Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 180 - Only After The Wedding Does Real Life Begin

But as before, they were not tears of suffering, sorrow or physical pain. They were tears of great joy and love that could not fit into Dominik's heart.

So they made love passionately, hotly, but also tenderly, with care for the pleasure of their lover. They did their best so that the partner would find the greatest satisfaction. It was as if the other man was more important than himself.

Because that's how it was.

Śliwiński did not have to ask Andrzej how great is his love? In fact, he never had to do it, because Nowicki confessed it with deeds, not words. He confessed her when he was next to Dominik whenever he needed him, when he never judged him, never forced him to do anything against his will and always protected him even against the stupidity of Dominik himself.

And Dominik himself has never felt so at ease in his life, so naturally and as well as in the company of Andrzej Nowicki. It was the photographer who allowed him to take off his mask and cover himself with who Dominik Śliwiński really is, a young man who grew up under the not always good influence of his first lover. With Marek Marczak, Dominik was his creation, the person Marek wanted to see, with Andrzej Dominik was...

"Oh, more, more ..." moaned Dominik, sinking in delight as Nowicki's penis rubbed against the hot softness of his interior. "Cum in me as soon as..."

Just then, as if on command, Andrzej's penis shot out, flooding his lover's interior with semen. Dominik strained in ecstasy and felt his own penis releasing semen as well.

Nowicki rolled down from him, panting heavily, weakened by alcohol and sex. Dominik looked at his flushed cheeks and felt another surge of emotion full of happiness. Andrzej closed his eyes, maybe he was already falling asleep. Dominik leaned over him and softly whispered, "Thank you for loving me," and then kissed his lips.

Nowicki smiled blissfully, probably already in his sleep.


Dominik was tired, but he couldn't sleep. It was always Andrzej who looked after him, but today Nowicki scored a bit too much, and although he was not completely drunk, he was not sober enough to be able to remain fully aware.

Dominik had no idea if they could really freeze in that little cabin by the river if the fire in the fireplace went out. He was also not sure if a portable gas heater with a gas cylinder was completely safe. Every day the young actor discovered how many things he does not know about normal, everyday life. So he had no idea if they were completely safe here, so he saw fit to be vigilant - put wood in the fireplace and peek at the geyser. In fact, however, he was looking almost exclusively at the sleeping Andrzej.

Śliwiński had already seen his lover slightly intoxicated, but this time Andrzej was almost drunk.

There was something very attractive about Nowicki being in such a state. There was a certain vulnerability and innocence in him as he slept so completely relaxed. Dominik had the impression that at this point anyone could gain an advantage over him and use him in a sinister way.

The young actor sighed. He heard a story about how, after offering Andrzej a contract, a handsome Italian also wanted to use his body. Sometimes even the strongest men, under the influence of stimulants that they have taken voluntarily or against their will, become weak, even defenseless. Sometimes even strong men like Andrzej need protection and support.

The thought that then, at the time of the greatest need, Dominik was not around to support Andrzej was painful. But even if Śliwiński was in the country then, would he be able to do anything to help him? Marek was strong, brave and ruthless, so he dealt easily with the Italian, but Dominik was simply weak. Not only would he not save his lover, but he would probably become a victim himself...

Nowicki muttered something in his sleep and turned on his side happily. When they finished making love, Śliwiński covered him with clothes and a blanket and quickly heated the quilt. Now Andrzej was wrapped in warmth and he could relax with it as much as he wanted.

Dominik looked at the wedding ring on his finger. He still couldn't believe his happiness and the fact that Andrzej had told him that they were actually getting married, although only informally and for themselves, but it was enough for them. The young actor knew that Andrzej was absolutely serious about him and wanted to stay with him forever.

He, too, wanted it with all his heart. He wanted a normal life with the person he loves without having to hide. Maybe there was indeed a moment when they would no longer have to do this? The world was changing and the fears that dominated Dominik's life were no longer relevant. His family knew Dominik was gay and tried to accept it. Śliwiński did not plan to develop his film career, so he did not care about the media scandal anymore. As for this American production, it seemed that political correctness was working for the benefit of all minorities, including sexual minorities, so if he openly said he was gay, he would only gain more popularity for himself and the movie. Yes, Dominik had nothing to fear for himself, but Andrzej...

Nowicki assured that everything was okay, that he was not afraid of disclosure, but Dominik was not sure if Andrzej was fully aware of the consequences. Nowicki was honest and sincere, so he saw no need for him to protect himself with a lie. He only lied for Dominik. But Śliwiński was already in the world of show business and the world of gays for a long time, and although Marek isolated him from most problems, he realized that sometimes honesty is man's greatest enemy. People loved to feed on others, and all sincere souls were too sincere and too weak to defend themselves.

Śliwiński more and more often appreciated the fact that Marek wanted to protect him. He isolated him from the world and locked him in a beautiful glass ball, where he provided him with what he thought were the ideal conditions in which Dominik would keep his innocence. But a flower that grows in a greenhouse all its life is not resistant to frosts and winds, it is beautiful and noble, but weak and dependent on the hand of the gardener. Nobody asks the flower for its opinion and nobody asked the young actor for the opinion, but Śliwiński grew up and began to notice how weak he was and how dependent he was. So Dominik appreciated the fact that Marek wanted to protect him, but not the method. Man, like a flower or iron, in order to be strong, must temper himself with fire and water, wind and frost.

This is how Andrzej treated Dominik. It was not a greenhouse for him, but a mulch that protected against frost and wind, but did not provide one hundred percent protection. That is why Śliwiński could grow and now he felt as if he had grown up to be ready to protect Andrzej. Dominik may have been physically weak, he was still working on his courage, but Brand Kitt was right in saying that people bind together to have mutual help and support. Dominik was therefore ready to become a support for Andrzej.

Nowicki slept soundly. His face lit up with a smile. Apparently, the man had a pleasant dream. Śliwiński hoped that he was dreaming about him. He made sure of this when Andrzej mumbled in his sleep:

"Dominik, you little pervert ..."

Dominik, the little pervert, smiled happily. It was wonderful to be part of this wonderful man's dream and part of a pleasant dream.

He must protect Andrzej, even from himself. When they return to Warsaw, they will have to have a serious conversation. Before they were lovers, now they are married to some extent, so the decisions they will make must be made together, taking into account the needs of both of them. They will have a lot to discuss with each other.

Fairy tales usually end with the banal 'they got married and lived happily ever after', and only after the wedding does real life begin. Well, that's why the fairy tale ends at this point. However, no one said that real life must be far from a fairy tale. Each day can be happy and good if there is a will between them.

They both had their own careers, but while Andrzej's one had just started to develop, Dominik was seriously thinking about ending his. They were both standing at a crossroads at this point, having to make choices.

Nowicki has still not made a decision regarding participation in the advertising campaign for J. Acutti. Dominik saw that after what the Italian had done to him, Andrzej became interested in this idea.

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