It was caused by Marek himself when, instead of helping the panicked actor, instead of fulfilling his innocent wish, Marczak raised his hand on him. When Dominik, full of love towards him, decided to forgive him, he committed another dirty trick, thus shattering the last chance to return to each other.

He didn't know then that he had really lost him, and he didn't understand that he had hurt the man he really loves.

The awareness of both the harm done and the emptiness after Dominik's departure came to Marek later, too late for anything to be done about it.

Dominik found happiness with another man.

Exactly, the "other". Arrogant, confident paparazzi, Andrzej Nowicki, tall and handsome blonde with an aura of righteousness around him. Absolutely irritating in this steadfastness of character. He surrounded Dominik with what he needed, namely friendship and protection. He was there for him when someone should be there and he made the young, sensitive actor fall in love with him. Thanks to him, Śliwiński's eyes lit up again with the most beautiful light in the world and Marczak hated Nowicki for this.

And he loved him for the same.

Andrzej was completely different from people around Marek. He did not care about money and a career. He rejected the professional offers made by Marczak without hesitation, only because he was driven by holy indignation. He could be starving, but he would not use Marek's help. Proud, arrogant, convinced that he is the only righteous man in this world, and at the same time really the only one who can make Dominik happy, he turned from an irritating opponent into a man worthy of desire in Marczak's eyes. His courage and devotion to Śliwiński made Marek's heart burn with love, completely without his awareness and will. Thus, Marczak himself found himself in a situation where he loved his former lover and his new partner and would not mind a passionate threesome, only that he was alone in these desires.

Marek looked at the happiness of those two, painfully aware that he would never experience anything like it himself.

His life so far, full of all kinds of passions, was actually empty. He hadn't seen it before, so it didn't bother him at all, but now that he saw others find happiness where he had nothing, he began to feel a bit of bitterness.

He did not consider his life lost. He did not regret all his choices, but began to understand that some of them turned out to be a mistake in retrospect. Like the lack of an attempt to understand what Dominik feels and how he thinks.

Iwo Mężyński was nothing special for Marek. The boy, however, had enough potential and presence to become the star of the season, a favorite of teenagers who will squeal all changes in the media about him for some time. He will have hundreds of thousands of likes and almost as many friends on social networks. He's going to be on a few gossip shows and maybe he'll get an advertising deal from a telecom or antiperspirant company. He will not make a great and long-term career, but Marczak could not have only stars of Śliwiński format, who would soon start playing the main male role in a Hollywood blockbuster. The slightly less great also had to exist.

Marek made an appointment with the producer of the series for lunch. Krzysztof Wrona was the main person of the Nowa Wizja label and he was responsible for most of its box office successes. He knew which script to choose and which directors to hire, and in most cases he did not skimp on his three cents in casting decisions. If the director did not like his decisions, the director could walk away and try his luck at a different label on a different production. This did not happen, however, because Wrona really knew how to make money.

"Marek" the producer greeted him, rising from the chair and holding out his hand in a friendly way. Marczak was not late, but Wrona was already sitting at a table in an elegant restaurant in one of Warsaw's skyscrapers.

"Krzysztof" Marczak returned the hug and they took their places.

Krzysztof Wrona was a dozen or so years older than him, but he aged very dignified. After all, he represented a lot of money and it showed. Elegantly trimmed, gray hair, a well-groomed beard, a top-shelf suit and a watch priced higher than a good-class car definitely showed the class of this man. Marek always smiled inwardly when he saw him. Wrona was his mentor for years and, even as a novice agent, he learned from him how to present himself and his charges in order to achieve success.

"Have you ordered anything yet?" He asked Wrona.

"No. I just got here."

So they placed the order and went straight to discussing business matters at the starters.

"I'll be open," Krzysztof Wrona began, "I'm not convinced about your boy."

"Don't you think he has enough talent?"

"That's not the point. He can bear the role, there is not much to show off here. But something else bothers me. Don't you think he's a bit too much like Śliwiński?"

"No. At first glance, he may evoke such associations, but their style of behavior in front of the camera is completely different. Dominik seduces and charms. Iwo ... Iwo is simple. He's exactly what your hero should be - the boy next door with his school troubles and first love."

Krzysztof Wrona thoughtfully chewed a piece of fish served as a snack.

"I'd like to see him as the best friend of the main character."

"Come on, I was reading the script. It's simple. Too simple to become a long-term production. If you shoot three seasons, it's not the story's the success, it's the cast. Iwo with his face can give you this third season. You will only get viewership because the girls will want to see his face."

"Your boy for this role has strong competition."

"Krzaczek and Władyk? Come on," Marek snorted dismissively. "Krzaczek is a great film student, but he is a dramatic actor. He cannot bear a comedy role. And the Władyka? I will not say, he has talent, he has beauty, but this type is not on top right now. Two or three years ago, yes. Anyway, two or three years ago, he could play a 16-year-old boy. He's just too old now. Viewers are no longer so naive as not to notice that the teenager is played by the actor in his late twenties."

Wrona smiled with the very corners of his mouth.

"You really know how to sell your merchandise."

"Just because my stuff is always the best."

The producer laughed.

"Yes, you're right," he admitted. "Even the weakest ward in your agency is a precious stone. Not necessarily a diamond like Śliwiński, but always of high purity."

"Let's face it, we won't find the second gem of his size for a long time."

"It is true. We were so lucky that you dug him up in this deep province. Heard he's headed to Hollywood?"

"He has such a possibility, but the decision has not been made. For various reasons, Dominik is unable to make up his mind."

"For someone who theoretically has nothing to do with him anymore, you know a lot about it."

"Contrary to some rumors, we are not at each other's throats."

Marek smiled mysteriously and took a sip of his white wine.

"You don't mind that you still have to keep an eye on him?" Krzysztof Wrona became interested. "After all, he broke the contract with you. In fact, I thought you would let him go with the bags for that."

"Dominik's departure was largely due to my behavior. I pushed too hard on this Baptiste movie. I still think that Dominik would be phenomenal in this role, but the actor is not an automaton, you cannot have him play anything. I forgot about it."

Wrona's gaze did not indicate that he believed his words, but the producer did not say a word about it. Some things are better not to delve into, especially if they don't influence his money-making.

"As for Mężyński ... I can't promise you anything in this case," he said. "Krzaczek has a lot of support and so far has also been my favorite. I will take a closer look at your actor. I consider the topic open."

It was a lot and most managers would be satisfied with this turn of events, but Marczak felt the bitter taste of failure. Until now, the candidates he pushed had become beyond any competition. Iwo Mężyński was perhaps not a pearl among pearls, but if he had not had the potential, talent and skills, Marek would not have taken him under his wing.

Or maybe Wrona was right? Maybe Marczak lost his objectivity because Iwo was similar to Dominik? Not the same, but enough to see Śliwiński's physical features when looking at him.

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