626 – The 7.5 Season is autumn (15)

A rumor was burning through the academy like a fire.

It was hard to believe. The famous ‘Golden Fortress’ was reduced to ashes by a single raider.

It was common knowledge that defending castles was more advantageous than siege castles. Even if you didn’t major in strategy, anyone who had even a shallow insight into war would agree.

So those who heard the news had no choice but to snort.

Thinking about it again, it was nonsense.

What kind of place is Alpenhauser’s ‘Golden Fortress’?

It was a demonic realm where all sorts of devices and traps were hidden. Even the lowest of the guards who stood guard knew how to deal with Auras, and it was a place where several knights and high-ranking wizards who reached the level of expert resided.

What if they take advantage of space and attack all at once?

Even high experts or archmages couldn’t guarantee their survival. Also, since there was no reason for such nobles to risk their lives recklessly, Alpenhauser’s ‘Golden Fortress’ deserved to be called truly invincible.

At least until this morning comes.

The ruins, unable to overcome the cold air of dawn, collapsed. Only pure white ashes and black smoke rising like embers testified to the horrors of last night.

The crowd gathered like ashes chose silence as one.

Just a few minutes ago, they doubted the authenticity of the rumors. But what use is common sense in the face of such clear evidence?

There was only one word that colored their empty heads.

The Fall of Alpenhauser.

It was not a particularly logical conclusion. At least one stronghold had collapsed. Alpenhauser’s potential must have been deeper and stronger than that.

Nevertheless, those who witnessed the horrors inadvertently thought of such a future. As if a revelation came down from heaven.

The sound of footsteps broke through the silence of the seated onlookers.

They were high-ranking officials of the academy. One by one, the names of famous people who were beginning to arrive came out of the crowd.

Derek the skull collector.

Adriana, the strongest magician on earth.

Delemore, the guide to the fall.

The agitation in the crowd grew like a wave whenever strong men with outstanding prestige appeared on the continent. Then, suddenly, a man appeared through the gloomy dawn.

“This is Ian Perkus…… !”

With the end of that low sigh, silence pressed down the entire area.

Is it because the face of the man with black hair and golden eyes was so serious?

Every time the man in the academy uniform took a step, the crowd naturally tore apart. The golden fortress of Alpenhauser, which had been burnt down, was reflected on the lonely sunken golden retina, and before long, the gaze looked down.

There were groaning knights of Alpenhauser all over the place.

“Ah, ah…… !”

“Sah, save me… Mom, the body… The body is good…… !”

Without a single exception, the wounded moan in pain.

Ian held the terrifying sight in his sight for a while without speaking, then started moving again. There was no one standing in his way.

Even the guards who were controlling the scene of the accident did the same. They were the ones who thoroughly controlled the onlookers, but there was no hand to restrain them as much as the man.

There was no one who was dissatisfied with this. Even though the man was wearing an academy uniform, his status was incomparable to that of an academy student.

The divinity of the continent, the countless enemies of mankind, and true heroes.

The bard said that the knight named ‘Morning Star’ was a man.

It was very common sense to give special treatment to special beings. Everyone here knew the fact without saying anything, so even those who saw the man who crossed the control line didn’t show any sign of surprise.

A fierce middle-aged man with auburn hair was no exception.


“Professor Derek.”

At Ian’s rather weak voice, the middle-aged man called ‘Derek’ sighed in silence. The dark tiredness in his eyes represented the mood of a middle-aged man.

Derek the skull collector.

A famous monster hunter, he was a seasoned swordsman who had crossed every line of sight. It was to the point where even Derek could feel the agony of seeing the horrors in front of him.

It was such a terrible scenery.

Dozens of knights howled. The body writhing in pain itself had the effect of adding mental fatigue to the viewer.

What a terrible sight this is.

Ian soon took his eyes off the horror. If he didn’t, his head would pound to death, but he had no reason to complicate his head any more.

He only put a brief question into his mouth.

“What happened?”

It was a short but comprehensive question.

Actually, Ian didn’t know anything about this situation. Alpenhauser’s attendant, who had been rushing in since dawn, came straight to him with only his attire to find him.

Derek was cool enough that he immediately started laying out the information he wanted.

“Last night the golden fortress of Alpenhauser was stormed. A total of over seventy knights were slaughtered. Most of them couldn’t even resist. A few experts and high-ranking mages were also staying…….”

“How many intruders?”

“Only one person.”

A soft sigh escaped Ian’s mouth. In his tightly closed eyes, he could see the complicated state of mind.

Even if he couldn’t do it, there was a good chance that he would be a high expert or even more skilled.

There was no jaw that such a strong man would jump out of nowhere. If there’s any possibility, it’s just behind the scenes forces that have been hiding their tails for thousands of years.

The beast is probably the ‘dark church’.

It was time to make such an implicit conclusion.

“aaagh! Aww! Melt, melt… Me, my body… Oh my gosh…… !”

Wooddeuk, doing it.

I heard a scream that squeezed my lungs to the point that my body broke into a mess. Foam was rising from his mouth, but only dim fear settled in the eyes of the screaming man.

A glimpse of melted flesh could be seen through the rim of the bandage wrapped around his chest obliquely. And even the fire that rises like a fire.

Ian’s brow narrowed as he hesitated for a moment.

“…… Burn?”

“They say that even if dozens of priests hit the holy power and drive it, it wouldn’t heal. As you know, the pain of burns is beyond imagination… There are patients who hallucinate like that.”

From noble mtl dot com

Ian’s eyes sank even deeper after hearing Derek’s kind explanation.

His gaze scans every nook and cranny of the body of the howling man. The developed muscles, the density of the magical energy that came out of excitement, and many other factors.

The conclusion was quickly reached.

At least an expert.

Ian’s question deepened.

“You mean a prosecutor like that?”

“Or it could be the result of some forbidden sorcery. If not, it could be because of the mental shock of being defeated without being able to resist… Nothing has been clarified yet.”

Hmm, Ian swallowed his saliva and took another step.

The foreboding never ceased.

This sensation, as if something were knocking on the heart with a bony finger.

All the members of the Dark Church that I have dealt with have been formidable. Of course, the enemy this time will not be formidable either. Even so, have you ever felt so nervous?


No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t come up with an answer. No, maybe he’s deliberately averting his eyes.

Though Ian thought so, he did not stop her steps. It was because I was overcome with anxiety that I would have to face something if I stopped like this.

However, that wish was frustrated before long.

By none other than Ian himself.

Ian’s expression hardened as he silently scanned the faces of the victims. His bulging eyes were screaming in disbelief on behalf of his mouth.

A suffocating cry leaked out before long.

“Senior Luna…… !”

Ian hurriedly ran to the side of the fallen woman. Hopefully my vision is wrong.

Of course, that wish never came true.

Pure white skin like drawing paper, a pale complexion, and silvery hair as if molten silver was woven.

Whoever saw it, it was ‘Luna senior’. She was breaking out in a cold sweat and letting out only her moans, but her closed eyelids showed no signs of opening, but that was clear.

It was a difficult situation for Ian to understand.

A direct descendant of Alpenhauser was killed?

I knew that the incident had happened, but Ian could not have predicted that a problem of this magnitude would have occurred. Isn’t that the case too?

He knew even Ian, who was ignorant of power.

What kind of repercussions will the fact that Alpenhauser’s immediate family was attacked at this point in time?

Siene and Luna were dispatched as representatives of the Empire to investigate artifacts related to the Seven Sins. Therefore, the previous night’s raid meant that it was a challenge not only to Alpenhauser, but also to the imperial family.

The problem was that suspicious eyes could stretch anywhere.

The power of the relics of the Seven Sins is infinite.

It wouldn’t be strange if there were forces who wanted to monopolize it. In fact, the information that the secrets of the Dark Church had infiltrated the depths of each country was no different than an open secret.

What if the Holy Kingdom or the Southern Ten Kingdoms trained with the Dark Church and attacked Alpenhauser?

Ian’s back was wet with cold sweat. It was a difficult situation for him to deal with.

At the very least, it was necessary to talk to people like Leto, the saintess, and the princess. The moment when I urgently raised my body with such a thought.

Ian’s body immediately froze. There was even a faint fear in that pale complexion.

“You have finally arrived, Lord Hatchet Stupid Fool… I am tired of waiting.”


The tip of the blunt staff knocks on the ground. It was a completely different look from the image of the woman left in Ian’s memory.

Siene Alpenhauser.

There was a faint smile on the face of the woman who was always proud and relaxed. It’s just that the line is fierce and sharp, and it arouses her instinctive alertness.

But even that was only a very small part of Siene’s changes.

The first thing that stands out is the battered body.

It was the same outfit as usual, but it couldn’t hide the unnatural movement. Her right arm was empty from the shoulder blades down and the sleeves were empty, and her left leg was dragged along, but she couldn’t move properly.

Even what that face is like.

Yellow ooze was coming out of the bandage wrapped around the right eye. Along with the pure white cloth that covered half of his face, his silver pupils were burning like flames.

With hatred and original reading.

It was impossible to even move without a cane. No, should I say that it was fortunate that his right arm and left leg were crippled one by one and he could use a cane?

It’s a kind of consideration that oozes malice.

Ian had no choice but to think with a stunned look on his face.

Nevertheless, the woman had a twisted smile. Fierce, hot.

Because anger at its peak is sometimes indistinguishable from joy.

“I have a fact to tell you.”

It started.

A new season came in the form of a sick woman.

While whispering despair.

Autumn is over.

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