Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 116 - Meeting The Devil

Śliwiński turned pale. Werner was wearing the noose around his neck? Dominik looked helplessly at Andrzej. What was he supposed to do now? How to behave?

"Man is not able to choose who to fall in love with or with what force, right?" old Werner asked suddenly, staring his watery eyes at Dominik.

"But he has no right to trample other people's feelings at the same time," commented Nowicki firmly.

Dominik scolded him with a gaze. He understood Andrzej's fury, he was also upset himself, but that was no reason to torment the old man who had seen his grandson, the only surviving descendant, put the noose around his neck. The sight must have shocked him.

"I know, I know," replied the old man, "and he understands it too. When he realized what a big mistake he had made, how much his behavior had hurt the man he idolized, he couldn't bear it and tried to took his life. Even now, I'm afraid to leave him alone at home lest he try again. Mr. Śliwiński" the old man with difficulty fell to his knees and folded his hands in front of Dominik as if he was praying "I am begging you ..."

"Get up, for God's sake!" Dominik started to panic.

"Not until you agree to forgive my grandson!"

"This is called blackmail," growled Andrzej. Dominik began to see in his eyes that he was struggling to contain his fury. "You're just like your messed-up grandson."

"Andrzej! How dare you?"

It was bad. The old man did not want to get up from his knees, he did not want to let go of Dominik's hand, and this behavior only irritated Nowicki more. Andrzej, of course, was right, the young actor felt forced by Maciej's grandfather, but the distraught old man had no other means of persuasion than pleading.

"Because it's true!" Nowicki did not control his voice anymore, but he did not flinch. Thank God, at least there would be no blows. "This man is so worried about his criminal grandson and he won't even think of you for a moment! Why should you turn into a knight in shining armor and save someone who kidnapped you and tortured you for three days?!"

"Because I can!" he replied, surprised at his own words. Yes, he could forgive Werner and save his life. It was difficult, it was painful, but it was doable. Therefore, in a gentle voice, he turned to the old man: "Mr. Werner, get up. You came by taxi, right?"

"Yes," the old man no longer cried. Hope filled his pale eyes. He got up slowly from his knees.

"Andrzej, I have a request for you ..."

He didn't have to say anything. Nowicki gritted his teeth. He was angry, but he was already starting to calm down. Maybe he disapproved of Dominik's decision, but he respected her. Maybe he understood that a young actor could not do otherwise.

"All right," Andrzej sighed resignedly. "I'm going to get the car."


Nowicki was driving the car while Dominik and old Werner, sitting in the rear seats, had a conversation with each other.

"My daughter-in-law was very despotic to Maciuś, but when she died, he missed her very much. No wonder, he was only ten at the time. My son was not a father's role model, but he didn't have a good example himself. In my youth, and even in middle age, I lived a very lush life. It wasn't until I started getting sick that I settled down a bit. Maciuś was already a man when I really started paying attention to him. But I have not noticed that his interest in you is so unhealthy. I guess I didn't think anyone could be so obsessed. Thank you for not bringing an indictment against my grandson."

"If I did, the matter would become public. I don't need that kind of publicity."

"Was that the only reason?"

"Yes. I would have to go through everything anew, not only in court, but also in the media. I would worry my loved ones and I don't want that."

The old man nodded. Andrzej saw it clearly in the rearview mirror. He bit his lip. He was angry with old Werner for his selfishness, with Dominik for his good heart and with himself for allowing Dominik to do whatever he wanted, whether it's good or bad for him.

But maybe it wasn't that bad? Śliwiński was a sweet idiot who could not blame anyone or be angry about anything. Dominik has already forgiven Maciej Werner, at least as much as he could at that moment. Meeting a man who caused him so much pain will not be easy, but it may allow him to close this nightmare chapter. Maybe such an ending will be something good?

Nowicki sighed. There were more of his wishful thinking than of real premises, but he knew one thing for sure, had Dominic refused the old man's request, his conscience would have plagued him more than this whole visit to the Werner house.

He adjusted the mirror and looked at his lover. Dominik was serious and listened to the story. Knowing his sensitivity, he probably imagined the unhappy childhood of poor little Maciuś. Andrzej smiled sadly. Dominik would not be what he is without his wonderful sensitivity.

"Is it somewhere here?" Nowicki asked. He slowed down, but it was still hard to read building numbers.

Werner turned his head to the street.

"Yes. We're almost there. Third house on the right. Yes, here it is," he added as Andrzej slowed down even more and flashed his turn signal. "Take me to the yard."

The yard, huh? I think it's a park.

But could he expect something different from a residential district of Warsaw? A beautiful palace instead of a house and a two-hundred-meter-long drive clearly testified that the inhabitants were not poor.

"Does your grandson know that you came for me?" Dominik asked.

"No. I think he wants to see you, but knows he has no right. He's really broken."

Dominik stared at the floor. He didn't speak the rest of the way. Andrzej had no idea what his lover was thinking about, but suddenly he found that he wanted to shake his hand.

In front of the house an older lady dressed in neither a nurse's apron nor a maid's uniform waited for them. She helped the old man out of the car and looked at the two young men without surprise as if she were expecting their arrival.

"This is Magda," Werner introduced her. "She looks after me and the house. Now also my grandson. How is he?"

"He is calm. He didn't try any madness."

"Good." There was a clear relief in the old man's voice. "Gentlemen," he said to the guests, "let's go inside, please."

The house, which looked great from the outside, was not so great on the inside. The furniture in the living room was old but hardly antiquated, and the wallpaper bore clear traces of age. It seemed that the building was too large to be dealt with by a single maid, and the host either did not want to or did not have the resources to take care of its good condition.

"My grandson's room is upstairs," said old Werner. "Let's go."

He climbed the stairs very slowly, but he made no breaks in his journey. Andrzej, who was walking a few steps behind him with his lover, put his mouth close to Dominik's ear.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to."

"I know but…"

"Remember, this time he won't hurt you. I'm right there."

"Thank you."

"It's here." Werner stood in front of one of the upstairs rooms.


It's about to start, Dominik thought, swallowing. I will see him for the first time since that day...

He was scared. Not Maciej Werner himself. At that moment, he couldn't do anything to him. He was afraid of his reaction to the sight of him, of whether he would even be able to look at that face without feeling nauseous and not remembering it all - the lascivious, almost deranged gaze and touch that, despite Werner's best efforts, could in no way be pleasant.

The worst part was that the director had no bad intentions. He didn't want to hurt him. He really loved him in his own way and wanted to prove it to Dominik. It's terrible that love can turn into something so horrible.

"Maciuś" the old man knocked on the door. "Maciuś, are you there? You have a visitor."

"I don't want to see anyone!"

"But Maciuś ..." the old man opened the door a crack. Dominik noticed behind them a wall hung with hundreds of colorful cards and a young Werner leaning over the desk.

"I told you, Grandpa, I didn't ..." the writer turned and fell silent in mid-word. His face paled to death.

"Good morning," said Dominik softly. Werner did not react. He hadn't shaken off the shock yet. "May I come in?"

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