Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 171 - The Sweet Hardships Of Love

"Are you saying you're so horny with me?" Śliwiński asked sweetly.

"Dominik, you do not look as if you feel sorry for me ..." under the passionate gaze of his lover, Andrzej felt a growing anxiety.

"But I sympathize" the actor moved closer, so close that Nowicki could feel his breath on his chest. "Do I know him?"


"The man who replaced me?"

"Replaced? No guy has ever replaced you!"

"So it was a woman."

"What woman?"

"That's what I'm asking. Is this someone I know?" Dominik placed a hand on his heart. "Or maybe someone quite accidental?"

Andrzej had the impression that he was losing his mind. The closeness of Dominik made his head spin and his body began to tremble.

"What woman?" he repeated, not understanding what Śliwiński was talking about.

"The one that brought you relief. I'm not jealous" his tone said something completely different "I understand it was an emergency, I just want to know if it's someone I know."

"Who's bringing me relief again? When?"

"When you were drugged ..."

Dominik thinks that he, that Andrzej slept with someone then ?!

"There was no woman," he explained wearily, touching his hair. "There was no man. There was a cold shower. Lots of cold shower."

"Really? But how?"

"Dominik, you idiot, who do you think I am? When I'm with someone, it's completely. I don't make side jumps."

"But…" his surprise and confusion were lovely. He blushed so charmingly that Nowicki's rapidly beating heart pounded even harder.

It was impossible not to love this man. Not thirsty. Dominik was a Little Mr. Perfect.

"So ... despite the drug that would put the elephant at attention, have you remained faithful to me? You did not give in despite the fact that your body was torn apart by unmanageable desires?

Andrzej felt uncomfortable.

"Don't say it that way," he said. "It sounds like I'm some kind of hero. Or a total idiot."

"You are a prince on a white horse. One in a million. The only one. That's why… that's why…" Dominik climbed on his toes. Nowicki felt his hot breath on his face. He swallowed hard. "... now I'll take care of you."

"But ..."

"You do not want? Really? He asked in a caressing voice. "And down there you say something completely different ..."

Dominik's fingers gently caressed him through the material of his pants. It didn't take much for Andrzej to be painfully ready. His penis was plump and ready, but the rest of his body had no energy in it, as if it had all drained away right there.

"I want to," he admitted. "I just don't have the strength ..."

"Oh dear ... And I said I'd take care of you. You do not have to do anything. Just enjoy a nice time. Because he'll be nice, I promise."

"Dominik, you ..."

He didn't finish, because his mouth was covered with a hot, passionate kiss that made his head dizzy and his knees buckled.

"You're shaking," Dominik observed with concern. "Can you make it to the bedroom?"

"Yes," he said boldly. He must.

The actor pulled his arm and carried him straight to bed in a hurricane. Here he pushed him towards bed. Nowicki hit his back hard, limp, but the mattress was soft, so he felt no pain, only surprise. Was he so weak or was Dominik so strong? Maybe both. Anyway, it was a rare situation for them for an actor to take the initiative so clearly.

Dominik chose Nowicki's pants and freed his manhood almost immediately.

"I thought so," he said in an expert tone. "Severe case of sexual failure."

In his mouth, even the filth sounded like poetry.

"Can you do something about it?"

"It will be hard, but I will do everything I can to save the patient."

Andrzej was fully erect. He was convinced that as soon as Dominik's lips touched his skin, he would not stand it and it would erupt like a volcano. His member, however, remained painfully swollen despite the fact that it was drowning in the hot interior and Dominik's wet tongue played with it in all possible ways.

"Shit!" Nowicki swore irritably.

"Relax," Dominik muttered gently as he walked over to his testicles.

Nowicki was breathing heavily. He was hot and starting to sweat.

The lover continued to caress him, but it did not work, and Andrzej felt his irritation grow. He tried to relax but couldn't. Not when, despite the caresses of supreme refinement, he still couldn't come.

However, he was in really skillful mouth and hands. Since the efforts so far had not been successful, Dominik changed tactics. He squeezed its shaft with his hand so tightly that Nowicki groaned. However, this worked and the first drops of liquid appeared on the tip of the penis head. Satisfied with the success, Dominik repeated the procedure.

"Ha ... ha ..."

Andrzej's breathing was painfully heavy. In his head, someone turned the carousel at high speed.

Suddenly he felt someone taking his clothes off him. It was Dominik who decided to free his red-hot body. Nowicki smiled faintly at him and heard whispered in his ear:

"I love you, Andrzej. I love you so much that I would do anything for you. I would forgive you anything. So for the future, if something like this should happen to you again, I will understand. And I will forgive you if you ..."

"Don't screw it."

"When Werner kidnapped me," Dominik whispered further, his hand adept at Andrzej's penis, "and he did various things with me, you forgave me."

"It wasn't your fault."

"Neither was it yours. That's why ... I don't want you to suffer. I can be very understanding."

"I'm not like Marczak. At home, I have the only excitement I need. I do not want anyone else. Never."


"Never," he confirmed.

Who else would give himself to me so completely, so joyfully, so passionately and beautifully, he thought. Who else would love me so unconditionally, so much that the mere thought of the power of this feeling would make my head spin like a galaxy? Who would allow myself to be betrayed just so that I would not suffer unpleasantness?

"You are everything ..." he said softly "what a man can dream about ... everything I can dream about ..."

"Oh, Andrzej!"

I guess his confession was well received, because Dominik redoubled his efforts and after a few moments, Nowicki's abdomen was shaken by spasms, and the first batch of thick, sticky semen emerged from his penis.

The first one, because it was clearly visible that it was not the end.

He sighed with a mixture of relief and regret.

"In the state you are in now, I could do anything with you," Dominik muttered at him.

"Do you have any dirty intentions?"

"Maybe. You are wonderful when you cannot defend yourself."

And yet when Andrzej allowed him to bind himself so recently, Dominik did not feel well in this situation. But then it might have been too early after the deal with Werner. Or they weren't that close yet. Each day, each experience meant that they were united by a stronger bond and greater freedom.

In fact, if he wanted to, Nowicki would be able to overpower his fragile attacker at this point. Even weakened by the drug, the remains of which were still circulating through his body, he could cope with petty Dominic. Probably. The whole situation was, however, too pleasant to be disturbed and Śliwiński too charming to give up such a turn of events. A strong and tender touch, hot and full of caress, crawled over Andrzej's breast and stomach. On the hips, thighs and calves, taking it all for pleasure.

"You are insatiable" Dominik groaned with his mouth, causing him to ejaculate again.

"And who says?" Nowicki was barely catching his breath after another orgasm.

One by one caress flowed over the body of the photographer. Minutes passed, maybe even hours, and his body didn't get enough. He couldn't, when he felt Dominik's skin on his, his breath and warmth.

But he was missing something when he looked at the beautiful lover completely preoccupied with him.

"I don't want to complain," he said softly, "but you could do better."

The intrigued, glistening aquamarine suns stared at him.

"You know, I'd be more fun if you too found pleasure. You know…"

The man who had driven him to orgasms without embarrassment for a long time with his mouth and hands now blushed to his ears and looked shyly away.

"Are you sure," he asked very softly, "that you can do it?"

Nowicki swallowed. His lover was just too beautiful, too cute, not to soften hearts and harden penises. Andrzej loved to look at this wonderful face, especially when Dominik was coming.

"If you ride me, I can do it," he assured Dominik.

The actor moved his hips restlessly. He looked hesitated. Or maybe he didn't really feel like penetration?

He must actually be tired of the long flight and the fact that he had to deal with Andrzej's manhood for so long...

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