Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 153 - Faces Known And Unknown

"Seriously? You are very interesting, my friend from Poland. I'm tempted to drop by your test shots. If you're as gifted as you're pretty, I'd love to act with you."

"I am. But I have already said that I am not going to have a career here."

"No? Then why are you here?"

"A few months ago, I turned down an offer to star in a Baptiste movie. If I did it now, the media wouldn't let me live in peace."

Brand Kitt laughed and patted Dominik friendly on the shoulder blades.

"Not bad, not bad. I guess I'm really starting to like you. Tell me if I can do anything for you."

"Actually ..."


Dominik took off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. Los Angeles was a hot city with no alcohol or unforeseen party attractions. Although the actor had to admit that he did better than he expected.

He threw himself on the bed and took out the phone. He started writing an email in which he shared his experiences of the day, and most of all the longing that had devoured his heart so much. He wrote that he had met Brand Kitt and that he wasn't as upset by the crowd as he used to be. His words were hot and full of love. He hadn't even realized that if this letter had fallen into the wrong hands, it would have completely compromised him. But the lovers do not think about such things when they write to their loves. Dominik also just wanted to share his feelings with the person most dear to him.

He sent the e-mail and threw his arms above his head.

He missed. He missed Andrzej very much, and there was nothing in the world or a person that would take this painful feeling from his heart.

There was nothing but Andrzej.


This morning, Andrzej Nowicki was shocked.

A photo of Dominik appeared on the first page of the weekly. Or at least he thought it was Dominik. This moment, however, was enough for his heart to stop with terror and despair. The headline reported on the tragic death of a young actor.

It was one of the worst moments in his life for Andrzej.

However, a second glance at the photo was enough for his heart to calm down. The boy was younger, not as glamorous as Dominik, more common and with lighter hair. He could have successfully been Śliwiński's understudy, but never him.

Was it the matter of this man's death that the police were with him?

Then, when he heard that the young actor had been killed, he was agitated, but not shocked. He didn't know him. He was just an abstraction. Now he had a face beside his name, a face that looked so much like the one he loved.

Why was this boy killed?

Murdered at such a young age, so promising, so laughing in the cover picture.

Was it an accidental death, did someone track him down on purpose, and if so, could he become a target because of his resemblance to Śliwiński? Did the murderer see him as a substitute for a famous actor and, unable to reach the ideal target, contented himself with the easier copy?

Andrzej shuddered. His thoughts were moving in a dangerous direction, but he couldn't help but fear that this death might not have been an accident. That he might have something to do with Dominik.

He was glad the actor was now on the other side of the Atlantic. Regardless of whether the death of Iwo Mężyński had anything to do with him, he would certainly have experienced newspaper reports very much. He would not have thought that he could become a victim himself, but that such a young life had been senselessly lost. Dominik was like that, sensitive and gentle, with a soul even more beautiful than his body.

Andrzej was still troubled by anxiety. Having no evidence that this was not the case, he could not completely dismiss the theory that Mężyński was the target because of his face. He wanted to ask the police if they considered this possibility, but decided that for the sake of the investigation, he would be sent back with a receipt.

Maybe he should report it after all? After all, the police can completely ignore this lead and be in the dark? But what if he accidentally leads them to false tracks and only complicates matters?

Damn it!

Suddenly another unpleasant thought occurred to him.

Did Mężyński, due to his appearance, become a substitute for Dominik in Marczak's bed? Marczak proved that he is capable of violence in a relationship. Dominik was attacked and who knows how it would have ended if Nowicki had not stepped in. In that case, could Marczak not let himself get carried away by transferring his fantasies to Mężyński and react to rejection on him?

No, that night when the murder happened, Andrzej was at Marczak's house. That's right. But he had so much alcohol in him that he couldn't remember anything in the morning. The whole evening had been somewhat hazy so far. Nowicki could lie unconscious in bed while Marczak was committing a crime - planned or emotional. And Andrzej gave him an alibi.

It wasn't like ten years ago when a friend from school got into trouble. Back then it was a burglary, some damaged property, but no one was hurt. Now a young, promising life has been trampled underfoot.

Could Marczak have done it?

No, Andrzej was convincing himself. No, it was impossible. Marczak could not ...

He pursed his lips. Isn't his judgment clouded by emotions at this point? Once upon a time, he hated Marczak with all his heart, hated him and was convinced that the manager was capable of anything. Then his image began to whiten. Well, maybe not so much whiten as brighten, and finally he remained in the mosaic of gray until the day came when Marczak confessed his love to him, half-jokingly or quite seriously, and Andrzej lost his own objectivity towards this man. Because is it possible to hate someone who loves you and doesn't do anything improper?

Did Marczak sleep with Mężyński when he confessed his love?

That just wouldn't be new. This man did not know the concepts of monogamy or fidelity. If he was constantly cheating on Dominik, why not sleep with whom he would confess his love to Andrzej? It was just that type. What else can you expect from it?

Andrzej gritted his teeth. Was he not reaching certain conclusions too quickly? After all, he had no insight into the matter. He did not know the circumstances of the actor's death, which can tell a lot about the perpetrator. He didn't even have proof that the victim and Marczak had anything in common except for professional matters. And even if not, it doesn't really mean that Marczak killed anyone.

Nowicki sighed. He was definitely not a detective.

The signal of the incoming message made him jump on the couch. He reached for the phone and smiled fondly seeing that he had just received an e-mail from Dominik. As he read it, he felt his heart fill with tenderness. This sweet idiot wrote a long letter about the events of the evening. Andrzej had the impression that he would melt in this tenderness.

Maybe it wasn't very masculine on one hand or the other, but love can make a fool of anyone.

Nowicki sighed and began to write back. He mentioned that he went for a drink after a successful session but was not having a good time. He thought only about how much he missed Dominik's company.

Exchanging messages with his lover, he didn't even notice that it was long past his time to go to work. He was late, but as he had no appointment, he did not have to hurry. In the studio and in the darkroom, he was his own master. And Dominik will always be more important than any job.

Recently, Janina Pasek did not call Nowicki to her office. Andrzej was so at home in her company that there was no such need. All matters were usually dealt with on the set, any trifles - by assistants. Relations between them were good, so although slightly surprised, Andrzej did not feel anxiety when Mrs. Pasek called him to her office. It was certainly not the reason for his minor lateness. Rather, he expected it to be about the topic of the new session or, as it happened, to ask for his opinion on the final selection of photos.

He was surprised to see that the boss was not alone. A young, beautiful woman, whom Nowicki recognized in the blink of an eye, was sitting in the place for the guests. It is true that she had a different hairstyle than the one with which he remembered her, even a different hair color, but this coquettish smile was not possessed by anyone other than Patrycja Maj, who partnered Dominik in the movie In the Light of the Accusation.

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