Love Lives In His Eyes
Chapter 199 - 2
But how this show could not be so popular, when from the screen the viewer was watched by those wonderful aquamarine suns in which every heart and soul can drown?
How could a program not be popular when Dominik Śliwiński, none other but he himself, smiled at the audience so beautifully that it melted even the hardest of hearts?
"Then let's get started!" Dominik exclaimed enthusiastically, and he did get to work. "We sprinkle half a kilo of wheat flour, type 450 or 500, onto the board. We sprinkle a little baking powder. Not too much, shortcrust doesn't need too much of it. No more than half a level teaspoon. Okay, now we're sprinkling three handfuls of sugar. See how I measure it. I pour sugar over my open hand, and when it starts to pour out, I have one handful. My grandmother always said that the best cake is the third time because the first time we give too little and the second time we give too much. If you like a sweet cake, you can add a little more sugar, if less sweet, give it a little less. I also give vanilla sugar for half a kilo of flour at once. You can give a bit of real vanilla instead, but very little, lest the vanilla aroma drowns the berry aroma."
Andrzej has always loved watching Dominik cook, but he has never eaten his blueberry pie. Watching Śliwiński add ingredients, he felt like trying to this baking. But he was probably more interested in trying the baker himself.
"Okay, now a pinch of salt," Dominik continued. "A cube of margarine, it is a quarter of a kilogram, should be cut into chips, which will make it easier for us to knead the dough. In our mound of flour and sugar, let's add two yolks and one whole egg. If your eggs are small you can add another yolk, but only one. My eggs are big enough, so three are enough ..."
At that moment, Andrzej Nowicki had to cover his mouth with his hand in order not to snort. If he had been the protagonist of a cartoon series, his nose would probably have leaked blood. He had lived too long with restraint from his beloved Dominik, since hen's eggs coiled him so much with those eggs between the man's legs.
"All right," Dominik continued, completely unaware of how lewd he had caused someone to associate. "Flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, margarine and eggs. We have everything. Now let's chop everything with a knife and knead vigorously. Just like that!"
Andrzej had no idea that mixing flour, eggs and margarine could be so sexy. But when he saw Dominik's strong (though small) hands knead the dough, he found it harder and harder for him to stop his dangerously rising excitement.
"Okay, we've got the cake ready," smiled Dominik and one of the assistants almost collapsed from the impression. "The recipes say to put the shortcrust pastry in the fridge for half an hour, but my recipe is so old that there weren't any refrigerators back then, so I'll put it in the oven right away. Grease the baking tray with fat, sprinkle with flour and transfer the dough onto it, which we spread vigorously and squash it to the tray. On the sides, a little bit of cake on the walls. Let's prick the dough with a fork in a dozen or so places so that the accumulated air can escape and the dough will grow rather even, without bigger bellies. Now let's put the baking tray in the preheated oven for about twenty minutes. The baking temperature is one hundred and 180 degrees Celsius, of course. Since, as I said, it will take about twenty minutes, now I invite you for a short advertising break, after which we will meet our guest. Stay with us!"
The smile with which Śliwiński said goodbye to the audience was absolutely dazzling and there was no escaping his spell. Andrzej Nowicki swallowed with difficulty. God! How he wanted to approach Dominik at that moment and not even throw himself at him with hugs, but just be able to be next to him.
This, however, was impossible. Andrzej knew that if he now approached his beloved, it would be difficult for both of them to control their emotions. Even if they dared to show their love in front of people, this was not the time. Dominik was in during the recording of the program and he shouldn't be distracted by something as trivial as the return of his life partner.
Meanwhile, Śliwiński washed his hands, wiped them on a linen cloth and took off his floured apron. When he left his position, the makeup artist rushed over to him and first wiped a few flecks of flour from his face, then fixed his makeup and hairstyle.
Dominik smiled really beautiful and natural. Seeing this, Andrzej felt a tear of joy and emotion spinning in his eye. Less than a year ago, such a smile on Dominik's face was almost impossible. This beautiful man in body and heart was then so dominated, so overwhelmed by his lover (now ex-lover) that he could no longer smile naturally.
But that is now a thing of the past. Today, Dominik Śliwiński, completely free from Marek Marczak, was able to laugh again and working with strangers was no longer a terrifying challenge for him beyond his strength, but an opportunity to experience an interesting adventure.
Andrzej was absolutely proud of Dominik. He was also infinitely happy about him. Dominik just deserved to be able to live a normal life.
Nowicki did not realize that ninety-five percent, and maybe even more, of the merits of Dominik Śliwiński being happy now, should be attributed to Andrzej Nowicki.
Andrzej took out his phone and snapped a few photos of the actor. They will be for the private collection of the actor who had so few private photos. These photos will probably never become public, which is a pity, the photographer thought, because the natural Dominik was a thousand times more beautiful than the one who posed in front of the camera.
"How do you like it?" someone asked behind Nowicki's back and Andrzej jumped up. "Isn't he great? Mr. Śliwiński is simply phenomenal! He is a real treasure for our production!"
It was the producer of the program, Franciszek Baczyński. The man was slightly older than Andrzej, athletic build, had a dark complexion and dyed blond hair, and a fragment of a mysterious tattoo stuck out from under the sleeve of his shirt. A dozen or so years ago, he professionally practiced windsurfing and was even supposed to represent Poland at the Olympics, but after achieving qualifications he had a serious accident, so he had to say goodbye to his sports career forever. However, it was evident that he was still actively playing sports because his body was screaming at how fit he was.
Forced to change his career, Franciszek Baczyński went to the media and decided to start making television productions. Of course, he first worked as an assistant, and only recently was a full producer. Dominik's Kitchen was his second production after the Enchanted Sea World, where a certain sportsman-celebrity sailor invited guests to his yacht. After they went out to sea, they talked about various current gossip topics. The show was fun and quite popular. Thanks to this, Baczyński could afford a new production, this time with Śliwiński in the lead role.
"It looks even better live than on TV," Andrzej replied, expressing his honest opinion. "I've never been on the set of any production before and I have to admit that it is really impressive. I didn't think so many people work on recording one show. It's really impressive."
"Yes," nodded Franciszek Baczyński. "This is a big undertaking, especially since we managed to persuade Mr. Śliwiński to cooperate. Viewers are delighted with how wonderfully he taught them the first recipe. They say that thanks to Mr. Śliwiński cooking has become a real pleasure."
Andrzej felt his chest bursting with pride in Dominik.
"I did not know that Dominik also has a teaching talent," he joked, but could not hide his satisfaction.
Franciszek Baczyński laughed revealing a suit of his white teeth that clearly contrasted with the tan of his skin.
It was an extremely attractive, very alluring smile.
How could a program not be popular when Dominik Śliwiński, none other but he himself, smiled at the audience so beautifully that it melted even the hardest of hearts?
"Then let's get started!" Dominik exclaimed enthusiastically, and he did get to work. "We sprinkle half a kilo of wheat flour, type 450 or 500, onto the board. We sprinkle a little baking powder. Not too much, shortcrust doesn't need too much of it. No more than half a level teaspoon. Okay, now we're sprinkling three handfuls of sugar. See how I measure it. I pour sugar over my open hand, and when it starts to pour out, I have one handful. My grandmother always said that the best cake is the third time because the first time we give too little and the second time we give too much. If you like a sweet cake, you can add a little more sugar, if less sweet, give it a little less. I also give vanilla sugar for half a kilo of flour at once. You can give a bit of real vanilla instead, but very little, lest the vanilla aroma drowns the berry aroma."
Andrzej has always loved watching Dominik cook, but he has never eaten his blueberry pie. Watching Śliwiński add ingredients, he felt like trying to this baking. But he was probably more interested in trying the baker himself.
"Okay, now a pinch of salt," Dominik continued. "A cube of margarine, it is a quarter of a kilogram, should be cut into chips, which will make it easier for us to knead the dough. In our mound of flour and sugar, let's add two yolks and one whole egg. If your eggs are small you can add another yolk, but only one. My eggs are big enough, so three are enough ..."
At that moment, Andrzej Nowicki had to cover his mouth with his hand in order not to snort. If he had been the protagonist of a cartoon series, his nose would probably have leaked blood. He had lived too long with restraint from his beloved Dominik, since hen's eggs coiled him so much with those eggs between the man's legs.
"All right," Dominik continued, completely unaware of how lewd he had caused someone to associate. "Flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, margarine and eggs. We have everything. Now let's chop everything with a knife and knead vigorously. Just like that!"
Andrzej had no idea that mixing flour, eggs and margarine could be so sexy. But when he saw Dominik's strong (though small) hands knead the dough, he found it harder and harder for him to stop his dangerously rising excitement.
"Okay, we've got the cake ready," smiled Dominik and one of the assistants almost collapsed from the impression. "The recipes say to put the shortcrust pastry in the fridge for half an hour, but my recipe is so old that there weren't any refrigerators back then, so I'll put it in the oven right away. Grease the baking tray with fat, sprinkle with flour and transfer the dough onto it, which we spread vigorously and squash it to the tray. On the sides, a little bit of cake on the walls. Let's prick the dough with a fork in a dozen or so places so that the accumulated air can escape and the dough will grow rather even, without bigger bellies. Now let's put the baking tray in the preheated oven for about twenty minutes. The baking temperature is one hundred and 180 degrees Celsius, of course. Since, as I said, it will take about twenty minutes, now I invite you for a short advertising break, after which we will meet our guest. Stay with us!"
The smile with which Śliwiński said goodbye to the audience was absolutely dazzling and there was no escaping his spell. Andrzej Nowicki swallowed with difficulty. God! How he wanted to approach Dominik at that moment and not even throw himself at him with hugs, but just be able to be next to him.
This, however, was impossible. Andrzej knew that if he now approached his beloved, it would be difficult for both of them to control their emotions. Even if they dared to show their love in front of people, this was not the time. Dominik was in during the recording of the program and he shouldn't be distracted by something as trivial as the return of his life partner.
Meanwhile, Śliwiński washed his hands, wiped them on a linen cloth and took off his floured apron. When he left his position, the makeup artist rushed over to him and first wiped a few flecks of flour from his face, then fixed his makeup and hairstyle.
Dominik smiled really beautiful and natural. Seeing this, Andrzej felt a tear of joy and emotion spinning in his eye. Less than a year ago, such a smile on Dominik's face was almost impossible. This beautiful man in body and heart was then so dominated, so overwhelmed by his lover (now ex-lover) that he could no longer smile naturally.
But that is now a thing of the past. Today, Dominik Śliwiński, completely free from Marek Marczak, was able to laugh again and working with strangers was no longer a terrifying challenge for him beyond his strength, but an opportunity to experience an interesting adventure.
Andrzej was absolutely proud of Dominik. He was also infinitely happy about him. Dominik just deserved to be able to live a normal life.
Nowicki did not realize that ninety-five percent, and maybe even more, of the merits of Dominik Śliwiński being happy now, should be attributed to Andrzej Nowicki.
Andrzej took out his phone and snapped a few photos of the actor. They will be for the private collection of the actor who had so few private photos. These photos will probably never become public, which is a pity, the photographer thought, because the natural Dominik was a thousand times more beautiful than the one who posed in front of the camera.
"How do you like it?" someone asked behind Nowicki's back and Andrzej jumped up. "Isn't he great? Mr. Śliwiński is simply phenomenal! He is a real treasure for our production!"
It was the producer of the program, Franciszek Baczyński. The man was slightly older than Andrzej, athletic build, had a dark complexion and dyed blond hair, and a fragment of a mysterious tattoo stuck out from under the sleeve of his shirt. A dozen or so years ago, he professionally practiced windsurfing and was even supposed to represent Poland at the Olympics, but after achieving qualifications he had a serious accident, so he had to say goodbye to his sports career forever. However, it was evident that he was still actively playing sports because his body was screaming at how fit he was.
Forced to change his career, Franciszek Baczyński went to the media and decided to start making television productions. Of course, he first worked as an assistant, and only recently was a full producer. Dominik's Kitchen was his second production after the Enchanted Sea World, where a certain sportsman-celebrity sailor invited guests to his yacht. After they went out to sea, they talked about various current gossip topics. The show was fun and quite popular. Thanks to this, Baczyński could afford a new production, this time with Śliwiński in the lead role.
"It looks even better live than on TV," Andrzej replied, expressing his honest opinion. "I've never been on the set of any production before and I have to admit that it is really impressive. I didn't think so many people work on recording one show. It's really impressive."
"Yes," nodded Franciszek Baczyński. "This is a big undertaking, especially since we managed to persuade Mr. Śliwiński to cooperate. Viewers are delighted with how wonderfully he taught them the first recipe. They say that thanks to Mr. Śliwiński cooking has become a real pleasure."
Andrzej felt his chest bursting with pride in Dominik.
"I did not know that Dominik also has a teaching talent," he joked, but could not hide his satisfaction.
Franciszek Baczyński laughed revealing a suit of his white teeth that clearly contrasted with the tan of his skin.
It was an extremely attractive, very alluring smile.
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