Love Lives In His Eyes
Chapter 144 - Fireworks
Only the almost-whispered answer was so beautiful that his heart skipped a beat and his throat tightened painfully. This beautiful face, these wonderful eyes and delightful lips expressed absolute honesty - at that moment in Dominik's life there was no one other than him, Andrzej.
"I'm sorry to doubt you."
Śliwiński shook his head.
"It's all because we got involved in media intrigues. All these articles, these rumors, confuse our heads. Only will you forgive me? That my lips were touching others?"
Andrzej saw yesterday's scene in the rain and felt unpleasant.
It was she who kissed him, he told himself.
There were no fireworks.
There weren't even sparks.
Because she's not him.
He touched the actor's mouth with his thumb.
Those lips were touching other strangers yesterday. Not his. But there were no fireworks then.
He put his lips to them. Gently, hesitantly.
Dominik returned the kiss just as timidly, though willingly.
And then it happened. What some might call fireworks. For Andrzej, however, it was a flame that engulfed his whole body, mind and heart in fractions of a second. The kiss was too sweet to interrupt and reply with words, so he conveyed the answer through him, putting all his hot emotions and growing excitement into him.
Although Andrzej kissed many lips, none have ever given him such intense sensations, such vivid impressions.
Finally they paused to catch a breath. Andrzej looked at his lover's face and smiled warmly, seeing bliss in her.
"Were there fireworks now?" He asked with a slight sneer.
Dominik shook his head.
"Man, you blew up the arsenal ..."
Dominik slept peacefully and quietly in his arms. The warmth of his breath and body made Andrzej feel a certain sadness. He couldn't understand him. Because is it possible to feel sad and anxious because of mutual love, right?
Nowicki realized, however, that there was something fatal in his sweet Dominik. The actor did not do it on purpose, but those who gave him love sooner or later suffered. It's as if loving Śliwiński is a gamble that cannot be won even if the bank breaks. Or like winning the main prize in lottery. Happiness, excitement, and then anxiety, because the more precious a treasure you have, the greater the fear of losing it.
Dominik was the most valuable thing you could have.
Andrzej's chest hurt. When he saw Śliwiński in a woman's embrace, when he saw their joined lips, he felt that his world was falling into pieces. He had never experienced anything so horrible before. Now he knew it was a misunderstanding that Dominik had not betrayed him and had no intention of doing so, but Nowicki remembered the pain.
And he was afraid that it would come back.
It was irrational, stupid, he knew it, and yet he had to admit to himself that he wasn't the tough guy he wanted to be. It was enough for someone like Dominik Śliwiński to appear in his life for everything to suddenly turn inside out.
Love is a really scary feeling.
"You look tense," muttered Dominik. "Problems at work?"
"What? No. I'm just thinking about something."
"About what?"
"Looks like about us."
"Yes?" this question sounded fear. "But you don't want to leave me?"
"I don't want to."
"You speak without conviction. It's about yesterday, isn't it? About Scarlett and me ... Andrzej, I never ..."
"I know. It's not about that."
"If you want, I will quit this movie. There weren't even test shots, so maybe I won't play in it at all ..."
"Don't be silly. This role is made for you."
"But you know there will be love scenes between her and me."
"I also know that you are a professional actor. Don't worry about it anymore. It was me who reacted a bit childishly."
"But you are worried about something."
"Yes," he admitted. "I have no idea what to give you for Christmas."
"For ... Christmas? Don't be kidding!"
"I know the weather doesn't suggest it, but Christmas is approaching. It'll be here before you know it, and I have no idea what you'd be happy about."
"I don't need anything. I want only you."
"You all always say that, and when you get nothing, you make a fuss."
"I'm sorry" Dominik rose on his elbow, he looked really offended. "Who are you liking me to? Who are you talking about?"
"Ki ..." Śliwiński literally ran out of words. Angered, he threw a pillow at Andrzej. Nowicki laughed as he caught it in flight. Dominik could deny as much as he wanted, but he was the sweetest kitten Andrzej saw in his life and Dominik proved it just now.
"We'll spend this Christmas together, right?" Dominik asked, suddenly serious. Andrzej looked at him and saw sadness and anxiety in him.
"Of course, if that's what you want."
"How do you always spend Christmas?"
"With the family of Paulina and Martynka. Will you join us?"
"What? I couldn't" Dominik smiled sadly. "These are family holidays ..."
"Exactly" Andrzej smiled softly.
Dominik blushed creating a beautiful sight, he smiled charmingly and shyly lowered his eyes.
Nowicki felt a twinge in his heart. Christmas is by definition the most beautiful, most family holiday of the year, while Dominik has spent seven years (or maybe already eight?) Away from his relatives. This year he was joined with the family, but then his mother discovered Dominik's homosexual relationship and made a row. As a good Catholic, she could not come to terms with the thought that her son was committing such a grave sin. It was really unpleasant, and as these events took place recently, Andrzej did not expect Mrs. Śliwińska to get used to the thought that her firstborn was this and not another.
Dominik was extremely lonely and it was on such festive days that he had to suffer the most.
Nowicki moved closer to him and put his arm around him.
"Paulina's father died some time ago. Mother is a very nice woman. Paulina herself treats you like a brother now. You know that she cheered us on from the beginning, even before you noticed me. And Martyka - I don't need to tell you how much she adores you. If you showed up on Christmas, she would be the happiest girl in the world."
"What you say is very nice, but you cannot invite someone into someone else's house."
"How can I not?"
"You can't! It's rude. You can bring someone an unwanted guest."
With a lazy grunt Nowicki reached for the disheveled trousers lying on the floor and took the phone out of them.
"What are you doing?" Dominik inquired.
The photographer put a finger to his lips, ordering him to be silent. After a few seconds, a familiar voice spoke on the other side. The actor did not hear him clearly, but recognized his partner's friend.
"Forgive me for time, that I call, but I have a question. What are we doing with Christmas?"
The voice on the other side was irritated and loud, yet Dominik still couldn't understand the words.
"Can you tell him yourself?"
Literally a second later, Śliwiński held Andrzej's phone to his ear.
"Hello, Paulina," he said shyly.
"Hi Dominik. Listen, I don't know what your plans are for Christmas, so I will understand if you refuse, but I would very much like you to have a Christmas Eve dinner by visiting us with Andrzej. I wanted to invite you personally, but that idiot has to speed things up."
"Thank you. Really. I don't want to disturb the calm, family atmosphere ..."
"Dominik, ask Andrzej to leave the room" Paulina instructed.
"Just ask him. I want to talk to you alone."
Dominik looked awkwardly at Nowicki. Asking him out of the bedroom seemed strange, even inappropriate, but for some reason he couldn't stand up to Paulina. This dear friend of Andrzej from the school bench, she had a very strong personality and he knew that she treated Nowicki like a brother. Śliwiński also liked her, because it was she who helped him in those difficult moments, when Marek Marczak's actions, when they were still a couple, hurt him so much. For some reason he knew he could trust her and she quickly became his ally in creating a special relationship between him and Andrzej.
"Paulina asks you to leave" he turned to his lover.
Nowicki began to whimper under his breath and dragged himself out of bed without any objection. He scooped his clothes off the floor and continued mumbling out of the room.
"He's gone," Śliwiński announced into the receiver.
"Good, because I'm gonna keep talking about him. Did you know that Andrzej is the only child and when he was in college within a year, he lost both his parents?"
"More or less."
"He always had a lot of friends, but he was never really close to anyone. Only with Martynka and me. So you could say that we became his family."
"Yes, I know that," Dominik smiled.
"Now, for the first time in his life, someone else has turned up. I know you have been together for a relatively short time, but I guess you both realize how close you two have become."
"I'm sorry to doubt you."
Śliwiński shook his head.
"It's all because we got involved in media intrigues. All these articles, these rumors, confuse our heads. Only will you forgive me? That my lips were touching others?"
Andrzej saw yesterday's scene in the rain and felt unpleasant.
It was she who kissed him, he told himself.
There were no fireworks.
There weren't even sparks.
Because she's not him.
He touched the actor's mouth with his thumb.
Those lips were touching other strangers yesterday. Not his. But there were no fireworks then.
He put his lips to them. Gently, hesitantly.
Dominik returned the kiss just as timidly, though willingly.
And then it happened. What some might call fireworks. For Andrzej, however, it was a flame that engulfed his whole body, mind and heart in fractions of a second. The kiss was too sweet to interrupt and reply with words, so he conveyed the answer through him, putting all his hot emotions and growing excitement into him.
Although Andrzej kissed many lips, none have ever given him such intense sensations, such vivid impressions.
Finally they paused to catch a breath. Andrzej looked at his lover's face and smiled warmly, seeing bliss in her.
"Were there fireworks now?" He asked with a slight sneer.
Dominik shook his head.
"Man, you blew up the arsenal ..."
Dominik slept peacefully and quietly in his arms. The warmth of his breath and body made Andrzej feel a certain sadness. He couldn't understand him. Because is it possible to feel sad and anxious because of mutual love, right?
Nowicki realized, however, that there was something fatal in his sweet Dominik. The actor did not do it on purpose, but those who gave him love sooner or later suffered. It's as if loving Śliwiński is a gamble that cannot be won even if the bank breaks. Or like winning the main prize in lottery. Happiness, excitement, and then anxiety, because the more precious a treasure you have, the greater the fear of losing it.
Dominik was the most valuable thing you could have.
Andrzej's chest hurt. When he saw Śliwiński in a woman's embrace, when he saw their joined lips, he felt that his world was falling into pieces. He had never experienced anything so horrible before. Now he knew it was a misunderstanding that Dominik had not betrayed him and had no intention of doing so, but Nowicki remembered the pain.
And he was afraid that it would come back.
It was irrational, stupid, he knew it, and yet he had to admit to himself that he wasn't the tough guy he wanted to be. It was enough for someone like Dominik Śliwiński to appear in his life for everything to suddenly turn inside out.
Love is a really scary feeling.
"You look tense," muttered Dominik. "Problems at work?"
"What? No. I'm just thinking about something."
"About what?"
"Looks like about us."
"Yes?" this question sounded fear. "But you don't want to leave me?"
"I don't want to."
"You speak without conviction. It's about yesterday, isn't it? About Scarlett and me ... Andrzej, I never ..."
"I know. It's not about that."
"If you want, I will quit this movie. There weren't even test shots, so maybe I won't play in it at all ..."
"Don't be silly. This role is made for you."
"But you know there will be love scenes between her and me."
"I also know that you are a professional actor. Don't worry about it anymore. It was me who reacted a bit childishly."
"But you are worried about something."
"Yes," he admitted. "I have no idea what to give you for Christmas."
"For ... Christmas? Don't be kidding!"
"I know the weather doesn't suggest it, but Christmas is approaching. It'll be here before you know it, and I have no idea what you'd be happy about."
"I don't need anything. I want only you."
"You all always say that, and when you get nothing, you make a fuss."
"I'm sorry" Dominik rose on his elbow, he looked really offended. "Who are you liking me to? Who are you talking about?"
"Ki ..." Śliwiński literally ran out of words. Angered, he threw a pillow at Andrzej. Nowicki laughed as he caught it in flight. Dominik could deny as much as he wanted, but he was the sweetest kitten Andrzej saw in his life and Dominik proved it just now.
"We'll spend this Christmas together, right?" Dominik asked, suddenly serious. Andrzej looked at him and saw sadness and anxiety in him.
"Of course, if that's what you want."
"How do you always spend Christmas?"
"With the family of Paulina and Martynka. Will you join us?"
"What? I couldn't" Dominik smiled sadly. "These are family holidays ..."
"Exactly" Andrzej smiled softly.
Dominik blushed creating a beautiful sight, he smiled charmingly and shyly lowered his eyes.
Nowicki felt a twinge in his heart. Christmas is by definition the most beautiful, most family holiday of the year, while Dominik has spent seven years (or maybe already eight?) Away from his relatives. This year he was joined with the family, but then his mother discovered Dominik's homosexual relationship and made a row. As a good Catholic, she could not come to terms with the thought that her son was committing such a grave sin. It was really unpleasant, and as these events took place recently, Andrzej did not expect Mrs. Śliwińska to get used to the thought that her firstborn was this and not another.
Dominik was extremely lonely and it was on such festive days that he had to suffer the most.
Nowicki moved closer to him and put his arm around him.
"Paulina's father died some time ago. Mother is a very nice woman. Paulina herself treats you like a brother now. You know that she cheered us on from the beginning, even before you noticed me. And Martyka - I don't need to tell you how much she adores you. If you showed up on Christmas, she would be the happiest girl in the world."
"What you say is very nice, but you cannot invite someone into someone else's house."
"How can I not?"
"You can't! It's rude. You can bring someone an unwanted guest."
With a lazy grunt Nowicki reached for the disheveled trousers lying on the floor and took the phone out of them.
"What are you doing?" Dominik inquired.
The photographer put a finger to his lips, ordering him to be silent. After a few seconds, a familiar voice spoke on the other side. The actor did not hear him clearly, but recognized his partner's friend.
"Forgive me for time, that I call, but I have a question. What are we doing with Christmas?"
The voice on the other side was irritated and loud, yet Dominik still couldn't understand the words.
"Can you tell him yourself?"
Literally a second later, Śliwiński held Andrzej's phone to his ear.
"Hello, Paulina," he said shyly.
"Hi Dominik. Listen, I don't know what your plans are for Christmas, so I will understand if you refuse, but I would very much like you to have a Christmas Eve dinner by visiting us with Andrzej. I wanted to invite you personally, but that idiot has to speed things up."
"Thank you. Really. I don't want to disturb the calm, family atmosphere ..."
"Dominik, ask Andrzej to leave the room" Paulina instructed.
"Just ask him. I want to talk to you alone."
Dominik looked awkwardly at Nowicki. Asking him out of the bedroom seemed strange, even inappropriate, but for some reason he couldn't stand up to Paulina. This dear friend of Andrzej from the school bench, she had a very strong personality and he knew that she treated Nowicki like a brother. Śliwiński also liked her, because it was she who helped him in those difficult moments, when Marek Marczak's actions, when they were still a couple, hurt him so much. For some reason he knew he could trust her and she quickly became his ally in creating a special relationship between him and Andrzej.
"Paulina asks you to leave" he turned to his lover.
Nowicki began to whimper under his breath and dragged himself out of bed without any objection. He scooped his clothes off the floor and continued mumbling out of the room.
"He's gone," Śliwiński announced into the receiver.
"Good, because I'm gonna keep talking about him. Did you know that Andrzej is the only child and when he was in college within a year, he lost both his parents?"
"More or less."
"He always had a lot of friends, but he was never really close to anyone. Only with Martynka and me. So you could say that we became his family."
"Yes, I know that," Dominik smiled.
"Now, for the first time in his life, someone else has turned up. I know you have been together for a relatively short time, but I guess you both realize how close you two have become."
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