Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 157 - Do You Know Why I Like You?

Well, Scarlett Yang was a huge support for Dominik too. He had to admit it. When she found out he was homosexual, she didn't make a problem out of it.

During the media campaign, she took his side. At the cemetery, when he decided to go to the funeral of Maciek Werner without telling anyone about it, she went to him and listened to what was on his heart.

Then, admittedly, she messed up with the kiss, but it was also good for them, because it allowed them to clear the atmosphere and now there was no awkwardness between them.

Maybe they did not know each other for long, but it did not take Dominik months and years to bestow someone with sympathy and kindness. It was enough for someone to show him warmth and kindness. He knew that such behavior was naive and frivolous, and that it could have unpleasant consequences (he found it out the hard way), but he still craved the company of people and gladly accepted the hand extended to him.

Unfortunately, despite his money, beauty and fame, still too few people were looking for friendship with him. Dominik finally came to the conclusion that in his situation it was not "despite". It seemed more 'because of'. If only that is why he wanted to end the film and live the normal life of a normal person. He wanted to stop being a pop culture icon and become a painfully normal person.

But that's after the movie, he promised himself. This one will be the last. Andrzej wanted to see him in this role, so he will do his best to play it as well as possible. And then ... Then he will live peacefully, away from the flashes of light. Well, unless Andrzej wants to take pictures of him with a flash.

He said goodbye to Scarlett and changed clothes. He wasn't very tired, but he didn't feel like exploring either. Even the most beautiful place in the world loses its charm when viewed alone. It would be different if he had his beloved with him.

On the way to the hotel, looking out of the car's windows, he decided it would be good to go somewhere with Andrzej. He closed his eyes and remembered their trip to the Bug River. These few days together in a cabin in the forest were an unforgettable experience for him. It's definitely worth repeating.

But when?

The test shots turned out well. He knew about it. The director hasn't said anything outright yet, but it was obvious that he was pleased. Dominik and Scarlett fit together physically and playfully. Of course, he couldn't be completely sure of the contract yet, but he couldn't see any reasons why he wouldn't get it. In that case, he will be on the set for a few weeks, even months. Śliwiński did not know the details of the production date yet, but as soon as it is finished, he will persuade Andrzej to go on a longer trip. No matter where, it is important that together.


"You know why I like you?" Brand Kitt asked Dominik Śliwiński playing with his drink.

"I didn't know you liked me at all."

"If I didn't like you, I wouldn't ask you for a drink. So you know? Anyway, I'll tell you anyway. I like you because you don't lick my ass."

Dominik held back a sigh. He had been drinking the same drink from the moment they entered the bar, and Brand had finished on the third. He wasn't drunk yet, but his mind was shrouded in vapors of alcohol.

"You see," the Hollywood actor continued, "when you're someone like me, you can't walk a step without arousing a sensation. Normal people go crazy when they see a star. And even colleagues ..."

Śliwiński understood it perfectly. He himself was a star, albeit of a local format. He hated it. For many years he was unable to lead an ordinary life, still exposed to attacks from the media or hysterical female fans. Although he was flattered to be so adored, he felt very lonely and overwhelmed by the fame. Recently he had come to the conclusion more and more that he would be better off without her. He would be calmer, happier.

Brand Kitt shook his head.

"Even your friends treat you like a freak. They smile in your face, praise you, and point a bazooka at you behind your back. And you, you don't care who I am."

"It's not quite like that" Dominik blushed. "I really respect your work. I'm not just going to treat you like god."

"Exactly. I feel nice in your company somehow. Freely. You're a damn good man."

"I don't know where you draw such conclusions. You don't know me at all."

"But I have been working in show business for a long time. You're the first person I've ever met her neck neckline for some waiter."

The young actor darkened.

"Maybe it is not that I am good only the business is bad."

"The business itself is not bad, it just brings with it a lot of pressure. It's different in Poland?"

"Not really. We also have ambitious, dishonest, ready for anything. Our cinema, however, is associated with less money, so the pressure is not that great."

"That sounds nice. Maybe I will go to your country. Will you show me around it?"

"Sure, why not."

"Here." Brand pushed the DVD case toward him. "I recorded what you wanted. I also asked a few friends to add something from themselves. I hope it will be ok."

"Thank you," Dominik smiled radiantly. "It will be perfect."

Picking up the box, Śliwiński noticed that Brand was staring at him as if he had seen him for the first time in his life. The intense look made him feel insecure. He blushed and looked away.

He's used to people seeing him as if they wanted to make sure he was really a man. It was as if they suddenly had doubts about it during the conversation. Immediately after such a look, they started to act strange and sooner or later (usually sooner) erotic undertones appeared.

"I have to admit this was the first time I did something like this," Brand announced, returning to the previous topic. "This girl is your daughter?"

"No. She is the goddaughter of someone very dear to me. Mother is raising her alone and my friend supports them as much as he can. All three are my dear friends."

"It shows. Children have a hard time when their parents separate," he added melancholy. "It's good that the girl has support."

"She doesn't know her father. He abandoned them when he found out about the pregnancy. But I don't think she misses him. Her godfather is really trying to make sure that there is no emptiness in her life."

"Have you been together for a long time?"


"You talk about him with such passion it's obvious."

Dominik had not had the opportunity to talk to someone about Andrzej before and he did not even suspect that it was so easy to miss something that would indicate the nature of their relationship. Ashamed, he blushed again, completely losing his confidence.

If something like this had escaped him in Poland, he would have been afraid that the media would attack him and Andrzej like vultures. It is true that he was thinking about full disclosure more and more often, and long ago they decided that they would not deny any rumors, but one thing is not to comment and another is to admit. After all, Śliwiński was not ready for this.

However, he was not in Poland, but at the other end of the world, where absolutely nobody cared who he was. He talked so freely with Brand that the truth eluded him. Strange, but he felt relieved that he could actually talk to someone about Andrzej. So he took a deep breath.

"No," he said. "We've only known each other for four months. It's even hard to say since we've been a couple. But… He is everything to me."

"Shit," Kitt swore. "I envy you. I don't remember the last time I felt like this. Is he that great?"

"Yes. We met under very unpleasant circumstances. He was a paparazzi who was supposed to take compromising photos of me. He made them but didn't sell them to the newspaper. Instead, he sold them to me."

"Uuuu ... Blackmail?"

"Maybe a little, but in the end he returned my photos and money. The amount was also not large. For each tabloid, he would get at least twice as much. I was in a relationship then with someone else. I wanted to break our intimate contacts for a while, but he went berserk. If Andrzej did not see this and come to my aid, it would be very bad."

"Of course you didn't notify the police."

"Of course. How could I? A scandal like this would eat me alive, and I still loved him. I even forgave him and we got back together."

"What are you, masochist?"

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