoned in the end.

“uuu…” … !”

My heart hurt so much.

If you pour a lot of acidic liquid into the esophagus, will it cause such pain?

No, it was worse than that. It was to the point where I couldn’t stand it.

Because this flame was a flame that would never go out.

It was then.


The alluring voice touches me.

Celine’s empty eyes slowly turned towards the epicenter. There, magical red eyes were looking down at Celine.

“I will listen. As long as you pay the right price.”


He is a man with a ruined family, no wealth, and no talents.

But Celine didn’t even have the energy left to hesitate.

I just closed my eyes and recited my only wish.

“Now, please don’t hurt… ….”

Please extinguish the fire in my heart.

The woman gave her heart-throbbing smile, as always.

“As it should be. I am Delphirem.”

Celine’s rough breathing slows down, and her slowly closed eyelids show no signs of opening.

“Because God loves everyone he doesn’t love.”

On that day, the wildfire in the girl’s heart was extinguished.

With all emotions reduced to ashes.

What Celine Haster offered in exchange for the contract was ‘feelings’.

Except for one thing.

It was the birth of a new Seven Sins.


“…… But, you have to pay the price.”

It was Siene-senpai who frowned at my continuing condition.

Of course. The Empire and the Alpenhauser family made the right decision no matter who saw it.

But there are always exceptions.

There were also people who could never understand the choice.

“Even if I can’t help it now, I will definitely accept an apology from the Imperial Family and the Alpenhauser family in the future. In addition, appropriate compensation and restoration of the Hastur family’s honor…….”

“Ian Perkus, now… Do you know what I’m talking about?”

Demands an apology from the imperial family.

It was nothing more than a call from the top of the empire to admit wrongdoing. In other words, it was a very politically sensitive request.

But I had no intention of giving up.

“I know.”

“But do you talk like that? Didn’t you hear? We just did our best…….”

“The Hastur family was sacrificed innocently. Without knowing anything, just out of luck.”

And then I slowly got up. Luna-senpai was startled and tried to grab me, but my hand was raised first.

“My requirements are ideal. It doesn’t matter if I speak to His Majesty the Emperor.”


Senior Siene’s plain evaluation followed, but she didn’t bother to react.

Just one question.

I stopped moving my steps, looked back and asked.

“Come to think of it, what do you mean you can’t hide it anymore anyway… ….”

“The fragment of the Seven Sins will be moved to the academy soon.”

It was such an unexpected sound that my gaze, which was about to quietly leave the room, went blank for a moment.

It was Luna-senpai who pursed her lips.

“Because the best authorities are gathered here. Also, if not now, it is also a historic neutral zone… Experts from each country will be dispatched to analyze the artifacts.”

A new wave was coming.

‘Celine Haster’

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