Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 155 - Business Is Business

"Yes, just ..." Patrycja Maj blushed shyly. "You know, I'm very embarrassed after all."

"I understand" Andrzej replied in a calm, gentle tone. "As cliché as this sounds, your feelings are quite natural. After all, you have to break some natural resistance."

"Exactly," she admitted.

"Then are you sure you don't want someone you know better? Who have you worked with before?

"Yes, I am sure of that. Somehow, I can't imagine that I could build this kind of intimacy between me and them. You are widely recommended."

Under her long gaze, Andrzej felt his heart beat faster. Wait a minute, what is it? She was asking him about Dominik a moment ago, and now she acts as if she wants to pick Andrzej up.

No, he thinks, he said. Patrycja Maj picking up on him? Never in his life.

"Glad to hear it," he said. "Well, what were you thinking about?"

"And you will not laugh?"

"I promise."

"No, I can't," she blushed very coquettishly and appealingly.

"Well, now I'm really curious. Do you want me to guess?"

"I don't think you will."

"But if you don't tell me yourself, I'll have to. So?"

"My friend recently attended a concert in Asia and brought various curiosities from there. On the cover of some movie, I don't know the title because it was in Japanese, there was a girl ... with cat ears. She looked really cute and… But it's so embarrassing."

Nowicki blinked. He has not watched Japanese anime since he ceased to be a child, but he probably saw heroes with animal ears - foxes, tigers, cats and wolves. With these ears, he imagined his own kitten, now hundreds of miles away, and felt it begin to harden.

"I think that's a pretty cool idea," he said, hiding his face behind a glass of water and taking a sip. Maybe he will organize a second session in such a disguise, only that someone other than Patrycja will wear them.


"Unusual for us, but I can imagine you with such ears."

They both had blushes on their faces and Andrzej decided that they were switching to dangerously erotic topics. After all, he wasn't made of stone. And yet he gave his heart and body to Dominik and he was definitely not one of those who jump to the side.

"So you would take pictures of me like that?"

"Of course. Do you want them to go through the agency?"

"Oh no, definitely not! Mrs. Pasek understood the nature of the assignment and stated that you could do it privately. Do not mind."

"How quickly would you like to implement them?"

"And when are you free?"

Andrzej considered. The winter session is over, if it goes well the last photos will be back tonight. They had no other urgent orders for Christmas. It is true that one record company asked for a session of a young singer to choose something for the cover of her debut album, but this project was only in its infancy. So professionally, he did not have too many jobs. As for his private life, he would even prefer to spend time away from home, which without his lover was so empty and sad that it took his breath away.

"It would be best for me this week. Weekend at the latest."

"As soon?" She looked surprised.

"I don't think there's any point in delaying this. Don't you think it'd be better to get things done before Christmas Eve?"

"Yes. You're right. So you say you have the weekend off?"

"Yes, this one is available. I want to work on a private project, but I can do both. If you want, we can make an appointment for Saturday or Sunday. Have you chosen a place yet?"

"I think I'll decide on my house."

"As you wish. I would only like to see this interior earlier to choose the lamps."

"You know" she smiled "with you I begin to get the impression that it can actually be a nice collaboration."

"Of course it will. Today I have business to finish, but I'd like to see the plan tomorrow. You can do it?"

"Yes I think so."

"Great. Do you have my number so you can call me with details?"


They finished their drinks and Andrzej asked for the bill. Patrycja wanted to pay for herself, but declined to say it would all go to representation costs. They got up from the table. Nowicki was just putting on his jacket when someone bumped into him.

"Mi scusi!" he heard.

Nowicki made a gesture that nothing had happened and he and Patricia went out into the air wet with rain. The actress did not want him to drive her away. She caught a taxi and said goodbye to the photographer. Andrzej stood breathing deeply for a moment. Well, well, he thought that his professional fame would reach a star of this size!

It was all thanks to Dominik. If the actor had not asked him to make a new portfolio and had not professionally linked his name to his, Andrzej would never have got a job in this agency, he would not have made these seductive advertising photos hung all over Warsaw, Patrycja Maj would not have heard about his existence.

Dominik often repeated that Andrzej saved him. This was true in some respects. The first time they met face to face, he saved him from being raped. Later, when another blow fell on the young actor, he saved him from plunging into nothingness, and even later, with his presence and support, he helped him deal with the disease and get out of the darkness into which Werner had thrown him.

The truth was, however, that Dominik had saved him as well. Maybe not so spectacularly, not in such drastic circumstances, but the young actor with his love, tenderness and warmth made Andrzej free himself from his loneliness and lack of faith in love. A feeling that for almost thirty years had been so foreign to him that he ceased to believe in its existence suddenly sprouted in his heart to finally grow into a lush, blooming plant and its first sweet fruits were already appearing.

And to think that no woman has given him as much affection and happiness as this one, shy and sensitive man.

On his way to the company, Andrzej did not turn off the wipers even for a moment. The rain seemed to be getting stronger. I wonder what the weather is like in Los Angeles, he wondered as he listened to some radio station. I wonder how my Dominik is doing? They haven't seen each other for three days. Only three days, because the year has more than three hundred and sixty. Up to three days, because even an hour without Dominik was like a never-ending longing.

Andrzej still could not believe how quickly and how intensely this beautiful man grew into his life, thoughts and heart. It is as if they have become one.

Because when that one person is finally found, they become one in body and soul.


"Please, this is the script you will be working on today."

Dominik took the script from his assistant and looked inside.

"Are there changes?" He asked surprised. He knew these were just test shots, but he had learned his lines.


"All right, I'll go over it soon."

He started reading the script, and in fact the changes were actually cosmetic. Although he had the impression that his character had become a bit more energetic.

He didn't mind. Work was work. Since the director's vision has changed, so be it. It was nothing he couldn't handle. But with his eye he saw that Arthur looked strangely agitated.

"Did something happen?" Dominik asked.

"No, actually ..."

Dominik looked at him waiting for an answer. The yang man seemed to be really excited about something and the actor's eyes fixed on him did not help him regain his composure.

"All right," Arthur resigned. "Sorry, I'm just an assistant, but I have to say you're amazing. I just… after this party I admire you even more."

Śliwiński frowned, not understanding. What was that about?

"You see, there are people here who aren't denied if you want to make a career in film, and half of the young people in Los Angeles dream of having one, so sometimes some people have to do certain things. For some it is easier, for others it is more difficult. Some people can't break, but sometimes they are… forced."

Dominik blushed and looked away. he thought this little incident with the waiter got out. He was wondering who started the rumor? Certainly not Luke, and Kitt probably not. Probably the waiter himself told someone and this person told someone else ...

"Oh, that's what it was about" he muttered.

"You acted like a hero and I am proud to work with you."

"It wasn't anything like that."

"Maybe for you. We don't have that much courage."

Śliwiński felt something unpleasant in his stomach. He shouldn't have asked that, it was these people's private affairs, after all, but his mouth had opened by itself.

"Is someone forcing you to do something?"

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